Accidental Discovery

Hearts Will Never Change

Sandeul walked into the office of the company. He wasn’t sure why he was there since their manager had said nothing to him about the meeting. It was a surprise and wasn’t scheduled, which meant that it could either be good or bad. Taking a deep breath, Sandeul knocked on the door to the meeting room that he was supposed to go into. “Come in,” a voice from inside said.

            Slowly, Sandeul opened the door to reveal his manager sitting on one side of the table along with the president of the company while some strangers were sitting on the other side, their identities still unknown. “Sandeul,” their manager said greeting him by standing up. He escorted Sandeul over to the seat and told him to sit down.

            “Hello,” Sandeul awkwardly said as he looked at the people in front of him.

            “These people would like to discuss something with you,” the president of the company said looking at Sandeul before he looked back at the people. “You may proceed.”

            “Thank you,” they said while they looked at Sandeul. It was one man and one woman.

            “Lee Sandeul, no need to introduce yourself,” the woman said, “we already know who you are. We specifically came here for you.”

            “For me?” he hesitantly asked.

            “Yes. We saw your recent performance in a musical and we were interested,” the man said. Sandeul was still attempting to figure everything out in his head. They were interested? He wondered if that meant that he was getting offered a role of some sort in something.

            “Yes, that means that you are getting offered a role,” the woman said laughing.

            “How did you,” Sandeul began looking at the woman in awe.

            “I can tell the face,” she politely said. “Anyway, we would like to offer you a supporting cast role in an upcoming drama. However, despite it being a supporting cast role, it is still an important part and will require a lot of time on your part.”

            Sandeul wondered how much a lot of time meant. He wondered if that would mean that he would have to stop meeting Eunji for a while because of it. Sometimes Sandeul would have to stop seeing Eunji frequently because of other things such as album promotions or something else along the lines that caused him to have a lot of schedule and little free time. At those points, Eunji understood and Sandeul saw no reason as to why she wouldn’t understand this time.

            “We’d like to give you the script,” the man said handing over an envelope to the manager. “We’d like for you to read it over and give us your opinions on the role and if you’d like to take the offer. At the point in time we will then go through the procedures and the contract to get you officially signed on.”

            “Thank you,” the president said standing up as everyone else did the same.

            “Thank you,” Sandeul said bowing towards the two that were offering him a role. He couldn’t believe it, he was actually being offered a role after his musical. Sandeul thought that it was too surreal to even experience. He wondered how the other guys would react when they found out about it. Sandeul hoped that it would mean that the other guys would get to do some acting in the future as well.

            “Congratulations,” their manager said patting Sandeul on the back. “You got your first offer.”

            “Thank you,” Sandeul said bowing towards the two.

            “Why are you bowing towards us?” the president asked. “This was all because of your hard work.”

            “I’ll leave the script to you and you can look over it. I’m sure you want to go through with this role, but we’ll let it sit for a couple of days before we actually call them back,” their manager explained. “That’s it, you’re dismissed for now, Sandeul. Do you need a ride back to the dorm?”

            “No thanks,” Sandeul said shaking his head. “It’s not that far, I can walk.”

            “Alright, be safe,” their manager said seeing him off.

            Sandeul walked home with the envelope in his hand. He couldn’t want to get back to the dorm and to look at it. All thoughts and worries were free from his mind knowing that this was a big opportunity for him and the rest of the guys. He couldn’t wait to tell them the good news, but he knew that he would have to wait considering that Gongchan, Baro, and Jinyoung were on a schedule. Sandeul figured that he would just have to tell Shinwoo the good news and wait for the others.

            “Sandeul-ah,” Shinwoo said as he saw Sandeul come through the door. “I thought you were out.”

            “I got called to the company and decided to come back,” he said excitedly holding up the envelope and sitting down on the floor with Shinwoo right next to him.

            “What’s that?” Shinwoo curiously asked.

            “That is a script. Some people said that they wanted me as an important supporting role in their drama.”

            “Good job,” Shinwoo said patting him on the back. “You do know that it’s going to be a lot of work, right?”

            “I’m already prepared for it,” Sandeul said mentally pumping himself up. Although he didn’t have experience in how much work it was going to be, he was getting himself ready for a tremendous amount.

            Shinwoo laughed seeing Sandeul’s face that he was making in an effort to pump himself up. “Alright then. I was just making some food, do you want some?”

            “Do I ever,” Sandeul said immediately going over and forgetting about calling Eunji.


It was already the next morning and the boys didn’t have a schedule. Sandeul had gone to bed with his script after telling the other guys about it. They all congratulated him on the good news. Jinyoung was the first to wake up, like always. Even though it was a weekend, he was used to waking up early to go pick up Lila from her house and walk with her to her first class. It was a system that they had gotten together and one that he didn’t plan on giving up any time soon.

            Like always, he got up early and started getting dressed to go over to Lila’s apartment. Jinyoung was sure that she’d be sleeping, but it didn’t matter since Lila had told him the password after it seemed like he wasn’t going to stop coming over in the morning no matter how much she complained.

            Quickly slipping his shoes on, Jinyoung snuck out of the house before the other guys could even notice. The sky was mostly clear and the wind was blowing since it was early morning and about to become fall. Jinyoung was thankful that he decided to wear long sleeves seeing how the weather was supposed to be chilly the entire day. He quickly hustled towards Lila’s apartment. Since not many people were on the street, he wasn’t easily recognized. It was only the older people that were wandering around since they had work. All of the young people were still sleeping.

            After making his way inside of the apartment complex, Jinyoung rode the elevator and made it to the outside of Lila’s apartment just when Eunji was coming out of hers. “What are you doing?” Eunji asked staring at Jinyoung strangely. “There are no classes.”

            Eunji knew of Jinyoung coming to pick up Lila every day, since almost every day she ran into him. She wasn’t jealous of his relationship with Lila, though. Jinyoung was someone of the past and they were both already over each other, they had other people that they wanted to be with.

            “I could say the same for you,” Jinyoung said looking at her. “You’re up early without a reason.”

            “I’m just going to get some breakfast,” Eunji lied. In reality, she was going to head over to the dorm. Sandeul hadn’t called her and she was worried about him and although she and Sandeul were pretty open about their relationship, she didn’t know why she had the feeling to hide the information from Jinyoung. It was just something that she felt she had to do.

            “Whatever you say,” Jinyoung said rolling his eyes as he pressed the familiar password as Lila’s door opened with a click. “I guess I’ll see you later.”

            “Yeah,” Eunji said as she watched Jinyoung disappear into the room before she made her way downstairs to the dorm.

            Jinyoung entered Lila’s apartment and looked around. He figured that she was still sleeping and thought that surprising her with food would be something good and possibly help him win points in stealing her heart. Every night he was tempted to ask Sandeul ho win the world he managed to win someone like Lila over when she always seemed so indifferent and cold to everything, but then Jinyoung had to remember that he wasn’t supposed to say anything to Sandeul, it was something that he promised to Lila and planned to keep.

            Getting out all of the supplies, Jinyoung began making waffles and bacon. He was surprised that Lila had kept such ingredients in her fridge, but figured that after coming from the States and eating that food for two years, it would be difficult to transition to the typical Korean breakfast food. Thankfully, Jinyoung knew how to make everything.

            While Jinyoung was in the mist of cooking, Lila awoke to the aroma. “Someone’s here?” she asked scratching her head. She was sure that the apartment wasn’t on fire since it didn’t smell like anything was burning, it simply smelled delicious and like food.

            Making her way out of her bedroom, Lila walked into her kitchen and saw Jinyoung standing there in an apron as he placed the bacon onto a plate. “Oh, Lila, you’re up,” Jinyoung said turning off the stove and making his way over. “I hope you don’t mind, I was making breakfast.”

            “Jinyoung-oppa,” Lila said, “it’s the weekend and you’re still here?”

            “I can’t get enough of seeing you,” he said. He didn’t mind how cheesy he was sounding if it was true. “Let’s eat.” Jinyoung grabbed Lila and guided her to her table where he placed the food in front of her. “I made waffles and bacon, so you better enjoy.”

            “Thank you for the food,” Lila said before she dug in.


It was already the middle of the day when Eunji decided to come back to her own apartment after spending the day with Sandeul and the rest of the guys. None of them questioned where Jinyoung was since most of them figured that he would be with Lila anyway.

            Sandeul had told Eunji about his offer to be in a drama and Shinwoo explained just how much work that would mean for Sandeul. Eunji was happy for him, but she also wondered if that would put an end to their relationship. She didn’t want to let Sandeul go, but knew that he should put all of his focus onto the drama. She also understood that he probably wouldn’t be able to contact her for days at a time since there would be night filming and early morning filming and nothing was very convenient. Still, Eunji wanted him to do the drama if it would mean more recognition for him and the group.

            As Eunji was walking past Lila’s door to go to her own apartment, she heard loud voices inside that belonged to Jinyoung and Lila. It didn’t sound like they were arguing, but just simply talking. Eunji didn’t know if she could hear them clearly because she was tired and her hearing was sensitive. Still, she couldn’t help herself but to stop and listen.

            “What do you want to do?” Jinyoung asked Lila.

            “I don’t know,” Lila said in defeat. “I mean, it just hurts both of us if I don’t tell him, right?”

            “Do what your hearts wants to, like dating me,” Jinyoung said with a laugh.

            “It doesn’t say that yet,” Lila joked back, “but my heart says to tell him and that it’s time I face him once and for all.”

            “Look, I’m sure that if you tell Sandeul that you do remember him it won’t matter to him,” Jinyoung said. “He has Eunji and you have me. That’s a clear sign of each of you moving on. Your past is your past, I’m sure everyone won’t mind.”

            “But how do I go about saying it?” Lila asked. She was worried about telling Sandeul. “I can’t just go up to him and say that I lied about not remembering him.”

            “Yes you can. Just say that you didn’t know what to feel when you first saw him again after two years and until you had your thoughts together, you said that. I know Lee Sandeul, Lila. You dated the old Lee Sandeul. The new Lee Sandeul will understand, just tell him.”

            Eunji froze at hearing Jinyoung’s words. She questioned whether they were true or not. Lila dated Sandeul, her Sandeul, the guy that she was currently dating for over a year and loved. Him? Eunji remembered back to the first meeting of Lila and Sandeul where something seemed a bit fishy, but she didn’t question it at all. Now it made perfect sense, they had dated before.

            A thousand questions started entering Eunji’s head. She wondered for how long Sandeul and Lila dated and if they loved each other. She wondered what special moments they did together and how they met. Suddenly, she found herself being jealous of Lila.

            “It’s just nothing,” Eunji whispered to herself as she made her way into her own apartment. “It was the past, two years ago, it was nothing.”

            Still, those words were not enough to comfort Eunji. She wanted to confront Sandeul and ask him about his past, was that what he wanted to tell her before? They had never talked about his past, was he going to reveal that to her? As much as she wanted to ask him, though, she knew that Lila would want to tell him herself and it would look suspicious if Eunji suddenly knew. Instead, she decided to stay quiet, even if Eunji didn’t understand why.


“Lee Sandeul went to this school?” a student asked her best friend as they were in the library.

            “Yeah,” her friend said. “I heard it from my older sister, apparently they were classmates together. It was before he became famous so I’m sure he looks a little different.”

            “Ah, here they are,” the first friend said as she saw the yearbook from two years ago that was neatly placed on a shelf. “I wonder where the rest of the yearbooks are.”

            “Someone’s probably doing a report,” the second friend said. “Quickly, open the book.”

            The two girls dug through the book scouring every page until they saw the familiar name of Lee Junghwan. “Look, there he is,” the first friend said pointing at the picture. “He really does look different.”

            After staring at the picture, the two began flipping through more of the page until they saw his name again. “Look, he had a girlfriend,” the second friend said pointing at a picture.

            “Where?” the first friend asked looking at where her friend was pointing.

            “It’s a picture with a girl and it says Junghwan and Lila forever, looks like someone that created the yearbook was a fan of them,” she giggled.

            “Do you think people know about this past girlfriend?”

            “I don’t think so, let’s take a picture,” the second friend said as they both took out their phones to take a picture of Lila and Sandeul together two years ago.


How will Lila tell Sandeul that she remembers him? What will Eunji do now that she knows about Sandeul and Lila's past relationship? What will the two friends do with the picture of Lila and Sandeul in the yearbook?


Here is Chapter 9. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila