The Past is the Past

Hearts Will Never Change

“And?” Jinyoung asked looking at Lila.

            “And?”Lila asked repeating what Jinyoung had said just in case she hadn’t heard it. She just told him about her secret that no one even remembered anymore and the only thing he said was ‘and?’ She couldn’t believe that he didn’t have any more of a reaction than a fox would. Actually, Lila figured that a fox probably would’ve had more of a reaction because they would’ve run away after hearing voices.

            “Yeah, and,” Jinyoung said repeating as he stared right at Lila. He didn’t know why Lila thought that that was such a big deal.

            “That’s all you can say?” she asked in disbelief.

            “I just don’t see the seriousness of it,” he said shrugging his shoulders. “Your past is your past. I was just curious as to how you both knew each other.”

            “So it doesn’t bother you one single bit that I dated him back in high school?” Lila asked making sure.

            “Nope,” Jinyoung said shaking his head. “It doesn’t bother me one bit.” It did bother Jinyoung a little, though, knowing that one of his good friends dated the girl that he was currently interested in, but he figured that they were broken up, it wouldn’t matter whether he dated her or not now. “Wait, then Lila, why did you say that you didn’t know him?”

            “When?” Lila asked.

            “When you first met us,” Jinyoung said remembering the time the other day when they met for the first time. “Eunji was introducing Sandeul as her boyfriend, yet you said that you didn’t know him. You knew him this whole time?”

            “Yeah,” Lila mumbled as she looked down at the ground. “But you can’t tell him, you already promised that you wouldn’t tell him.”

            “But why wouldn’t you want him to know?” Jinyoung asked. He was curious as to their past now and was curious as to why Lila didn’t want Sandeul to know that she remembered him. Jinyoung also wondered whether or not Sandeul remembered Lila, but he was sure that he did. There was no reason for him not to remember her since he hadn’t suffered any type of head injury or anything.

            “It’s just…complicated,” Lila said after sighing. “I don’t really know.”

            “Well what happened to you guys in the past? Something must’ve happened if you two are no longer together.”

            Lila wasn’t sure why Jinyoung was asking questions about her personal life. It was her personal life, but somehow she felt like she wanted to get it off of her chest and have someone else that knew the truth along with her and she knew that she couldn’t tell Eunji since she was dating Sandeul and she wasn’t close to the other boys and she most definitely couldn’t tell Sandeul himself. To Lila, it seemed like Jinyoung was the only one she would be able to trust such information to, but she couldn’t help but feel a little worried and wondered whether Jinyoung would slip up and say something about her remembering.

            “You have to promise that you won’t say anything, though,” Lila reiterated.

            “I promise, I already told you I did. I’m very good at keeping secrets,” Jinyoung said with a smile.

            “Well he broke up with me,” Lila said as the memories came rushing back to her. “He broke up with me on the school roof. He didn’t give me any reason as to why he wanted to break up, and this was after we were already together for two years, so we began dating four years ago, but were only together for two.”

            “I can do math,” Jinyoung said with a light chuckle and Lila did her best attempt to smile.

            “Anyway, we dated and then he just broke up with me. I remember that everyone was always jealous of our relationship and they always wished that they could have a relationship like ours, but then we broke up.”

            “What happened after that?” Jinyoung was curious to know what happened before Sandeul debuted with them as B1A4. Sandeul almost never talked about his past and Jinyoung figured that Lila was perhaps the reason why. Jinyoung figured that if he couldn’t get the information out of Sandeul, then he might as well hear it from the girl on the other end.

            “It just so happened that the day that he broke up with me, I was going to tell him that I rejected my parents offer to do a study exchange program in the United States. However, once he broke up with me, I figured that there was no reason for me to stick around anymore and a week later, I left.”

            “That sounds like a drama,” Jinyoung said smiling at the story. “Or a reality television show. Either way, it seems like your relationship with him was nice.”

            “It was,” Lila said nodding her head. That she would agree to. Even if she didn’t like thinking about their relationship overall, sometimes Lila thought about the feelings that she felt during that period of time.

            “You know,” Jinyoung said as he began moving closer to Lila on the couch. “I could make our relationship even nicer.”

            “You know,” Lila said starting her sentence off the same way, “you’re someone who really likes repeating himself.”

            “Hey, I can’t help it that I somehow feel attracted to you,” Jinyoung said.

            Upon hearing those words, Lila simply stared at him. It was the first time that someone had said those words to her and she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to feel when he said that. “You feel…attracted towards me?” she hesitantly asked.

            “How could I not?” he asked as he sincerely looked into her eyes. “You’re special and different. Somehow I find myself just wanting to be around you, despite only knowing you for like two days. You’ve already captured me and I don’t care about your past with Sandeul, what’s the past is the past and that’s none of my business.”

            “But I told you something about my past, so you have to tell me something about yours.”

            “Something about mine?” Jinyoung asked slightly taken aback by such a request. He wondered what he would tell Lila and he wondered if anything he said would somehow make her mad or jealous.

            “Don’t worry, you can say anything you want,” Lila said, it was like she was reading Jinyoung’s mind.

            “Then what would you do when I tell you my past?”

            “Then we would be even,” she said shrugging her shoulders.

            “I was having someone else in mind,” Jinyoung said as he gave her a smirk.

            “I don’t think I like how this is going,” Lila said as she rolled her eyes and sighed. “What do I have to do?”

            “Go on a date with me,” Jinyoung said.

            Lila weighed her options. She wanted to hear about Jinyoung’s past since she already spilled hers, but she wasn’t entirely sure if she wanted to go on a date with him. It sounded nice, but she wasn’t sure if she liked him as much as he said that he liked her. She was grateful for his feelings but she still wasn’t sure about him. However, she figured that perhaps going on a date with him would help clear up her mind and she could make a clear decision about her feelings towards Jinyoung.

            “So, what do you say?” Jinyoung asked as he saw her thinking about it.

            “Okay, I’ll go on a date with you,” Lila said as she got herself comfortable on the couch to face him. “Now spill.”

            “Eunji is someone of my past, too.”


“Are you okay?” Baro asked Sandeul as they were sitting in the dorm. Sandeul had been staring off into space and lost in his own thoughts for half an hour and the members were getting worried about him. They also found it strange that he wasn’t hanging out with Eunji.

            “Where’s Eunji?” Gongchan asked.

            “She had stuff to do,” Sandeul simply replied.

            “Hyung, do you think he’s okay?” Baro asked looking at Shinwoo.

            “How am I supposed to know?” Shinwoo responded.

            “You’re the hyung, do something,” Gongchan said. “Where’s Jinyoung-hyung?”

            “I don’t know, I think he might’ve said something about being with Lila,” Baro said as he took out his phone to check his messages. He was sure that Jinyoung had texted him earlier to inform him where he would be just in case anything would arise.

            At the sound of Lila’s name, Sandeul’s ears perked up. It was only a day or two since he had seen Lila again and already she had that type of affect on him, but he liked Eunji and he had dated Eunji for a year. Not once did Lila enter his head until he saw her again. Somehow she began invading his mind and he found himself only thinking about her. It was like that when they first met each other, too.

            “Ah, I found it,” Baro said opening the text message. “Yup, he said that he was going with Lila back to her apartment and to text him if anything went wrong. Should we tell him about Sandeul?”

            “Should we?” Gongchan asked.

            “Aish,” Sandeul said as he stood up. “You guys do know that I can hear every word you say.”

            “And he speaks!” Baro yelled as he stood up and cheered. “What are you thinking so hard about?”

            “Nothing,” Sandeul said as he took off towards his bedroom. “I just need some sleep.”

            “But it’s the afternoon,” Gongchan said looking at the clock. “Why do you need a nap?”

            “Haven’t you ever heard of an afternoon nap?” Sandeul asked as he shut the bedroom door without waiting for a response. Sandeul figured that the best way to get his mind off of Lila was to eat some of the snacks that he had hidden in his room, even though he said he was going to go to sleep. But Sandeul would do that, too, he would just eat his snacks before taking a nice long nap.

            Back outside in the dorm, the three boys stared at the now closed bedroom door. “He’s probably eating,” Baro said as he stood up and stretched as he made his way towards the kitchen. “He keeps a secret stash of food in the bedroom. I wonder what he’s stressing about this time.”

            “I don’t know, do you think it’s school?” Shinwoo suggested.

            “Do you think that he and Eunji are having problems?” Gongchan asked. “I should ask Eunji tomorrow.”

            “No, don’t,” Baro said. “If you say something then she might get suspicious and believe that something is about to happen between them.”

            “Then the only thing we can do is just wait?” Gongchan asked.

            “The only thing we can do is wait,” Baro repeated after him.


“What do you mean that Eunji is someone of your past?” Lila asked in disbelief.

            “She is,” Jinyoung said nodding his head. “Sandeullie doesn’t even know about it, but unlike you, we actually recognized each other and greeted each other like old friends when we saw each other after so many years.”

            “But didn’t Sandeul-oppa get suspicious?” Lila asked.

            “No because we told him that we were good friends before but lost contact after Eunji moved,” Jinyoung said.

            “You sly fox,” Lila muttered. “So what were you, boyfriend and girlfriend?”

            “We were,” Jinyoung said nodding his head. “Isn’t it funny?”

            “Isn’t what funny?” I ask not really getting what he’s attempting to get at.

            “You dated Sandeul and I dated Eunji and now Sandeul and Eunji are together and we’re together.”

            “No one ever said that I was getting together with you,” Lila said rolling her eyes.

            “I know, but I’ll make sure that you fall for my charm,” Jinyoung said giving Lila a smile.

            “But you and Eunji,” Lila said as she attempted to wrap her head around it, but somehow she couldn’t imagine such a relationship. “What was that like?”

            “Crazy? Hyperactive?” Jinyoung asked as he attempted to remember the time that he dated Eunji. “We didn’t date for as long as you did either, it was only for like a couple of months.”

            “Let me guess, you broke up with her, right?” Lila asked.

            “Yeah, she got really clingy and she was just too hyperactive for me sometimes. I need my own personal space that’s called a personal bubble and sometimes I’m too busy composing and writing that I can’t answer my phone and she gets frustrated.”

            “You dated her when you were an idol?”

            “No,” Jinyoung said shaking his head. “I’ve always been interested in writing and composing since before and I just did it at home for fun, but still, I don’t know why I have to respond to all of her texts all of the time.”

            “I know,” Lila said agreeing. “I actually don’t like it like that. I’m not one for always texting the guy and asking where he is every minute. Sure I’ll text when I’m bored, but it’s nothing like twenty-four seven always have to talk to him type of texting.”

            “Wow, we do understand each other,” Jinyoung said with a smile. “And so you’re not mad or jealous about my past with Eunji?”

            “Why would I be?” Lila asked. “Like you said, the past is the past. So I guess we should just accept it and move on with our lives because it’s never going to be changed otherwise.”

            “I didn’t say all of that.”

            “Well I just added onto what you said,” Lila said. “And frankly, my add-on sounds better.”

            “So, where should we go for our date?” Jinyoung asked. “Remember, it was part of the deal. Do you have any place in mind that you want to go to?”

            “Not really,” Lila said shaking her head. “I prefer simple dates rather than fancy ones.”

            “Funny, so do I,” Jinyoung said with a smile. “Simple date it is.”


What will Jinyoung and Lila's date be like? Will Sandeul ever sort out his feelings? Will Sandeul ever know about Jinyoung and Eunji's past and know that Lila still remembers him? Will Eunji ever figure out that Lila now knows about her and Jinyoung and that she dated Sandeul before?


Here is Chapter 5. Hope you enjoyed :D

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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila