It's Not Easy

Hearts Will Never Change

 That night when Sandeul returned to the dorm, he found it dark and empty. “Is no one else home?” he asked himself as he reached over to turn on the light. “Gosh, you scared me,” Sandeul said when he saw Jinyoung sitting on the couch. “Hyung…why are you sitting in the dark?”

            “Sandeul-ah,” Jinyoung slowly started as he stood up. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”

            “Hyung, where is everyone? Where’s Gongchan, Baro, and Shinwoo-hyung?” Sandeul asked as he looked around.

            “They had a filming.”

            “Then why are you here alone in the dark?”

            “Just… Sandeul-ah,” Jinyoung sighed as he walked closer to where Sandeul was standing. “I should’ve never been mad at you about the whole thing with Lila. It was a kiss on the cheek, I was overreacting. A kiss on the cheek…I really overreacted…”

            “Hyung it’s alright,” Sandeul said with a smile. “I understand…”

            “It’s not alright,” Jinyoung said as he looked at him. “I was just…caught up in emotions, you know? It wasn’t the best day for me then.”

            “I…I understand. Lila told me then that you guys were taking a break,” Sandeul slowly admitted. “You were in a sensitive place, your emotions were running wild after seeing her kiss me on the cheek, but it meant nothing, it really means nothing. You know what, hyung? You were wrong about it always being me.”

            “What are you talking about?”

            “You said that it was always me, you said that Lila was always supposed to end up with me, but you’re wrong. My time with her was the past,” Sandeul slowly started to explain. “Our time together has ended. I’m just happy to have her as a friend again, but she really likes you, hyung.”

            “During our relationship she never really liked me,” Jinyoung said shaking his head. “Everything was always about you. You would always make her cry and even her passcode always had something to do with you, whether it was from your birthday to your name in code. It was always about you.”

            “And that’s where you’re wrong, hyung,” Sandeul said after taking a deep breath. “Wasn’t there a moment in your relationship where you thought it was true? Wasn’t there a moment where you thought ‘whoa, this girl must really like me’ or something like that?”

            “Sandeul-ah, I don’t see how this—,” Jinyoung began before he was interrupted by Sandeul.

            “Did you or didn’t you?”

            “There were a couple of moments…”

            “Were they recent? Before Lila asked you to take a break.”

            “I really don’t see how this…” Jinyoung began once again before he saw the glare that Sandeul was giving him. “Um…fairly.”

            “Take it from me when I say that it’s those moments that let you know that she likes you back. Lila isn’t originally one to express her feelings very well, but those special moments when you’re with her and you just think that she really does like you… It’s those moments where she expresses her feelings. It’s through the vibes she gives off that tells you what she’s feeling. If you’re going to be in a relationship with her, you have to learn how to read the vibes.”

            “You don’t even know if I’m going to be in a relationship with her.”

            “I do,” Sandeul said nodding his head. “Lila told me. She specifically told me that she likes—no, that she loves you.”

            “Isn’t it too sudden for her to make up her mind?” Jinyoung questioned, feeling slightly angry at what seemed like an impulsive decision. “How did she just suddenly come to this conclusion?”

            “It wasn’t sudden,” Sandeul said shaking his head. “Her vision was just clouded for a little bit, her head was confused, her heart was confused. If anything…I was in your way.”



“You don’t have to be sorry about everything,” Sandeul said as he hugged Lila tighter. “Everything happens for a reason and I’m sure that in the end, Jinyoung-hyung and I will be by your side, no matter what happens.”

            “But I don’t want it to be hard on you guys,” Lila admitted. “I’m more worried about you and Jinyoung-oppa.”

            “You don’t have to worry about us, I don’t want you worrying that pretty head of yours, alright?”

            “Oppa…can I ask a question?” Lila hesitantly wondered after her tears subsided and she and Sandeul were sitting in silence.

            “Sure, ask away.”

            “When did you decide that your feelings for me hadn’t faded?”

            “I…” Sandeul slowly started. “I’m not sure, why?”

            “Because…well…I… There’s been a lot of things on my mind lately, you know that,” Lila started off as she looked at him. “But sitting here with you…seeing you again…it’s made me realize something.”

            “And what did you realize?” Sandeul cautiously asked.

            “That…I don’t see you the same way as I did before. I think that by seeing you the first time with Eunji was just shocking to me, you know? I never expected to see you again, so by me actually seeing you again, I didn’t really know how to react and my feelings were turned upside down. Well that and the party thing I went with you just brought back memories of before and I’m not sure what came over me that night… But after being away from Jinyoung-oppa…after talking with one another…after taking this small break…I’ve realized how precious he is to me and how precious you are to me, but now…now I think of you like a friend. As far as Jinyoung-oppa goes…I think…I think I love him.”


            “I’m sorry,” Lila quickly said. “I just…sitting with you just…right now…I mean…I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but…” Lila looked at Sandeul as she attempted to explain what she was feeling, but words were failing her.

            “It’s alright,” Sandeul said with a smile as he patted the top of Lila’s head. “Honestly, my feelings were turned upside down as well when I first saw you, but I know what you’re saying. I understand that Jinyoung-hyung is an important person to you now. He’s able to give you things that I’m not able to give you anymore. Your heart moved on from me, but it hasn’t moved on from Jinyoung-hyung, I understand. And I’m happy for you, Lila, I really am.”

            “Thank you. And Sandeul-oppa…let’s always be friends, alright?”

            “Of course,” Sandeul said as he attempted to fight back the tears and put on a smile “I let you get away from me once, but I’m not going to let it happen again.”


In the morning, Lila got ready to go to her classes. After the conversation with Sandeul the previous night, she had to admit that her heart did feel a little lighter. While sitting there with Sandeul, Lila couldn’t deny that the feelings between them had changed. It was true that Lila’s heart was confused in the beginning when she saw him again, but she figured out that it was only because she wasn’t ever expecting to see him again after their breakup. Her heart was somehow shaken up and she wasn’t sure how to feel about him anymore.

            But slowly, Jinyoung came into Lila’s life. She never expected to hang out with him or let alone date him when they first met, but he was persistent and after meeting with one another a couple of times, Lila couldn’t deny the feelings she had inside. It wasn’t until after she had the talk with Jinyoung on the swing set that she opened her eyes to how much life had changed. So many things had changed in what seemed like a short amount of time and through all of that, Lila realized that Jinyoung was next to her the entire time, he was the one who helped her get through things and he’s the one who never left her side despite her saying he should. During that time, although Sandeul was concerned, it felt more like a friendly concern, but Lila figured that maybe it was because she was dating Jinyoung during that time.

            “What if I didn’t talk with him?” Lila asked herself as she gathered her things to leave the apartment and headed towards the door. “If I hadn’t talked with him then would I have not realized what I really want in life? Ah, whatever.”

            Like any morning, Lila made her way to the school and once she was on campus, she made sure to look around to not run into Sandeul or Jinyoung or any of the others either, but particularly Jinyoung and Sandeul. She didn’t mind running into Shinwoo, Baro, or Gongchan, but it would probably be uncomfortable since they might all be together.

            “Oh, there’s Lila,” Gongchan said spotting her first.

            “I’m going to get going first. See you guys later, alright?” Sandeul said as he hurried to get away from an impending conversation.

            “Um…same with me, we have a class, right Shinwoo?” Jinyoung asked as he turned to look at him.

            “Oh yeah, right, let’s go,” Shinwoo said getting the hints that Jinyoung was sending his way.

            “What’s up with them?” Baro wondered as he watched the three of them leave.

            “Do you think it has something to do with Lila?” Gongchan asked.

            “Well of course it does, but do you think something finally happened?” Baro asked as he took a quick glance from Lila to Gongchan to their back figures.

            “I don’t know,” Gongchan sighed. “But I guess I’ll leave for my break now. See you later hyung,” Gongchan said as he started walking towards Lila. “Lila!” Gongchan excitedly called as he got closer to her.

             “Oh, Gongchan, you’re here,” Lila politely said when she saw him. “How are you?”

            “Good, good. How are you?”

            “I’m doing fine. We don’t have the same morning class…I thought you had a break?”

            “I do, but when the other hyungs come I just come,” Gongchan said shrugging his shoulders. “What class do you have?”

            “Philosophy, why?”

            “I’ll walk with you, let’s go,” Gongchan said with a smile.


“Hyung,” Sandeul said grabbing Jinyoung as they were walking in the same direction.

            “Huh?” Jinyoung asked turning around to face him.

            “Why don’t you go talk with Lila?”

            “Why should I?”

            “I told you that she told me she loved you. Aren’t you going to go talk to her?”

            “Why should I? Look, Sandeul, I have a class,” Jinyoung said as he looked at his watch.

            “That starts in an hour,” Sandeul chimed in.

            “What about you? Don’t you have a class?” Shinwoo wondered.

            “I do, but I need to talk with Jinyoung-hyung,” Sandeul said as he looked at him.

            “Alright, I’ll get going first,” Shinwoo said, “at least you guys are talking again, that’s good, right? See you later.”

            “Bye,” Jinyoung sighed as he watched Shinwoo walk away before turning to glare at Sandeul. “I don’t see what more we have to talk about.”

            “Why won’t you go talk with Lila? I told you that she told me she loves you, why are you rejecting it?”

            “Rejecting it? Who says I’m rejecting it?”

            “Well you’re not necessarily going forward with it.”

            “Would you?” Jinyoung asked as he looked Sandeul in the eyes. “Would you accept Lila in a heartbeat? If she asked you for a break and then you saw her kissing someone on the cheek and then the friend who she kissed on the cheek said that she loved you, would you accept her? You guys even kissed before and I saw you guys in a compromising position.”

            “But you said that you understood that you overreacted because your feelings were just all over the place that day,” Sandeul said as he attempted to put reasoning behind it. "And that kiss, I already told you it was me, it was all my fault!"

            “Still, that doesn’t explain what she was doing,” Jinyoung sighed. “Sandeul…just put a rest to it, alright? Why are you even doing this?”

            “Because I’m Lila’s friend. I promised her that I would be her friend and by being her friend, the first thing I have to do is to make sure that she’s happy.”

            “That’s nice and dandy, Sandeul,” Jinyoung sighed, “but I just…I can’t do this right now.”

            “But hyung…she says she loves you,” Sandeul attempted to explain.

            “So I’ve heard, but…things aren’t resolved that easily. Things can’t be resolved with a word, they just can’t be,” he said before he walked away leaving Sandeul standing in his spot.

            “Jinyoung-hyung,” Sandeul complained as he watched his disappearing figure, but there was nothing else he could do at that moment. Jinyoung wasn’t easily going to take Lila back and Sandeul saw where he was coming from, he just didn’t understand it. If Jinyoung really liked Lila, then why wouldn’t he take her back? Why wouldn’t he want to be with her? “Maybe I’m just too inexperienced in relationships,” he muttered to himself as he went to go to a quiet place where he could skip class.

            The rest of the day went smoothly for Sandeul. He didn’t see Jinyoung as often as he had before and he was sure that he was probably avoiding him by taking a different way around. “Hey, where’s Jinyoung-hyung?” Baro asked as he looked around as they were going to leave campus together.

            “He headed back early, he said that he had something to work on,” Shinwoo explained.

            “What is he working on?” Gongchan wondered.

            “He didn’t say,” Shinwoo said shrugging his shoulders. “Where’s Lila?”

            “She went back to her apartment,” Gongchan sighed. “I asked her if she wanted to come along but she excused herself. Sandeul-hyung, something happened, right?”

            “Why would you say that?” Sandeul asked.

            “Because you and Jinyoung-hyung are finally talking,” Baro said. “You two were ignoring each other for the longest time.”

            “And because it just looks like you’re hiding something from us,” Gongchan said as he attempted to read Sandeul’s face.

            “Let’s just go back to the dorm, alright? We have to get ready for our interview later, don’t we?” Sandeul asked in an attempt to change the subject.

            “You’re changing the subject,” Baro said eyeing Sandeul, “but he’s right, we have to go get ready.”


Now that Lila says she loves Jinyoung, will Jinyoung ever accept her? Will Jinyoung and Lila be able to see each other face to face? Will Sandeul be able to help them in the process? What does the future hold?


And here is the first part of the ending of the story. There will probably be two or three chapters left until the actual "final" chapter. That also means that there will be an alternate ending, which will be marked appropriately as AE when the actual story is done. Also, the alternate ending will take place right after Chapter 26, so what would be Chapter 27 then.


So here is Chapter 30. Hope you enjoyed :D


And I loved B1A4's stages for 'Lonely.' The dance is awesome, although it took me a little bit of getting used to, and surprisingly, my favorite song from the album is 'Road' when I previously thought, based on the previews, that it would be 'Amazing' or 'Pretty.' I still like those songs, I like the entire album, but 'Road' is the one that sticks out to me the most.

Have a good morning, good afternoon, or goodnight. See you later :)

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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila