Where Do We Go?

Hearts Will Never Change

“He hates me,” Lila sighed as she laid back on the grass.

            “He doesn’t hate you,” Gongchan said as he did his best to comfort her.

            “How are you so sure? He hates me. He avoids me like the plague.”

            “Maybe he’s not ready to talk about the situation.”

            “Talk about it? It’s been a week,” Lila said as she sat up and stared at Gongchan. “It’s been a week and you’re telling me that he’s not ready to talk about it?”

            “Lila,” Gongchan said as he looked at her, “Jinyoung-hyung is a sensitive person and something like that is going to bother him. Even if it was a kiss on the cheek, I know it might’ve just been something friendly, but to Jinyoung-hyung, it meant everything.”

            “I know, I know, and I don’t even know why I did it.”

            “Don’t beat yourself up about it.”

            “I can’t help but beat myself up about it. What about Sandeul-oppa?”

            “What about Sandeul-hyung,” Gongchan began. “He and Jinyoung-hyung haven’t spoken since that time.”

            “See, I knew that this was a bad idea. I should’ve just continued pretending that I didn’t know who Sandeul-oppa was and then none of this would’ve happened. I would’ve been able to disappear and nothing would’ve been a consequence of it.”

            “Lila,” Gongchan said suddenly taking her by the shoulders. “Stop trying to sell yourself short.”

            “But I mean, really though, if you really think about this, Channie, I wouldn’t be breaking apart your group right now.”

            “You’re not breaking anything apart. Sandeul-hyung and Jinyoung-hyung just need to sort out their own problems.”

            “But I feel like I’m breaking it apart,” Lila said as she pulled away from Gongchan. “I mean…how would you feel if you knew you were responsible for two friends fighting? It feels horrible, and knowing how Jinyoung-oppa must feel right now, I just feel horrible.”

            “Well then stop making yourself feel horrible.”

            “And how am I going to do that?”

            “Talk to them, talk to them individually or talk to them at the same time. The way you do it doesn’t really matter, just talk to them,” Gongchan said. “Just go up to Jinyoung-hyung directly, that way he doesn’t have to avoid you because you’re going to him.”

            “It’s not that simple.”

            “Simple? You’ve been doing this for a week,” Gongchan began, “you’ve been mopey for a week, all three of you have been mopey for a week, and I think it’s time for some change. All three of you are unhappy and the only way to solve it is to talk out your problems. Therefore, talk out your problems,” he finished as he got up. “I’m going to go to class now and by the time I see you again, you should already have a plan in your head.”

            “Already?” Lila asked, but Gongchan didn’t answer and kept walking to the building.

            Alone, Lila sighed and laid back down on the grass. She was at a loss of what to do. It was going to be difficult to talk to Jinyoung since he was avoiding her and she hadn’t talked that much with Sandeul either since the event, but at least they weren’t avoiding each other, things were just awkward. “Um…hey,” Sandeul awkwardly said as he approached Lila.

            “Oh, hi,” Lila greeted as she quickly sat up and saw Sandeul sitting down next to her.

            “How have you been?” Sandeul asked as he lightly started off with small talk.

            “Good, good…well the usual, you know,” Lila said figuring that she couldn’t lie anymore to him. “What about you? I hear you and Jinyoung-oppa haven’t spoken.”

            “It’s not that we just haven’t spoken to each other,” Sandeul quickly said in an attempt to ease Lila’s mind, at least a little. “We’ve just been having different schedules lately.”

            “Look…I’m sorry. I’m really, really, really sorry.”

            “You don’t have to apologize—,” Sandeul started before he was cut off by Lila.

            “I really do, though. You and Jinyoung-oppa are going through a fight because of me. I was telling Gongchan the same thing a little while earlier. I mean…all of this is because of me. I didn’t know what I was thinking then and I still don’t know what I’m thinking now. My mind is just a jumbled mess all over the place. I don’t know anything.”

            “That’s alright, that’s alright,” Sandeul softly said as he stared at Lila. He wanted to be able to comfort her more, but he wasn’t entirely sure how. After the incident, he and Lila never really talked about their feelings or where they went from there. Sandeul wasn’t entirely sure Lila still had feelings for him, but he swore she felt something when she kissed him on the cheek. Still, though, Lila was still concerned for Jinyoung, but that didn’t necessarily mean that she still had feelings for him.

            “I guess…I guess I should go to my class now,” Lila said getting up from the grass. “It’s on the other side of campus.”

            “Oh, okay,” Sandeul said as he simply watched her. “I think I might stay here some more. Have a good class, though.”

            “Thanks,” Lila said with a small smile before continuing on her way. She had no idea how she was going to be able to focus during class with everything going on around her, but she figured she had to and she figured that Gongchan was right, she had to talk to Jinyoung. However, the thought of talking with Jinyoung scared her. The night with Sandeul was etched into her mind and Lila could remember every detail about it. She could especially remember the details about Jinyoung. The look on his face and the sound of his voice were only some things that haunted her about that night.

            Lila thought that that whole situation was just heartbreaking for everyone and she felt especially bad towards Jinyoung. But she figured it would only be right feeling those feelings. After all, she was the one who wasn’t entirely sure about her feelings anymore. Of course things were great with Jinyoung, but was that something she really wanted or was Jinyoung just someone she found comfortable.

            Throughout the rest of her classes, Lila couldn’t pay attention. She was too busy thinking about Gongchan’s words, about the situation with Jinyoung, and about the situation between Jinyoung and Sandeul. Her mind was so much in a jumble that she couldn’t think about schoolwork at the moment, even though finals were coming pretty quickly.

            “Someone looks like they’ve been thinking,” Gongchan said as he sat down next to Lila during their last class of the day. “Have you been thinking about my words?”

            “I have,” Lila sighed as she stared down at her notebook. “But…I don’t know… I mean, when am I ever going to talk to Jinyoung-oppa? He’s just ignoring me, he’s avoiding me, and he has every right to. But, Gongchan, I have a question. It’s something that’s been bothering me for a week.”

            “Shoot, what is it?” Gongchan wondered.

            “That night…that night Jinyoung-oppa was there, he said that he should’ve listened to Eunji’s warning that I was going after Sandeul-oppa. Where in the world would he have gotten that type of idea?”

            “From Eunji, of course.”

            “That’s not what I mean,” Lila said in an attempt to clarify her statement. “I mean…when did he meet with Eunji?”

            “Ah, she contacted him,” Gongchan said suddenly remembering that day. “I was with him at that time. After she called, he left and went somewhere, then I didn’t see him since.”

            “Oh, okay,” Lila slowly said as the professor entered the classroom.

            “That’s all you wanted to know?”

            “Yeah,” Lila softly said as she turned to face the front of the classroom. “That’s all I wanted to know.”

            “So, what are you going to do now?” Gongchan asked as he and Lila left the classroom together.

            “I don’t know,” Lila sighed. “I think I might try to contact Eunji.”


            “Somehow I feel as though she’s a part of this, you know? She told me to stay away from Sandeul-oppa and then you say that she contacted Jinyoung-oppa. I don’t know…there’s just…there’s just a bad feeling about her.”

            “Alright,” Gongchan sighed before he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

            “What? Is something wrong?” Lila asked turning around to look at him.

            “Looks like your wish has been granted,” Gongchan scoffed.

            “Wish?” Lila questioned as she turned to see what Gongchan was looking at.

            “I hear you wanted to see me,” Eunji said with a smile. “Well I’m back, now.”

            “Oh…that,” Lila whispered as she looked at Gongchan. “You can go back first, I want to talk with her alone.”

            “Are you sure you’ll be alright?” Gongchan worriedly asked.

            “I’m sure,” Lila said nodding her head. “Go, I’ll see you tomorrow, if you don’t have a schedule.”

            “I don’t have a schedule. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Gongchan said giving Lila a smile before he started walking away leaving Lila and Eunji alone.

            “It’s been a long time hasn’t it,” Eunji said as she walked towards Lila.

            “It has…I mean, although we did meet when you told me to stay away from Sandeul-oppa,” Lila began as she looked at her, “but I finally understand now, you know. I finally understand everything.”

            “What are you talking about?”

            “You told me to stay away from Sandeul-oppa and then you told Jinyoung-oppa that I was trying to get with Sandeul-oppa,” Lila said as she started naming off what Eunji had done. “But all of this…it has an underlying meaning doesn’t it.”

            “I don’t know what you’re saying.”

            “Yeah, but I do,” Lila said. During her long class with Gongchan, Lila kept thinking about why Eunji would tell her to say away from Sandeul while she told Jinyoung that she was trying to go after him. There was only one thing that Lila could come up with during that time, there was only reason as to why Eunji would do something like that and it came down to jealousy.

            “You don’t know what I did and what I didn’t do,” Eunji said as she crossed her arms.

            “I just had an hour and a half lecture to think it over,” Lila told her, “I’m pretty sure I have all of my thoughts put in order about you. You’re just jealous of me. You knew about my past relationship with Sandeul-oppa before…you knew about it. You knew who I was the first day I moved in to the apartment so you made friends with me. I’m not sure how you started dating him, but this was your intentional all along. Just admit it. You’re jealous of me.”

            “Why would I admit something as foolish as that?” Eunji questioned.

            “You took me to meet them that first day with the intention of me dating one of the members and then turning us against each other. It just so happens that I dated your ex-boyfriend, though. But why would you do something like that? Just because you’re jealous? You had to ruin everything just because you were jealous?”

            “I didn’t ruin everything.”

            “Are you sure that he’s going to come back to you? Do you think both of them are going to come running back to you now?” Lila questioned. “I’m pretty sure neither of them are and I can surely see the reason why, but Eunji, you were never a friend to me, you never really cared about me. You only sought after me for revenge for the guys that would never really like you by trying to ruin my life, but you aren’t going to ruin my life because I’m not going to let you,” Lila said as she started walking away.

            “Who says that I was trying to ruin your life?” Eunji asked calling after her. “Who said that I was trying to do all those things?”

            “Believe what you want to believe,” Lila said as she turned around to look at her. “Believe whatever you want to believe, but you and me, our friendship has long been over.”

            Once she left Eunji, Lila went back to her apartment and collapsed on her couch with a sigh. Everything was just too much and everything had been too much the past week. Lila felt like everything was just happening at once and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. First she met Sandeul once again, and then she got involved with Jinyoung. After that, her cancer returned, and then to have the whole thing between Sandeul and Jinyoung evolve once again, Lila didn’t know what happened or where she should go.

            After a while, Lila found herself calmly watching television until her phone started ringing with the caller ID saying Jinyoung. “Hello?” she hesitantly asked.

            “Hi,” Jinyoung said on the other line. It sounded like he was worn out and tired and Lila wondered if it was because of the past week. “What are you doing right now?”

            “Watching television. What are you doing?”

            “I’m swinging on a swing set right now. I was wondering if you would like to join me.”

            “Oh, okay,” Lila said slightly taken aback. “What playground are you at?”

            “The one near your apartment.”

            “Okay, I’ll be right out,” Lila said as she hung up the phone and quickly got ready to meet Jinyoung. She had no idea why he called or what he wanted to meet about and she also wondered if Gongchan put him up to it, but it was a meeting that had to happen. They couldn’t just live out the rest of their lives ignoring one another without regretting it at some point.

            After getting ready, Lila left the house and went down to the playground that Jinyoung was sitting at. Upon arriving, she saw that he was the only one there swinging on the swings alone. Hesitantly, she started to approach him until she was close enough she could practically touch him. Sensing that someone was near, Jinyoung slowly looked up and was face to face with Lila.

            “Long time no see,” Lila said attempting to break the awkward tension between them.

            “Hmm…yeah,” Jinyoung hummed.

            Silently Lila took her spot on the swings and gently started going back and forth, the conversation between the two dying down. “Why did you want to meet?”

            “I honestly don’t even know why myself,” Jinyoung said with a bitter chuckle. “I mean…after that night…I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted to see you again.”

            “That’s understandable, I understand your feelings and you have every right to hate me,” Lila began but Jinyoung shook his head.

            “No, it’s not that,” he said as he slowly looked at Lila. “As much as I wanted to hate you, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything bad about you. I just can’t do anything.”

            “What are you saying?”

            “I’m saying I’m a fool,” Jinyoung said as his swinging slowed down until he was almost at a complete stop. “I’m a fool for not being able to do anything to keep you from going to Sandeul. I’m just an incompetent person, I can’t do anything right.”

            “That’s not true,” Lila interjected. “You’re a great guy and any girl would be lucky to have you…just…not this…girl because I don’t deserve you. I’ve put you though too much pain and it’s all my fault. I’m sorry…I never meant to hurt you.”

            “I know you didn’t,” Jinyoung sighed. “I know you didn’t mean it, but I don’t know what happens now. I don’t know where we go from this.”

            “Neither do I,” Lila said as she looked ahead at the playground. “Neither do I.”


What will happen to everyone now? Will Jinyoung and Sandeul repair their friendship? Will Sandeul and Lila become a couple? What does the future have in store?


Here's Chapter 28. Hope you enjoyed :D


And...I think an ending is coming closer. I think there may be around 5 chapters left until the ending? Maybe not even that, I'm not entirely sure...but slowly, this story is coming to an end... Should I put up another B1A4 story after I'm finished with this one?


Have a good morning, good afternoon, or goodnight. See you soon :)

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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila