The Past Comes Alive

Hearts Will Never Change

“Testing? Tell me what this is about,” Sandeul said as he looked from Dr. Kim to Lila and back again. He wanted answers and he already figured that there was no way that he was going to get them out of Lila, the doctor would have to be the way to go. However, Sandeul knew better than that, he knew that just demanding for answers wasn’t going to get him anywhere, but in a situation where he could do nothing else, Sandeul was at a loss.

            “Nothing,” Dr. Kim said as she looked at Sandeul. She noticed Lila’s sudden expression change and figured that the boy standing here might be her ex-boyfriend.

            “But you clearly said testing,” Sandeul said as he looked at the doctor.

            “Sandeul-ah! We have to get going!” the manager said as he walked into the room and saw Lila sitting there. “Ah…um…Lila…hello,” he awkwardly greeted.

            “Hi,” Lila said, an awkward greeting back to their manager that she only ever saw in passing.

            “Sandeul-ah, we have to go,” the manager said as he tugged on his arm.

            “Oh, alright,” Sandeul said sighing as he looked at the manager and back to Lila. He knew that there was nothing else he could do, he had to go film and Lila had to go do something else that he wasn’t allowed to know. “Lila,” Sandeul said with a sad tone in his voice as he turned to look at her once more before walking out the door, “I guess I’ll see you around.”

            “Oh, alright,” Lila said with a nod of her head as Sandeul left the room.

            “Was that him?” Dr. Kim asked as soon as the coast was clear.

            “Was that who?” Lila asked.

            “Was that your ex-boyfriend.”

            “I…um…I…” Lila stuttered as she stared at her doctor.

            “There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Dr. Kim said with a bright smile as she walked over to Lila with the wheelchair. “I personally think he’s kind of cute.”

            “Hmm,” Lila hummed in response as she sat on the wheelchair.

            “But you know, maybe you should tell him. He looked really worried at seeing you lying here on the bed.”

            “That’s alright, that’s alright,” Lila said as she attempted to push the thought out of her mind. “If I want to tell him in the future, then I will, but for right now…”

            “It’s not the time, I understand,” Dr. Kim said as she began slowly pushing the wheelchair.

            “Yeah, it’s not the time,” Lila responded after her.

            “So, let’s go for your testing, are you ready?”

            “I guess,” Lila said as she put on a smile. “I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”


“Jinyoung, can I talk with you?” their manager asked as he interrupted the dance practice that they were currently having.

            “Sure, what is it?” Jinyoung asked as he followed the manager out the door while the rest of the boys continued to have their dance practice.

            “Do you know why Lila is in the hospital?” he lowly asked so no one around would be able to hear.

            “Huh?” Jinyoung asked, slightly shocked to be asked such a question. “What do you mean?”

            “I know that you’re getting serious about her, Jinyoung,” their manager continued talking, “and I know that you guys are in the early stages of your relationship and that the CEO doesn’t know.”

            “Hyung,” Jinyoung started, he wasn’t sure how he had found out all of that information.

            “Jinyoung, I was young once, too,” he said with a chuckle. “It’s not like I don’t know anything, but just…be careful, alright? You don’t have to tell me that she’s in the hospital, I just wanted to know if you already knew.”

            “I knew,” Jinyoung whispered as he looked down at the ground. “I know that she’s there, but if I could ask, how do you know that she’s there?”

            “Sandeul saw her.”

            “Sandeul saw her?” he asked in surprise. “Why? Where? What was he doing there?”

            “His drama filming,” the manager said slowing down Jinyoung’s questions. “His drama filming was in a hospital today and he went there and he saw her. I don’t think she told him what was wrong with her, but ever since then, he seems to be in deep thought. I just thought that I would tell you that before you guys conducted your interview.”

            “Alright, thanks,” Jinyoung said with a smile.

            “Just wanted to tell you that, now get back inside and practice.”

            “Alright, hyung,” Jinyoung said with a chuckle as he walked back into the practice room.

            However, Jinyoung could not get back into practicing. Even though his moves were all correct and he rarely made a mistake when practicing, his mind was still on the situation with Sandeul and Lila. He wondered if Sandeul knew the reason why Lila was in the hospital and if he would have a fit. Surely, though, Jinyoung was pretty certain that Lila didn’t tell Sandeul, but would he press her to tell her why?

            It didn’t take much longer before their practice was done and they had to prepare to go for their interview. Sandeul was going to meet them at the venue since he was going from his drama filming. “Hyung,” Gongchan said getting Jinyoung’s attention as they were sitting in the car, “what if they ask about Sandeul-hyung and Eunji’s breakup?”

            “Then he’ll just say that they broke up,” Jinyoung said with a shrug of his shoulders.

            “Despite being sort of a forced relationship, I really do think that they liked each other at some point,” Shinwoo said.

            “Maybe,” Baro said shrugging his shoulders. “I mean, probably after the first week since that’s what Sandeul’s like.”

            “Hmm, maybe,” Gongchan said as he looked at them. “Have any of you ever heard about his past relationships before? I know that we’ve talked about them, well yours since I don’t have any, but has anyone ever heard of Sandeul’s past relationship?”

            “Does he even have one?” Baro asked. “I’m pretty sure Eunji was his first relationship.”

            “Who knows,” Jinyoung said as he leaned back in the seat. He knew that he wasn’t going to say anything about his past relationship with Lila, but he couldn’t understand why the guys were suddenly so curious about Sandeul’s past relationship, but it was probably since they were on their way to an interview and those questions would probably be asked. That and the fact that Sandeul and Eunji had broken up and an announcement was already issued.

            “Wait, what about that small scandal?” Baro asked suddenly remembering something.

            “What small scandal?” Shinwoo curiously asked.

            “You don’t remember, hyung?” Baro asked.

            “No,” Shinwoo said shaking his head.

            “In a newspaper there was something about Sandeul having a past girlfriend before debut,” Baro explained.

            “But that was before debut, what would it matter now?” Gongchan asked.

            “Well I mean…it said that the person was Lila,” Baro said. “Jinyoung-hyung, do you think it’s true?”

            “Think what’s true?” Jinyoung asked as he turned around.

            “That Lila and Sandeul had a relationship,” Baro said.

            “I don’t know, who knows what he did in the past,” Jinyoung said shrugging his shoulders. “I mean, it could happen to anyone.”

            “I guess,” Baro said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “But you never know.”

            “True, you never know,” Jinyoung repeated.

            “But they have evidence…do you think we should ask him?” Gongchan curiously asked.

            “Why are you suddenly so interested in his past relationships?” Jinyoung asked out of curiosity.

            “I don’t know, because he’s mysterious, he doesn’t tell us anything about his younger years,” Baro said. “He keeps them all a secret from us. Do you think that something happened to him when he was younger that he doesn’t want to tell us?”

            “Maybe…maybe,” Jinyoung said as he mulled over the thought for a little bit. “But you know,” he began, “you shouldn’t believe everything you hear. They could’ve just aid that because Lila is starting to hang out with us more and they know nothing about her. They could just suddenly say that she has a connection to Sandeul.”

            “I guess that’s true,” Shinwoo said looking at the other members.

            “Okay guys, let’s stop playing ‘what if,’” their manager said as he turned around to look at them. “We’re here.”


“Mom,” Lila said as she spoke over the phone with her mother.

            “Lila, are you alright?” she worriedly asked. “Do you want your father and I to drive there to see you?”

            “No need, no need,” Lila quickly said to prevent her parents from taking a long and unneeded drive. “I can take care of myself, I don’t want you guys to tire yourselves out.”

            “Hmm, alright,” her mother hummed before finally agreeing. “I just don’t want you to stress yourself out about anything.”

            “I promise I won’t,” Lila said with a chuckle. It felt good to hear her mother’s voice again, it had been too long. It had been a while since she last saw her parents, during her first break from school she was going to go visit them since she would have more time to make the long drive. Currently though, in her condition, it seemed a bit impossible.

            “Alright, hey, listen, do you remember that nice boy that you dated?” her mother began.

            “Who?” Lila asked, but she knew the only person that her mother could be referring to.

            “Lee Sandeul. Don’t tell me that you forgot about him already,” her mother said with a chuckle. “I heard some people talking about it before, and I always meant to tell you, but our phone calls were never that long while you were still overseas and it always escaped my mind. But that boy, it seems that that boy is part of the entertainment industry.”

            “Really?” Lila asked pretending to act surprised. She didn’t want to tell her mother that she was suddenly involved with a member in his group and that she already met him since her return. “That’s good for him, it sounds like something he would want to do.”

            “It does, doesn’t it,” her mother said with a laugh. “Well I don’t want to keep you for too long, I’m sure you have other things that you need to complete, you don’t want me holding you up.”

            “Alright, Mom,” Lila said. “I guess I’ll see you when my first break comes, alright? I’ll be sure to visit back home.”

            “You better young lady,” her mother said with a chuckle before they both hung up the phone.

            “Sounds like your mother misses you,” Sandeul said as he stood at the doorway, leaning on the post.

            “What are you doing here?” Lila suddenly asked as she looked at him. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? Something to do?”

            “I have an interview scheduled with the rest of the guys, but that’s not for a little while. I’m on a break right now from shooting and I thought that I’d come and see you.”

            “Why? What do our lives have to do with each other anymore?” Lila asked as she stared at him.

            “They don’t really,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “But I still worry about you, Lila. I worry as a friend. So as a friend, can’t you just tell me why you’re here? You’re hiding something, I know you’re hiding something, but I just don’t know what you’re hiding.”

            “It’s nothing to be concerned about, please,” Lila said halfway begging him to leave her alone. It was already bad enough to Lila that Jinyoung knew about her illness, she didn’t want the entire world to know.

            Lila hated having pity on her. She hated when people would know about her illness and then suddenly look at her in a different light. It happened to her when her family members found out about her illness, they suddenly began treating her nicer and they looked at her with a different look in their eye, Lila could tell. She hated that part the most when it came to her disease, that was one of the reasons why she liked keeping it a secret from her friends. Lila just wanted to have a good time when she was with them, to forget everything. She didn’t need more people looking at her with the pity in their eyes. She had enough of that.

            “Lila, please,” Sandeul whispered as he walked over to her bed. “I don’t want you to lie to me again. I hated you lying to me, I hated it!”

            “Sandeul…” Lila quietly said as she looked at him approach her bed.

            “See even the way you call me is different,” he said.


            “What happened to us?” Sandeul asked as he looked at Lila. “What happened to our relationship? What happened to the two of us being together? These thoughts have been entering my head more than normal, they’ve been entering more frequently and I feel like I’m about to go crazy if they don’t get answered. I don’t want any more lies, Lila, I just want the truth. Do you know how long I’ve had to lie about my life? I just want something to remain true.”

            “Sandeul,” Lila began again as she stared at him. “Why are you acting like this? What has come over you?”

            “I…I don’t know,” Sandeul whispered as he stared at her and slowly began backing out of the room. “I’m sorry…I don’t know.”

            Lila sat on the bed and stared at the spot where Sandeul stood. Somehow she felt sorry for him and she felt confused. Why would Sandeul just suddenly come into her hospital room and start talking about their past relationship? It made no sense, and Lila didn’t even know what to think about it.


“Sorry I’m late,” Sandeul said as he sat down for the interview. “Recording went overtime,” he said as he bowed to the interviewer.

            “That’s alright,” she said with a smile. “We can get started now.” The interview began smoothly, the questions were answered like any other. “So,” the interviewer said as she looked at the boys, “this is probably a more personal question, but Sandeul, regarding the small news from a while ago, was that really you in a school uniform with a girl by the name of Lila?”

            The members suddenly looked at Sandeul waiting for his response. Unnoticeably, Jinyoung went a little tense, but he still kept his cool and was able to regain the small bit of composure that he lost. Everyone wondered what he was going to say. Surely the thing to do would be to deny it, but the boys were one for always telling the truth about their relationships. If it wasn’t Sandeul, then he was going to deny it, but the boys didn’t know if he actually was the one in the picture since he had never mentioned anything about it before.

            Sandeul took a deep breath as he looked at the interviewer with a smile. “Yes, that actually was me,” he began, “that was me in the photograph with the girl named Lila. Actually, contrary to popular belief, she was my first girlfriend, not Eunji.”


What will everyone's reactions be? What will the fan reactions be? What will happen with Sandeul and Lila? What will happen with Jinyoung and Lila? Whatever happened to Eunji?


Here's Chapter 22. Hope you enjoyed :D


And I haven't updated in such a long time, I'm so sorry. But B1A4 won their first award! Yay! All of their hardwork and dedication for their first award. I'm so proud of them! I can't tell you how many times I watched the clip, I'm still even watching it now. Their initial reactions are so cute and then just watching them with the award is so heartwarming. It's probably one video that I will never get tired of watching. Never ever. And CNU crying so hard and grabbing onto Baro. And Jinyoung grabbing onto Sandeul for support. It just shows the bonds that they have with one another.




Anyway, I love everything about their comeback. I know some people don't really like it, or maybe it's just because they aren't used to it. I mean, when I first listened to the song, I was honestly surprised by it, but I still liked it. I thought it had the B1A4-uniqueness that only B1A4 can have. I think Jinyoung did a really good job of putting it all together. It may have sounded like 3 different songs, but they were still all held together.

Either way, I'm happy for them and I hope they do well in the future too!


So I'm going to end this here. I have an exam tomorrow and it's already 12:20AM. If any of you would like to have a conversation with me outside of this site and have a twitter, my twitter name is @thesuitelife547.


So I'm going to get going now.

Have a good morning, good afternoon, or goodnight. I'll see you soon :)

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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila