Jealousy and Deep Thoughts

Hearts Will Never Change

“Are you okay?” Lila asked Jinyoung as he sat down while everyone was eating their lunch.

            “I’m fine,” Jinyoung said showing Lila a smile. He didn’t want Lila to worry about matters that didn’t involve her. He knew how much she was worried about the company finding out about their relationship.

            “Alright,” Lila said nodding her head as she continued to eat.

            “Hey hyung,” Gongchan said turning the attention to Sandeul. “When does your filming start?”

            “Tomorrow,” Sandeul said with a bright smile. He was excited about the thought of finally doing something that he always wanted to do.

            “I’m so jealous,” Gongchan whined.

            “Anyway, where’s Eunji?” Baro asked.

            “I don’t know,” Sandeul said shrugging his shoulders.

            At the mention of Eunji, Lila noticed that Jinyoung suddenly got tense. Under the table, Lila found Jinyoung’s hand and gave it a squeeze in an attempt to comfort him. Feeling Lila’s hand in his, Jinyoung looked over and gave Lila a smile.

            She didn’t know what had happened to him at the mention of Eunji, but she felt like he knew something that no one else knew. Lila figured that maybe he was on the phone with the company and they had said something about Eunji. There was just something that didn’t feel right.

            “So…Jinyoung,” Shinwoo said looking at the rest of the group members before he looked at Jinyoung and Lila. “Is there something going on between you two that we should know about?”

            “Hmm?” Jinyoung asked looking at them all like he pretended not to hear. “Something going on between who?”

            “You and Lila,” Shinwoo repeated.

            “I’m sorry, I still don’t know,” Jinyoung said. Lila silently giggled at his actions. She knew that he was only joking. They had already previously talked about spilling it to the rest of the guys and the company since they didn’t want to keep secrets from anyone since keeping their relationship a secret would be troublesome for the both of them.

            “Hyung, just spill it already!” Baro yelled. “We saw you and Lila this morning, we already know that you two are in a relationship.”

            Jinyoung and Lila looked at one another and smiled. “You two are pretty cute together,” Gongchan commented.

            “Yeah, you two do,” Shinwoo said with a smile.

            Sandeul, however, couldn’t get himself to say anything. He couldn’t get himself to join the conversation about Jinyoung and Lila. It wasn’t like he didn’t like their relationship, but truth be told, he was jealous. He was jealous that Lila was with Jinyoung.

            “I have to go to class,” Sandeul said getting up from the table.

            “You don’t have class for at least twenty more minutes,” Baro said.

            “I have to drop something off to another professor first,” Sandeul said. “I’ll see you guys later.”

            Quickly, Sandeul left the other five of them at the table to go get fresh air. He knew what he was feeling and he couldn’t deny it anymore. Sandeul also figured that he had to break things off with Eunji since he was slowly falling for Lila again. There was no way that he could like another girl while dating another one. Sure he was going to feel bad about breaking up with Eunji, but the feelings were slowly disappearing.

            Taking out his phone, he was about to call Eunji when the CEO began calling him instead. “Hello?” Sandeul asked.

            “Sandeullie!” the CEO said in a happy voice.

            “Why are you so chipper?” Sandeul asked.

            “Why are you so depressed?” he retorted. Not waiting for Sandeul to give an answer, he continued. “Anyway, I have some great news for you.”

            “Like what?” he curiously asked.

            “You’re breaking up with Eunji, rather, I’m going to report to the papers that you two already broke up and if she says stupid stuff to you, don’t believe her. I’m sorry for ever putting you in a relationship with her.”

            “That’s…that’s alright,” Sandeul said as a smile came across his face. For one, he couldn’t believe that he was happy at the thought of breaking up with Eunji and secondly, he couldn’t believe that she was finally going to be out of his life. Well, maybe not for good since they went to the same university, but they wouldn’t be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore.

            “And now you’re free to date Lila!” their CEO happily announced.

            “What?” Sandeul asked in disbelief.

            “You’re free to date Lila,” he repeated again. “Why, do you not like that idea?”

            “No, that idea…it’s just…” Sandeul began. He didn’t know how to say that Lila was already taken by someone else. He was sure that Jinyoung and Lila were going to tell the CEO, but probably when they were both comfortable with it. Plus, Sandeul didn’t want to break apart their relationship at such an early state. It seemed like both Lila and Jinyoung were happy. Sandeul liked seeing them happy.

            “Well, I guess it would be difficult with your shooting and stuff, but just try to make the best of it when you’re together with her.”

            “Alright,” Sandeul said nodding his head. “I…I have a class now. I’m going to get going first.”

            “Okay, study hard,” the CEO said before he hung up the phone and Sandeul did the same, sighing as he put his phone into his pocket and continued on his way to class.


“Lila, I can’t believe you and hyung are dating,” Gongchan whispered to her during class.

            “Yah, Gongchan, I’m trying to pay attention,” Lila complained.

            “Then why were you listening to me?” he asked as he stuck his tongue out. Lila didn’t answer. “See, you have no reason.”

            “Gongchan,” she complained.

            “I knew you and hyung would make a good couple. You two are cute together. Now that I think of it,” he said as he began to remember something. “I saw you two together on a date once. Why didn’t I put it together then? How long have you guys been dating? Are you planning on getting married to him?”

            “Yah! Gong Chanshik!” Lila said a bit louder than she intended to causing some of the people around her to stare. “Why are you asking so many questions?” she asked in a quieter voice.

            “I’m curious,” he admitted. “I want to know about you and hyung.”

            “Why are you so curious about our relationship?”

            “Because it seems interesting,” he admitted with a chuckle.

            “Boys,” Lila said rolling her eyes. “Anyway, where do you think Eunji is?”

            “I don’t know,” he said shrugging his shoulders. “It’s her decision as to whether or not she wants to go to class.”

            “Yeah, I know,” Lila sighed. “But it’s just not like her. She might’ve been sleeping when I left this morning. I didn’t hear any noises coming from her apartment. Normally she’s bad mouthing something.”

            “She bad mouths things?” Gongchan curiously asked.

            “Only when she accidently knocks into them. She knocks into her side table a lot.”

            “She’s just a clumsy girl,” Gongchan said with a slight smile on his face.

            After five more minutes of class, Gongchan and Lila’s professor dismissed them allowing them both to talk freely. “Thanks Gongchan, I didn’t pay attention to the last five minutes because of you,” Lila pouted as she placed her notebook into her backpack.

            “Hey, it was you who responded to my questions and talking,” Gongchan said shrugging his shoulders. “How can I be blamed for something you did?”

            “Aish,” Lila cursed underneath her breath.

            “Anyway, I’m hungry again.”

            “Hungry, again?” Lila asked giving Gongchan a strange look. “We just ate not even an hour and a half ago and you’re hungry?”

            “I’m a growing boy, I need nutrition. Plus I want you to spill all of the details about you and Jinyoung-hyung and maybe you and Sandeullie-hyung while you’re at it.”

            “What?” Lila asked, but before she could even object any further, Gongchan began pulling her arm to a nearby café that was located on campus.


“Are you afraid of the president?” Shinwoo asked Jinyoung as they were both sitting on a bench during their break.

            “No,” Jinyoung said shaking his head. “Why in the world should I be afraid? I can freely date.”

            “What if he doesn’t approve your relationship or what if you don’t get to tell him by the time that someone else does? You know that the paparazzi is everywhere.”

            “I know, don’t worry. I’m not careless. I know that there are people out there and after all, I’m supposed to look after Lila anyway and keep her away from the reporters.”

            “Because of Sandeul’s relationship with her?” he curiously asked.

            “Yeah,” Jinyoung admitted. “The CEO is afraid of how people would take it, but it seems like nothing bad is happening yet…”

            “Yeah, yet,” Shinwoo said as he thought about it, too.

            However, Jinyoung was afraid. The CEO already told him about how he was planning on breaking Sandeul and Eunji apart and make Sandeul get back together with Lila. The CEO had told Jinyoung how he felt guilty about breaking those two apart and how he was going to make it up to them by getting them back together. Jinyoung was afraid of that happening.

            As much as he trusted Lila to not go back to Sandeul’s side, he was afraid in what Sandeul felt. Jinyoung never got a definite answer from Sandeul on how he felt about Lila, but Jinyoung wasn’t stupid, he knew that there were lingering feelings there. He knew that Sandeul wasn’t the type of person to suddenly forget the person that he loved in the past. Somewhere in Sandeul’s heart, Jinyoung knew that Lila had a special place that wouldn’t be forgotten and the same went for Lila’s heart, too. Jinyoung just had to make sure that he had a bigger place in it than Sandeul.

            “What are you thinking about?” Shinwoo asked breaking the silence between the two.

            “Thoughts,” Jinyoung sighed. “Thoughts about life, Sandeul, Lila, you, the group, the next song I’m going to compose, everything.”

            “Well don’t cloud your mind with thoughts. You’re outside, breathe the air,” Shinwoo said with a smile. “But don’t breathe it for too long, we have a class in ten minutes. I’ll get going first.”

            “Alright, see you there,” Jinyoung said waving to the disappearing Shinwoo.

            Jinyoung sat on the bench for a couple of more minutes enveloped in his thoughts when he decided to text Eunji.


You and I need to have a talk. I’m hanging out with the guys after school today, but I’ll meet you tonight at our usual place.


Once the message was sent, Jinyoung didn’t wait for a reply. He immediately turned his phone off, shoved it into his pocket, and got off of the bench to make his way to his class. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do once he saw Eunji that night, he only knew that the two of them had to talk. Jinyoung didn’t want Eunji to ruin anything.


Finally, it was the end of all of their class. “I’m free, I’m free!” Baro sang as he spun around the campus. “You know,” he said turning to look at Sandeul. “I don’t know why we all have to wait until your class is done.”

            “Because it’s lonely going back alone,” Sandeul said as he looked at him.

            “Fine, fine, just because it’s you,” he said as he slung his arm around Sandeul, practically knocking him down.

            “What do you guys want to do today?” Gongchan asked.

            “I don’t know,” Shinwoo said shrugging his shoulders. “But maybe the couple wants alone time.”

            Suddenly, all of them stopped walking and turned around to look at Jinyoung and Lila who were in their own world. Jinyoung’s arm was around Lila’s shoulder and he was whispering in her ear. Whatever he was whispering caused Lila’s face to suddenly turn red and push him away. Lila was the first one to notice their staring. Feeling embarrassed, she then hid herself in Jinyoung’s chest.

            “Yah, why are you guys making my girlfriend feel embarrassed?” Jinyoung asked with a smile as he hugged Lila.

            “We’ve never seen this side of Lila before,” Gongchan said with a smile.

            “Who knew she acted like this before,” Baro said as he turned around and continued walking.

            “I did,” Sandeul muttered to himself as he stuck his hands in his pockets and began kicking a rock. “Let’s just go back to the dorm,” he said loud enough for everyone to hear.

            “Do you want to go to the dorm with us?” Jinyoung asked Lila.

            “Your dorm?” Lila asked pointing at him. “I’ve never been to your dorm before. At least…I don’t remember ever being there.”

            “All the more reason to go!” Gongchan yelled as he ran over to Lila and grabbed her hand before running off in the direction of their dorm.

            “Hey, where are you going with my girlfriend?” Jinyoung yelled as he began to chase after them.

            “Let’s just follow,” Baro said shrugging his shoulders as the other three began to run after them.


When will Jinyoung tell the CEO about his relationship with Lila? Will he approve of it? Will Sandeul attempt to win Lila back over? What does Jinyoung have to talk to Eunji about?


Here is Chapter 17. Hope you enjoyed :D


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Chapter 2: Oh mo Jinyoung has a feelings towards Lila. By the way i really like the story
Chapter 31: I like Lila a lot better now, because she had the guts to actually talk to him. I wonder Jinyoung should had talked to Gongchan, I mean hello, Jinchan , not to change the plot or anything
Ooooh I like this a lot
tiffani123456 #4
Chapter 28: Don't make eunji sound bad !!!!!!!
tiffani123456 #6
Chapter 11: I want sandeul and Lila back together but jiyoung and eunji together too
Chapter 28: I kinda want Sandeul and Lila back together..
I mean Lila already kissed him on the cheek after asking Jinyoung for a break so0o..
Chapter 28: I hate having Sanduel and Lila together I like having Jinyoung with Lila