Don't Cry

My Little Sister

Ji Seong couldn’t move, couldn’t think, she could hardly stand up. She felt a strong arm on her shoulder and she managed to focus on Zelo through the blur of her teary eyes.

“Noona? Noona what’s wrong?” He shook her slightly and she blinked to clear her eyes, causing the tears to fall down her face. “Do you know them?” He asked and she nodded, taking a deep breath.

“Th-that’s my b-boyfriend” She choked and now Zelo froze. She had a boyfriend? He looked back at her distraught face and realised now wasn’t the time to get jealous/angry. It suddenly clicked that the guy on the other side of the road was the one that did this to his noona and he got angry.

“I’ll sort him out Ji” He said through gritted teeth as he stepped onto the road but Ji Seong grabbed his wrist.

“No! Don’t...” He wasn’t listening though.

“I’ll get the rest of the guys; we’ll teach him to hurt you-”

“ZELO STOP IT.” She raised her voice and finally he looked at her. “I just want to go home.” She whispered and he sighed, nodding, as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and they walked the rest of the way back to the dorm.

“You know, you’re too good for him.” He said at last as they walked up Ji Seong’s road. She didn’t say anything. “I’m always here if you want to talk.” He tried again and she smiled.

“I know Zelo, thank you.” He shrugged.

“You could always come back to mine tonight. If you wanted to get away from it all...” She shook her head.

“No I’ll be fine.” They stopped in front of the door and Zelo wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs, kissing her softly on either cheek in their place. “Goodnight Zelo.” She whispered as he hugged her tight. When he didn’t let go she carefully pried his arms away and, standing on tip toes, kissed him on the cheek.

“Night Noona~” He called as she walked away. He watched her until she disappeared through the door and he sighed, wishing he’d ignored her and crossed the road. How dare anyone lucky enough to date his noona hurt her like that. Why would you go off with anyone else when you had Ji Seong? He made a promise to himself that if he ever saw that man- again he’d break his face.

Ji Seong kept her head down as she entered the dorm. She kicked her shoes off quickly and half ran to her room. She wasn’t quick enough.

“Ji Seong-ah.” She heard her brother’s low voice and cursed.

“What?” She said, not turning round.

“Ya! I’m your guardian now! You can’t come back at this time and then just ‘what’ me! Look at me when I’m talking to you!” Seunghyun had never scolded her before and so she guessed he must be pretty angry. She turned round and looked at the floor. “Choi Ji Seong!” She looked up at him and he stopped as he saw her face. “Ji? Are you okay? What happened?” Immediately his voice softened but she shook her head.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” She mumbled and she turned her head as he came closer. “Can I go to bed now?” She asked and he paused, torn between wanting to make sure she was okay and doing what was right. Eventually he sighed.

“Yes, go on. You know I’m always here to talk to-” But she’d already slammed her door shut. He listened at the wood and heard her sobbing loudly. His heart wrenched as he vowed to make whoever it was regret hurting his little sister.

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snsdkara #1
Chapter 11: I want her to stay with zelo
Chapter 11: Hmm unfortunately I don't think I liked the different options for the ending. You should have picked and focused on one. But overall I liked the story :)
darkbandit01 #3
Chapter 38: ....I'm confused... Did last chapter happen? I thought he was pissed at her
darkbandit01 #4
Chapter 37: Woo she's choosing zelo! Goodie!! I dislike gd even more... :P but hey that was ur doing ;p of course what I said before still stands!
darkbandit01 #5
Chapter 34: Great story! I really like it! A bit of future advice for other stories: make your female a little stronger. Gd (despite his cuteness) didn't deserve her at all, and she seams weak because she can't stay mad and just like jumps on whatever guy is sweet to her and can't stand up for herself. That's the impression I get, because seriously, when somebody cheats on you, it's not just cute half fake anger if you have to go with them. Most people would get pissed and no way go with the person who cheated on them on a trip. Like he screwed a new girl every night he was gone couldn't find a moment to txt her and cheated some more when he returned? It's a much bigger deal than ji reacts. She shouldn't get back with a guy like that, and he's not even heartfelt he's just flirtatious, and buys his way to her heart. So I think she should be a little- ok a lot- stronger. Like have the ability to just say no that's it we are done. "We are never ever ever getting back together" ;) (I hope u know that song or awkward lol) but I do really like it!! Great job and I'm impressed with the sizeable and good quality writing! Awesome job, keep on writing!
T-O-P-oppa #6
Chapter 51: I'm so sad it finished and I only just found it,
But I'm glad that I did find it, because this story is just so awesome...
And so it finished. BUT NOT ALL IS LOST. If you liked this story and want me to do another one, please fill in this little questionaire: cos that way I'm more likely to write one you actually like^^ thank you :3
jackytomboy96 #8
Chapter 51: ended :(...sad now, once you make a new story you must tell me asap! I will red it and fangirl over it, just like i fangirl over this one. Thanks for this amazing story! Cant wait to see what you will post next ;)
Chapter 51: ISDFJCIDSOHFIOSHDVISD. I LOVED THIS STORY! IT'S SO SAD TO SEE IT END;_; can't wait for your other fics, you're a brilliant writer! Thank you for writing this!