He likes me?

Will I Ever?








As time passed I had done a lot of thinking. I realized that life was to short to dwell on things that made me upset. I had to move on in order to heal properly. I decided to clean myself up. I even began jogging again, but this time I brought Kibum me. As I was jogging, I had noticed the guy who was always on the skateboard approaching me. The closer he came to me the more my heart began to race. He stopped in front of me.


“Do you always jog alone?”


He caught me off guard. I stood there aimlessly then, looked down at Kibum.


“I’m technically not alone,” I stated with a blank expression.


He smiled and laughed.


“You’re messing up my strategy.”


“I’m what? …. Strategy?”


“I’m trying to ask you out.”


My hands began to tremble. Was this the start to something to new? Before I could even answer he spoke again.


“You can say no if you want.”


“No…. I mean yes…. I mean.”


He smiled, “I’m guessing it’s a yes.”


I felt so embarrassed. Every time I tried to say something I began to stutter. I didn’t even want to talk anymore. I decided to settle with a nod instead of responding.


“Why don’t we meet up tomorrow and jog together? We can get a bite to eat after!”


I smiled. “Sounds good.”


“See you then,” he said skating away.


Kibum began barking as he rode away.


“Do you miss him already Kibum?”


I tried to wave for him to come back, but it was to late. We had plans, but there was no time mentioned. I decided I would just come at the time I normally did and hopefully run into him. I got home and gave Kibum some water. I got in the shower and began to think about tomorrow. I was really anxious. I got out the shower, put on my clothes, and walked into the living room.  Kibum jumped in my lap and I picked him up.


“We have a date! What are we going to do?”


He looked at me and started to bark. I hoped he was just as excited as I was. He jumped off my lap, ran to my bed, and fell asleep. I had remembered I didn’t even know his name. I grabbed my wallet and searched for his card. It read Taeyang. I read his name three times and began to think. Why does this name give me a weird feeling?


I shook my head to snap out of it. I have to stop worrying so fast when nothing has happened yet. I decided to go to the store to grab some groceries. As soon as I walked in I grabbed a shopping cart and went straight to the fruit section. I was minding my own business when my ex appeared right in front of me. It felt like the whole world stopped. We starred at each other before his new boyfriend  grabbed his hand ruined it. I watched him disappear into the distance and saw him look back one last time. I looked down and regained my focus on the fruits in front of me.


When I was done grocery shopping I headed home to unpack my things. I kept wondering what would I do next. I decided to call my friends and we all decided to go get some drinks. When I arrived one of them was already drunk. He began flirting with the bartender who tried not to laugh. If only he knew he was embarrassing himself. By evening time they were all drunk and out of their minds. I decided I would drive them all home since I was the only sober one. I got home and went straight to sleep.


BAMP!! BAMP!! I was awakened by the sound of my alarm clock, which seemed to be louder than usual. I got up to feed Kibum, showered, and went for a jog again. This time I left Kibum at home since it was a date. He wasn’t too happy about it. I ran my normal routine hoping Taeyang would randomly pop up like he usually did. I looked in the distance and realized he was heading towards my direction. I watched him come closer and closer. He didn’t have his skateboard this time. As soon as he saw me he smiled, then grabbed my hand.  I couldn't even react to the tingly sensation that I had felt.


“Are you ready?”


He took off running as if he was in some marathon. I thought this was going to be a jog not a track race. He let go of my hand and paced himself. I thought about starting a conversation, but I couldn’t think of anything to say. It was hard to think and run at the same time.


“What do you do for fun?” I asked trying not to sound out of breath.


He told me that he is never home. He feels that if he is inside he will miss something important. I thought about what he said and thought about how I kept myself away from the world. He seemed adventurous compared to me. We both started to slow down. We kept having awkward moments of silence where we would just glance at each other. It was the perfect morning. The sun was shinning bright and there was a cool breeze making the temperature perfect for jogging.


We stopped by the river and talked. He wasn’t as talkative as I thought he would be. He seemed kind of shy at times. Is it possible to be adventerous and shy at the same time? I was just about to say something, but I guess we had both thought of the same thing because we both started talking at the same time.


“You go ahead.” I stated.


“Are you ready to get something to eat?”


We both started walking and stopped in front of a colorful building with tables outside.


“Do you want to sit outside since it’s a nice day?”


I agreed, then walked up to the counter to look at the menu. It was so overwhelming. The list seemed to go on forever. Every thing you could possibly have for breakfeast and more was on the menu. After staring at it for what seemed like 10 minutes, I decided to have the same thing Taeyang was having. He told me it was their specialty dish. I could see why because it was delicious.




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happypartyfree #1
Chapter 20: Hahaha i feel like watching disney drama in the end of story 'and they live happily ever after' . But i'm glad that Seungri finally find someone who can accept him and not ashamed of their relationship. Beautifull :)

And how i wish this could be true
Chapter 1: I don't understand, What do you mean about "seungwhore" in the tags?
I just don't understand~ Why you use that?
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 20: aww I love it so much wish it was more it was over so soon
jaajaa #4
Thank you for reading my story everyone! :) Some of your comments make me "lol" I really wish I could've kept this story going, but I just don't have the time :(
ohwells #5
Chapter 20: gah, im so conflicted right now:
Part of me wants to push you off of a cliff for ending this

But another part of me would run down and catch you because this is just so beautiful

(P.S. the whole cliff thing may have been a tad bit of an exaggeration but still, this is amazing, thank you)
MessyPeanut #6
Chapter 20: Finally.. Happily ever after.. LOL.. I don't know why but I laugh reading the ending because this story feels really like a classic fairy tale.. Oh.. I know why.. Riri suddenly find his hidden talent.. which is singing and made a song with GD.. That's it girl.. The happily ever after classic fairytale version..

Akuropanda #7
Chapter 20: aww~the ending was really sweet!!!!
aieru_amie #8
Chapter 20: ahhh!!
happy ending.
i love happy ending.
wishing that one day, if there is a place for gri in this world.
this will happens.
i will pray for it.
thanks dear!
missaimamie #9
Another chapter....and boom time went by so fast. hehe...
That's what you get for letting go an amazing artist! :P

It's good that Seungri has found someone that he loves and loves him back.

This chapter sounds like a final chapter. (opens up another tab to check) Yup it is.

Thank you for writing this fanfiction. It was a pleasure to read all those chapters! :) Hopefully you will write another one soon or later! :P
missaimamie #10
Chapter 19: Just one chapter and disasters already happen. HUHUHuh....why? Seungri really has bad luck with relationships!