
Will I Ever?







The next evening Daesung came by to pick me up. I got in his car and he checked me out from head to toe.


“Wow! You look amazing!”


“I do? Do I look like I tried to hard?”


“Not at all.”


When he arrived at our destination we walked to our seats where a press conference was being held. Seung-hyun was the first person I had noticed. He looked at me, and then looked away. When it was his turn to talk he avoided eye contact with anything in my direction. When we watched the movie he kept glaring at me. We had exchanged looks a couple of times before suddenly making eye contact. It felt like we were the only ones in the room. He looked like he wanted to say something, but held back. I turned away and focused on the movie.


It felt like the movie dragged on forever. I was impressed by his acting and realized that it was best that we had broken up. I could feel the dedication he put into this movie and I could tell it was something that he really wanted. I wouldn’t have wanted to jeopardize that.


After the movie Seung-hyun wanted me to follow him outside. I walked outside and felt the warm feeling I used to feel when I was around him. I almost wanted to walk away because I didn’t want to remember the feeling.


“I’m proud of you.”


I couldn’t think of anything to say so I said the words that would be the most appropriate for this situation.


“Thank you. I really appreciate it.”


He was expressionless. He didn’t smile. He didn’t look sad. He just stood there like was time had stopped.


“Hard work pays off.” I said patting his back.


A lady came out and awkwardly stood beside him.


“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”


Top looked at me.


“This is my girlfriend.”


She grabbed his arm and giggled.


“Don’t we look good together?”


As much as I wanted to show an envious reaction I held back.


“You guys look great!”


“Babe, I’ll be back I’m going to talk to the girls.”


She gave him a kiss then walked back inside.


“Seungri, I’m so sorry.”


“No, I understand.”


“It’s different now. I can’t even make my own decisions. I’m only with her because she is supposed to help draw attention to me.”


“You don’t have to explain. Just take care of yourself ok.”


“I won’t forget you.”


I slowly walked away and mumbled under my breath. “I will always love you.”


I went inside and grabbed Daesung.


“You ready to go?”


“Ready when you are.”


We linked arms and walked to my car.


“Do you want to go out for dinner?”


“Sure, why not. I am pretty hungry.”


I told him about what happened when I talked to Seung-hyun.


“It’s not as glamorous as it seems from the outside. His life will be different from now on. How bout this … I know someone I think you might like.”


“Uh, I don’t know Daesung.”


“I think you should give it a try.”


“What’s he like?”


“Well unfortunately he is also a celebrity, but he’s different. He knows how to play the game. In front of everyone he is someone different who can sometimes be misinterpreted, but on the inside he is a sweet, humble, loveable guy.”


“I don’t know?”


“So is it a yes?”


“I didn’t say yes.”


“You also didn’t say no. ..Well, I’m not taking no for an answer. I’m setting you up on a date.”


“What?... But?”


“Hush, you’re going to like him.”


“I sat in my seat and crossed my arms.”


The waiter came and offered us dessert.


“Daesung and I shared an ice cream sundae. When the bill came I grabbed for it, but Daesung snatched it.”


“I’ve got it he said smiling. Please be opened minded about the date.”


After dinner I dropped him off at his house. I walked him to the door.


“You’ll like him I promise. I wouldn’t set you up on a date with someone who I would let hurt you.”


He gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, “your date is tomorrow by the way.”


He let go, ran into his house, and shut the door.


I literally stood there looking like an idiot. I turned away, got in my car, and drove home. When I arrived at my house Kibum didn’t come running to the door like he usually did. I ran around the house looking for him.


He finally came out from under my bed stretching.


“There you are. You were to tired to greet me?”


I picked him up and carried him over to the couch. I flipped on the TV and turned it to the news. Tops movie was number one in the box office. I turned the channel and it was gossip about him and his girlfriend. I turned the channel again and it was more news about him.




I turned off the TV and tossed the remote.


“Let’s go for a walk.”


I put his leash on and walked down the trail. I was jamming to my song when Kibum started to hysterically bark. I looked in front of me and noticed a familiar face approaching. It was Taeyang. Kibum ran towards him and I dropped the leash.


I ran and caught him.


“I’m really sorry.”


“I see someone misses me.”


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happypartyfree #1
Chapter 20: Hahaha i feel like watching disney drama in the end of story 'and they live happily ever after' . But i'm glad that Seungri finally find someone who can accept him and not ashamed of their relationship. Beautifull :)

And how i wish this could be true
Chapter 1: I don't understand, What do you mean about "seungwhore" in the tags?
I just don't understand~ Why you use that?
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 20: aww I love it so much wish it was more it was over so soon
jaajaa #4
Thank you for reading my story everyone! :) Some of your comments make me "lol" I really wish I could've kept this story going, but I just don't have the time :(
ohwells #5
Chapter 20: gah, im so conflicted right now:
Part of me wants to push you off of a cliff for ending this

But another part of me would run down and catch you because this is just so beautiful

(P.S. the whole cliff thing may have been a tad bit of an exaggeration but still, this is amazing, thank you)
MessyPeanut #6
Chapter 20: Finally.. Happily ever after.. LOL.. I don't know why but I laugh reading the ending because this story feels really like a classic fairy tale.. Oh.. I know why.. Riri suddenly find his hidden talent.. which is singing and made a song with GD.. That's it girl.. The happily ever after classic fairytale version..

Akuropanda #7
Chapter 20: aww~the ending was really sweet!!!!
aieru_amie #8
Chapter 20: ahhh!!
happy ending.
i love happy ending.
wishing that one day, if there is a place for gri in this world.
this will happens.
i will pray for it.
thanks dear!
missaimamie #9
Another chapter....and boom time went by so fast. hehe...
That's what you get for letting go an amazing artist! :P

It's good that Seungri has found someone that he loves and loves him back.

This chapter sounds like a final chapter. (opens up another tab to check) Yup it is.

Thank you for writing this fanfiction. It was a pleasure to read all those chapters! :) Hopefully you will write another one soon or later! :P
missaimamie #10
Chapter 19: Just one chapter and disasters already happen. HUHUHuh....why? Seungri really has bad luck with relationships!