
In the Concubine's Quarters


She grabbed your chin and forced you to turn your head to the right, then to the left, her long nails digging into your skin. This was the first part of judgement, after being ushered into another room – how many rooms did they have anyway – the girls were subjected to disrobe and inspected without consideration for their virtue.

“This one’s a stunner.” She murmured, her pipe blew smoke into your face as she spoke and you tried not to make a face. Already middle aged, the woman was still beautiful and she sat on a cushioned lounge, legs outstretched, the top half of her body propped up by the lounge arm. Her robes were elaborate but somewhat dirty, as if she was careless and stained them easily with the things she handled, or maybe it was the smoke and the ash. She propped up her head with the wrist of hand she was holding her pipe, that hand of which was held up by her elbow on the lounge arm.

“Good bone structure, clear eyes, shiny hair- this one’s good; just maybe needs a bit more blush in her cheeks.” She slapped your cheeks lightly and with a look of complete indifference, bordering on boredom, she ushered you away with a flick of her wrist. The next girl walked up to her and she began her critique, this time, not so nicely. The girl burst into tears the eunuchs came to take her out of the room.

Near the end of the room was a standing blind to which the girls had to unrobe behind. It seemed like it was originally the job of the ‘queen-bee’ but she grew lazy, tired of the work, so the second in command was ordered to do the selection. This lady was much more pleasant and more courteous to the applicants. She was a little younger, and just as well dressed by stood next to the blind and neglected the lounge to which she was given. She maintained her facial expression throughout the trials so as to not embarrass the girls and gave a curt nod or shake of the head to indicate her approval.

Flushing from the first judge’s rude gesture, you walked over to the blind as the girl before you did. It wasn’t till your turn and you had to undress that your realised you couldn’t show her your tattoo or else the plan would be foiled and you began to fidget. Thank god, however, your hair covered your upper back and shoulders and she nodded in approval to let you in to the next round.

You later overheard some girls talking that the judges that had looked over you, had in fact been beloved concubines of the previous Emperor themselves. It sickened you a little to know that he not only had 6 wives who bore him sons, but also he had mistresses on the side. You suddenly hoped that the same fate would divert its gaze on you and maybe this time round, the princes would look for affection in one lady, and one only.

The next round was talent: a girl that possessed all the traits of a lady. The rules were that she had to prepare a talent to show off to the other courtesans – preferably a song and dance piece. The girls were all nervous and some were so that they made mistakes in their piece. The number of applicants was beginning thin out fast.

When it was your turn, you danced and sang to them and they were thoroughly pleased.

In the north there is a beauty; surpassing the world, she stands alone.
A glance from her will overthrow a city; another glance will overthrow a nation.
One can not know whether it will be a city or a nation that will be overthrown.
But it would be difficult to behold such a beauty again.

*Lyrics are borrowed from a famous poem written by the Han Dynasty poet Li Yannian (李延年)

And with ease, you passed to the next level. It was already noon now and the remaining 30 girls were all getting tired, but that was why they placed the last level so fittingly: Temperance. It was more an attitude test to see if you compatible within the court, someone with manners, was soft-spoken and subservient to all orders. They needed to make sure that the girl they let in would hold her tongue and do as she was told with a smile on her face, even if she was exhausted.

The judge was a man in old age and he looked to be a government official. It was strange why they would have him as the one making the final decision but you weren’t one to question his knowledge.

“Sit you down, young lady” he grinned and gestured to the cushion in front of the lower table, across from him. He was missing a tooth to right in the top row of his teeth. You did as he said and nodded your head curtly. He was sitting with one leg propped up; he was swirling a cup of tea that was in front of him. There was an empty cup, which you assumed was for yourself in front of you.

“Tea?” he asked. You thought it best just to accept his offers and thanked him for his suggestion and poured yourself a cup and took a sip.

“So, what brings you here to the palace?” You could tell it was a generic question, because although he was smiling, the action didn’t reach his eyes. You guessed he was probably expecting something like money, or status, so you gave him a more interesting answer.

“I come from the slums of the city and my parents left me with my Um-ma (grandmother) – they didn’t return, so I’ve really been neglected in terms of…”You glanced up at him and he looked slightly disinterested. “…education. I came here so I could learn.”

His eyes lit up and he lifted his brows. “Girl, what naivety brought you to think that you could learn in a harem? In fact, you might even regress in wisdom with the superficiality you’re surrounded with.”

“Oh, you are wrong Sir.” You smiled back. “You must hold a misconception of females, for the dynamics between our kind is much more complex than say, a mere battle strategy. I would learn much being in this environment – both in terms of social etiquette as well the political resources provided. Such as the library-, oh I hear you have an impressive expanse.”

He sipped his tea and then smiled. “You baffle me, but continue.”

“I’m not interested in what you call the ‘superficiality’ of the harem which monopolises the appearance to outsiders, but I can create within. I’ve always believed that females should be credited to much more than just what man deems their capacity extends.”

And so, the conversation glided as smooth as oil. The discussion lasted long enough for a maid to knock on the door and ask if everything was alright. In the end, he stamped his seal of approval and offered to show you around the library quarters.

“It’s my pleasure to approve of you and I am glad that a fine specimen like you should be admitted to the royal court.” He said and the two of you bowed. “Just don’t get into trouble. A girl like you with such daring ideas could be a detriment to yourself if you meet the wrong people.” He smiled and gave you a knowing nod.

“I’ll see what I can do.” You smiled, returned his look and then the maid guided you to your room. The last of him you saw was his back as he shook his graying head and laughed.

You had made it. Into the royal harem. 

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Chapter 41: How did I just find this story now? It's really beautiful. Your writing style is truly fitting for this story and made me want to read until the end. It's great how there is slow burn yet most of them only holds interest in her and not at all romantic. Really love it. Though it's sad to see that this might not be continued and I'll probably just create the perfect scenarios in what will happen next in mind. And it's really refreshing to see an all EXO-M only story. ♡♡♡
Chapter 41: I love her with Luhan!!!
Chapter 41: This is so good! I love your writing style in this story! Seriously amazing! Please tell me the Crimson Lotus hasn't gone rogue though- they weren't the ambushers, right? *nervous chuckle* And don't even get me started on Luhan, or Lay, or Kris! Ah! This is just absolutely amazing!!!❤
Chapter 41: I have willed myself to accept that this story has small chances of ever seeing another update, which is understandable, what with you now probably well into adulthood and responsibilities, as well as the number of years that have passed--it wouldn't be queer for you to have lost some if not all inspiration for it.I have never found myself attracted by historical fiction, especially non-european one, as my knowledge is scarce and the setting never captured my attention for long, so imagine my surprise when I ended up being hooked on this story less than five chapters in. I love the slow-burn of the story and how while there is some interest harbored by the princes, not all of them are outrightly in love with her or viying for her attention and affection. It's a nice change, for once.I can't say much about the characters, as I assume the story isn't even a third in the plot, but so far, it hasn't let me down. If you ever get around to reading this, please do know that this story is well-written and has won the affection of many. A good job, you've done.
singingpromises #5
Chapter 41: Okay am I the only one about to drop my phone downstairs? WHY THIS EFFING CLIFF!
FanaticFangirl #6
Chapter 41: Two years...
XINdubu #7
Chapter 41: Still waiting
Starlingle #8
Chapter 41: Whoo! Awesome story! But it's been a year since it was last updated *breaks down*
Hashtagkpop #9
Chapter 41: This is so intense. Love the balance between action and romance. Hope I can read more soon
Chapter 41: oh my i really love this fic! update please! <33