Teaching Her

The Girl in the Trash Bag





The boys return to the dorm late to see her waiting for them. She jumps to her feet seeing them enter the dorm. Each one of them attempts to explain where they had been but she listens to Himchan only. The quiet trio sits before the television leaving the other three members to watch over her. Yongguk smiles offering her a drink from the fridge after staring at Yongguk for awhile she accepts it. Zelo appears rambling off some names trying to give her a name. The older boys sighs making him stop. Himchan pats her head gently asking her to befriend another member. She looks over at Daehyun and Youngjae, Himchan smiles gently pushing her towards them.

"I just thought about something", Zelo says.


"She doesn't talk...do you think she can?"


Himchan tries to get her to talk but she just stares at him. Zelo suggests teaching her their names first. Himchan tries his name first and is met with a blank stare. Zelo tries next only to be met with the blank stare. Yongguk attempts next with the same result. Himchan tries Daehyun and Youngjae's names she seems interested but doesn't attempt it. Zelo smiles showing her a candy bar.

"Here...if you can say our names you can have it"

"Who am I?", Himchan smiles, "Himchan"

Blank stare.

"Him. Chan", he pronounces.

She moves as if trying to say it.


She moves attempting to say it.



"That's right", he pats her head.

"Me next!", Zelo smiles big, "Zelo"

Blank stare.


She moves the same way he does.

"Zel. Lo", Zelo smiles.


"Wow! Kyuuuute!", Zelo hugs her.

"I guess me next", Yongguk says, "Yongguk"

She moves the same way he does.

"Yong. Guk"


"Yah! You three come on", Yongguk calls.


"We're teaching her our names", Zelo smiles.

Jongup leans over the back of the couch, "Jongup"


"Wow!", Zelo praises her.

Youngjae shyly approachs her, "Youngjae"

Her face turns bright red staring at him.

"Young. Jae", Himchan repeats, "Try it"


"Daehyun hyung! You try"


She turns a deep shade of red.

"Come on", Himchan smiles.


"Wow! Here"

Zelo gives her the candy she tries to eat it wrapper and all. Himchan opens the candy for her, she stares at it before tasting it. The six smile watching her happily eat the candy. B.A.P spilts off doing things they like. The girl watches over them all before standing over Youngjae's shoulder. He looks up at her carefully making her blush.

"You like to read?"

She stiffly nods.

He shyly smiles, "Do you want to read?"

She nods as she sits beside him reading with him. Himchan watching over them smiling like a proud father. Zelo pouts watching Youngjae getting close to her. The other three members are too busy with their own hobbies to pay attention to the two. Himchan offers her a choice between candy and fruit. She looks at Youngjae who just seems interested in her choice. She takes both staring at them.

"This is yanggeng", Himchan smiles.

She stares at the candy.

"This is a banana", Himchan smiles.

She stares at it.

"Which one do you like?", Youngjae asks.

She holds them both up.

"You can only eat one at a time", Himchan laughs.

She pouts glancing at Yongguk as if he would tell her different.

"Which one do you like more?", Youngjae smiles.

She holds up the banana.

"Alright, you can have yanggeng after you eat the banana", Himchan smiles putting the candy away.

She stares at the banana.

"Here, I'll help you", Youngjae peels the banana.

She becomes interested in the peel.

"No no...open your mouth.....go aaah~", Youngjae laughs.

She mimics him, he puts a piece of the banana in .

"Is it good?", Youngjae asks.

She nods chewing as she starts to look around. Zelo pops up thinking the other is bored, Youngjae watchs as she goes off to play with Zelo. Daehyun follows curious about the femal guest in the dorm. Zelo lets Daehyun help her as the trio play video games which she seems very interested in. Daehyun does his best to help her but she ends up letting him play sitting on the floor before him watching the screen. Yongguk goes looking for the two boys sighing as he sees the three crowded around a video game. The woman looks up at Yongguk motioning for him to come in the room and watch with a laugh he does. The four end up staying in front of the television until Himchan comes to check on them making them stop.

"We should be teaching her good things not this", Himchan pouts.

"R-right, you're not suppose to play these types of games", Yongguk tries to get on Himchan's good side.

"Nevermind...", Himchan sighs.


GHE NOTES      Remember if you want me to add something then drop me a comment

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All chapters have been rewritten. Let me know what you think then I'll get started on chap 17


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Chapter 21: Awww I like it the way it was and with Big Bang and BAP. If u reboot it then does that mean this one will be gone? Or will u be creating a new story for the reboot
Chapter 20: awesome story~~!!
Matokii #3
Chapter 18: aw! Jiyong is so nice T^T
Although I didn't want him to be together with her I feel sorry for him :(
Chapter 20: Gah! totally forgot about the sequel!
kekeke~ she signed with TS!
cant wait for the sequel to start!
Chapter 10: whoaaaa....the new chapters r really good!
keep it up!!!! lol
minahdotcommm #6
Update please?
Chapter 13: damn...they spent all tht time taking care of u and u just leave just like tht with a snap of a finger eh... =.=
aww no YoungjaexMinhyo :( But I'm willing to see where YoungjaexTaeyang goes :) Jiyongs is being so forward sheesh. I get that he's her bf but give her some space. Update soon! Hwaiting! :D
Chubbiee #10