Chapter 8

Project Yunho

Changmin never really was the type to care for other people that weren’t family or friends, so it quite surprised him why he bothered to help the injured stranger. And yes he was going to deny that the other's looks had nothing to do with it.

Oh who was he kidding? The guy was gorgeous that much he could see - he wasn’t blind - and though the first thought that came across his mind was 'he’s a definite star material' (what? as a director, he was allowed to have such musings), the innocence in the other’s eyes however made him feel like the biggest ert on earth for coming down to that observation.

For some reason, Changmin felt like he was violating him. That, and he looked really hurt as he kept chanting under his breath the words of ‘help me, hide me, don’t let them find me’ and Changmin just didn’t have the heart to refuse. And so he helped him, simple as that. He decided that he was going to go drill for the technicalities later.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to call the hospital? Or the police station perhaps?” Changmin asked, gazing worriedly at the half- man sitting on his bed, who appeared completely apathetic while treating his leg wound.

He had taken a shower and was now relatively clean. Changmin helped in the act, immersing him inside the bathtub, soaped and rinsed him when the young man didn’t seem to have the energy to move a muscle at all.

And damn, that was just begging to be recorded on tape.

The guy’s name, Junsu, from what Changmin was told, glanced at him and replied. “No. It is best if I stayed hidden.”

Changmin sighed and advanced towards the bed, dismissing the thought altogether. Besides, Junsu seemed to know what he was doing anyway. And he didn’t seem to be as deathly pale anymore. “So… what’s your story?” he asked, just for the sake of conversation. And maybe a part of him was curious of the guy’s background as well.

Junsu stopped mid stitch and looked at him with suddenly wary eyes. “Why do you want to know?”

“Nothing.” Changmin shrugged with nonchalance. “I was just curious, it’s not every day that I come across a complete knockout, who… is bleeding like a faucet by the way and not even flinch a fraction from the pain. It’s kinda weird.”

“I do feel pain.” Junsu clarified. “I’m just… repressing it.” he frowned. “And what do you mean by knockout?”

Changmin smirked at the other’s denseness. “You know, a total knockout as in a hottie, in other words able.”

The look on Junsu’s face was the perfect picture of innocence. “able?” he blinked, then asked. "What's that?"

Changmin stared at him in awe for a minute or two. Did the guy grow up in the convent or something?

Shortly after, he waved a hand in the air in dismissal. “Nevermind what I said. Sheesh, I feel like I’m talking to a toddler.” he murmured sighing. “So Junsu, are you my hyung or dongsaeng? Just wanna know the . I’m 23. You?”

'Technically I’m 5 years old' Junsu mentally replied. 'But I do remember father telling me about how a person’s age corresponds with their appearance.' Junsu turned his head and looked into the mirror at the far end of the room. He was quick to realize that if he was going to say his age, it would give away the fact that he was different.

“How old do you think I am?” he asked Changmin who was busy raking his eyes over his frame.

Pursing his lips in thought, Changmin replied. “Maybe 22 – 24, can’t decide. And why are you making me guess?”

“I’m 24. One year older than you.” Junsu answered with a small smile. “So that makes you my dongsaeng.” Junsu figured that if he was to be older, then there was a possibility that he’d get more respect. Humans tend to have a strong sense of respect for people older than them. He always saw it on the movies his father made him watch.

“Aish, again?” Changmin sighed, hands rising dramatically in the air. “Am I doomed to be the maknae? In the movie business I’m the youngest director, even with my friends and my peers, I’m still the youngest. Life’s so cruel!”

“Do you live alone Changmin?” Junsu asked not really understanding what kind of sentimentality he was spouting.

Momentarily stopping in his monologue, Changmin sobered and replied. “Yep, I live alone. It’s kinda sad though.”

“Can I live here?”

Changmin blinked. “Ei?”

“I asked if I can live here. I promise it'll be just for a few days. I’m sorry if I am imposing. But I have nowhere else to go.”

It was the truth. Now that the agency, the only home that he knew had been completely destroyed, he seriously had no idea what was to become of him. And his father was still recuperating in the hospital and was not waking up.

He just wanted to be close to his creator, to make certain that he was alright and well.

When Junsu saw his maker's family, the lady and those two men appear, who he was quick to realize must be his father’s real children since Junsu repeatedly heard the word “Appa” and “Umma” come out of their mouth, he felt the stinging sensation on his eyelids once more and before he knew it, everything became a blur, the salty liquid in his eyes hindering him from seeing anything clearly. And there was a pain in his heart that he couldn’t shake off.

It felt like he was being torn. It was a different kind of pain, something that could not be treated with medical supplies.

And somehow, the face of that one man wouldn't leave his thoughts. When they locked eyes at the hospital's ground floor, Junsu could have sworn he felt the air leave his lungs. He scurried away immediately, frightened with what he had just felt when their eyes met. Junsu could have sworn too, that the young man was staring at him like he knew him.

Junsu shook his head and tried to push the conflicting emotions and thoughts to the back of his mind.

“Provide me a shelter and a place to stay Changmin ah. And I vow to do anything that you want me to do.”

Changmin’s facial expression suddenly perked up at that, mind instantly whirling back to his Yoochun-hyung.

His career was on jeopardy. Not only were real life couples telling him lately that they don't want to act in his movies anymore because their relationships were sacred, they weren't even that good-looking to begin with.

Psshh. Changmin wants real love caught on screen with hot, y couples dammit! And he wants Yoochun's on that tape above all. He'd do anything to persuade the ever elusive handsome god of a hyung to act on his movies.

"Anything?” Changmin asked with an almost wolfish grin on his face.

All too quickly, Junsu felt his stomach drop as he thought in alarm. I don’t like the way he’s staring me.

“Hey, you okay?” Jaejoong’s arms s their way around Yoochun’s middle, head resting on his back.

Yoochun turned around and held his best friend close. “I’m fine Jae. I’m over it. Stop stressing over me.”

“I can’t help it.” Jaejoong pulled back and sighed. “I’m just making sure. You looked pretty devastated last night.”

“Yeah well that was last night. Today’s a new day and I’m going to stop moping, so where’s my breakfast ?”

“Such a dirty mouth.” Jaejoong retaliated, a cute mild scowl decorating his forehead. “You need to be punished.”

Yoochun gave him a light peck on the mouth and grinned. “You can’t hurt me. You looooooooove me.”

“Dream on.” Jaejoong snorted, pinched his ear painfully before pulling away altogether. “Not gonna happen.”

“Ow you ing sadist.” Yoochun pouted, massaging the abused lobe as he winced. Jaejoong stuck out his tongue and Yoochun smacked his behind. “Get your working or Su’s going to be mad that we’re late visiting him today.”

The overly happy tone made Jaejoong stop mid-step as he turned around. “Yoochun ah.”

“Aish, seriously I’m fine Jae. I said no more moping right? I promised Sunnie in my dream that I’d stop being emo.”

Jaejoong didn't looked convinced. "Are you sure?"

“Yep, I’m sure.” Yoochun replied with a smile. It was strained Jaejoong could tell, but Yoochun was trying to give off the happy aura for both their sakes and in that realization alone, it broke his heart. “Now go cook me breakfast.”

The previous night, he had a vague recollection of Jaejoong sleeping beside him, but as he woke up that early morning, Jaejoong had been nowhere to be found. Yunho walked towards the bedroom door, completely missing the fact that he was again. At this point in his life, the young human-hybrid still hasn’t learned the aspect of modesty.

Which was the reason why he found himself on the bathroom floor, soaking wet with a just as Jaejoong sitting on his stomach, lower regions pressed flush and even though the water felt cold, Jaejoong on top of him felt warm.

Jaejoong was beyond embarrassed and . He had actually just been fantasizing about Yunho and was ing to his ic image in his mind when the real Yunho suddenly entered the bathroom as day.

And since he had been taken by surprise, Jaejoong's body did the next logical thing to do. He slipped and fell.

Yunho caught him halfway but they lost balance and ended up in a tangled heap on the bathroom floor.

“I… didn’t hear you come in.” Jaejoong’s breath was coming in ragged gasps as he shifted around. Yunho’s length was brushing against his own and damn, the friction was enough to make Jaejoong do crazy, lustful things to him.

“I apologize for the intrusion.” Yunho stated, looking up at Jaejoong’s half-lidded, bititng at bottom lip expression. “But my body, after having recharged felt a great need to cleanse itself.”

Jaejoong’s hands were on Yunho’s chest, palms grazing against the nubs beneath his hands. He didn’t seem intent of getting up anytime soon as he kept shifting around like he was enjoying the close proximity of their flesh, way too much.

“Are your… injuries okay?” Jaejoong asked breathlessly as he rubbed deliciously against him. It amazed Jaejoong how Yunho, without the bruises and wounds looked even more gorgeous. Oh god, I want him to me so bad.

“I’ve healed.” Yunho replied calmly. “Thank you for assisting me last night. I am alive because of you.”

“U-huh.” Jaejoong muttered distractedly as he at his lips, eyes fluttering close as he continued to grind down against Yunho, back and forth, harder and faster. He wanted to get his damn release. He was close, god so close.

“What are you doing?” Yunho asked with an expectant and confused stare, remaining unaffected.

“Enjoying myself.” Jaejoong grunted as he opened his eyes. “Kiss me.” he practically growled in command.

Yunho sat upright, a smile on his face as he instantly latched onto Jaejoong’s lower lip. If there was something that he found himself needing, that was Jaejoong’s beautiful mouth and the heady intoxicating sweetness that it entailed.

So this was another intimacy lesson, Yunho mentally concluded.

“Touch me.” Jaejoong moaned into their joined mouths after a thrilling moment passed, making him swallow every word.

Yunho pulled back, eyes half-lidded and panting. But there was a cute frown on his forehead. “I am touching you.”

Kissing was touching as he had rationalized, plus his arms were around Jaejoong’s waist, he was holding him close against his body, remembering that lesson they had about intimacy in the kitchen a few days ago.

"Yes... you're... touching me... but - mppphh."

Jaejoong all but moaned when Yunho swooped down and plunged his tongue into his own again, teasing the roof of his mouth before swiping at the sides, ravishing every part of his warm and wet cavern. The thought that Yunho couldn’t seem to get enough of him made all the blood rush to his . Jaejoong writhed and whimpered more but he couldn’t seem to get his release just yet. Because ! No matter how much he grind, Yunho remained limp beneath him.

Needing to take matters into his own hand, Jaejoong’s right hand drifted to their lower bodies as he took Yunho’s own and guided it to his throbbing . “Touch me here.” Jaejoong groaned, teeth nipping at Yunho’s tongue, drawing him in and out before meshing their lips again, in a kiss enough to bruise. “Yunho ah, touch me here…please.”

Deciding to follow the other’s lead since he was obviously not informed enough about the subject, Yunho nodded his head and touched him there, which was exactly what he did. Touch.

“Move.” Jaejoong groaned desperately, hand closing around Yunho’s own as he began to pump his with their joined fists. “Move… up and down… fast… oh god…” Jaejoong moaned into Yunho’s mouth, whimpering when Yunho’s hand began to take speed, following his instructions loud and clear. “Yunho… that’s oh … faster.”

Faster. Jaejoong wanted it faster and so Yunho readily complied. Jaejoong felt hot and heavy in his grasp.

Yunho clearly felt how the body against him trembled and shook, and knowing that he was the one causing those tremors and sounds that Jaejoong was emitting, it made something stir in his belly that he couldn’t quite understand.

There was some kind of pain in his groin but Yunho willed it away, focusing on making Jaejoong moan louder instead.

“You’re… beautiful.” Yunho breathlessly mouthed, mesmerized by the way Jaejoong looked in his embrace a he wrapped his arms tighter around the other's body, loving the way Jaejoong fitted against him.

Jaejoong's cheeks were of the shade of red, playing an ethereal contrast to the pale blush white of his skin, his hair was damp, sweat accumulating on his forehead. His lips appeared to be bruised, but instead of feeling shame for what he had done to the man’s mouth from his rough kisses, Yunho found himself wanting Jaejoong more.

Yunho's hands gained incredible speed as he pumped Jaejoong with fast, hard , reducing him to heavy pants.

"Ahhh, Yunho ah, I'm close." Jaejoong whimpered as he jerked forward, face falling on the crook of Yunho's neck while they continued to rock against each other back and forth, the sound of skin slapping against skin bouncing off the walls.

Yunho's heart was racing in his chest and Jaejoong’s was beating at the same pace, they were in sync, the both of them.

Yunho's fingers yanked at Jaejoong's hair as he pulled him backwards away from his neck, needing to capture his mouth again. Yunho's hand moved in faster fervent on Jaejoong's shaft and he was left gasping for air as they kissed.

In a split moment, Yunho felt Jaejoong pulse in his grasp before thick white ribbons spurted from his length. Jaejoong stilled in his embrace and shortly after, Jaejoong's whole body slumped against him in a panting heap.

Yunho thought that Jaejoong was the most beautiful human he has ever seen.

"Thanks." Jaejoong rasped by his ear before shakily standing on both legs. "I'll just ummm... yeah." The sight of his flushed cheeks made something in Yunho's groin jump. "I'll just... rinse for a bit and then you... take your shower."

Yunho watched him from the floor, followed every move the muscles in his body made, making him want to map his tongue out at every inch of the smooth skin and Yunho concluded that yes, he definitely liked intimacy.

Tentatively dipping his finger into the white substance coating his stomach and chest, a curious frown decorated Yunho's forehead as he brought the digit to his lips. His tongue darted to take a , before he the finger into his mouth.

The taste warred between bitter and sweet. And knowing that it came from Jaejoong, a feeling of indiscernible somewhat pained sensation coursed through his lower body, and for the first time, Yunho learned how it was to moan.

Jaejoong's ego was bruised again for the second time as he walked with trembling legs towards his bedroom. How can a man act so much like he wanted to eat Jaejoong alive yet not have an arousal? Jaejoong wrapped the towel around his waist tighter and shook his head to clear his thoughts. Figuring Yunho out will only give him a headache.

But damn, that was one ing hot bathroom .

Imagining how Yunho's lips would feel around him was making his temperature rise again. He also couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to feel Yunho inside him, taking him deep, filling him, loving him.

As soon as the words of love managed to escape his thoughts, Jaejoong gave himself a mental whack in the head as he swallowed thickly, willing his suddenly racing heart to slow down.

I gotta calm down. It's just physical. You're not in love with the guy Kim Jaejoong. You're not.

“You had with him in the bathroom?” Yoochun incredulously asked with rounded eyes.

“It wasn’t . Hell, it was nowhere anywhere near . I was just… rubbing against him. Then I told him to kiss me which he did, and maybe a bit of fondling.” Jaejoong let out a frustrated groan. “Yunho said he enjoyed kissing me way too much but his body remained unresponsive. And would you stop asking me such questions? Junsu will hear you.”

Yoochun’s eyes flickered to the gravestone of his childhood best friend. He coughed. “Sorry Sunnie.”

Jaejoong heaved out a deep breath and crouched down. He placed the basket of flowers in the gravestone and pulled at the weeds that were beginning to grow around his baby brother’s grave. Yoochun beside him was doing the same thing as he carefully rooted out the nasty crawlers. He took a shovel out his small backpack and began digging the ground, softening the soil, making sure that the weeds will at least take longer to grow before their next visit.

Moments later, the two of them were seated in front of Junsu’s grave in a long blue picnic blanket, a picnic basket was laid down in front of them as they ate and drank. Mr. Snuffles, Junsu’s favorite dolphin plushie was perched on the gravestone like a guardian, eyes boring into them as they talked and cheerily laughed about fond memories.

“So I guess it’s safe to say you’re never going to settle down huh?” Jaejoong concluded mid bite of the apple.

Yoochun sighed and gave the dolphin plushie a loving glance. “It’s the farthest thing in my mind hyung. You know how I only love one person. And it’s never going to change.” he chuckled bitterly. “Aish, I’m worse than you.”

Jaejoong blinked, apple stuck in his mouth. “Mhuh?”

“Here I am making fun of you and your first crush, always making jibes about how you are too picky and that you would grow alone and gray and wrinkly.” Yoochun pinched at his cheeks, stretching it like an old person’s face.

Jaejoong laughed at Yoochun's visual - actually laughed louder at the mental image.

Him and Yooochun, in their 70s, holding walking sticks in hand. A couple of sore losers.

“But I’m actually worse.” Yoochun sniffed. “Can’t move on from puppy love.”

“I wouldn’t call what you have for Junsu puppy love Chun. It lasted years and you haven’t forgotten him even for a single day.” Jaejoong said, clamping a gentle hand on his shoulder. “It’s true love, the purest I’ve seen so far and I’m very happy that my brother has someone loving him as much as you do but… don’t you think it’s time to move on?”

“I don’t know if I could.” Yoochun admitted. “He was my first friend, my first love, my first kiss, my first everything.” Yoochun’s eyes watered when a certain memory infiltrated his thoughts. “I should have been stronger for him.”


“Sorry.” Yoochun quickly apologized. “I know we agreed to never talk of that day but sometimes, the pain just…”

“I know.” Jaejoong cut him off with a finger to his lips. “I’m the same case. A lot of what ifs are in my mind every time I think back. But it’s in the past and we can’t do a thing about it anymore even if we desperately want to.”

“I still can’t help but reel at what I saw Jae.” Yoochun said, eyes going stormy. “That guy I told you about.”

“The one that looked like Sunnie. I remember. You were bawling like a baby in my shoulder last night.”

Yoochun shot him a glare, but then sadly smiled. “I know now that I just got real desperate so I thought I saw him.”

“I didn’t mean to make fun of you.” Jaejoong apologized.

“It’s fine.” Yoochun assured. “Besides on normal days, we rarely do a heart to heart. You say it's too greasy.”

“It is too greasy.” Jaejoong pointed out in agreement. “And being with a walking block of cheese is worse.”

“Yah!” Yoochun cried out, pouting as he threw a number of weeds on Jaejoong’s direction. “You take that back.”

Jaejoong easily deflected the attack and stuck his tongue out. “Make me.” he giggled before hastily getting up to his feet and made a run for it. Yoochun chased after him, feeling happiness warm his heart at seeing Jaejoong’s smile.

The sun was beginning to set as the two young men ran around in circles and laughing like crazy. Yoochun at last managed to catch Jaejoong and they both propelled backwards on the ground, falling in a tangled heap.

Jaejoong was practically wheezing above him from laughing too much, cheeks red from the exertion, his hair sticking up all over the place with that beautiful smile that always managed to render anyone breathless, and Yoochun thought that yes, life was still good. Can you see us now Sunnie? I am keeping my promise. I’m making our hyung smile.

“Wow, you’re quite impatient.” Yoochun observed as he watched Jaejoong practically made the car door fly open. He got out of the vehicle and nearly sprinted towards the front gate. “Hey! Open the damn gate Jae!” Yoochun added in a shout when he caught sight of Jaejoong’s running form, rushing toward the front door, completely forgetting his existence.

“Sorry!” Jaejoong yelled out, screeching into a halt before running down the steps and unlocking the bars. When the double metal doors opened and Yoochun had parked the car at the garage, Jaejoong closed the gates and ran.

“Aish, he’s stressing too much.” Yoochun muttered as he went out of the car and walked casually towards the house.

“Yunho!” Jaejoong called out as soon as he was inside, fretting that maybe because he and Yoochun arrived late, the guy had gone out again and got into all sorts of trouble or worse, died. He hoped not. “Hey, Yunho where are you?”

And no, he wasn’t in love. Lust maybe, but not love. Because he only cared for Yunho like a friend. That was about it.

Sure, keep telling yourself that Jaejoong. The irritating thing called subconscious supplied and snorted.

Sudden groans and moans reached the beautiful male’s ears. His eyes widened as he made quick long strides towards the living room’s direction. “Why are the sounds of moans coming from the living room? The hell?”

When he arrived at the site, Jaejoong’s eyes nearly popped out when he saw Yunho on the couch, in front of the television, watching his DVDs as he writhed on the bed, hands covering at his jewels, whimpering low in his throat.

“Yunho ah.” Jaejoong gasped, quickly rushing to his side. “Wha… wha… woah!” Jaejoong exclaimed wide-eyed, gaze traveling from the man's - oh my god! He has a hard on! Hurray! - privates to Yunho’s pained expression.

“Jaejoong.” Yunho groaned, biting at his bottom lip hard as he sat upright. He moved forward and clutched on the other’s shirt like a little child afraid that his Umma would leave him, crying out in frustration. “It hurts. Do something!”

“What?” Jaejoong was still staring at Yunho's , completely floored. He wiped the drool at the corner of his mouth.

Look at the size of that thing!

“You left… I was… bored… and ughhh… I looked around and… and saw this.” he took the DVD box and nearly shoved it to Jaejoong’s face. “I… I didn’t know… what it was then I realized… the two people in the movie… are kissing and then…ahhh...” Yunho moaned the same time the actors on TV moaned, but instead of looking pleased, Yunho only looked pained. “I thought of you and thought of what we did in the bathroom and then… ahhh please. I tried everything, I tried what you made me… made me do, but it didn’t work… it only made the ache worse.”

Jaejoong’s mouth fell open as he looked at Yunho, realizing that that guy didn’t know what pleasure meant.

“Yunho, get up.” Jaejoong quickly said as he hauled Yunho to his feet. “We’re having another intimacy lesson.”

Hey guys, what’s going on?” Yoochun came bounding into the room. “What? Jae? What’s wrong with..."

“Chun, no talking. We’re going to my bedroom. Now.” Jaejoong shot Yoochun a hard look. “And don’t disturb us.”
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fishy44 #2
Chapter 1: ohoho this is interesting
Chapter 21: Yuuuuuuuunnnnhooooooyaaaaaah *crying*
Mary2014 #4
Chapter 21: I love this story please update soon :)
Chapter 21: *O* Such a great story! Update soon please!
Chapter 21: 21. I can only congratulate you.
Your imagination is *boundless* I read in one breath :)
And well-written. Both the lyrical and the parts.
The style is also good.
The descriptive parts, and parts of the dialogue is entirely understandable.
do not have to think about this now ruled
or Who hath done.
I am sorry, that there is no continuing.
But I'm waiting patiently.
Please, if you have the time and circumstances permit,
come back and continue.
Chapter 21: Hi!! here I am again, teading this fic on the third time!!! Loving it again! each time I find it more romantic than the other it si soo well written, now a days we cant`t find such good writting in fics, is very clear in its message, the words make sense.. the ideas are complete... and it look like you plan it carefully... you put effort in the story line and it makes perfect sense... despite the sience part. So am asking you to please continue... or at least let us know if you will, I don`t mind waiting... because its better a long wait and good fic.. than a rush ending...
So congratulations again!!! for this great pice of work... and lets hope you get the time and inspiration you need to continue this...
Good luck!!!!
fineday #8
Chapter 19: Eh? Yunho's phone still on after four years? The battery should had been dead years ago. The strongest battery would not last a few days without beeng charged. Despite that little problem, this story is really good.