Chapter 12

Project Yunho

After the young man watched the car stop in front of a huge building, and hopped off his vehicle to follow the perpetrators inside, Junsu began to put all the years of training he had at the agency to good use.

The place was well-furnished, spacious, and almost mansion-like while quite a great number of securities patrolled the different areas of the building. Junsu could only hope that he won’t run into any trouble.

Junsu knew this was practically suicide. Yes he was aware that the man named Yoochun might as well be related to his creator, but that wasn’t the main reason why he wanted to save him. It was something in his heart, an emotion, a feeling screaming at him that Yoochun was someone he held dear in his life.

It was confusing why he felt that way. As far as he was concerned, Yoochun shouldn’t mean anything to him. And so what if he was Changmin’s friend? He didn’t know Park Yoochun enough to risk his neck for.

So why was he bothering to help him at all?

Junsu silently knocked out one of the security personnel, dragged him into a dark corner and changed into his clothes. He knew it was futile trying to talk himself out of this situation. He was already in the enemy’s territory so he might as well retrieve what he came in for. Park Yoochun, where are you?

After perching the dark glasses on top of his nose and placing the small communication device by his ear, Junsu began his trek deeper into the enemy’s lair, stealthily avoiding all the security cameras on his way.

At a distance, a couple of securities caught his eye.

They were coming out of a room on the far corner of the floor, talking, snippets of their conversation reaching Junsu’s heightened ears, something about a pretty boy, a slave and an auction. Junsu was also quick to realize that they were among the ones that had taken Yoochun captive outside the club.

In dawning realization that they were approaching his general direction, Junsu instantly retreated several steps backwards. Junsu turned a corner and pressed his back flat against the cemented wall. He held his breath as the two humans passed by him, not noticing his presence as they were too busy talking.

Once they were out of sight, the young hybrid quickly dashed into the room they had just left, having a strong suspicion that Yoochun was inside. When he closed his hand around the knob, it was locked.

But that wasn’t something that could hinder Junsu from getting to his prize.

After all, he was anything but average.

Putting more pressure into the metal, Junsu turned it around and the locks loosened, breaking as the door opened with a soft click. Slowly pushing open the wooden obstacle, Junsu poked his head inside.

His eyes landed on the writhing, mess at the center of the bed.

Yoochun’s eyes were blindfolded and there was a gag in his mouth. He was shackled to the bed and two metal cuffs were tied behind his back as well as his feet. There was not a single piece of clothing on him.

For a moment, Junsu felt a strange ache in his chest. The confusing mixed emotion of fury and sadness warring inside his heart. His eyes began to sting with tears and before he knew it he felt himself tremble.

Junsu fought against the choking emotions and tried to clear his head and his heart. This was not the time to think crazy things. He closed the door and quickly made his way into the center of the bed.

When he rested a hand against Yoochun’s bruised cheek, the other man flinched at his touch, hastily trying to distance himself against his unseen attacker, spitting profanities. Muffled words of ‘ you’ and ‘go to hell’ fell from his bleeding lip as he bared his teeth, demanding for Junsu’s name.

Yet despite the kind of hostile attitude Yoochun was showing, it didn’t miss Junsu’s notice how he was in an obvious state of discomfort. Junsu felt his mouth run dry. Yoochun was breathing heavily, skin flushed red, hair damp, his hard as he emitted noises that made something in Junsu jump to life.

The way Yoochun looked wasn’t a new image to him.

Junsu’s seen such reactions in the movies that his friend Changmin made him watch.

And though Changmin said that Junsu should at least be feeling something from watching such scenes, and got into a litany of explanations about how Junsu might be straight, or bi or whatever, because apparently ual orientation was important for his career, Junsu had remained unresponsive. His body didn’t show any kind of interest to which Changmin let out a frustrated groan.

But right now, Junsu felt differently. Seeing the man named Yoochun in such a state – aroused him.

Junsu blushed a deep shade of red, being reminded about the incident he had two days ago from the shower stall. Changmin had advised him to think of anyone he liked, someone that interested him.

Junsu had tried to ‘pleasure’ himself (because Changmin said it was vital that he knew how to pleasure himself and his soon to be partner) at first to images of the men in the movies, at one point he even tried to think of doing such things to his friend, imagined Changmin , but still he remained limp.

But then a flash of Yoochun’s face that day he saw him at the hospital infiltrated his thoughts, and before Junsu knew it, he was already feeling such incredible sensations course through his whole body as he pumped himself with fast and quick , all the while clinging into the image of one Park Yoochun.

What am I thinking at such a time?

Junsu hastily shook his head and cleared his thoughts for the second time around. He began to undo the binds on Yoochun’s mouth and his eyes. The pieces of cloth came loose and Junsu watched for some time how the disoriented man slowly blinked, as if adjusting to the sudden brightness surrounding him.

Yoochun's eyes were smoky, half-lidded and his breathing alarmingly erratic. “I’m here to help you.” Junsu informed the dazed man whose gaze was now fixed on him. “I’m going to get you out of here.”

“Jun… su… yah…” The word came out as a needy moan and Junsu froze, feeling all the blood in his system rush southwards, igniting a kind of flame in his heart at hearing his name being uttered in such a manner.

Wait, how did Yoochun even know of his name?

Yoochun had been seething at him earlier, but now to Junsu’s surprise, the other man was inching to him bit by bit. "Nggh, Junsu-yah." he whimpered. "Why did you cuff me? You’re so mean… uhhh come to me please.”

Junsu turned red as a tomato when Yoochun knelt and proceeded to sensually his cheek. Junsu shivered at the contact, feeling something painful grow in his groin. “Y-yah!” he exclaimed, part in shock and arousal. But this wasn’t the time to get ! Geez, Changmin had corrupted him. “What are...”

“Kiss… me. Sunnie… I want to take you so bad. Please, let your Yoochunie make love to you hmm?”

“How… how did you know my name?” Junsu stuttered, demanding for an answer.

Gone was the hostile Yoochun. The entity in front of him was like a cat high on catnip. “Meanie Junsu.” Yoochun purred. “You didn’t come to me in my dreams for three nights in a row. I missed you.“

Huh? Junsu blinked. Was there any chance that Yoochun thought he was dreaming?

But that didn’t explain how he knew his name. Hold on. Then again, Changmin might have told him.

Junsu gulped. This was dangerous. Yoochun's moans and groans were doing things to his body. His heart rate doubled, heat was rising in his cheeks and he was having difficulty to breath. Yoochun was beginning to drive him mad with lust.

Forcing away the naughty images his mind began to supply, Junsu put on his serious face and quashed his mad desire to do unspeakable things to the other man. He flipped him around and reached for his cuffed hands. “We’re getting out of here.” he gritted out, trying to ignore the pounding in his ears and in his heart.

The metal cuffs broke and Yoochun’s hands were finally free. Junsu reached for his feet next.

Once Yoochun was completely out of his restraints, Junsu searched for clothes but unfortunately didn't find anything. With a grunt, Junsu wrapped Yoochun in the blankets and carried him in his arms. Yoochun was quite light, Junsu observed, so it wasn't much of a hassle carrying him.

“Junsu… yahh.” When Junsu looked down again, the other's tears were so clear in his glassy eyes, and his body trembled violently. Yoochun moaned. "I can't... take it anymore... ngghhh... I need..."

Junsu found himself with the strongest urge to kill whoever it was that made Yoochun this way, for gagging and blindfolding him, for cuffing him and striking him across the face.

Rage boiled in Junsu's heart but he willed it away. There was another time for such musings.

At this point, he just wanted for them to get out of there.

After making sure that there wasn't anyone around the vicinity of the floor, Junsu sprinted on his heel and made haste towards his parked motorbike outside the building.

It hadn't been an easy escape route.

On their way outside, Junsu had in a moment of haste clothed Yoochun in his own garments that he left by the secluded corner wherein he dragged the unconscious security personnel. Shortly after, the shrilling sound of the alarm system resounded and bounced against the walls.

Having Yoochun writhing and panting in his arms as he made sure that he was unharmed proved to be quite a challenge. The adrenaline rush had been too great. Plus with all the security running amok, it took a great deal of Junsu's strength for them to get out of that place with only minor scratches on his part.

Junsu dashed outside, jumping from the third floor and landing only somewhat steadily on the ground when a good number of securities came running after them.

They were simply outnumbered and in a moment of panic, Junsu thought that he wouldn’t be able to get out of there alive.

Running in great speed, dodging bullets and getting into hand to hand, (it was more like feet to hand combat since all he did in pertaining to martial arts was kick and kick some more considering that he had his arms full of Yoochun), made the young hybrid think that his heart might stop at any given minute.

Junsu couldn’t even begin to describe the exhaustion he felt from trying to escape their pursuers.

And so as soon as they were out of the gates and had managed to lose the pursuing cars who trailed after them for quite some time, Junsu considered himself quite a lucky man to have lived through the ordeal.

The injuries that Junsu attained were quite painful. But he didn't care much. It wasn't anything bad anyway.

What mattered that moment was that Yoochun was safe.

Ever since Changmin entered the club and was ordered by Yoochun to do babysitting duty, him and Yunho were quick in having a conversation. Well, it was more like he did the talking while the other man listened and occasionally nodded his head. Yunho wasn’t much of a talker that much Changmin could tell. And for some reason, he reminded him of Junsu.

Junsu - his scientific experiment of a friend that was part animal and human DNA.

Changmin shivered, still reeling at the fact that there really were things such as human experimentations and government conspiracies. To be honest, he had been scared less at first. But nevertheless, Changmin guessed that he was also quite thrilled with the discovery he made. Having a friend like Junsu was pretty damn awesome and cool in a weird way.

“So Yunho-sshi, how long have you known Jaejoong-hyung?” Changmin asked the man sitting opposite him after he was done downing the glass of scotch. Placing the glass on the table, he poured himself another one. “Damn, this is good.”

Yunho looked down at the watch that Jaejoong bought for him earlier that day at the mall. He eyed the merchandise for some time, before answering in a monotone. “Two weeks, 3 days, 4 hours, 23 minutes, 53 seconds and counting.”

Changmin choked on his drink at the familiar reply. The reply that Yunho gave him could be likened to how Junsu usually answered his questions. Glancing at Yunho, his eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What kind of an answer is that?”

“You asked me a question and I answered you with facts.” Yunho innocently blinked at him. “Is something wrong?”

Even the way Yunho blinked reminded him of Junsu.

Changmin heaved out a deep breath before he tentatively asked. “You’re not… some kind of ex…” he trailed off, quickly dismissing the idea altogether. Changmin slumped in his seat and sighed. That was a stupid thought, he had just now.

Geez, not everything had to be a conspiracy.

Finding out Junsu’s true identity sure brought to life his once dormant overactive imagination.

Yunho didn’t initially like the human named Changmin. When the kid arrived and got smothered by Jaejoong, the nasty feeling in his heart resurfaced again and the young human-hybrid developed the strongest urge to rip him into several pieces.

For some time, Yunho busied himself with glaring at the guy Jaejoong was talking to from his spot.

But then Jaejoong’s gaze met his from across the room.

He approached him, giggled and kissed Yunho in a way that made him literally lose the ability to breathe. Jaejoong had caressed his cheeks, assuring him that there was no reason for Yunho to hate the very ground Changmin walked on.

When Changmin and him talked, it became clear to Yunho that the other only treated Jaejoong like a brother figure too.

“Are you alright?” Yunho asked, noticing the lax in the other’s stature. “You look like there is something troubling you.”

“I’m fine.” Changmin replied, sending him a small strained smile. “Just feeling a little ed I guess.”

Yunho regarded him for a moment, before he asked. “You have the need to mate?”

It was Changmin’s turn to blink at Yunho – in confusion. “What?”

“You said that you were feeling a little ‘ed’. From what I understand, is another word for , means ion, mating is the general idea. So I just thought…” Yunho trailed off upon seeing the way the other man was regarding him with widened eyes. His eyebrows knitted together in a frown as realization dawned in. “I… think I made a mistake.”

“I swear you talk just like my friend!” Changmin breathed in awe after a moment of silence, an inkling thought of the conspiracy theory creeping into his mind. “Junsu-hyung at times give off answers like it’s some kind of accurate data filing but then at times, he gets confused at the simplest of things, or at certain words. Just like how you did right...”

“I said get your filthy hands off me!” Jaejoong’s angry voice filtered from the other side of the club.

Yunho’s body quickly tensed. "Jaejoongie." With his eyes narrowing dangerously, he hastily shot up from the couch.

Changmin whirled around and stood up as well, a sense of worry gripping his heart. He didn’t frequent his hyung deul’s work place that much but the few instances he’d been here, Changmin had been a witness to how some scumbags couldn’t understand no for an answer and would at times force themselves on his Jaejoong-hyung.

He worked mostly inside the kitchen, but at times he did serve drinks for extra income. People were scared of Yoochun and didn’t dare touch Jaejoong when he was around, unfortunately, he wasn’t there this time.

Speaking of which. Where was he and Junsu?

Surveying the area, Yunho's eyes landed on Jaejoong at a far dark corner being held down by three leering older men. Watching the scene from a distance, a fit of fury blanketed his frame as he felt overwhelming rage build up in his chest. Yunho's teeth gnashed menacingly as he began to emit an intimidating dark aura, his hands balling into fists.

His whole body violently shook. Yunho was a volcano about to erupt.

In a split second, Yunho disappeared out of sight, Changmin’s eyes widening in disbelief beside him. Yunho rushed to Jaejoong in a blur of speed, seething dangerously and in a heartbeat, the whole club was gripped in a pin-dropping silence.

Instead of helping, the other patrons inside the club whistled in appreciation and laughed in amusement at the scene, guffawing about how they better leave room for them because they also want to be a part of the fun.

It wasn’t a secret how more than half of the population was dying to bed the beautiful male who was always being sheltered and protected by the number one host Park Yoochun.

Then to add to his frustration, his co-workers could only look in silence for fear of losing their job.

Jaejoong struggled against the hold, his eyes were beginning to water with tears and his arms were starting to bruise from getting forcibly pinned down. “Get your hands off me you bastards!”

“Come on you stupid , stop playing hard to get." One of the men grunted. "Your precious best friend isn’t around so just - ahhh!”

Several pained yelps reached his ears and for a fraction of a second, Jaejoong could've sworn he saw Yunho approaching him. He moved so fast, almost like lightning and in a split moment, Jaejoong gained control over his arms again.

Quickly whirling around, what he saw next made his mouth fall open in shocked alarm.

It was like looking again at the incident that happened earlier that day at the mall. And for the second time, even though the bastards more than deserve getting pinned against the wall and being choked to death, Jaejoong was clearly aware that killing someone would undoubtedly make Yunho end up behind bars. Jaejoong couldn't allow that to happen.

"Yunho ah." Jaejoong gasped, his eyes glassy from the previous attack. Running to Yunho’s side, he tried to coax him into calming down. His hands closed around Yunho’s biceps as he pleaded. “Yunho, stop it please.”

Jaejoong watched with part sick fascination how two out of the three erts were beginning to turn purple. But as much as he loved seeing their eyeballs roll to the back of their heads, he couldn’t let this go on. It was still murder. “Yunho, I said stop it!” Jaejoong was really starting to fear for what the outcome might be. “Goddamn it, Yunho I said STOP!”

Yunho ignored him, his grip on their necks tightening, narrowed eyes filled with contempt, hatred and rage, the colors flickering between golden and dark brown. “I’ll kill you.” he roared. “I’ll ing kill you!”

In a moment of desperation, Jaejoong pushed him and struck him hard, square across the face.

Yunho’s hold immediately loosened and the two men fell into a coughing fit on the cold floor. His hand rested against his cheek, gaze snapping to Jaejoong with wide, surprised eyes. “Jaejoongie.” Yunho mouthed in barely a whisper, looking betrayed and confused. He didn’t think that Jaejoong was capable of inflicting him pain. “Why did…” Suddenly, Yunho’s expression turned cold as he directed it fully towards Jaejoong who began to look like a deer caught in the headlights.

“I...” Jaejoong started, but then let out a harsh gasp when Yunho gripped him tight by the neck, choking him. “Yun…”

Yunho’s eyes were so cold, there was so much hatred in them and for the first time, Jaejoong realized that no matter how much the other man might have changed for the better in his care, he still had been originally programmed to kill.

Jaejoong’s hands closed around Yunho’s arm, trying to pry it off his neck as he choked out. “Yunho, you’re hurting me.”

No! It didn't matter if he was trained to kill. Jaejoong has seen the real Yunho. He was sweet, adorable, innocent and every thing he did made Jaejoong's heart flutter with joy. He never failed to bring a smile on his face. The way he looked at Jaejoong always melted his heart. Yunho wanted to know what love was about, he wanted to love, wanted to be loved.

That was Yunho.

Yunho was passionate, warm and kind. He wasn't just a failed experiment. He was a human being, he was sensitive, he was Jaejoong's friend. He was the man he - Jaejoong trailed off, fresh tears prickling the corner of his eyes at his next train of thought, feeling a sob rise in his throat; his heart, mind and body connecting upon the revelation.

I... love him

“Jaejoongie.” Seeing the tears in Jaejoong’s eyes seemed to wake Yunho back to his senses.

The pressure on his neck disappeared and Jaejoong instantly felt a hand curl around the back of his nape.

Jaejoong only had a second to catch his breath before Yunho’s other hand s its way around his waist and pulled him forward, their bodies pressed flush as he captured his mouth and meshed their lips together in a deep, bruising kiss.

Yunho’s lips moved in frantic rhythm against his own. Yunho nibbled and chewed on his lower lip only to dart back again to the upper lip for a bite before moving down again to at the bottom one. Each attention being given to Jaejoong’s mouth screamed of possessiveness. Yunho seemed intent to eat him alive as he devoured him in relentless succession.

Warm hands crept on his back, under his shirt and began his bare flesh, while Yunho began to grind against his own rapidly forming . Jaejoong loudly moaned, shivers coursing through his body with every gesture Yunho made.

However, after a minute or two, they both had to part for air. Jaejoong was panting breathlessly as he sagged against Yunho’s body, head lying down on his chest as he inhaled the scent that was all Yunho.

A mixture of spice, spring and danger.

His heart was thudding wildly against his ribcage, both from the exertion and the revelation he had just experienced. For quite some time, they stood there wrapped in each other's arms. Yunho continued to his skin and Jaejoong found his heart rate eventually get back down to it's normal pace; Yunho's presence very comforting. I do love him.

It was freeing to finally admit it to himself. A silly smile and an almost foolish love struck expression spread across his face. And at that very moment, Jaejoong decided that he wasn’t going to let anyone take Yunho away from him. Ever.

At the corner of his eye he noticed how everyone were still blatantly gaping at them both.

Even Changmin at the distance seemed frozen in place.

Jaejoong let out a content sigh as he circled his arms around Yunho’s torso. Let them watch and stare, he mentally thought. He wanted to make a statement, to let them know that he belonged to Yunho, and Yunho belonged to him.

“Jaejoongie… I’m sorry.” Yunho quietly apologized in remorse, but there was a hint of something else in his voice. A sharp gasp was drawn out of Jaejoong when he felt Yunho himself against him, and hotly moaned into his ear. “Please… I want you so bad right now.”

When Jaejoong gently partially pulled back from the hug to look into Yunho’s face, the other man's approaching mouth met his vision, and instantaneously, Jaejoong parted his lips just in time to meet Yunho's own, their tongues sensually mating. Jaejoong's eyes fluttered close, relishing Yunho’s sweetness as they explored every inch of each other's warm mouth.

“Mmhh, there are bedrooms upstairs.” Jaejoong whispered seductively, as he hugged Yunho tighter within his hold. He never really liked venturing into that part of the club knowing fully what kind of things happened in each of those rooms. But right now, its existence was perfect for what he and Yunho both had in mind.

Yunho’s hands traveled down towards his , cupping them as he made a move of lifting the beautiful male. Jaejoong giggled and allowed himself to be lifted as he wrapped his legs across Yunho’s middle and palmed his face in his hands while they continued to passionately kiss.

They both made their way to the stairs and into the next floor, in heated, frantic and desperate movements, even occasionally bumping into some of the tables in their haste leaving a dumbfounded audience in their wake.

Once they were out of sight, a voice spoke, amazed. “! That was hot.”

The three customers who tried to make a move on Jaejoong didn’t need to be told at all. They scampered away, truly afraid for dear life, having vivid recollections of the blood lust in that crazed possessive lunatic of a boy friend’s eyes.

“So he really was Jaejoong’s boyfriend.” Heechul said, managing to wrench out of his stupor. The rest of the club’s staff huddled around the drunk co-worker, who began to sulk. “Well, there goes my chance. That guy doesn’t seem like the sharing type.”

Upstairs, Yunho kicked the bedroom door closed before depositing Jaejoong on the bed, who let out a startled squeak. Yunho instantenously leaned down and captured his lips, pressing close while trying to get his pants undone.

"Mmmm, you're quite impatient baby." Jaejoong moaned in between sloppy kisses as he helped Yunho out of their clothes.

Yunho suddenly stopped in his ministrations, pulled back an inch from his face and fixed Jaejoong a stare. "Back there, I really wanted to kill them." he murmured quietly, the possessiveness in his voice still evident. "It was - I was hurting so much. I couldn't handle the pain. It's different and it nearly kills me everytime." he paused for what seemed like eternity, before he added, conviction dripping every word. "I don't want anyone touching you. You're mine Jaejoong. Mine."

It was a new feeling.

All his life, Yunho felt like an object. He had different owners, every last one of them never giving him a second glance because he wasn't human and only acted on orders. As long as he got the job done, he was fed and provided with shelter.

The second that he realized what emotions were about, Yunho hated the fact that he was owned, that he was someone else's property. Yet he put up with it, knowing well that he didn't have a place to go. Unfortunately, when he screwed up on his last assassination assignment, showing sympathy to his target and thus was labeled "defective", everyone wanted to kill him and toss him away.

But ever since he crossed paths with Jaejoong, Yunho felt like he belonged, that life had a meaning.

Jaejoong made him feel like he was human, that he was capable of emotions.

And instead of hating the idea of being owned, Yunho wanted nothing more than for the other man to carve his name on his skin, marking him, showing that he belonged to none other than Kim Jaejoong.

For the first time in Yunho's short life, he also wanted to completely own the other man. Every little part of him.

A smile crept upon Jaejoong's bruised lips as he held out a hand and caressed Yunho's cheeks. "I'm yours Yunho ah." he brought Yunho's face down to his for a soft kiss, before pushing him back a little, and added. "As much as you're mine."

And in that very moment, as he gazed down on Jaejoong's beautiful face, Yunho finally learned how it was to fall in love.

And though the young human hybrid didn't know it yet, it was only going to be a matter of time before he finally realized that what he felt for Jaejoong was the very emotion that he had craved for ever since he learned how it was to feel.

A loud strangled cry escaped Minho as he shot upright from his bed. His hands were at his neck, the nightmare that involved his half-brother threatening to kill him, making him shudder in fright. Panting heavily, Minho buried his face in his hands as he started to break down into a sob.

The memory of his brother at the mall had never left him ever since he arrived back home. Added to the fact that the comatose bastard died that afternoon when the other Yunho he saw had pinned him against the wall and choked him nearly half to death, Minho hadn’t been able to get a peace of mind.

Those eyes, they held so much fury in them. If looks could kill, Minho had a notion that he would have been incinerated and had turned to ashes by now from the way Yunho looked at him alone.

Minho knew he wasn’t real. He couldn’t have been real. But a part of him was telling him otherwise. The ugly truth of his sins was catching up on him. He didn’t mean for him to end up in a coma at all and eventually die. He wanted to make him suffer yes, but never to the point of wanting to end his life.

Was Yunho going to haunt him from that day onward for all the things that he had done?

“Junsu-hyung where are you?” Changmin's worried voice floated from the answering machine. “I’ve been calling you for nearly an hour now. But you're not picking up. so I'm trying at home. Hyung, I’m getting worried.” he sighed heavily, the music of an upbeat jam resounding in the background. “I’m still in the club. I just met Jaejoong-hyung’s new boyfriend and he’s scary as heck. But damn, they make such a hot couple. He reminds me a bit of you though."

"Did you know that he answered me in the kind of monotone that you do at times? It was creepy. For a second there I thought he was just like you. But what were the chances right? So I dismissed it."

"Anyway, I’ll try my best to persuade them into acting in my films. I hope you’re making progress with Yoochun-hyung too. If you receive this message. Call me A.S.A.P okay? I’m staying here for now. Bye."

The answering machine let out a short beep as soon as the message was received.

However, the words merely came in on one ear and passed through the other. Inside the room that his friend was temporarily occupying, the temperature had spiked a few degrees higher, moans and groans of pleasure escaping from bruised lips as two bodies writhed against each other in heated rhythm.
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fishy44 #2
Chapter 1: ohoho this is interesting
Chapter 21: Yuuuuuuuunnnnhooooooyaaaaaah *crying*
Mary2014 #4
Chapter 21: I love this story please update soon :)
Chapter 21: *O* Such a great story! Update soon please!
Chapter 21: 21. I can only congratulate you.
Your imagination is *boundless* I read in one breath :)
And well-written. Both the lyrical and the parts.
The style is also good.
The descriptive parts, and parts of the dialogue is entirely understandable.
do not have to think about this now ruled
or Who hath done.
I am sorry, that there is no continuing.
But I'm waiting patiently.
Please, if you have the time and circumstances permit,
come back and continue.
Chapter 21: Hi!! here I am again, teading this fic on the third time!!! Loving it again! each time I find it more romantic than the other it si soo well written, now a days we cant`t find such good writting in fics, is very clear in its message, the words make sense.. the ideas are complete... and it look like you plan it carefully... you put effort in the story line and it makes perfect sense... despite the sience part. So am asking you to please continue... or at least let us know if you will, I don`t mind waiting... because its better a long wait and good fic.. than a rush ending...
So congratulations again!!! for this great pice of work... and lets hope you get the time and inspiration you need to continue this...
Good luck!!!!
fineday #8
Chapter 19: Eh? Yunho's phone still on after four years? The battery should had been dead years ago. The strongest battery would not last a few days without beeng charged. Despite that little problem, this story is really good.