Chapter 4

Project Yunho

Jaejoong knocked on the bathroom door but didn't get a response. He called out Yunho's name and still there was not a sound coming from the other side. Worry coiled around Jaejoong's heart.

Hands closing around the knob, the beautiful male opened the metallic hinge and pushed the door wide open.

When he entered the general vicinity, Yunho was nowhere to be found.

Jaejoong's eyes widened in alarm. "Chun!" he called out at his best friend who emerged from the kitchen, a plate of jigae in hand and a pair of chopsticks stuck between his lips.

"Mhwat?" Yoochun asked while chewing looking perturbed as he approached him. "I whus hamgving dinner."

"He's gone!" Jaejoong exclaimed, poking his head out from the bathroom door. "Yunho's gone Chun!"

Quickly swallowing the food, Yoochun jogged to his best friend's side, letting his eyes instantenously roam at every inch of the bathroom. "Well that makes things easier for us." he observed, sighing in obvious relief.

"Chunnie!" Jaejoong was getting red in the face. "He's missing and that's all you have to say?"

Turning around, Yoochun exited the bathroom and began his pace towards the kitchen. "Yep, that's all."

"What?!" Jaejoong practically shrieked.

"You heard me." Yoochun replied, not sparing Jaejoong a glance before disappearing around the corner.

Jaejoong took look strides and followed Yoochun to the kitchen. Upon catching up with his bestfriend, Jaejoong stopped in front of him and held him by the shoulders, fixing him with his indignant stare. "You can't be serious."

"I am serious." Yoochun sighed, giving Jaejoong an annoyed look. "With all the crazy things you've been telling me all night, I was actually hoping that he'd leave. And he did. Now would you please stop breathing down my neck and let me eat in peace? I am starving. And I still got an early date tomorrow with one of my customers."

"But - "

"But no." Yoochun sat on his previously vacated chair, pulling the pouting bestfriend onto his lap. Groaning irritably under his breath, Jaejoong allowed to be held, but not without smacking Yoochun in the head first.

"Ow!" Yoochun grimaced, quickly shooting Jaejoong a dark look. "You're seriously making a habit of that."

In that instant, Jaejoong found himself landing painfully on his on the floor. "Yah! What did you do that for?!"

Yoochun rolled his eyes then stuck out his tongue at the scowling best friend. "Serves you right." he scoffed. "And I'm not gonna apologize either. Tch, just because an extremely gorgeous guy suddenly appeared - "

", don't forget the part." Jaejoong reminded Yoochun as he dusted his shorts and slowly stood up.

"Yes - and packing a magnum mind you." Yoochun added as an afterthought. "Just because that Yunho guy appeared you're quick to decide that you don't love me anymore." he sniffed. "You're breaking my heart Jae."

"Like I said drama queen." Jaejoong huffed out. Suddenly, the things that Yunho told him began to infiltrate his thoughts. It was filling his heart with so much concern. "But Chun, what if he gets found out? I'm worried."

"He left on his own. And all I can say is good riddance. He's not our problem anymore."

"But he is my problem." Jaejoong pressed on, hands clutching at his chest in a dramatic fashion.

Yoochun dropped his chopsticks and fully turned to his best friend, frowning. "What are you? His mother?"

Jaejoong blinked then shook his head. "No."

"Then he's not your problem." Yoochun said flatly. "Just go to bed and forget everything that happened tonight. We'll start a new day tomorrow and..." he sighed. "Jae, wipe that pout off your face cause it's not gonna work."

It was all ruined. He had plans. A lot of plans. He had wanted to bring Yunho out tomorrow to shop for clothes, to bring him to a movie and eat out at the restaurant. Jaejoong knew Yoochun would most probably scream his ears off for spending money on a stranger, but that was the thing, he didn't feel like Yunho was a stranger at all.

Add that to the fact that he literally acted like a toddler, innocent and naive to anything concerning human emotions, Jaejoong found him extremely endearing and he found himself wanting to nurture and introduce Yunho to the world, be there for him to take his baby steps towards living a normal life and yes, he sounded completely deranged for having such ridiculuous thoughts but he didn't care. He really wanted to be there for Yunho.

Jaejoong literally whimpered at having witnessed Yoochun's cold attitude. "You're heartless!" he screamed at his best friend with tears in his eyes, (of why he was even crying he had no idea) before bolting out of his spot and running straight to his bedroom. He shut the door loudly, making sure that Yoochun heard the deafening bang.

Falling face first on the soft covers, Jaejoong hugged the pillow to his chest and cried until he fell asleep.

"I'm sorry Jae." Yoochun muttered glumly. He stood up and tossed the empty plate on the sink before bracing his arms on the counter, willing his own tears from spilling down his cheeks. "I'm selfish I know." he told himself as he heaved out shuddering breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. "But you're all I have left." He bit at his bottom lip enough to draw blood. "And I made a promise. I'm going to protect you even if it's the last thing I do."


"Some of our special subjects have developed certain human-like characteristics Mr. Kim." One of the scientists sternly said, pointing at what appeared to be a young man in his early twenties behind the elderly man's back. "And we have every right to believe that it all started with that thing. We've tolerated the existence of that subject for far too long. The time has come that it's breathing space has to be put to a stop. Men, arrest them."

Mr. Kim glanced at the young human hybrid behind his back, his son, and hissed. "Junsu, run!"

"But Father." Junsu protested, clutching onto his shoulder. "I can take them. I won't leave you."

"No. I don't want to risk it." his creator, the man he called father, whispered back. "Just go!"

Junsu held his ground. "That is not an option for me."

"If they capture you, you're going to die. I didn't spend all my knowledge in science to bring you back to just loose you again. You're the most important thing in my life Junsu. Now go before it's too late. "

For a brief moment, bewilderment decorated the young man's visage. But the human with guns advanced in on them and he quickly shook the questions beginning to form in his head from his father's words.

Junsu's face showed the anguish and turmoil he felt but he might have emotions, free will to an extent but he also realized that being in this facility was only going to put an end to his life. He's seen it. These people had something that could take him down despite his nearly impenetrable defenses. "I'll come back for you."

With those words leaving his lips, he practically disappeared out of sight.


Yunho had just gotten out of the bathroom by then.

The scent of delicious aroma of food wafted in the air and Yunho found himself standing by the kitchen door's premises, drinking in the sight of Jaejoong's back as he busied himself with cooking and humming a tune under his breath.

The sight caused a deep sense of calmness and serenity in Yunho's heart.

For minutes, he just stood there, content of watching Jaejoong work around the kitchen. But the calm feeling in his chest was put to a stop when Yoochun, Jaejoong's friend, had confronted him and ordered to meet him inside his bedroom.

"Get changed into these clothes and leave us."

It was an order. Clear as daylight. And though Yunho didn't understand the reason for the animosity Jaejoong's bestfriend had towards him, he had no choice but to oblige. Besides, he had a task to accomplish.

"Security has been breached. Alert! Security has been breached." The shrilling sounds of the agency's sirens tore at the walls. "Subject Yunho is inside the building's premises. Capture him at all cost. Dead or alive."

Plucking the double edge dagger from one of the security guard's chest, Yunho quickly whirled around as he jumped high up on the building's pipes. Landing steadily on both feet, crouching low, Yunho hissed showing a pair of feline sharp fangs at the quickly forming crowd of humans below him, aiming big guns at his general direction.

His eyes narrowed into slits, the once brown orbs morphing into golden crescent moon shapes.

Stealth was one of his strongest points and he could have infiltrated the agency in silence if he wanted to.

But there was something that he learned from experiencing human emotions.

The feelings of hatred.

And now he was going to make sure that the ones who created him witnessed their downfall, make them realize that something they had created themselves, ordered on a whim and tortured on a regular basis, training the 'subject' to endure the highest degree of pain, was going to be the one putting them to eternal sleep.

In a split second, Yunho leaped from his spot. The sounds of gunshots resounded in the stillness of the night

The smile on the human-hybrid's face was dangerous, dripping with harmful intent.

There was only one obvious truth in his vengeful thoughts.

He was going to burn the whole place down.
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fishy44 #2
Chapter 1: ohoho this is interesting
Chapter 21: Yuuuuuuuunnnnhooooooyaaaaaah *crying*
Mary2014 #4
Chapter 21: I love this story please update soon :)
Chapter 21: *O* Such a great story! Update soon please!
Chapter 21: 21. I can only congratulate you.
Your imagination is *boundless* I read in one breath :)
And well-written. Both the lyrical and the parts.
The style is also good.
The descriptive parts, and parts of the dialogue is entirely understandable.
do not have to think about this now ruled
or Who hath done.
I am sorry, that there is no continuing.
But I'm waiting patiently.
Please, if you have the time and circumstances permit,
come back and continue.
Chapter 21: Hi!! here I am again, teading this fic on the third time!!! Loving it again! each time I find it more romantic than the other it si soo well written, now a days we cant`t find such good writting in fics, is very clear in its message, the words make sense.. the ideas are complete... and it look like you plan it carefully... you put effort in the story line and it makes perfect sense... despite the sience part. So am asking you to please continue... or at least let us know if you will, I don`t mind waiting... because its better a long wait and good fic.. than a rush ending...
So congratulations again!!! for this great pice of work... and lets hope you get the time and inspiration you need to continue this...
Good luck!!!!
fineday #8
Chapter 19: Eh? Yunho's phone still on after four years? The battery should had been dead years ago. The strongest battery would not last a few days without beeng charged. Despite that little problem, this story is really good.