Chapter 10

Project Yunho

“God, I swear if he doesn’t stop resembling a seven year old kid on his first trip to the mall, I’m going to introduce him to my fist.” Yoochun grunted whole-heartedly, eyes fixed on Yunho who was excitedly running from one shop to another, wide smile plastered across his face as he dragged Yoochun’s best friend along with every step that he took.

“Yunho ah, slow down.” Jaejoong giggled happily, his smile too breathtaking and beautiful, eyes sparkling as he gazed lovingly at the other man. His whole countenance glowed as they walked, hands entwined tightly in each other’s grasp.

Yoochun mentally smacked himself upside the head. Jaejoong looked very happy with Yunho.

Shouldn’t that be all that mattered to him? Knowing that his best friend was happy? Of course Yoochun didn’t really have anything against Yunho. Sure he claimed to be an ‘experiment’ which Yoochun was still trying to get his head around, but other than that, Yoochun could see and feel that Yunho would be the last person on earth to hurt his best friend.

If nothing more, Yoochun was quite certain that Yunho himself was also falling in love with Jaejoong. Even though he might not have realized it just yet, and did not have an inkling of a clue that his emotions were that of love.

It was in the way he looked at him. Several instances he found Yunho watching over Jaejoong as he cooked, or when he slept, even when Jaejoong was doing the laundry, Yunho would be there, just content of watching him, smiling.

But that was only until Yunho would suddenly have that look on his face indicating he was once again – . And before Yoochun had the chance to scream ‘go get a room!’ they were already faces like it was nobody’s business.

Yoochun heavily sighed, dragging slow steps on legs that felt like lead. Just now, he hated being the third wheel.

“Oh my god! They are so hot together!” Several sales ladies in the men’s clothing department happily squealed.

Yunho was standing behind Jaejoong, arms wrapped around his middle while leisurely nuzzling his neck, causing for nearby passersby to either scowl in disgust with the blatant public display of affection or fawn and squeal like crazy.

It was pretty damn hard having Yunho pressed flush against his back; clothed rubbing at his , the same time that he was trying to pick clothes that he thought would fit him nicely. “Yunho ah. We’re attracting too much... nghh...” Jaejoong trailed off, mouth parting in a harsh pant when Yunho cupped him through his jeans. “... attention.”

“Jaejoongie… I want you now.” Yunho hotly whispered into his ear, the petname that Yunho came up with making him shiver. Jaejoong tried to keep his breathing to normal and to appear unaffected, but was failing miserably however.

And for Christ’s sakes they were in a very public place and a good number of eyes were trained on them.

Swallowing thickly, Jaejoong turned around within Yunho’s hold and then forced a smile. He held two pairs of upper garments in his hands and asked. “So… which one do you like best? Personally I like the black sleeveless one.”

Pout. Damn. Yunho was pouting. Jaejoong mentally cursed at the other’s kicked puppy expression. “Jaejoongieee.”

“Yunho ah.” Jaejoong sighed in exasperation. “Baby you know we can’t. We have to wait until we get home.”

“Then let’s go home.”

“But we’re still shopping.” Jaejoong replied with his own pout. “Come on, just a little bit more and we’re out of here.”


Jaejoong giggled and leaned up to give Yunho a light smack on his lips. “I promise.”

“Yo! If you keep up all the lovey dovey acts ants are going to overtake this whole floor.” Yoochun yelled from his spot.

Jaejoong shot him a withering glare before looking back at Yunho again and sweetly smiled.

“Weird. I thought he said he wanted to go home?” Yoochun asked, eyes trained on Yunho on the dance pad.

They had just been originally passing by the arcade game area when Yunho suddenly stopped in his pace, completely mesmerized by all the sounds and colors. And so they decided to make a short stop and introduce Yunho to the art of gaming. “Wow, he sure knows how to dance.” he turned to Jaejoong and asked. “Did you teach him or something?”

Jaejoong shook his head. “No.” he said. “But you do realize that his senses and reflexes are way advanced than ours. He’s just following the arrows on the monitor.” Jaejoong grinned. “And nails it every time. Everyone's looking at him in awe.”

“Jaejoongie, that was so much fun!” Yunho exclaimed later as he smothered Jaejoong into a hug. But then another game caught his eye and Yunho was instantly sprinting to the direction of his new found interest. “Oh, what’s this do?”

“Still think you’re not falling sweetheart?” Yoochun asked mid bite of his lunch as they sat at the food court on the highest floor of the mall. Jaejoong was sitting on the bench all alone, while Yunho and Yoochun sat opposite him.

Why Jaejoong was sitting alone on his spot you ask? Well, you see that was because on either side of him sat two enormous life size teddy bears courtesy of Yunho winning them from a shooting range game.

It was childish and the thought that he was squished in between ginormous plushies was frankly annoying him.

But the memory of how happy Yunho looked when he won and was told by the attendant, (when Yunho appeared to confused on what to do with the toys,) that he could give it as a gift to the one that he liked, and was suddenly all smiles as he went over to Jaejoong and handed him the bears, exclaiming “I like you Jaejoongie” made his heart melt instead.

“Shut up Yoochun ah.” Jaejoong shoved the kimbap into his mouth as he tried to keep his facial color to normal.

It was hard to not fall in love. Jaejoong was pretty much aware of that. Yunho was just too loveable and adorable the past few days that Jaejoong couldn’t help but feel butterflies in his stomach every time he set eyes on the other man.

But there was also the reality that Yunho was still after all a form of artificial intelligence. And though Yunho had assured him that his creators weren't gonna find him anymore, his words still couldn’t give Jaejoong the assurance he needed.

Jaejoong had sworn in the past that he wouldn’t fall in love with anyone who had the possibility of disappearing all of a sudden, leaving Jaejoong devastated, hoping to see them again even just one more time and never being able to.

“Excuse me, I’ll have to go to the bathroom.” Jaejoong informed as he dropped his chopsticks and stood up.

Yunho was also instantly on his feet. “I’ll come with you.”

“No Yunho ah.” Jaejoong said in a stern voice. “You stay here and keep Yoochun company.”


Jaejoong sighed. “Baby, tell me. Are you thinking of pouncing me on the bathroom stall to give me a ?”

Yunho bit at his bottom lip, looked down before slowly nodding his head.

Jaejoong inwardly giggled. It was so endearing how Yunho couldn't lie to him. But as much as he wanted to have Yunho all to himself right now, Jaejoong didn’t want to burden Yoochun any further. His best friend was getting restless with each minute that passed. Yoochun never liked being a third wheel and considering that Junsu’s death anniversary had only been two weeks ago, the reminder still painfully fresh in his mind, having to look at them both must be depressing.

Jaejoong had wanted to take Yunho out on his own at first. But Yoochun wouldn’t hear any of it.

He had always been a very protective brother figure and best friend.

“I’ll be in the comfort room just a minute or so.” He never should have drunk too much lemonade. “I’ll be right back.”

With a smile as he squeezed his way through the life size teddy bears, Jaejoong walked off.

“He’s not gonna take forever in there. So lighten up.” Yoochun said. “Sheesh, you’re one clingy experiment.”

Yunho’s gaze darted from Jaejoong’s retreating back to Yoochun’s face and said. “Jaejoongie is my everything.”

Literally, he was. Yoochun was aware of that. Yunho didn’t have anyone else but Jaejoong and him. Well maybe not him since he wasn’t exactly that close with the man. Jaejoong however, was clearly what consisted of Yunho’s world.

“Just promise me that you won’t break his heart Yunho. Or god help me I don’t care if you’re strong or agile or whatever. I will pull your guts out and line them up in alphabetical order before feeding them to the dogs.” Yoochun threatened.

Already used by now of the way Yoochun often said threats but never really doing any of them, Yunho just smiled.

Squeezing a small amount of the gel-like soap in his palms, Jaejoong washed his hands.

“Hey y.” Strong hands were suddenly gripping his waist, startling Jaejoong completely. Cocking his head up to look into the mirror, his eyes zeroed in on familiar face. “My, oh my, you’ve gotten prettier the last time I saw you Jaejoong.”

“M-Minho.” Jaejoong stammered with widened, surprised eyes. What the was the guy he dated years ago doing in here? Jaejoong frowned. Oh right. It was the mall. Naturally he had the free will to walk all over the place.

With a growl, Minho abruptly flung him around, pressing his body close against the older male, trapping him against the tiled sink and his groin. He leaned down and whispered huskily into Jaejoong’s ear. “My missed you bad baby.”

For a while Jaejoong couldn’t muster up the needed energy to open his mouth and say a word. It always to have a chance encounter with the exes. Though they only went out a couple of weeks from before, Minho seemed to have gotten the notion that Jaejoong belonged to him. “What do you want Minho?” he drawled. “I don’t have all day.”

“Aww, you wound me Jaejoong.” Minho said, clutching at his heart in a dramatic fashion. “Not even a kiss?”

“We went out, had and walked our separate ways. I don’t think I have any reason to kiss you Minho.” Jaejoong raised an eyebrow as he none-too gently pushed the guy off. “And I think your misses me more than your sugar.”

Jaejoong never had once bottomed for anyone. And though Jaejoong was quite sure he was definitely a bottom when it came to relationships, (since he totally loved it and was a complete the first time he experimented ing himself with a ) he however, didn’t trust any of the sons of es he had flings with enough to get anywhere near his behind.

Yunho however, for the first time made Jaejoong want to be taken. But that was for another day's musings.

“You always were blunt.” Minho said with a smirk before distancing himself and asked. “So what’s new? When I went back to the bar years ago they said you and your boyfriend slash bestfriend left. Why? They weren’t paying you enough?”

Jaejoong crossed his arms against his chest and leaned his body against the sink. “You could say that. And the old geezer running the pub had personal interest on me, so naturally Yoochun said we should move to another zip code.”

“He always was protective of you… that guy.”

Jaejoong snorted. “Yeah, it’s cool when he’s like that, though sometimes he just gets difficult and controlling.”

“Hey Jaejoong, are you still a ?” Minho asked, changing the subject, eyes narrowing suspiciously.

Glaring came naturally to Jaejoong as he spat, turning red. “That’s really none of your business Minho.”

“Holy . You still are.” Minho gaped in awe and disbelief. “So… so are you like still single, until now?”

“Nah.” Jaejoong said, shrugging. Was he single? But there was Yunho and -

“What do you mean, nah?”

Jaejoong sighed. “Well I’m sort of dating someone. I think. He’s not exactly normal so, I’m not sure if we’re dating.”

“I don’t think I understood what you just said.” Minho chuckled and leaned in, face turning serious. “Anyway, do you remember that bastard I told you about? My half-brother who loved lording around and making my life miserable?”

How could Jaejoong forget that person? Judging from what Minho had said, he was a total douche, a prick, a heartless cold blooded nut job that ate babies for breakfast. Yup, he was that terrible. “Yeah I remember. What about him?”

From what Jaejoong understood, Minho’s father was a wealthy married businessman who impregnated his mom and left her afterward. Broken-hearted and depressed, she took her life and left Minho to the care of strangers who made his life a living hell. Minho grew up carrying a grudge, a heart full of hatred as he vowed to take revenge over his mother’s death.

Knowing that is father had a son from the woman that he married, Minho began to scheme then. He worked to have his half-brother’s trust, making friends with him and eventually becoming best friends. At first he had wanted revenge yes, but he found himself loving his half-brother instead. So eventually, he decided to let go of the hate.

However when the family found out about Minho’s real background, it was then that everything changed. The once kind hearted best friend that he had became ruthless and often humiliated him in public. At least according to his story. And though Jaejoong had a difficult time believing that certain aspect to his supposedly tragic background, since the Minho he knew usually had the temper of a volcano, either way, Jaejoong believed him since they were somewhat kindred spirits.

In a way he could empathize, though his was reverse, and it was her mom that got impregnated by another man, and was the one that cheated, it was still the same bottom line. They weren’t favored in the family and were labeled as 'mistakes.'

The only difference, was that from what Minho said, his half-brother was the devil incarnate while his Junsu was an angel.

“He’s been in a coma for four years. Serves him right. And now my father is beginning to take me under his wing.”

Jaejoong blinked. “So just because his heir is currently sleeping beauty, he’s decided that you’re worth his time?”

Minho pursed his lips and shrugged. “Yeah you could put it that way.” he said before tilting Jaejoong’s chin.

“What?” Jaejoong asked, annoyed at the gesture and their close proximity. He jerked his face from the other’s touch.

“Sleep with me. Just one night.” Minho all but pleaded. “Seriously man, I’ve been dying to take you. Let me top!”

“Continue dying Minho.” Jaejoong said waving a hand in the air. “That’s not going to happen. Besides I’m kind of involved.” he sighed. “Well it was not very nice meeting you and now I have to go. My friends are waiting for me.”

But just when Jaejoong was about to take a step, he found himself being spun around. Minho’s mouth crushed against his own, firm strong grip on his arms as he forcefully shoved his tongue in. This was exactly why he didn’t like the brat.

He was too ing demanding and Jaejoong hated being manhandled unless he personally asked for it.

"Let go." Jaejoong said, his voice muffled as he began to struggle against the other's hold.

The guy was nearly choking him for pity's sake.

“What the ?” Yoochun’s voice reached his ears and in a split second, Jaejoong was able to breathe again.

The next thing that he saw, was Minho pushed against the bathroom wall, dangling a few feet in the air, wide-eyed as he tried to get out of the death grip that was cutting off his supply of oxygen. Yunho below him was emanating a deadly aura.

“Yunho ah.” Jaejoong mouthed, quickly rushing to Yunho’s side, coaxing him into letting Minho go.

As much as he actually liked seeing Minho dangling there, the way Yunho was crushing his windpipe however made him fearful of what Yunho might be able to do. “Yunho ah, please… calm down. Let go of him.”

Yunho didn’t seem to hear a word, his eyes were fixed on the bastard that dare kissed Jaejoong, feeling so much rage in his heart at having witnessed such a scene. Yunho felt like he was about to literally catch fire with how much anger he had inside of him. Seeing Jaejoong with anyone that wasn’t him and Yoochun, it was driving Yunho mad.

“Don’t you dare touch him. Again!” Yunho hissed through gritted teeth, eyes spinning into its pale yellow crescents.

Jaejoong knew of that shade. Yunho's eyes usually turned cat-like when he was in a certain extreme level of emotion.

“Yunho ah.” Jaejoong breathed, a hand covering at his mouth in realization. Yunho was seething with jealousy.

Yunho was sitting on the edge of the bed, face set into a grim expression, loose bangs covering his stormy eyes.

He didn't know why he did that. He didn't mean it at all. But the second he found Jaejoong struggling against that human's hold, their mouth locked against each other, he simply saw red. Literally. And snapped. The next thing he remembered was being subjected to a pair of extremely frightened eyes that were looking up at him as the killer that he originally was.

"Dude, I didn't think that I would ever say this. But I worship you! And the cat eyes were totally awesome!"

Jaejoong whacked Yoochun in the head, scowling. "You're not supposed to be encouraging him." he reprimanded, before letting his gaze dart back to Yunho who hasn't said a word ever since.

Yoochun grumbled under his breath but was quick to sober.

"Yunho ah." Jaejoong tried again, enveloping Yunho in a hug. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I..." Yunho began but was cut short when a strange sound came out of his throat instead. Yunho blinked, a shuddering breath leaving him when he felt a stinging sensation at the back of his eyelids. "I don't know what's happening to me."

With those words leaving his lips, Yunho for the first time, spilled tears.

"You should've seen how happy he was hanging out with me. He couldn't stop smiling and laughing. I think he's really starting to look at me as a good friend you know." A condescending smirk. "Maybe more. Feel free to feel jealous or envious. That's all you're ever gonna be feeling when it comes to him, and you really should stop pretending like you don't care what I do with him Yunho, you're too obvious and pathetic."

Burying his face in his hands, he resolutely told himself not to be affected by the other's remarks, though deep down he could feel his heart clenching in grief. He hated every word coming out of the bastard's mouth. "Why do you keep doing this to me? What did I ever do to you to deserve this treatment?"

He heard footsteps start to pace away from him before those cold, angry words were uttered past sneering lips. "I already told you didn't I? I simply want to see you suffer and I'm gonna start with your very precious Jaejoong."

Yunho stood by the slightly opened door, the scene in front of him shattering his heart into pieces. Jaejoong and Minho were in a heated lip-lock, hands and arms around each other's bodies. Minho eyes met his in the small gap, a cruel smirk painting his lips and Yunho ran out of the hotel room's door, needing to just die.

Jung Family's Residence
Seoul, South Korea
5:30 PM

No, it couldn't be him. It couldn't be him. That guy back there at the mall. It couldn't have been him!

"Young master Minho what's wrong with you? You look like you saw a ghost."

The hyperventilating young man ignored the nurse's words and went straight to the bedroom that held his bastard of a brother's unresponsive body. Storming into the vicinity, he halted in his tracks when he laid eyes on the Jung couple standing by the bed while several doctors were surrounding the prone form of his half-brother.

Minho watched the deathly pale face, making certain. He was there. He was in the bed. Lying down, in a coma!

"Time of death. 5:35 pm." The doctor announced and Minho managed to tear his gaze away from the body to the rest.

He watched as a gentle firm hand was clamped on his father's shoulder before the physician continued. "It was the best thing to do Mr. Jung. The damage done to his brain is irreversible and severe. Even if your son were to wake up by some miracle, he would only be in a vegetative state and live a miserable life. I'm very sorry for your loss."

"This is all my fault." Mr. Jung wept as he broke down beside his son's figure. "Yunho ah, please forgive Appa."

Mrs. Jung fell beside her husband as she wept along. Regret always happened when it's too late.

Minho turned white as sheet at the realization.

The life support that his parents had Yunho cling to was pulled out.

His half-brother was finally dead.

Minho, what's wrong? You look like you saw a ghost.
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fishy44 #2
Chapter 1: ohoho this is interesting
Chapter 21: Yuuuuuuuunnnnhooooooyaaaaaah *crying*
Mary2014 #4
Chapter 21: I love this story please update soon :)
Chapter 21: *O* Such a great story! Update soon please!
Chapter 21: 21. I can only congratulate you.
Your imagination is *boundless* I read in one breath :)
And well-written. Both the lyrical and the parts.
The style is also good.
The descriptive parts, and parts of the dialogue is entirely understandable.
do not have to think about this now ruled
or Who hath done.
I am sorry, that there is no continuing.
But I'm waiting patiently.
Please, if you have the time and circumstances permit,
come back and continue.
Chapter 21: Hi!! here I am again, teading this fic on the third time!!! Loving it again! each time I find it more romantic than the other it si soo well written, now a days we cant`t find such good writting in fics, is very clear in its message, the words make sense.. the ideas are complete... and it look like you plan it carefully... you put effort in the story line and it makes perfect sense... despite the sience part. So am asking you to please continue... or at least let us know if you will, I don`t mind waiting... because its better a long wait and good fic.. than a rush ending...
So congratulations again!!! for this great pice of work... and lets hope you get the time and inspiration you need to continue this...
Good luck!!!!
fineday #8
Chapter 19: Eh? Yunho's phone still on after four years? The battery should had been dead years ago. The strongest battery would not last a few days without beeng charged. Despite that little problem, this story is really good.