Chapter 3

Project Yunho

An eternity or perhaps a moment passed. Jaejoong slowly drew back from the kiss, a smile quickly painting his lips upon noticing how Yunho's eyes had fluttered close as if he was relishing the contact that they shared. Well, I sure am one hell of a great kisser. I know that much. Jaejoong smugly thought in glee.

The kiss he gave Yunho was passionate and messy, all tongues and teeth. And though the other man didn't seem to respond that much, Jaejoong knew he made quite an impression. Judging from how Yunho's cheeks had gotten a shade darker in color and the way he was panting for air with that small smile on his face, Jaejoong could tell that the other man enjoyed what had occurred between them. A thrilling shiver coursed through his spine.

at his lips, Jaejoong lifted his free hand towards Yunho's mouth, thumb resting against it before drifting down towards Yunho's chin, rubbing and wiping the faint smear of saliva that clung to his skin.

Gaze traveling down Yunho's body, a pout decorated Jaejoong's features however when he realized that someone down there didn't seem to be responding. Talk about bruising his ego.

Then again, he's clueless about human emotions. He's technically not quite human. Maybe he just doesn't know how to react? Jaejoong mused in silence in an attempt to console his wounded pride.

Looking back up at Yunho's face, Jaejoong pressed his mouth against Yunho for a brief moment one more time, before huskily asking against Yunho's parted mouth, sounding like the y siren that he was. "How was that?"

Yunho was silent for a while, eyes closed as he repeatedly at his lips. Shortly after, he replied in a breathless whisper. "Your taste... it's bursting inside my mouth and my knees feel weak. I couldn't quite... explain it. My head feels light, and my lungs feel clogged. My heart is beating at 91-100 beats per minute."

Opening his eyes, Yunho fixed Jaejoong a stare. "I am not new to these feelings. When I feel the emotion of fear, this is how I usually feel. But for some reason..." he trailed off as he rubbed a thumb across Jaejoong's cheek. "Fear is the farthest thing in my mind right now. And surprisingly, I find myself wanting more. Is this reaction normal?"

A soft chuckle escaped past Jaejoong's lips. "Yes, it's a normal reaction." he said. "When people kiss, they usually experience such a wave of emotions. For lack of a better word, kissing - it takes your breath away."

"But in a good way." Yunho supplied, a look of dawning realization flashing across his face. "Thank you."

"You know you don't always have to be so polite." Jaejoong smiled, eyeing Yunho seductively. "So do you want more of it?" he asked, voice dropping into a whisper. "I could teach you stuff that goes farther than kissing."

Yunho directed him with an expectant, curious stare. "Farther than kissing? And yes I would like to experience more of this. But I wouldn't want to impose. Are you sure you do not mind it at all?"

Jaejoong nodded, a flirting smile quirking the corner of his lips. "No, I don't mind. Besides it's fun teaching a hot guy delicious enough to eat like yourself the basics of intimacy."

"I don't believe I am edible." Yunho replied with a frown, quite confused with Jaejoong's choice of words. "I am no food to be considered delicious either. But yes, I do want to learn more about this... intimacy."

"That's good to hear." Jaejoong giggled. "And I know you're not food. It was just an expression silly. My, you really are clueless aren't you?" he asked smiling, patting Yunho lovingly on his head. "Innocent even."

Yunho's face fell. "I may be clueless in some aspects of human life but I am aware that I am far from being innocent. The people I have terminated, I don't even remember their faces. I simply killed on orders."

Jaejoong didn't really want to be reminded that the guy in front of him was some kind of killer. But his curiousity as always was a bad thing. "So, were you like made in something like a laboratory?"

"Not something like a laboratory. But a laboratory." Yunho told him as a matter of factly.

"Are you a clone?" Jaejoong still couldn't quite understand just what kind of entity the other man was.

"No, I am not a clone. There were others, soldiers like I am, but they were not like me. The rest were being duplicated for test runs, I've seen it with my own eyes but I was the only one with this face and these certain specifications." Yunho gestured at himself. "My creators said that I was perfect."

His treacherous wandering eyes zeroed in on Yunho's package again. Jaejoong whistled in appreciation. I gotta admit, those scientists that made you knew what they were doing. You're perfect alright.

"But that was before I began having emotions and they said I was the biggest failure they've ever had."

Jaejoong found himself inwardly cursing the said creators.

"Having emotions is a great thing. And you don't have to listen to those jerks. Being human, being able to feel and love, even hate, it's wonderful Yunho ah." he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "You'll see."

Yunho slowly nodded trusting the other man's words as he met Jaejoong's lips halfway.

"Wrap your arms around my waist." Jaejoong whispered as he wound his own arms around Yunho's neck.

When Yunho held him close, their bodies pressed flush, a moan erupted out of Jaejoong's throat, gasping harshly when he felt Yunho's closeness rest against his clothed .

Taking into mind Jaejoong's words about him being too polite, Yunho didn't ask for permission this time.

Dipping his head down, he was quick to capture Jaejoong's lips, mimicking the way Jaejoong claimed his mouth from their previous kiss. His tongue darted out and nudged at Jaejoong's mouth, prodding them open.

Jaejoong obliged and let Yunho in. Their tongues mated, massaging in circles as their saliva mingled, lips on lips. Soon after, Yunho felt the heady intoxicating sweetness bounce at all corners of his mouth, rendering him breathless.

Yunho's heart rammed against his chest, but the feeling only seemed to make him want more of Jaejoong's mouth as he locked his arms tighter against the smaller man and plunged deeper into his hot cavern. He tilted his head and swiped at Jaejoong's bottom lip, biting the red petal before resuming with his tongue and tasting every inch of his mouth.

"Mmhm." Jaejoong moaned, breaking the kiss before whispering hotly against Yunho's ear. "You're a fast learner. I like."

"Your friend is here." Yunho said in reply, demeanor suddenly changing.

Leaning back, Jaejoong frowned in question. "What?" That wasn't exactly the response he was rooting for.

Two seconds after Jaejoong asked, the sound of the front door bursting wide open reached his ears.

Yunho unlocked his arms around Jaejoong's waist and let them dropped to his sides before turning around to face the kitchen's entrance, like he was expecting someone to walk in right that instant.


Storming inside the living room, Yoochun strode towards the kitchen. He badly needed a drink. That stupid club manager was an absolute . Inconsiderate prick. "Jae, I'm home!" he called out. "Where are you - oh my god full frontal!"

"Yoochun ah!" Jaejoong exclaimed in surprise and sprinted towards his best friend's side who was covering at his eyes in an attempt to shield himself from the blinding scene. "You're ahh, earlier than expected."

"What... what is that guy doing in our kitchen in nothing but his birthday suit?!"

Jaejoong raised one fine eyebrow, noticing how Yoochun's eyes could be seen through the gap in between his fingers. "Oh puhlease, don't act like you're scarred when you're blatantly enjoying the view." Whacking him playfully in the head, Jaejoong added, rolling his eyes. "And you said I was the ert. Tch, hypocrite."

Yoochun ignored Jaejoong. His eyes traveled down Yunho's body and he gasped, wide-eyed.

"Hey! No looking!" Jaejoong reprimanded his bestfriend. "I saw him first. Don't you even dare think about it."

"I wasn't thinking about anything." Yoochun's gaze snapped to Jaejoong. "And I was right. You were thinking of having with him weren't you? Oh Jae, you're such a sly little devil. Trying to seduce an injured man."

Yoochun jerked him forward and hissed into his best friend's ear. "He could very well be a murderer for all we know!" Jaejoong tensed in his hold. "He's gorgeous yes, but he could bring us big trouble."

"Ah Yunho ah, would you please excuse us?" Jaejoong was smiling sweetly and was already dragging his best friend towards the living room area. "I'll just have to talk with my best friend here. You can go to the bathroom, I already readied a bath for you since you look like you need one. I'll be with you in a few minutes. See ya."


A hand was resting under Yoochun's chin as he paced to and fro in front of his best friend, a permanent scowl marring his forehead. "You... you, gah! Jae I can't believe you're asking me this!"

"Chun, stop pacing." Jaejoong pouted. "And it's only going to be for a few days until we're certain he's safe."

"I'm not sure I believe what you just told me anyway!" Yoochun raked finger through his hair, tugging at the strands in exasperation. "That's nine kinds of crazy Joongie. Are you sure he's not a mental escapee?"

"Look, I already explained things to you Chun, and you know I don't like repeating myself."

"This is ed up." Yoochun ground out through gritted teeth. "How do you expect me to believe that that guy is an experiment, on top of it, one trained to be an assassin? And if I do by some miracle manage to trick myself into believing that crap, isn't that more of a reason we should get rid of him?

"He's as innocent as a baby. I mean, I clearly felt and saw it. He doesn't know what to do in the world. Other than killing on orders, he doesn't seem to know squat about how things generally work." Jaejoong reasoned.

"And because we're oh such good people, we should be adopting a murderer?"

"Chun I know you're freaking out right now. Your face is turning red and you look about to explode."

"I.... am far from freaking out mister!"

"Oh now you just sound like my mom." Jaejoong said, tone bored. "But please, I've never asked you for any favors, not even once! Okay, maybe I did that one time in highschool, and then there was that thing a week ago but - " Jaejoong sank to his knees and locked his arms around Yoochun's waist in an iron grip. "Please Chun! I am begging you. He looks lost and I just don't have the heart to release him to the world all on his own."

Yoochun groaned dramatically. "Jae, stop pounding your head on my crotch, or I won't be able to bear children." he said, a heavy sigh leaving him. "And I hate it when you talk like that. You're like a mother. It's freaking creepy - aish, fine."

Jaejoong looked up with a wide grin. He knew that tone of his best friend. "So are you going to say yes?" he asked, then giggled. "And you won't be able to have kids ever, considering you're scared less of women parts."

"Haha funny. Now let go of me or I might be tempted to proposition you to give me a ."

Jaejoong quickly let him go and made a face. "Ewwww, no thank you. That's like man."

Yoochun rolled his eyes and pulled Jaejoong to his feet. "Tch, as if I would be lusting over your delectable either." Turning his neck towards the sounds of running water from the bathroom, Yoochun sighed and shrugged. "I'm just grasping straws here, but I have a strong feeling you've fallen in lust at first sight?"

"It's not lust at first sight." Jaejoong smacked him lightly on the head, frowning. Shortly after, he sobered, gaze softening. "And I don't know... he just, I thought he was a complete psycho, I mean literally he's a psycho, a murderer even but now that I've seen him up close, he reminds me so much of someone."

Yoochun knew that look. "Don't tell me you're thinking about that kid in highschool that you had been crushing on. The one with the chubby cheeks and the bad rabbit teeth?" When Jaejoong blushed, Yoochun snorted.

"I never knew what happened to him after that." Jaejoong said, a nostalgic, contemplative look marring his features. "He only went to school for a few weeks then immediately disappeared. I never even caught his name."

"The few weeks he was at school, he became our batch's personal punching bag. I can't blame him for leaving. Ugh, you always had such bad taste in boys back then. And you nearly took his place when you saved him from getting beaten up."

"Huh, funny you should still remember that."

"Why shouldn't I? I got suspended after tying those three bastards to the back of my motorbike and dragged them all the way across campus when they tried to pull on you." Yoochun cheekily grinned, proud. "I wuz badass!"

Jaejoong rolled his eyes at his bestfriend before inhaling and exhaling deeply. "That you are."

He had to admit, at first he had been mainly interested in Yunho's physique. Among other things, just thinking of riding that was making him hard. Jaejoong bit at his bottom lip, trying to will away the naughty images forming in his head.

But yes, everything had been physical at first when he met Yunho, but after he had looked deeply into his eyes, it reminded him so much of that boy during his high school days, of his first love that he never quite forgot up until now. He guessed what everyone said was true, first love never really does die.

"Anyway." Yoochun spoke once more. "He could stay here but under one condition Jae."

Jaejoong blinked, dragging his gaze back towards his bestfriend. "What is it?"

"He has to help in paying our bills."


"That's my condition." Yoochun sighed. "And stupid manager-hyung was literally breathing flame through his nose when I went back earlier because of Ji Yong quitting and stealing money from his office. We're down by one staff. He won't allow you to get a break. He said it was either you work or he boots you out."

"What exactly are you getting at Chun?" Jaejoong wasn't liking the direction this conversation was heading.

"Yunho seems like a well-bodied able guy. He could take JiYong's place. And don't argue with me, that's additional income for us too. Just teach him the ropes. I'm counting on you since you're so adamant of keeping him."
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fishy44 #2
Chapter 1: ohoho this is interesting
Chapter 21: Yuuuuuuuunnnnhooooooyaaaaaah *crying*
Mary2014 #4
Chapter 21: I love this story please update soon :)
Chapter 21: *O* Such a great story! Update soon please!
Chapter 21: 21. I can only congratulate you.
Your imagination is *boundless* I read in one breath :)
And well-written. Both the lyrical and the parts.
The style is also good.
The descriptive parts, and parts of the dialogue is entirely understandable.
do not have to think about this now ruled
or Who hath done.
I am sorry, that there is no continuing.
But I'm waiting patiently.
Please, if you have the time and circumstances permit,
come back and continue.
Chapter 21: Hi!! here I am again, teading this fic on the third time!!! Loving it again! each time I find it more romantic than the other it si soo well written, now a days we cant`t find such good writting in fics, is very clear in its message, the words make sense.. the ideas are complete... and it look like you plan it carefully... you put effort in the story line and it makes perfect sense... despite the sience part. So am asking you to please continue... or at least let us know if you will, I don`t mind waiting... because its better a long wait and good fic.. than a rush ending...
So congratulations again!!! for this great pice of work... and lets hope you get the time and inspiration you need to continue this...
Good luck!!!!
fineday #8
Chapter 19: Eh? Yunho's phone still on after four years? The battery should had been dead years ago. The strongest battery would not last a few days without beeng charged. Despite that little problem, this story is really good.