Chapter 5

Project Yunho

“Changmin ah.” The door to the Adult Video store swung wide open as Yoochun stepped in. “Is Jae here?”

Glancing up from his computer, the store’s owner pointed at the direction of the backroom.

Obvious relief painted Yoochun’s face as soon as he realized that Jaejoong was out of harm’s way.

With his eyes resuming it's glued state at the computer monitor, Changmin asked. “Did you guys fight again?”

“Oh you know. Same old, same old.” Yoochun replied while picking up a random DVD from the shelf, flipping to the back cover, mentally reading the summary of the movie. Then again, it was , what's the point of searching for plot. “You know how your friend is. He’s always had such flare for drama.” he said sighing, placing the DVD back to it's place.

Changmin unstuck his face from the computer screen and smirked. “I thought that was your specialty.”

Yoochun walked over and leaned across the counter. He reached out a hand and flicked the younger man on the forehead. “I might be a drama queen but Jae’s the drama goddess." Yoochun emphasized. "He’s that bad.”

Rubbing at the sore spot and directing Yoochun with a dark scowl, Changmin gestured for the door. “Go talk to him.”

“Did he look upset when he came in here?” Yoochun asked, needing to make sure that once he went through the backroom’s door and opened it, Jaejoong wouldn’t be kneeing him in the balls.

A pained expression flashed across Changmin’s eyes. “Yep, he looks pretty pissed.” he muttered, shuddering, one eye squinting as he grimaced, hands reflexively covering at his jewels. “Thanks for reminding me I shouldn’t push his buttons when he’s in a bad mood.” Coming from experience, Jaejoong’s knee was a dangerous weapon.

“This is ridiculous.” Yoochun mouthed, jaw clenching. “I don’t get why he gets this prissy over some random guy.”

“Care to enlighten me hyung?” Changmin urged, giving Yoochun an expectant curious stare. “What guy?”

“No one. Just some dude we kind of ran over last night that he decided to take in.” Yoochun replied offhandedly before taking a deep breath. “Anyway, wish me luck. And if I don’t come out in thirty minutes." he flinched. "Call the cops?”

Changmin rolled his eyes and grinned impishly. “I’ll make sure to get cleaners to mop up your blood off the floor.”

Yoochun shot him a withering glare. "Not funny Min."

He had been so upset the previous night because of Yunho’s disappearance that Jaejoong realized too late how much Yunho was looking forward to their intimacy lessons. That early morning while Jaejoong was busy sulking in the kitchen while he cooked, a thought dawned on his head mid stir of the kimchi in the pot.

Someone wearing that expression, oozing innocent exuberance and showing such keen interest (before Yoochun ruined the moment when he arrived) wouldn’t just leave without uttering a word of goodbye. And when Jaejoong took out the trash that morning, his suspicions solidified. He found Yunho’s blooded clothes cramped up inside the garbage can.

The guy couldn't have walked out of their apartment as a new born baby.

After that, he quickly confronted Yoochun about the matter and though his friend vehemently denied that he had nothing to do with Yunho leaving (most probably while he was busy cooking in the kitchen, wanting to impress the guy with his home-cooked meal) Jaejoong already knew Yoochun too well to know just when his best friend was telling a lie.

“Jae. I’m really sorry alright? I know I screwed up. But can you really blame me for kicking him out?”

Jaejoong ignored him and shoved more of the junk food he was eating down his throat as he sat down on the couch.

Yoochun scratched at the back of his neck, his facial expression showing just how helpless he felt. “Come on man.”

Still no answer. Ignoring him seemed to be on the top list of Jaejoong’s agenda for that day.

“Don’t be like this. You’re killing me here. What do I have to do for you to forgive me huh?” Yoochun was instantly on his knees, hands clutching at Jaejoong’s legs, pleading and resembling a kicked puppy. “I’ll do anything!”

Alas! Jaejoong’s eyes finally met his. “You’ll help me find Yunho?”

Yoochun blanched. “Anything but that.”

Getting up to his feet, Jaejoong began to take steps towards the make-shift kitchen, brushing Yoochun off completely. Every attempt he tried to make at conversation ignored. Jaejoong was colder than North and South Pole combined.

Seconds ticked by and before both men realized, an hour already passed.

“Jae!” Yoochun’s had enough with the cold treatment. “Why does it matter if he left anyway?!” he yelled. “Is he that important to you? For Christ’s sakes, he wasn’t even human. Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”

“He’s human!” Jaejoong shot back, a sob rising in his throat. “And I’m not making a big deal out of this. You are!”

Yoochun's eyes widened at his best friend’s sudden outburst. “What?!”

Jaejoong faced him fully, jabbing him hard on the chest. “Do you really think I’m stupid? Did you think I wouldn't realize?" His voice rose with each word. "Did you think I wouldn't know the reason why you keep chasing men away from me?!”

Yoochun's lungs felt clogged and his eyes began to sting painfully. "Jae..."

“I’m not my brother Yoochun ah!” Jaejoong cried out, his body rigid, eyes closing shut. His lower lip quivered menacingly as he bit on it hard, before despairingly adding. "And no matter how much we want it, he's never coming back."

Silence met Jaejoong's ears.

When he opened his eyes, a sorrowful look instantly marred his features the second his gaze landed on the tears that streamed down Yoochun's face. Jaejoong felt guilt for what he just blurted out. But the subject had to be addressed.

It hurt him too, but he couldn't take it anymore, noticing how Yoochun looked at him the way he used to look at his brother, it was killing his best friend, always reminding him - them of what happened years ago.

"Yoochun ah, I'm sorry." Jaejoong muttered quietly, remorse written on his eyes as he palmed Yoochun's face in his hands before proceeding to hold him against his chest. "But Junsu's dead... and it's time you learned to let him go."

In his embrace, Yoochun crumbled down as he sank to the floor in a trembling, sobbing heap.

“Good evening Jaejoong ah.” Jaejoong whirled around and directed the one who ruined his night a chilling stare.

“What is it now Soo Man-sshi?” he asked, not bothering to hide the contempt dripping in his voice. He crossed his arms against his chest. “If you’re here to apologize for that stunt you pulled on me last night with your buddies, I’ll forgive you because I’m a good person. But if not, go away before I’m tempted to chop off your very much treasured man parts.”

Soo Man leered. “You always were such a feisty little wildcat. It only makes me want to take you to bed more.”

“Please refrain from combining you, me and bed in the same sentence because I might just puke.”

Realizing the elderly man standing in front of Jaejoong at the bar as one of the s that had his best friend cornered in the men’s bathroom from the other night, a fit of fury coiled at the pit of Yoochun’s stomach.

“Excuse me, but I’ll have to leave you for a bit. I’ll be right back.” Yoochun informed his customer for the hour.

“You know Yoochun ah, that Kim Jaejoong kid, he’s your best friend is he not?”

Yoochun glanced back at his customer mid pace, trying to hide the frown on his forehead. “Yes, he is.”

“Are you two involved?” Yoochun didn’t like the way the old geezer was eyeing his best friend in the distance.

“No. No, we’re not… there’s nothing between us.” he quickly clarified, forcing a smile. “Now if you'll excuse me I’ll…”

“Ah Yoochun.” he cut him off again.

Be thankful you’re paying me or I would have already caved your face in weeks ago you asswipe. Yoochun inwardly seethed before glancing back once more at the annoying bastard. “What?” he asked, looking a bit peeved.

“I already know that Jaejoong doesn’t take customers. But what do you say… about a ?” the erted old geezer asked and in that instant, the overwhelming urge to snap the ’s neck became so strong.

Yoochun had to do his damnest best to keep his hands to his sides and not accidentally commit murder. “No.”

“Are you sure? I’ll be more than glad to pay you high….”

“I said no!” Yoochun snapped, boring hateful eyes towards the older man. He was itching to grab the bastard’s collar and slam him face down to the floor and stomp on him until he bled to death. “Try to touch him and you’ll regret it.”

Stunned and wide-eyed, the customer fervently nodded his head. Yoochun’s eyes meant serious business.

“Ahh, Soo Man-sshi.” Yoochun cheerily greeted as he clapped a hand against the elderly man. “It’s good to see you.”

Soo Man began to cough and wheeze. With the way Yoochun was giving attention to his back, it felt like his lungs were going to fall off from how strong his ‘friendly’ slaps were. “Park Yoochun-sshi, remarkable strength you got there.”

Yoochun stopped his assault on Soo Man’s back and practically slammed him against the counter before saying in a threatening voice. "Pull that you did last night again and I won't have second thoughts of chopping something off."

Ahh, there really was a reason why Jaejoong and Yoochun considered each other as soulmates.

Gulping in something akin to fear, Soo Man nodded and quickly scampered to the opposite side of the club.

Jaejoong shot Yoochun with a grateful smile but it also made him pout how nobody in the club took his threats seriously but when it came to Yoochun, they all literally fled from fear. What was so intimidating about him anyway?

Lips quirking into a smile, Yoochun leaned over the counter and locked his arms around the other man's frame. “I’m sorry about earlier. I know it's not my place to call the shots in your life and I feel terrible but - " he sighed heavily. "Sorry.”

After what had transpired in the backroom of Changmin’s shop, they deemed it best to not talk for a while.

The topic of Junsu’s death always was a sore spot for them both.

"It's fine. I'm over it." Jaejoong said after a while.

Yoochun leaned back and expectantly asked. "Really?"

"No." Jaejoong clarified, wrinkling his nose. "I still want to go find Yunho. I'm really worried for the guy."

Yoochun gaped in disbelief. "What part of non-human, trained assassin don't you understand?"

"It wasn't like he had any choice when he did those things." Jaejoong defended. "He was only being ordered to kill his targets, he didn't like what he was doing. He said so himself! Other than that, he's completely harmless."

Yoochun's head made a dull sound as it connected with the wooden material in front of him.



"It's... Junsu's death anniversary tomorrow." Jaejoong tentatively murmured, biting at his bottom lip. "I was thinking..."

Yoochun lifted his head, looked at his bestfriend with sad eyes and replied. "I'll go with you to the cemetery."

"We'll bring Mr. Snuffles." Jaejoong said, eyes lighting up a fraction. It was Junsu's favorite dolphin plushie when they were kids. The last time he was able to play with the thing was when they were fourteen. "He probably misses him."

"Alright." Yoochun nodded. "I ahh, I'll just go to the bathroom. Need to tinkle." he informed before quickly running towards the aforementioned place's direction. Jaejoong didn't miss the tears that began to trickle down his bestfriend's face.

He himself felt a choked sob rise up in his throat.

"Father!" Junsu yelled out. The whole agency was reduced to rubble and Junsu was covered in soot and ashes.

There were some spots that the fire hadn't been put out just yet, multiple dead bodies in while lab coats littered the whole area, some were experiments just like himself, lying lifeless in the middle of the tragedy. "Father! Where are you?!

He had a vivid recollection of fighting off other experiments like himself, ones with no emotions, killing on orders. He didn't know what exactly occurred but he felt a sharp pain in his neck, a vague blurry memory of plucking out a serum like injection from his skin and the lights went out. When he came to, the place was in ruins.

Suddenly at a distance, he saw a familiar hand peeking out from one of the fallen debris of the building's ceiling. "Father!" Junsu cried out as he sprinted into the man's side, hands furiously clawing at the rubble trapping him underneath.

"Father! Please answer me." Junsu pleaded, cradling the elderly man's body into his arms. There was a huge gash on his forehead, fresh and dried blood was dripping across his face and his breathing pattern was alarmingly shallow.

And no matter how much he begged for his creator to wake up, he wouldn't.

A stinging sensation pricked at his eyelids. Junsu lifted a free hand and brushed the liquid off his face, bewildered and confused with the sudden wave of emotions smacking him square in the chest. And before he knew it, he heard unintelligible sounds escape his throat, something that he couldn't quite decipher.

For a moment, Junsu's vision blurred. And it was only then at that moment, did he felt the pain from his thigh, shooting into his spine. He was quick to realize that he was bleeding at an alarming rate.

Yet he didn't mind this. He could worry over himself later.

Right now, Junsu was immensely thankful that he could still feel the beating of his creator's heart.

Quickly willing the choking indiscernible emotions from flooding his chest, Junsu wrapped his arms around the elder man's form and carried him in his arms bridal style. He had to get him aid and treatment fast.

Yunho's head collided painfully with cold concrete as he sagged against the wall. The gash in his side from the previous night has opened up again. And now multiple wounds were added into the strain that his body had to bear.

The scientists were easy to kill enough. But Yunho found himself having quite the difficulty facing his fellow experiments that his creators let loose to face him in a fight. And what a battle it had been. But there were simply too many of them and in the end, Yunho ended up pushing himself to his limit. But he felt satisfied at having been able to finish his task.

Broken bones were apparent in his frame, he could feel the pain from a several of his cracked ribs and his left arm was bent in an odd angle. Yet in such a drastic time there was only one person infiltrating his thoughts.

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fishy44 #2
Chapter 1: ohoho this is interesting
Chapter 21: Yuuuuuuuunnnnhooooooyaaaaaah *crying*
Mary2014 #4
Chapter 21: I love this story please update soon :)
Chapter 21: *O* Such a great story! Update soon please!
Chapter 21: 21. I can only congratulate you.
Your imagination is *boundless* I read in one breath :)
And well-written. Both the lyrical and the parts.
The style is also good.
The descriptive parts, and parts of the dialogue is entirely understandable.
do not have to think about this now ruled
or Who hath done.
I am sorry, that there is no continuing.
But I'm waiting patiently.
Please, if you have the time and circumstances permit,
come back and continue.
Chapter 21: Hi!! here I am again, teading this fic on the third time!!! Loving it again! each time I find it more romantic than the other it si soo well written, now a days we cant`t find such good writting in fics, is very clear in its message, the words make sense.. the ideas are complete... and it look like you plan it carefully... you put effort in the story line and it makes perfect sense... despite the sience part. So am asking you to please continue... or at least let us know if you will, I don`t mind waiting... because its better a long wait and good fic.. than a rush ending...
So congratulations again!!! for this great pice of work... and lets hope you get the time and inspiration you need to continue this...
Good luck!!!!
fineday #8
Chapter 19: Eh? Yunho's phone still on after four years? The battery should had been dead years ago. The strongest battery would not last a few days without beeng charged. Despite that little problem, this story is really good.