Chapter 1

Project Yunho

“Jae, steam is literally coming out of your ears. Try to take calming breaths will you?” Yoochun coaxed, hands on the steering wheel while consistently directing worried filled gaze towards his friend’s fuming figure. “Look, I’ll talk with manager-hyung tomorrow see if he could – "

“No Chun, it’s fine.” Jaejoong interrupted, left hand rising up in the air. “And keep your eyes on the road. I don’t want to die prematurely just because my best friend’s too busy acting like a caring boyfriend.” He added, slumping in his seat. He knew he really should get a guy he could go steady with. Then again, Chun's always accused him of being too picky, saying that he was going to just grow old and gray and alone because he believed in the 'true love' . Well, was it so wrong to believe that someone out there was meant just for him?

Yoochun heaved out a long sigh, too used by now by the tough mask that his friend always put up. “What happened back at the club is the last time those old geezers will try anything on you. I swear man, it won’t happen again.”

“I’m not some damsel in distress that needs protecting or saving Chunnie. I can take care of myself thank you.”

“When I found you earlier, you were in one of the ing bathroom stalls having a shoved up your throat.”

Jaejoong punched Yoochun on the shoulder, hard. "Ow. Damn it Jae."

“The are you reminding me that for?"

"There's no need to get physical." Yoochun groaned, wincing in pain.

"You're such a drama queen Chun. I didn't even hit you that hard." he replied, scoffing. "And there was three of them ganging up on me. Anyone who had half a brain would undoubtedly say that it wasn't a fair situation." Jaejoong crossed his arms around his chest. "ing wankers couldn't get a clue."

Yoochun's gaze turned cold, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "We're working at a gay bar and whether you're a waiter or a hooker it doesn't matter Jae. There's only raging hormones and rich old geezer billionaires desperate for young s. Unfortunately for us, we are those young s."

"I cook in the kitchen and occasionally serve drinks for extra cash, that's about it. I think I've made it clear a million times that I'm not working like that."

Yoochun shot him an exasperated look. "Do you really think those customers would give a about what you think? You're a pretty face and your body is just too ing perfect even I get envious sometimes, so it's not a wonder you're getting propositioned for one-night stands. And some like what happened tonight, even go as far as try forcing themselves on you."

"It won't happen again, you said so yourself." Jaejoong defended.

"That's the thing, I really am not sure if I could assure you that." Yoochun replied, his jaw clenching. "You merely got lucky tonight because my customer got a call from his wife Jae. If I hadn't..."

"Eyes on the road Chun."

"...come looking for you? What would have happened then huh? You could have - "

"Chun, I said eyes on the road dammit!"

"I'm driving just fine! And don't pull that macho on me, I know you were scared less back there - "

"Chun! Look out!" Jaejoong screamed, hands instantly clutching at the steering wheel, trying to help his best friend in avoiding the person that suddenly came running across the street. The car's brakes did an earsplitting screech as it swerved around the neighborhood, the dull sound of the car's front hitting something reaching their ears before coming down to a stop.

"Holy !" Yoochun's eyes were wide as saucers with his heart hammering against his ribcage.

! ! ! The last thing that they needed right now was running someone over.

"I told you to ing watch the road!" Jaejoong growled in frustration before pulling the car door open as he quickly sprinted to the car's front with Yoochun coming from the other side of the vehicle.

"Is he breathing?" Yoochun shakily asked, eyes resting on the unconscious man on the cold ground. "Please tell me I didn't kill him."

Jaejoon crouched down and quickly felt for a pulse - then paled. "Chun... I can't... I can't feel a pulse."

Yoochun rapidly turned white as sheet. "! I killed him. I killed him. Hyung, I don't want to go to jail!"

"ing calm down Chun!" Jaejoong cried out, fervently trying to keep his emotions in check. It wouldn't do them any good if they both panicked. "And you're not going to jail as long as I have any say in the - " something caught Jaejoong's eye and he gasped. "Chun, we couldn't have killed him. Look - look see that?"


Jaejoong pointed at the man's side. "Look at his hip, there's shards of glass embedded there. And I'm quite sure that didn't come from our car."

Yoochun's mouth formed into a perfect 'O', relief washing over him. "You're right." he said, but then began to sport a panicked look again when a thought occurred to him. "But - hyung, it doesn't change the fact that we ran over him and he was still pretty alive earlier before he made contact with our car!"

Suddenly, the body of the man stirred and groaned.

Both young men quickly scampered a few distance away, eyes going wide. "I thought you said we killed him?"

"I..." Jaejoong's eyebrows furrowed as he crawled back towards the man. When he rested the pad of his fingers against his neck, it surprised him how the pulse was rather strong. He could've sworn he didn't feel anything earlier.

"What do we do now?" Yoochun asked, wanting nothing more than to go home and just forget what happened.

"Come on, help me carry him to the car."

Mouth falling open, Yoochun could only gape at his best friend. "What? Are you insane?"

"He's alive and he needs a doctor. You can't just expect me to leave this man here when he's in such a state." It now dawned on Jaejoong how the man was covered in bruises as well. "Don't argue with me Chun, we're helping him."


"The patient seems to be doing quite well and his wounds weren't that fatal." The doctor informed them hours later as they stood outside the stranger's hospital room. "He should be able to fully recuperate in a matter of days."

"Oh thank God!" Yoochun exclaimed, releasing the breath that he had been holding in ever since the doctor came out of the emergency room's double doors. He turned to his best friend and the two shared a tight hug, sighing in relief.

"Though I am very concerned about the bruises in the patient's body." the doctor continued, voicing out his alarm causing for Yoochun and Junsu to turn their attention back to him. "It would seem like he's a victim of severe physical abuse. I think in this situation, it would be advisable to call for the police. That man's life could be in danger."

Both men regarded each other in empathic silence. They had of course thought about calling the cops on the way to the hospital but the fact that they ran the guy over and was the reason for his current unconscious state - well, it was better to be safe than sorry. Besides, the doctor said the patient was going to be okay, so there really was no more need for that anymore, right?

"Doctor. We've thought about that at first but decided against it." Yoochun whispered, placing a hand on the physician's shoulder. "Who knows if whoever it was that was trying to harm him might have connections with the police right? It could very well put his life in more danger." Yoochun pointed out. "For now it's best if we just wait for him to wake up."

When the doctor seemed to eat out every word coming out of Yoochun's mouth, Jaejoong and Yoochun bowed their heads and said their thanks. The physician left immediately afterwards, no doubt to do rounds on his other patients.

"You really can think on your feet when you're panicked. I'm impressed." Jaejoong teased, smirking. But then frowned. "Chun did you really have to put my name in the guy's patient record?" he hissed into the other's ear as soon as they were inside.

"I thought I was about to die of a heart attack." Yoochun admitted, then answered the question. "Well, I didn't think you'd mind. Besides, it'll do you good." he said as he pulled an empty chair and sat on it. "I was serious about what I said earlier."

"Serious? About what?"

"You're not going back to the club again. Well at least in a few days until I'm sure those ers that tried to have their way with you are permanently booted out." Yoochun's expression was rather dark when he said the words. "I'm going to show manager-hyung the medical bill and record for that guy so you could have a few days off."

"But Chun I told you..." Jaejoon began to protest.

"Don't argue with me Jae. And don't give me that about sharing expenses either. I think I have enough money saved in my account. We can still survive without you helping in the bills for a few days. And if you want, you could cover the hospital expenses for now." Yoochun raked fingers through his hair, heaving out a disgruntled sigh. "God, I swear if this guy tries to weasel money out of us when he gains consciousness, I'm going to run him over again."

Jaejoong whacked him in the head from behind. "Lower your voice down will you? Do you want everyone to know we ran him over?" Yoochun bit at his bottom lip and muttered an apology at the older male.

"The nurses already believed us when we said we just found him like that and since we're such good Samaritans we rushed him here. So don't blow it - holy !" Jaejoong suddenly exclaimed, hand clutching at his chest when his eyes flickered to the man on the bed and was immediately met with his gaze. "You scared me..."

"Oh, he's awake." Yoochun dispassionately said.

"Chun be nice." Jaejoong murmured before walking over the man's side, smiling a friendly smile. Well, hopefully if he was nice enough maybe the guy won't press charges. "Hey, are you feeling alright?"

The man looked at him with dead set expressionless eyes.

Jaejoong stared back, meeting the man's blank gaze. It didn't long before he felt heat rise up his cheeks. The guy was exceptionally hot and cute. Even with the bruises decorating his face, his whole countenance still spoke of overwhelming charm and -appeal. Damn, Jaejoong what are you thinking in such a time?

"Yah, hyung's asking you a question." Yoochun remarked irritably. "Don't you have a tongue?"

The man completely ignored Yoochun as he slowly sat upright. "Where am I?"

Looking back down at the man's face, Jaejoong replied. "Well, you're at the hospital."

"Hospital." The man repeated, mimicking Jaejoong's words. "Why am I in such a facility?"

Jaejoong turned to his best friend in confusion, Yoochun huffed out a breath. "Hey, he's talking to you not me."

"So not helping Chun." Jaejoong scowled before turning his attention on the man on the bed. "Do you have a name?"

"The name I was given was Yunho." he answered, tone empty. The man's eyes looked unsure and questioning and there was an underlying wariness beneath those smoldering almond orbs. "Are you my new owner?" he asked.

And Jaejoong could only blink in response.
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fishy44 #2
Chapter 1: ohoho this is interesting
Chapter 21: Yuuuuuuuunnnnhooooooyaaaaaah *crying*
Mary2014 #4
Chapter 21: I love this story please update soon :)
Chapter 21: *O* Such a great story! Update soon please!
Chapter 21: 21. I can only congratulate you.
Your imagination is *boundless* I read in one breath :)
And well-written. Both the lyrical and the parts.
The style is also good.
The descriptive parts, and parts of the dialogue is entirely understandable.
do not have to think about this now ruled
or Who hath done.
I am sorry, that there is no continuing.
But I'm waiting patiently.
Please, if you have the time and circumstances permit,
come back and continue.
Chapter 21: Hi!! here I am again, teading this fic on the third time!!! Loving it again! each time I find it more romantic than the other it si soo well written, now a days we cant`t find such good writting in fics, is very clear in its message, the words make sense.. the ideas are complete... and it look like you plan it carefully... you put effort in the story line and it makes perfect sense... despite the sience part. So am asking you to please continue... or at least let us know if you will, I don`t mind waiting... because its better a long wait and good fic.. than a rush ending...
So congratulations again!!! for this great pice of work... and lets hope you get the time and inspiration you need to continue this...
Good luck!!!!
fineday #8
Chapter 19: Eh? Yunho's phone still on after four years? The battery should had been dead years ago. The strongest battery would not last a few days without beeng charged. Despite that little problem, this story is really good.