Chapter 8

I Became His...Girlfriend...




After changing into my warm pyjama's I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail and headed downstairs as my mother was laying out the movies.

“So which one are we starting with?” Plopping onto the couch I hugged one of the pillows with my legs crossed.

“Uhhhh, ah ha! This one is the best!!” Snatching a box off of the table she quickly scrambled to put it into the DVD player.

I smiled at her actions slightly shaking my head. My mother is super energetic and all over the place, and sometimes I wonder about her.

“Okay, it's starting!” She ran to turn the lights off before returning to her spot next to me on the couch.



Half way through the movie I started to get kind of bored, where as on the other hand my mom was crying bucket loads of tears.

“Umma, I thought you said this was a romantic comedy. Why are you crying?” I handed her a box of tissues.

Taking a couple in her hand she roughly wiped her face not wanting to miss a second of the movie.

“It is, but her father just died, and he's ignoring her, and her mother is setting her up for marriage! Now she's all confused because her best friend likes her and...and...” She began sobbing again while I rolled my eyes.

“You call the confused...” I mumbled but she still managed to hear me.

“What do you mean, sweety?” Sniffling she wiped her face again as she turned to me.

Shoot! I can't tell her this!

“Uh, um...I was reading this book a few days ago and it was about this girl and her guy best friend. It starts out where her friend gets into a...fight while playing hockey and hits his head losing his memory.”

“Oh my.” She cupped beginning to get into my 'story'.

“Yeah, so anyway when he wakes up he thinks that they're dating so the girl plays along.” I paused for a bit to take a breath, “But the thing is she starts to fall for him and she doesn't know what to do. Not to mention she finds out that he was pretending to lose his memory...well he DID lose it, but he didn't tell her when he got it back. So now she doesn't understand why he still want to pretend...” I trailed off as I curiously watching my moms expression.

“Hmmm, well if he still wants to pretend then doesn't that mean he likes her too?” She questioned taking a bite out of her cookie.

“You see that's the other thing, she heard him talking with another one of their friends and he mentioned that he should confess to the girl...”

“Isn't that a good thing? Then she can just tell him!”

“But shouldn't she wait for him to say something first?” I asked curiously, “And isn't it weird for them to date if they're best friends? I mean what if it made things awkward between them?”

“Psh, wait? If I waited for your Appa to make the first move you probably wouldn't be here right now!” She poked my nose, “And about them being friends I think that just makes it complete.” She sighed dreamily and leaned into the couch.

I nodded taking in what she was saying as I turned back to face forward.

“So what's the name of this book" she asked eyes once again glued to the TV screen.

“Love.” I spoke trying to stop my growing smile.

“That sounds perfect.”

“It is...” I leaned back onto my mothers shoulder and fell asleep.



The next morning I woke up to the sound of my phone.

Searching my bed side table I picked it up and held it to my ear not bothering to get up.

“Yobosaeyo?” I answered groggily while rubbing my tired eyes.

Hey Haneul! Did you just wake up?” My eyes widened hearing the voice.

Damn! What do I do!!

Hearing Keys voice I felt a wave of nervousness ripple in my stomach as a knot rose in the back of my throat.

You still there?”

“Hm? Yeah sorry I'm still a little tired.” I covered up struggling to speak as my throat clenched.

Omo! Sorry if I woke you up! You should get some rest, I just wanted to know how you were feeling.” The pressure in my throat lessened as I heard his soothing, concerned voice, although my stomach was a completely different story.

“No don't worry about it! I should have been getting up soon anyway. And my stomach is still kind of iffy.” I patted my stomach as the butterflies circled rapidly.

Oh, well I hope you get better...” His voice trailed off and I couldn't help but take note of the sudden drop of his tone.

“Whats wrong?” My brows furrowed as I sat up in bed.

There was a short silence and all I could here was his steady breathing before he spoke again.

Well actually I was wondering if you wanted to go out today?” My heart leapt as if the butterflies had made their way up to it matching the beat of their wings with my own heart.

But if you don't feel up to it then...”

“I think I'll be okay.” As I spoke a smile appeared on my face and I was hoping my excitement wasn't too obvious in my voice.

You sure?”

“Do you want me to say yes or not?” I asked playfully.

I do! I mean you do still owe me!” He chuckled into the phone brightening up my smile.

“Good! So where should we meet?” I sandwiched the phone between my shoulder and ear as I opened up my wardrobe.

I'll be at your house at around...5PM?”

“Sure I'll see you then!” I pulled out an outfit from my closet throwing it onto my bed along with the other ones I wanted to try on.

Okie dokie! Annyeong jagiya!” He hung up. Pulling the phone away from my ear I blushed at the agyeo dripped nick name. Looking at the time it read 2PM, giving me 3 hours to prepare.

I chucked my phone onto the bed and scooped up the many outfits into my arms heading for the bathroom. On my way there I passed a picture of me, Jonghyun, and Key.

“Hmm, maybe I should talk to Jonghyun...” I thought aloud stopping in front of the frame before heading off to bathroom.

Even though I wasn't really mad that they were keeping this huge secret from me, I still wanted to be sure about what I heard before mentioning anything to Key.

Dropping the pile of clothes onto the bathroom floor I smiled into the mirror.

“I love Kim Kibum...”


Hedo! (lool I always say that by accident instead of hello when I talk) So how did you guys like the chapter? Did i do good?? O u O

Kekeke, well...she admits it now! So where do you think the date will be?? Huh, huh? Any guess?...Not that it would matter since I don't know either :P But still tell me your guesses (it's my secret way of getting you to give me ideas >:D) Hey! Did you notice that today is probably the first time I actually kept my promise and updated on time? Yay! n_n

Thank you for reading and subscribing and for commenting! And please continue to give me your feed back, it really helps me out!~

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Chapter 11: haha lol this chapter is just great
S-arah #2
i just read your story and it´s awesome! i relly really wish that you go on quickly ;D key fighting! ^^
Please UPDATE SoonXD. I really want to read what happens next
StarlightN #4
Wow... OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Ehheh yeah... Great job author nim and best of luck!
awww cute chapter I can´t wait to see what is going to happen next =)
banapple195 #6
New Reader!!! I likey the story! :)
Thank you StarlightN-sshi ;) I'm glad you're enjoying it :D
StarlightN #8
Awwwwwwwww..... So cute! I love it! Great job author-nim!
Thank you StarlightN And everybody...for adding a new story to my list of things to do...JK ^_^ Seriously though thank you! This is the most response I've gotten on a story, so I really appreciate it!!! ♥
StarlightN #10
Wow this is really interesting! Great job and best of luck to you and your fanfic!