Chapter 2

I Became His...Girlfriend...



Gasping for air I sat up from my place.

“Haneul! Thank god, one of you is finally awake!”

One of us?


I heard the sound of two heart monitors. One was mine and the other...

Instantly I got up from my bed removed the blankets and pulled back the curtain separating one bed from the other.

The tears welled up in my eyes as scanned over the pale, bandaged, bruised face of my once lively best friend.

Slowly I tore my eyes away from the sight and looked over to Mrs. Kim who rested one hand on my shoulder and grabbed my hand in her other.

“He's going to be fine, the doctors say that when the car hit him he landed on his head pretty hard.”

With a shaky hand I covered my mouth trying to hold the sobs that tried to escape.

Oh God...No...He's not...

“They say he might not remember any of us for sometime...” She took in a trembling breath then exhaled, tears beginning to stain her worried face.

“I'm going to the cafeteria to um, get some water. Do you need anything?” I sadly smiled at her trying hard not to show weakness and shook my head.

“He'll be okay, he's a strong boy.” She patted my arm soothingly and kissed my forehead before exiting the room.

I turned away from the door and faced the limp body that was once filled with so much energy, some might say a little too much energy...

Cracking a small smile I plopped into the seat beside the bed. I looked up at the dripping IV that was being pumped into his frail body.

“Hey Bummie? What gives, I was waiting out in this stupid weather for half an hour and you go and get into a mess like this.” I smiled although a tear slid down my cheek.

Gently reaching for his face I rested my hand on his cold pale face, and caressed it like he had done when ever I was sick or upset.

“Looks like the 'Almighty Key' was no match for the car...” I frowned at the dark joke while running my fingers through his slightly damp hair.

Looking down at his hand I reflexively grabbed it in mine remembering all those times he made me hold it when we walked down the streets.

I closed my sore, blood shot eyes softly and rested my head on his chest like I had done many times before when we watched movies together, or when we would watch the clouds. Honestly he hated to watch the clouds, he never said it before but I knew it wasn't one of his favourites.

With my head on his chest I could here his steady heartbeat and feel his chest weakly raise up and down.

Um, Kibum? How come you never told me that you didn't like cloud watching, or stargazing, or romantic comedies? I mean, you sure made it clear that you didn't like any of the boy bands I listened to...” Lifting my head up I gazed at his unchanging, expressionless face and my heart sunk a little.

I know you hat cheesy lines but...If you can hear me...please do something...Anything...” Squeezing his hand tightly in both of mine, I broke down into a fit of unstoppable tears.

Hng...huh? Haneul what's wrong?” The hand that I was holding gently released itself from my grasp and my cheek like it had many times before.

Wide eyed I looked up to see Key sitting up, and giving me a concerned look.

K-kibum...KIBUM!!” I sprang up from my seat and tackled him into a hug.

What's my name? What's your name? What day is it? Where do you live? Do you remember me?” I bombarded him with questions as I pulled back from the hug.

Shin Haneul. Kim Kibum. October 6th. 156 YellowWood st. And you're my girlfriend. Now tell me what going on!” I chuckled at his familiar Diva tone.

Yes! You remembered! I'm Shin Haneul your girl...friend?” I froze and I was suddenly pushed to the side by a nurse.

Good news Kibum you're going to be just fine. you might be a little bit slow for the next few weeks, so take it easy and not too many wild parties.” I watched confused by what I had heard from Key

The doctors finished their check up and left the room.

Hear that Hanie, I'm going to be just fine! So stop looking like such a droopy puppy!” He flashed my a bright smile.

Uh, Key? Do you know how you got here?” I asked delicately as I sat beside him.

Hrm, actually all I recall is that I was going to open a text message from you and then...I woke up here...” he looked at me with a confused and lost look and I softened.

That's okay, I was just curious.” I flashed him a smile and picked up his hand.

Suddenly the door bust open.

KEY!!! OMG I WAS SO WORRIED!!! THE FLIP IS WRONG WITH YOU??!! HOW COULD GET INTO AN ACCIDENT!!! ESPECIALLY TODAY!!” Jonghyun burst in and pushed me to the side so he could hug Key.

Uh, uhm Haneul? Who is this strange little man?” Key asked pointed to Jonghyun.

BEING TALL ISN'T EVERYTHING!!!” I patted Jonghyun's back to try and calm him down.

Shhhh...lower your voice this is a hospital...” He nodded.

Slowly I leaned into Jonghyun's ear, “Key lost his memory, and don't repeat what I just told you!” I whispered softly.

HE LOS-...oh, hehehe...” He looked over to Key and smiled to which Key responded to by pulling me closer to him.

Who is this guy, why does he keep yelling, what did you whisper to him and why was he hugging me?” He asked all at once never taking his eyes of of Jonghyun who continued to smile.

Key, this is Jonghyun. We've all been friends since elementary school. I told him that he should be quieter, and as for the yelling...there really is no reason but after 10 years you kind of get used to it.”

YAH!!...ahem...what do you mean by that...” Jonghyun crossed his arms and avoided eye contact.

Wow, we've been friends for ten years!”

Yup, ever since grade 3.” I answered with a proud smile and put an arm around Jonghyun, while still holding Key's hand.

So how long have we been going out then? 6, 7 years?” Key asked and my eyes bulged out.

Ummm well you se-”

What are you talking about you haven't even con- flbflfbflfbflfbflb” I covered his mouth so that the only thing that could be heard was muffled gibberish.

What he was going to say if that we haven't even con....con...confficially celebrated our 6th year yet!” I mentally slapped myself. Really what kind of word is...

Conficially? What does that mean...was he really going to say that?” Key crossed his arms suspiciously.

Uh duh! Don't you know confficially is a compound word...You know like confidently, and officially! And of course he was going to say that!”

Then why didn't you let him finish...” He asked narrowing his eyes at me.

Damn I forgot how good Key was at telling if I was lying...I was kind of hoping he forgot too...

Because...The reason for that, you see...-”


Well I wanted to say it first! Happy 6 year anniversary Bummie!~” I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

That's it?” He touched his cheek.

Huh? What do you mean...?” I tilted my head in confusion.

You said we've been dating for 6 years, right?”

Yup! That's right boyfriend and girlfriend for 6 long, amazing years!” I smiled and nodded nudging Jonghyun to do the same.

If that's true then how come all I get is a kiss on the cheek?” He grabbed my hand and pulled me down closer so I was almost sitting on his lap.

Mwoh!? Um well we're in a hospital and...uh...”

But I just woke up from a comma that lasted for who knows how many hours, and all I want is a kiss from my girlfriend!” He whined and pouted cutely.

N'awwww, Bummie~...WAIT! HOLD UP! I DO NOT THINK OF KIBUM IN THAT WAY!!!...But I mean he is an amazing guy and he's always there for me, plus he has gotten really hot since grade 3...WHAT!!! WHERE ARE THOSE THOUGHTS COMING FROM!!!!

I shook my head slightly returning back to reality.

Hanie~” Key my messy hair carefully an placed my bangs behind my ear.

Um...tell you what, when you get released from the hospital we'll go on, date.” For some reason I became really nervous saying those words to him, although we've always joked about it and it never really seemed like a big deal to say.

Okay! Oh, by the way...never mind, I'll just wait until our date.” He smiled happily wrapping his arms around my waist before pulling me into a tight hug.

Over his shoulder I could see Jonghyun giving me a questioning look, and all I could do is shake my head.

I love you Haneul.” He whispered softly into my ear.

I love you too, Key.” I smiled softly.

Resting my head on his shoulder...I really do love you...





Damn it Key this is not how I told you to confess...

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Chapter 11: haha lol this chapter is just great
S-arah #2
i just read your story and it´s awesome! i relly really wish that you go on quickly ;D key fighting! ^^
Please UPDATE SoonXD. I really want to read what happens next
StarlightN #4
Wow... OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Ehheh yeah... Great job author nim and best of luck!
awww cute chapter I can´t wait to see what is going to happen next =)
banapple195 #6
New Reader!!! I likey the story! :)
Thank you StarlightN-sshi ;) I'm glad you're enjoying it :D
StarlightN #8
Awwwwwwwww..... So cute! I love it! Great job author-nim!
Thank you StarlightN And everybody...for adding a new story to my list of things to do...JK ^_^ Seriously though thank you! This is the most response I've gotten on a story, so I really appreciate it!!! ♥
StarlightN #10
Wow this is really interesting! Great job and best of luck to you and your fanfic!