Chapter 10

I Became His...Girlfriend...




“Omo! Your hair! You look ridiculous! HAHAHAHAHA!!” Key fell to the floor (literally) in a fit of laughter as kids ran past him and I, who stood glaring disapprovingly at how well he he fit in with the kids.

“Yah! It's not that funny!”

“B-but your h-h-hair!!! PWUAHAHAHAHA!!”

I dropped my hand from the glass ball that demonstrates static electricity, causing my hair to fall back onto my shoulders as I straightened it out.

As I was walking up to him I felt a small tug on my sleeve.

“Noona, Is Hyung okay? He looks kinda stupid.” I held back my laughter at the young boys objective opinion, and how serious his face look with no traces of mocking.

I knelt down to his eye level, “Just for that, I'll buy you ice cream from the food court.” I pinched his cheek as he looked at me like I just offered him the world. Gosh, kids are so innocent.

“Just go ask your Umma first, and see if it's okay. Got it?” He shook his head fervently turning around so his back was facing me, “HYUNG!!!” He screeched loudly, making me wonder how such a loud sound could come out of such a little body.

From a distance I could see a boy who seemed to be my age or older running towards our direction. Coming to a halt in front of us he cupped the small boys mouth with his hand and gave me an apologetic smile.

“JinGook, didn't I tell you before that it's not nice to bother people?” He whispered to the boy in a chiding tone but it was still audible over the loud museum.

JinGook shook his head flinging his hair back and forth, trying to convince his Hyung that he hadn't been bothering anybody.

“Onew Hyung?” The three of us glanced up to see Key standing over us, who were still kneeling on the ground.

“Key! Long time no see!” Onew released the boy, sending him into a frenzy of loud gasps of breath. Pouting I patted his back as he wiped his mouth roughly and pretended to spit out imaginary sand.

“While your Hyung and my Oppa talk why don't we get some ice cream? It should get rid of that awful taste, am I right?” He nodded again forgetting the supposed taste of his brothers hand.

Ruffling his hair I stood up, holding his hand in mine as we walked over to the food court across from where we were.





Onew continued to hug me as my hands stayed at their sides.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned in a straightforward tone, hoping he got the message that he wasn't welcome to trash my plans.

“JinGook wanted to go the museum so I came with him.” I nodded.

The two of us stood in silence, him still hugging me. Over his shoulder I could see parents giving us dirty looks, dragging their wide eyed children away from us.

“Aish!” Quickly I pushed him away and dusted off my clothes, standing a few steps away from him.

“So, who's the girl?” He came closer again and nudged my shoulder, wiggling his eyebrows like an idiot.

Instinctively, I opened my mouth to say 'girlfriend' but just as quickly I shut it again.

“Whatever, it doesn't matter. Anyway, how's you head? I heard you got into quite the accident.” He gave me sympathetic eyes. As I was about to answer that I was fine, I came to a sudden realization.


I gripped my hair in my hands ready to pull each strand out one by one.

It's okay Kibum. It has been a couple of days and it's only normal that I'm starting to remember some things, right? But didn't the doctor say it would take a couple of weeks to regain my memory? But it couldn't all happen in one day! So what he really meant was in the days leading up to one week I should regain my memory! Yes!

Without quite realizing it I had been pacing back and forth while making overly animated hand gestures.

“Um, bro?” Onew tapped me on the shoulder, my head wiped around and onto his hand still lingering on my arm. He retracted it quickly not wanting to know the consequences if he didn't.

“What? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?!” I threw my hands up exasperatedly.

“Yah! I'm your Hyung and I demand you tell me who that girl is and why you don't want her to know that you regained your-YAH!!

I pulled him into a headlock and whispered dangerously into his ear, “Who sent you? And what do you know?”

He looked at me absurdly, “WHAT THE HELL DUDE!? YOU WERE THE ONE TALKING TO YOURSELF!!” He flailed his arms around prompting me to release my grip from around his neck.

“What are you two doing?” We both unwillingly pulled away from our little squabble to see Haneul and JinGook, each with questioning looks and ice cream.

Onew was about to speak but I gave him a deadly glare boring into the side of his head making him stop in his tracks, as he proceeded to glare back. Then just as I was about to clarify, a big, burly security guard stepped up behind Haneul and tapped her shoulder.

“Excuse me, do these two belong to you?” He lifted his gaze from Haneul to us, I gave him a 'what're-you lookin'-at' face to which the officer paid no attention and fixed his gaze back on Haneul.

“Yes sir, they're with me.” She held a composed face. Her voice seemed tired like she had just spent the whole day looking after two rowdy kids.

“If they don't behave, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave.”

“Neh, I'll try my best. Sorry for the trouble.” She bowed her head slightly.

“I understand ma'am, they are just kids after all.” He smiled at her and walked away after giving Onew and I stern looks.

Haneul turned back to us and shook her head playfully looking down to face JinGook, “What are we going to do with them, yeobo?” JinGook giggled as he his ice cream, unaware of the murderous look I was sending him as they walked off hand in hand.

“Man, I think my brothers going to steal your women if you don't act fast.” Onew patted my back looking off at the two retreating backs.

“You...” I refocused my glower onto the latter, or the now identified .

“JinGook! Wait up! Don't leave me with this crazy buttface!!” Running at full speed he ran towards the safety of his 6 year old brother.


“NO!! IT SMELLS LIKE DOO DOO!” He stuck his tongue out over his shoulder. I picked up my pace and ran faster, locking onto my newly acquired target.

Mission number 1: Destroy Dubu

Mission number 2: Get rid of Dubu Jr.


HELLO!! HOW ARE ALL OF YOU DOING?? And yes, I am still alive! Thank you for sticking with me through my ridiculously long break, I appreciate it so so much and I just wanted to let you know! (that this is for the weekend~ lol what up BTOB reffrence!...and iisuperwomanii reffrence...)

So, I can't really come up with any excuses other than the time old response that "school is ruining my life and is a major ." Which is a hundred percent true but I don't feel like it suffices for my extremely long absense...Please forgive me! ^ ^"

Anyway, how was the chapter? I know it's kind of useless and it's lacking alot of fluff and it's pretty short...and if you guys didn't realize that until I mentioned it right now then, damn I just caused a whole new problem for myself didn't I? But seriously tell me what you think!! :D


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Chapter 11: haha lol this chapter is just great
S-arah #2
i just read your story and it´s awesome! i relly really wish that you go on quickly ;D key fighting! ^^
Please UPDATE SoonXD. I really want to read what happens next
StarlightN #4
Wow... OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Ehheh yeah... Great job author nim and best of luck!
awww cute chapter I can´t wait to see what is going to happen next =)
banapple195 #6
New Reader!!! I likey the story! :)
Thank you StarlightN-sshi ;) I'm glad you're enjoying it :D
StarlightN #8
Awwwwwwwww..... So cute! I love it! Great job author-nim!
Thank you StarlightN And everybody...for adding a new story to my list of things to do...JK ^_^ Seriously though thank you! This is the most response I've gotten on a story, so I really appreciate it!!! ♥
StarlightN #10
Wow this is really interesting! Great job and best of luck to you and your fanfic!