Chapter 13

I Became His...Girlfriend...

The next morning I woke up in bliss, my shoulders weren't taught from restless slumber and my alarm hadn't even sounded yet. I felt weightless laying on my bed; untouchable. My thoughts were clear, and they were all my own. I felt as though I was finally Smeagol again.

I giggled at my own thoughts. How had I come to the point where I was likening myself to a tortured, bipolar (not to mention fictional) character. Though, it really was how I felt in this moment of peace.

There was nothing gnawing at the back of my mind, and there was nothing I had to keep to myself. I was back to being the impatient, blunt Shin Haneul; and I could feel it.

Finally I glided out of bed and sauntered down the hall into my bathroom. As I entered my mom called for me from below the staircase, giving me a few errands to do since I was awake.

Feeling up to it I complied and went on to get ready. Finished with washing my face of all sleep, I stared into my reflection for a while. It brought me back to that moment in Key's house, igniting a fiery feeling in my ears. Sure enough they were bright red. I was now free to do things like that with Key as I pleased, and there was nothing stopping me. I stared into the sink with a shy grin, well other than my own timidity. This feeling proved itself as I adjusted the couple ring on my finger.

With a bashful sense of experimentation, I pulled out my mascara wand and lightly brushed it through my almost non-existent lashes. I had been well endowed in many aspects of my looks, but I was stuck with my mothers eyes; which seemed to include her eyelashes. Don't get me wrong, my mom's eyes were a thing of beauty; a fine, watery brown, the iris thickly rimmed in black. I was lucky to have them, but seriously, they could have been framed a little better if you get what I mean. My dad on the other hand had extremely thick, course eyelashes that were extremely unfair.

Feeling that I had sufficiently extended my eyelashes for a simple trip around town, I moved on to apply a light peachy blush. Although, I was sure if I were to see a certain someone later, I wouldn't be needing it.

I cringed a little. Was I going to be like this from now on? A jello-y blob in the presence of my best friend? How was I going to carry out conversation if all I could picture myself doing with Key is staring at him and smothering him in hugs. Not to mention how was this going to effect Jonghyun? This was all different when I was shy all by myself and without his knowledge. But now that I could actually smother him in hugs, I don't know what to do! I can't let Key know of this, he has to too much power now. And knowing him, he'll find out how to misuse it in all the right ways...

Pushing these thoughts away I finished up in the bathroom and shuffled away to my room to put on some suitable clothes; some dark jeans and a loose fitted blouse, all topped off with a thick, woollen cardigan. Once I was satisfied that I would be able to stay warm on my small trek to the market I swiftly ran out of the house, greeting my mother on the way and picking up my keys from the side table.

Locking the door I mulled over my plan of action: First I would swing by the grocery store, and pick up only the necessities (maybe a little treat for myself, I really do deserve it). Then I would be off to print some pictures, and back home.

Heading to my bike, I fumbles with my charm filled key ring. The actual key was hidden behind several plush and clay charms as well as my camera's USB. It was a bit of a hassle to carry it all, but these charms were never leaving my key ring. Each charm had been acquired from countless trips to the carnival with Key as well as little gift shops at the mall. It was ironic and cheesy, I'll admit. But Key loved the idea none the less, that I would look at my keys and think of Kibum.

Once again my thoughts became a hazy, sappy shade of paisley pink, but I shoved the thoughts down and moved forward down the street. This was going to take a bit of getting used to, and by this I meant my now unchained range of romantic feelings, but I wasn't going to let it get the better of me.

I love taking walks around my neighbourhood by myself some times, to let the winds pick up around me with out a worry. I didn't get much opportunity to do these kinds of things, but that fact only made the moment all the better.

I wonder how I was going to do in my new environment, away from home and in a unfamiliar campus. It was hard to image growing up like that and being independent. I still felt like a prepubescent teen who needed constant mentoring and guidance. There was no way, or so it seemed, that I could handle living on my own and just do my own thing. My 'own thing' had always appeared to require the permission of my parents, but now that I was 18 I could do everything and almost anything. You see, I just don't. I still just felt like I was 12 years old, going to the grocery store with my mom. I couldn't even drive yet, how could I survive as a self-directed adult? What if I couldn't?

Of course I would always have my parents and Jonghyun and Key to go back to for advise and help, but that still implied that I would be making my own decisions the rest of the time.

I had tackled one hurdle of indecision and it had turned out to be the right one, I thought while spinning the ring on my finger then pulling it off and slipping it on to my thumb.

I giggled a little. Like, out of nowhere, and for no reason.

My hands flew to my mouth.

There I was having a deep moment with myself, and now I was giggling like a maniac and I didn't know why.

An elderly couple passed me, as if to only extend this moment of utter embarrassment. They passed with confusion plain on their aged faces, but still reciprocated my bow as we crossed paths heading in the opposite directions.

My breathing became ragged.

It was finally happening. I was going insane. Later tonight my picture will be on the news while that elderly couple testified to my meltdown leading ultimately to my disappearance.

My laughing came out in light hearted sputters, as if someone had casually told me a joke in conversation.

Still laughing quietly to myself, my smile growing wider and warmth spreading through me, I darted across the road childishly and ran quickly into the grocery store.

I sighed contently to myself.

Maybe I would be just fine.


Hello! How are all of you guys out there? I hope you guys didn't forget about me or anything...But, incase you did, here is a little double update!

Was it okay? Not too boring right? I hope I wrote it well...I really need your validation here guys. Since, without you, writing this would be almost nothing. I write to entertain, among other reasons, so if you guys aren't feeling these chapters let me know! I haven't been on here in ages so I need your comments and feedback to check if I still have (or even had) the skill to write this story and keep you engaged.

Anyway, I'm trying to shake the cobwebs off of my stories and get them up and running again. So, before all of my motivation is drained, I will try to update each of my stories at least once. So keep your eyes peeled if you subcribe to my other stories! As well, once I finish one of my ongoing works, I will be uploading a new one! Currently, I'm in the process of writing two, maybe four? I say maybe because one (staring Youngjae of B.A.P) is still being planned out, another (Staring Chanyeol) only has one chapter and is still pretty rough, and the other two (one about my beloved Channie, and the other also about the Exo gang(love interest undecided though)) are well on their way.

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Chapter 11: haha lol this chapter is just great
S-arah #2
i just read your story and it´s awesome! i relly really wish that you go on quickly ;D key fighting! ^^
Please UPDATE SoonXD. I really want to read what happens next
StarlightN #4
Wow... OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Ehheh yeah... Great job author nim and best of luck!
awww cute chapter I can´t wait to see what is going to happen next =)
banapple195 #6
New Reader!!! I likey the story! :)
Thank you StarlightN-sshi ;) I'm glad you're enjoying it :D
StarlightN #8
Awwwwwwwww..... So cute! I love it! Great job author-nim!
Thank you StarlightN And everybody...for adding a new story to my list of things to do...JK ^_^ Seriously though thank you! This is the most response I've gotten on a story, so I really appreciate it!!! ♥
StarlightN #10
Wow this is really interesting! Great job and best of luck to you and your fanfic!