Chapter 3 (I decided to continue...)

I Became His...Girlfriend...


Okay! So I have decided that I will continue to write this one! And since I also have other stories I must continue I have made a schedule and I even have a personal manager in charge of nagging keeping me on task :D Lets hope I don't die...My plan will begin on Monday so expect an updated that day (hopefully...) Okay I half promise you guys an update! See 49.5% of me wants to update on Monday, another 49.5% wants to bail (which I wont!!) and the remaining 1% wants to go into a sleep comma for a week then start writing...but I digress...Anyway I hope you enjoy!!!






“Haneul? Are you okay?” I quickly turned away from the window that I was secretly beating my head against.

“Hn...Ah, neh.” I lightly smiled at Mrs. Kim, who had returned shortly after the whole...thing that happened.

“YAH! You can't do that! In kai bai bo there are no swords!!!” Key snapped at the glaring Jonghyun seated beside him.

“Says who!!??” Jonghyun stood up in a huff.

“The name of the game itself, you idiot!!” Key smacked the latter on the head making him plop back down onto the chair.

Oh these two...they really never change no matter what.

Unaware, I began to chuckle softly.

“What's so funny?” The two stopped their bickering and questioned at the same time turning to face me. Before I could respond they began fighting again, insulting each other childishly.

“Nothing at all...” I mumbled to myself watching them in content.



Later that evening Key was released from the hospital with a few cuts and bruises. Before we left the doctor reminded Key that he needed to change the bandages on his head every couple of hours, and that he should stay away from sports or not to overexert himself.

We all bowed to the doctor and made our way to the parking lot.

“Okay kids, lets go. I'll give you a ride home.” Mrs. Kim said while searching through her bag for the car keys.

“Oh. You don't need to drop me off, I brought my car.” Jonghyun held up his own keys and flashed us a bright smile.

“Quit showing off! We get it, you have a nice car!” I crossed my arms as he laughed ruffling my hair.

“Sorry!” He smiled happily once more, “I'll drop by tomorrow then, take care Key! Annyeonghaseyo Omonim!” He waved and began walking to his car.

“Psh...SEE YOU TOO DINO!” I yelled after him making him stumble a bit. Ah, such a wimp...



In the car me and key both sat in the back while Mrs. Kim obviously sat in the driver's seat. The ride was quiet with the radio quietly playing in the background.

“Hanie~” Key suddenly called breaking the silence.

I hummed in response not looking away from the window.

“What school do we go to?”

“Seoul University...well actually we don't go there yet, but when school starts that's where we'll be.” I turned and smiled at him, and he responded with a small nod.

“How did you, Jonghyun and I first meet?” He questioned.

“Like I said we all met in the third grade.”

“I know that, but how did we become friends?” He asked with a slight sparkle in his tired eyes.

“Well it all started on the play ground...”




An eight year old you was swinging peacefully on the swing set. It may seem like a regular thing, but this time you were extra happy about it. Since you got this spot by tricking the boy that got there first. You giggled and remembered the boys face when you swiftly stole his spot. By now you were gaining speed and getting higher off the ground.

“Hey you!” Out of nowhere you felt a light push but it was enough to knock you off into the sand.

“What was that for??” You stood up brushing yourself off, and turned to meet eyes with a familiar face.

“You!” You pointed a finger at him giving him a menacing glare.

“That's what you get for taking my spot!” He stuck his tongue out and proceeded to swing.

Being only 8 years old that swing was big deal, and so you began to bawl your eyes out while sitting in the sand.

“Hey you! Don't you know it's rude to make girls cry!!” There was a loud thud.

Startled by the sound you wiped your tears to see two boys fighting in front of you.

“YAH!!! Stop it!!” You got up and tried to pull the two apart with what little strength you had. And when that didn't work you had no options left, but to do something that all kids feared more than nap-time.

“BWUAHAHAHAHAHA-STOP-AHAHAHAH-S-STOP THAT!!” the two boys had stopped fighting and were now trying to protect themselves from your tickling.

“Kim Jonghyun, Shin Haneul, and Kim Kibum! To the principles office NOW!” The teacher on duty ordered the 3 of you, and none of you protested.

In the principles office you 3 were lectured and were told to stay in the office for the rest of the day.

“This is all your fault...” The young Key mumbled under his breath, but you still heard it.

“Shut up, you meanie...”

“Stupid head...”

“Didn't your mother tell you that you have to be nice to girls??” Jonghyun pinched Key's arm and he squealed in pain.

“Hey! That's not very nice either!” You crossed your arms and looked at him, “Apologize, both of you!”

“Neh umma...” They mocked and high-fived.

“Just do it!”

“Sorry...” They both said at the same time.

“Good! Now we can all be friends!” You smiled at both of them.

“Hey! What about you! Because of you I got sand in my shorts!”

“Yeah!” They both glared at you and you gave them a nervous grin.

After that day the tree of you were inseparable! It may sound cliché but that's exactly what happened,




“So yeah, that's basically it.” I smiled and nodded making sure that I didn't leave anything out.

“Oh, well that's not the fairytale friendship I was expecting...but it'll do.”

“Well, sorry! It's not my fault you got the good swing...” I grumbled and crossed my arms.

“Hey, Kibum this was your favourite song wasn't it!” Mrs. Kim turned up the radio and Genie by SNSD was playing, it was indeed his favourite song.

“OH! I know this one!” He skillfully dance to the song not missing a beat and remembered every dance move.

“Wait! So you don't remember how we met, but you remember how to do that!!??” I bumped into his shoulder and he just laughed along and continued to dance.

I tried my best to maintain my angry glare, but watching him dance like that made it really difficult.

Eventually I ended up joining him until the song ended.

-Sigh- The things you make me do...

He turned and looked at me, giving me a smile that I just had to return.



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Chapter 11: haha lol this chapter is just great
S-arah #2
i just read your story and it´s awesome! i relly really wish that you go on quickly ;D key fighting! ^^
Please UPDATE SoonXD. I really want to read what happens next
StarlightN #4
Wow... OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Ehheh yeah... Great job author nim and best of luck!
awww cute chapter I can´t wait to see what is going to happen next =)
banapple195 #6
New Reader!!! I likey the story! :)
Thank you StarlightN-sshi ;) I'm glad you're enjoying it :D
StarlightN #8
Awwwwwwwww..... So cute! I love it! Great job author-nim!
Thank you StarlightN And everybody...for adding a new story to my list of things to do...JK ^_^ Seriously though thank you! This is the most response I've gotten on a story, so I really appreciate it!!! ♥
StarlightN #10
Wow this is really interesting! Great job and best of luck to you and your fanfic!