Chapter 7

I Became His...Girlfriend...


Changed and washed we all headed out the door and to the mall where we would meet my parents.

In the car Mrs. Kim sat, of course, in the driver's seat whilst me and Key sat in the back on each window seat. Sitting in silence I turned to the scenery outside for some sort of entertainment, I mean that is if you think getting nauseas off all the 100klm per hour foliage passing the window then...I guess I'm having the time of my life.

Well since that plan was a bust I turned back to the front and attempted to sleep for the rest of the car ride.


“Sorry kids, these roads probably haven't been paved over in years.” Mrs. Kim spoke breaking the silence momentarily before it once again filled the air.

Tiredly I looked over to Key who was staring out the window like I had been earlier. Looking closely at him I could see his eyebrows furrow and unfurrow only to be bunched up once again like he was thinking hard about something.

Maybe I'll ask him about it later.

Still looking at his face I traced his silhouette from the bridge of his nose to the tip following his high cheek bones, passing his calm feline eyes. From his ears and trailing back up his straight jawline to the point of his chin.

In all honesty this was the first time I had looked deeply into Keys face, and looking at it now felt like he was some one completely different...

Along the outline of his chin my eyes travelled up to his lips, and even from the side his defined cupids bow was noticeable.

...In observing each and every detail I started to come to a conclusion of sorts...

Taking my gaze away from his lips my eyes grazed over the outline of his face, how starting from his eye lashes and down to his jaw each and every feature was well characterized and placed.

...I've now concluded, in this 15minute or less drive, that Kim Kibum Key, my best friend of years, the guy who I could openly discuss any problem from my period to whatever, the guy I share a room with when I sleep over...That this guy sitting right beside me is flawless. He's perfect to a point where I'm surprised I haven't been killed in a stampede of crazy high heeled fangirls yet!

Suddenly I looked down at my lap seeing my fingers with untrimmed cuticles wrapped around my phone where a reflection of myself was cast.

An insignificant image of someone I see everyday staring back at me, just plain ordinary me. Me who could blend, seamlessly into any crowd. And here I am with someone who could quite possibly be mistaken as a model, or even become one.

Aigoo~ where are my thoughts taking me.

Feeling the car jerk to a stop I whipped my head around realizing I had been staring at key for the whole ride here.

“KaJa! We have to meet your parents at the food court.” Mrs. Kim put an arm over my shoulder as we headed to the mall entrance.

“Yah! Umma~ Wait for me!” Key whined slamming the door. As he ran up to his mother and me he pushed me away replacing my spot under his mother's arm while sticking his tongue out mokingly.

Huh, so that's why he doesn't have mobs of screaming fans...

Rolling my eyes I continued to walk behind them sending glares at Key as he intentionally slowed down, making me bump into him.



Slamming my head into Key's back for the umpteenth time we finally reached the doors to the mall.

“Haneul-ah, do you know what supplies you need to get?” Mrs. Kim asked as she sat on the bench next to me while Key sat on the other side.

“Neh, I made a list.” I smiled and patted my pocket containing my phone.

I looked ahead at the large TV screen mounted on the wall, showing different advertisements for the many food companies hawking their food to the tired consumers wandering the food court. Unknowingly my focus turned to Key who sat leaning on his head onto his palm for support, and a bored, almost sad, expression playing on his face.

What's with him? He seemed fine when we were walking here...

Just as I was about to ask him I was abruptly thrown forward hitting my stomach on the table infront of me.


“YAH! YOU STUPID DINO HEADED FREAK!! GET OFF ME!!!” Flailing my arms around I tried to fling his own arms off my waist, with little success. Sighing I stood up with him still tightly clinging to me.

“You asked for it.” I mumbled.

“Wha-” Before he could finish his sentence I put my arms behind me locating his sided and as hard as I could I poked him, digging my fingers into his ribs as he screamed in pain finally releasing me.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR! I give you my love and affection and this is how you repay me!!??” Stepping over Jonghyun as he balled up on the floor, I sat back in my spot.

“Well, sorry. But what you call 'love and affection' I call 'ambush and harassment'.” Jonghyun got up from his position on the floor taking a seat beside Key, as he rubbed his sore (probably bruised) sides.

“Yo Key! How's your head?” He bumped his shoulder with Key's but the best he could get out of him was a small nod and a half hearted smile.

Confused, Jonghyun turned to me and mouthed, “Whats with him?”

I shrugged as we both looked back at Key as he tapped his fingers lightly on the table uninterestedly.

“Soojung-ah!” My mother ran up to Mrs. Kim, who stood up trapping my mother into a tight embrace.

“Lee Eunbyul, how dare you not come and visit! How long has it been already? 4 months?” Mrs. Kim scolded playfully making my mother lower her head, as the rest of us laughed at how similar she was to Key...well the usual Key. Not this puddle of gloom and boredom seated before us.

“Annyeong Jonghyun-ah! And I'm glad to see that you're better Kibum-ah” Jonghyun and Key bowed to my mother and she smiled before sitting next to me.

“Hanie did you behave well when we were away? I better not get another report that you tricked Kibum into eating another one of your mud pies.” She raised an eye brow at me.

“Hey, that only happened twice plus we were only in the 4th grade! And in my defence the second time he did it by his own will...I just didn't stop him...” Sheepishly looked over at Key with an apologetic look and he just nodded at me before turning back to look the shops that were across from the food court.

Hmmm...this is weird. Key's never passed up an opportunity to argue with me. Something's up.

“Okay! Enough chit chat!” My mother clapped her hands together and stood up as everyone did the same.

“Wait, Umma where's Appa?” I asked while walking beside her to the stationary shop.

“Oh, sorry dear he has a meeting to attend.” She smiled at me and I nodded.

Lately my dad has been taking really late shifts at the office so today was supposed to be his off day.

Anyhow, we stepped into the stationary store and set off to look for pens, pencils, notebooks, planners, and anything else we might need.

I pulled out my phone and scanned the list and decided to begin looking for some lined paper.

Finding some I attempted to grab it but failed as it was way up on the top shelf, and be being as 'petite' as I am I couldn't get up high enough.

Rolling back onto my heals in an effort to get better leverage I stretched my arm out as far a s I could. Just as my finger tips brushed against the plastic package I felt it being pulled down.

“Thank you!” Turning around I came faced with a man's chest, looking up I realized it was Key.

“Oh, thanks Keybummie! You startled me!” I laughed and slapped his chest as he made way for me to walk past him.

“Why don't you call me Oppa? I mean after 6 years don't I deserve to be recognized as your loyal, dedicated Oppa?” He question, and if I'm not mistaken I detected a slight whine.

Shocked by his sudden playful attitude I paused for a second before replying.

“But I'm older,” He opened his mouth to speak, “And don't even think of calling me Noona!” I glared at him pointedly.

“Then call me Oppa~” He asked again using aegyo on me.

Staring at him with an unchanging expression I spoke plainly, “No, I'm older.”

“By how much?”

“3 days, and now I'm really not calling you Oppa for forgetting my birthday” Yup that's right, I was born September 20th and he was born on the 23rd.

“What?! That measly span of two days? That's nothing!!” he stomped his food childishly as I walked passed him to the shelf of notebooks.

“Too bad, that 'measly span of two days' is two more days I have than you.” I reached for a notebook but Key pulled it out instead.

“But I'm taller! Proving that that two days adds nothing to your development over me.”

“Yah!” Grabbing the book from his hands I smacked it over his head, “You're a guy of course you're taller! How would it look if I was taller than you?”

“How would it look if girlfriend didn't address her boyfriend as Oppa?” He retorted.

“Like this, now come on Bummie! We have pencils on high shelves that need rescuing!” I pumped my fist in the air marching over to the rack of pencils, as Key trailed behind me.



“Stationary check!” Mrs. Kim made a check mark in the air with her finger as we walked out of the store with our bags.

“Okay, next we need sheets and laundry baskets!” My mother walked ahead with Mrs. Kim while the three of us dragged ourselves after them.

“Ugh, I hate shopping here! All the stores are so far away from each other!” Standing in the middle of the two boys I linked my arms with there's as the chuckled at my discomfort.

“Sigh, you terrible people. Your best friend- no no no, your delicate, frail, FEMALE friend is this close to collapsing and the best you two can do is laugh at me?! What a cruel, cruel world!” I sighed dramatically.

“If you say so-” Suddenly Jonghyun picked me up bridal style and began running full speed passing our mothers.


“MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” The doofuss laughed like the evil maniac, and by now I'm sure people were staring at us making my face heat up.

“Okay, we have arrived!” Jonghyun set me down back onto my feet as he breathed heavily.

“Hey! After carrying me you can't breath that heavily! And another thing,” I smacked him on the head and he pretended to fly backwards from the impact.

“Aish, drama queen” Looking around I realized I was right, everyone who had been passing by was now staring gawking at us like we just escaped from the loony bin causing my cheeks to become fired up.

“Ahhh, wasn't that fun?” Jonghyun came and put an arm around me as Key walked towards us and with one glance walked away.

“What crawled up his and died?”

“Ugh, don't say such vulgar things around a woman!” I slapped his chest.

“What women? Are your mom and Mrs. Kim are still way to far to hear me.” He joked.

“Stupid buttface...” I grumbled crossing my arms before walking into the store looking for Key.





Trying catching up to Haneul and Jonghyun I was ready to beat the living day lights out of him for doing that just now. Although I really know I shouldn't be mad seeing as he's done it many times before, but I can't help but see it as him being all over my girlfriend. And especially since he crashed my day with Haneul (and our moms)!

Still miffed, I finally reached them to see him with his arm around her as she had a blush on her face.

What? She's blushing?! For him?! Che.

Angrily I left the two and stomped off to the linens section and began absent mindedly looking at the bad sheets in front of me.

Aish why am I so upset? I'm acting like such a girl!

Because you like her~

Shut up, don't you think I know that?

And you're jealous...

I know that too! What kind of subconscious are you? I'm already conscious of those thoughts!!

“Heyo!” I turned around to see Haneul waving, as she walked up to me I walked away into the next aisle.

Ugh! What am I even doing? It's not that big of a deal!

“And I see the bipolar Key has returned, and this time sporting a never before seen 'cold shoulder'. Perfect for ignoring people, and a hot trend this afternoon.” She mocked a fashion show announcer and I had to use everything inside me not to laugh at how cute she looks leaning against the shelf, using a ladle as a microphone.

“Be quiet, why don't you just go back with Jonghyun? Maybe he'll loan you a blush to keep you warm throughout the winter season.” Realizing what I had just said I covered my mouth with both my hands as she cocked an eyebrow and a sly smile slowly spread across her lips.

“Ahhh, I see how it is. But I don't get why you're so moody, I've blushed plenty of time for you.” Lowering my hands from my face hers shot up and now we had reversed roles. She was the one with the embarrassed look and now I was the one to wear the cocky smirk.

On the outside I was calm, still playing it off like this was expected as her boyfriend. Where as on the inside I was partying it up! BIG time.

You see her admitting that I've made her blush before is the equivalent to her saying she has some for of feelings for me!...that, or I embarrass her a lot...Either way I'm still the reason she gets flustered! Kekeke

“Alright kids, lets pick out some bed sheets!” Mrs. Shin grabbed mine and Haneul's hand dragging us over to the bed sheets.



Each of us picking quickly we then headed to get laundry baskets, afterwards Mrs. Shin and Umma headed to the bathroom leaving the three of us to wait at a nearby bench.

“I'm gonna go get a drink at the fountain.” With that Haneul stood up leaving just me and Jonghyun.

“So how goes the mission? Any progress yet?” Jonghyun slid over taking Haneul's previous seat.

“I guess you could say that.” I smiled remembering her wide eyed expression. “But she's still kind of resisting, she won't even call me Oppa.” Grumpily I crossed my arms over my chest and slouched in my seat.

“Quit being a baby! At least Haneul hasn't become suspicious about your little plan. Which if I must say so myself, would go over a lot easier if you didn't start off with a lie.”

“What lie? I'm not lying.”

“Oh, so pretending you lost your memory and that you think you two are dating isn't just the biggest lie you've ever heard?” I rolled my eyes as Jonghyun continued to nag.

“No it's not, because I actually DID lose my memory and I DID think we were dating.”

“Yeah for what? 3, 4 hours tops and then failed to tell her that you lo longer have amnesia and that you looooooovvvvveeee her!”

Ignoring his immature comment I answered, “Exactly, so she's still living off the truth, which then turned in to pretend, but the point being is that what she believes was once truth so her belief in my illness is truthful!” Jonghyun gave me a 'the flip you smoking, dude' look and I did have to admit that I have no clue what I just said.

“Shut up, Jjong.” I flicked his head.

“What was that for?! You know I'm right!”

“Shut.Up. Two simple words and all you have to do is be quiet, how are you screwing that up?”

“What the heck?”

“See there you go again!” I pointed at him and he glared back turning it into a staring competition.





As I walked back from taking a swig at the water fountain seeing Jonghyun and Key talking, I was about to approach them when I heard Jonghyun say my name.

Hmmm, lets see what they say about me when I'm gone...

Quit being a baby! At least Haneul hasn't become suspicious about your little plan. Which if I must say so myself, would go over a lot easier if you didn't start off with a lie.”

What lie? I'm not lying.”

Oh, so pretending you lost your memory and that you think you two are dating isn't just the biggest lie you've ever heard?”

...I actually DID lose my memory and I DID think we were dating.”

Excuse me, but did I just hear that? I narrowed my eyes and concentrated on what they were saying.

...tell her that you no longer have amnesia and that you looooooovvvvveeee her!”

HUH?! Did I enter some weird twilight zone? Or maybe I never left the water fountain...what if I drowned and right now I'm unconscious and dreaming? Yeah, I like that one...I'll go with that one.

Ugh! Quit it my eyes are burning! Why don't you use all of that pent up charisma and just confess to her already, what's the worst that could happen really?

“C-confess...” I repeated in a whisper still not able to process what was going on.

“Oh Haneul-ah, what are you standing here for?” My mother lightly patted my shoulder.

“Hn? Oh um, I was just heading to the bathroom. I'm not really feeling well.” I frowned as Mrs. Kim placed a hand on my forehead.

“It doesn't seem like you have a fever, but If you're not up to it we could call it a day and come back another day.” She smoothed my hair and I nodded with a weak smile.

“Okay, honey lets go home and rest. How about I make some hot chocolate and we can have a quiet girls night, I even rented some movies.” I nodded as she took my hand.

Bidding a goodbye to Mrs. Kim we headed for the doors.

As we entered the car I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.


Psh, ditcher! How could you leave us all alone!

And Key says 'get well' or whatever...

                               -Jjong ☻


th, 3PM>


Rolling my eyes at his childish text I went into the car, and as we drove I mulled over what I had just over heard not knowing what do make of it.

Oh, so pretending you lost your memory and that you think you two are dating isn't just the biggest lie you've ever heard?”... “ ...just confess to her already...”

Muuuuuurrrrrrrrrggggghhhh, what is going on?!!! What do they mean 'pretending' to lose his memory?? If he lied about the whole thing then how did he end up in the hospital?...well he said he DID have amnesia, back when they were if he DID lose his memory, what about now? But aside from that, what the actual FLIP did he mean 'confess to her'???!!!!??? Confess to who?? Me?? Puh-lease!! I've been dubbed 'single since birth' without any objections!! Urgh! I don't know what feelings to have!!! Am I mad that he was lying? Am I weirded out that he likes me?

Are you happy that he likes you?


But really, what do you have to be mad about? Isn't this what you wanted?

IS this what I wanted? I mean sure I'm shocked by his sudden 'attacks', and I get annoyed...but I wasn't I saying just this morning that I lo-

“Okay dear, we're home.” My mother shut off the ignition and turned to me as I broke from my thought, “Go get into you're pyjama's and meet me in the theatre aka living room, so we can get started on the bag full of rom-coms I rented.” Laughing at my moms dorky actions I followed her into the house, running off to my room.

Closing the door behind me I jumped onto my bed hugging my pillow tightly.

You love him.

Do I?

He loves you.

Can I love him?

You admitted it once before today, why struggle now?

Sighing I flipped over onto my back still holding the pillow close to my chest.

Did I really?

You yourself said it would be a lie not to acknowledge it.

I did, but what is there to acknowledge? What is love?

Love is your perception, of perfect.

Moving the pillow onto my face I groaned.

“That song is right, I am losing my mind...”


Hiya! Okay so I realize I'm a few hours off from my deadline and technically as I post this it's Tuesday already(wow, this is only the 3rd rotation and I'm already struggling to keep up), but please forgive me! And in anycase I feel like I can write better at night when I don't have to worry about my Mom trying to read what I'm writing :P

So what do you guys think? Do you think she found out too soon? Or is it okay? Leave comments please! I wanna read them, it fills my empty life!!! I know a lot of people say that they have no lives but I really mean it! I just sit at home like a potato, and not even the ones that get turned into fries and mashed potato's either! I'm like one of the useless tiny potato's, still covered in dirt and are half rotten that you find at the bottom of the bag when all the good ones have been used! But anyways...

Thank You for reading, my wonderful subscribers! It really makes me happy to see that my day isn't always a complete waste...but honestly I love you guys! Even if you aren't subscribed, just to think that there are people reading what I write and putting up with my useless notes at the bottom makes me both surprised and over joyed!! It might be a little early to say this since my story isn't even finished yet, but I just thought I needed to let you guys know~ 

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Chapter 11: haha lol this chapter is just great
S-arah #2
i just read your story and it´s awesome! i relly really wish that you go on quickly ;D key fighting! ^^
Please UPDATE SoonXD. I really want to read what happens next
StarlightN #4
Wow... OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Ehheh yeah... Great job author nim and best of luck!
awww cute chapter I can´t wait to see what is going to happen next =)
banapple195 #6
New Reader!!! I likey the story! :)
Thank you StarlightN-sshi ;) I'm glad you're enjoying it :D
StarlightN #8
Awwwwwwwww..... So cute! I love it! Great job author-nim!
Thank you StarlightN And everybody...for adding a new story to my list of things to do...JK ^_^ Seriously though thank you! This is the most response I've gotten on a story, so I really appreciate it!!! ♥
StarlightN #10
Wow this is really interesting! Great job and best of luck to you and your fanfic!