Chapter 9

I Became His...Girlfriend...


Taking a deep breath I looked at myself in the mirror checking for any imperfections.

“Honey! Key's here!”


Quickly but delicately I smoothed out my hair before running out the door. Bounding down the first flight of stairs I reached the platform above the second set of steps, suddenly feeling self-aware I slowed my pace and walked the rest of the way down with slow, light steps.

“Annyeong!” I approached the smiling Key who stood in the door way next to my mother.

“So where will you kids be going?” She smiled at us and I looked over to Key.

Slinging an arm over my shoulder he pulled me close to him then placed a finger to his lips, “Bimiri-ehyo!(Secret!)”

“Aigoo! You two are so cute~ If I didn't know better I'd think you were dating.” She winked at us causing me to fake a laugh as I looked over to Key who seemed unfazed.

Che, if he's going to lie he should do it better. I mean he hasn't even said anything to his own mom yet. Huh, I wonder what it would be like to be introduced as someone's girlfriend...AHHH! Chakaman (hold on!)! I'll think about that later!

“Arraseo Omonim! We should be heading off now, Annyeonghaseyo!” He bowed slightly then pulled me out the door just as I put my second shoe on.

Standing on the porch there were no words exchanged, glancing over at him I realized that the silence was more uncomfortable for me than him. Seeing as he stood staring and confidently in his dark wash jeans and pastel orange V-neck. While I was practically hunched over into a ball, as I created enough friction with my nervous hands to start a forest fire.

“You look pretty.” Feeling the light touch on my arm I turned to face him.

“Oh, gomowo. You look nice too...” Sheepishly smiling gently brushed my bangs back with my fingers.

“Okay! Lets hit the road!” Clapping his hands together I stumbled back a bit by the abrupt break in atmosphere.

I watched him waddle over the his car before following.

-sigh- Kim Kibum, forever unable to read the situation...not that there was one. And yes I will deny it, for now. Until I can't handle it.

He unlocked the car and I slipped in closing the door behind me before proceeding to buckle up, when I heard the light rapping of knuckles on the window. Curiously I looked out to see Key motioning for me to open the door. I lifted my arms in a questioning manner and mouthed 'Why?' But he probably didn't see it because of the heavily tinted windows.

He knocked on the window again this time harder and I could here a muffled “Yah!”

Rolling my eyes I stepped out closing the door, and stood in front of him with my hand on my hips.

“Mwoh?” He stared back at me then wordlessly opened the door and motioned for me to step in. Soaking it in the heat rose in my cheeks at his actions. Smiling shyly I dropped my arms back to my sides and stepped back in, he closed the door securely behind me and went around to the drivers seat.

After waiting for me to buckle my seatbelt he started the car and pulled away from the driveway.



“Be ma girl, would you be ma girl~” Key began to sing along to the song playing on the radio.

“Man this song is really good! If I wasn't driving I would so start dancing right now!” Sending him a suspicious side glance I watched him tap his fingers anxiously on the steering wheel.

“Yah! Hands must be firmly placed on 10 and 2! Didn't you learn anything from my driving lessons?”

Stopping at a red light he turned to me with a smug expression, “I don't know? Did you learn anything, Mrs. I-need-a-ride-to-school?”

“Shikereo! I swear it wasn't my fault! THAT INSTRUCTOR WAS MEAN TO ME FROM THE START!!” I slammed my fists onto my lap in defiance.

“Innocent people don't need to yell to prove a point.” We began moving forward again as the light changed to green again.

“I WASN'T--...I wasn't yelling...” I changed my tone into a whisper realizing he was right, earning a chuckle from him.

Forgetting the awkwardness from earlier, I crossed my arms in a huff, “Whatever...”

As Key focused his gaze forward onto the road I shifted in my seat to comfortably rest my head on the window. The vibrations of the wind rushing past the thin layer of glass tickled my ears, and all I could hear was the outside white noise and the low volume of the radio.

“How are you feeling today?” Breaking the muted air, he spoke.

“Hm? Oh, I'm feeling better now. I guess I was just tired.” I easily covered up for yesterday, making me worry a bit about how smoothly the lie came out of my mouth. But Key believed it anyway, which also made me worry about my recent level of honesty since Key is the first to catch onto my sharp tongue.

“Great! I hope your rested up for today because where we're going sleepy heads are a drag!” He enthused using, what to me sounded like, words your parents would tell when you went on a trip

“So where are we headed, Ajumma?” This time I and I could see how his side profile turned from a smile to scowl.

“Shut up, and I told you its a secret.” Now I frowned along with him.



Throughout the car ride I continued to pester him, but to no avail as he ignored my questions.

“Come on! Just give me a hint or something...ANYTHING!!” By now I was desperate. You see I'm one of those people who can't take surprises or secrets...I suppose it ties in with my lack of patience.

“I guess a hint couldn't hurt.” Flashing a mischievous grin at me he jutted his thumb over to my window. I whipped my head around hoping to catch a glimpse of this supposed 'clue' before it passed by. But what I saw was...

“A playground...?” With a bit of a sullen expression I focused back on him, who gave me a cheeky smile while nodding his head like he had given me such an amazing hint.

“Hn, a playground you say? Fine, then...Kibum?” I switched to my MC voice as I began the interrogation.




I can't believe she didn't get that clue! Usually Haneul is the first to catch onto things like that.

“...Kibum?” She said in a professional voice.

“Neh, Haneul-sshi.” I played along.

“Children go to playgrounds, correct?”

“Neh.” I nodded agreeing.

“And ice cream trucks frequent playgrounds, yes?”

“Yes.” Also true.

“And they sell ice cream near the bubble tea café in this area, am I right?”

“Uh...yeah.” WTF, where is she going with this.

“Isn't café is near the Grovebay Park?” Although I couldn't see her face I could feel her intense gaze on my actions, making me feel very self conscious. Rrrgh, plus I was already nervous enough seeing her dressed so cutely...and the way she tried to hide the sound of her elephant feet was so adorable...Breaking my train of thought I cleared my throat, then took the next exit on the left.

“Uhm, yeah I guess so-”

“And isn't Grovebay Park, also a playground?”


She spoke before I could answer, “And is that park not a hot spot for school kids on their was out of...” As I parked she stepped out of the car, “...The 'Interactive All Ages Museum'” She smiled triumphantly as she walked up to the big sign that read the, incredibly long, tittle of the museum. (A/N lool I doubt it's a real place :P)

I sighed as I walked up next to her leaning against the plastic sign board clapping sarcastically.

“Bravo, detective Shin I knew you were the best one for the case.”

“Thank you, thank you. Always a pleasure, for when there is a clue given I will always find the answer!”

“Psh, yeah in the stupidest ways. 'They sell ice cream near the bubble tea café, am I right?'” I imitated her in the most ridiculous voice I could hoping she would laugh, but instead she sent me a glare.

“Yah! Is that how you treat your date?”

I felt the heat in my ears at the word 'date', instinctively I looked away and began patting my hair down on the sides to cover my burning ears.

“Uh lets go.” She walked forward, and even though I was completely embarrassed I had an uncontrollable urge to reach out and grab her hand...and I did, like I said 'uncontrollable'...

At the contact of my hand to hers she looked up at me with her ever so innocent face. Smiling sweetly at her I cupped her small hand with both of mine positioning it into my right hand, then dropped our intertwined fingers so they swung together as we walked.

Looking down at the way her palm fit into mine snugly a strange feeling settled in my chest, b over the edge of my throat but not willing to leap of the the lip of my tongue.

A feeling described in one way, but could continuously be explained only to overlap each explanation before.

I felt warmth having her soft hand in mine.

I felt familiarity seeing her hair gently swing back and forth like it had many times before.

I felt uneasy knowing she wasn't entirely mine, and that there was nothing but a lie keeping her tethered to me. Uneasy, knowing that the affection I held in my gaze towards her would always be blocked by our friendship.

But more than anything, I felt the full impact of the beautifully pitiful love I had for my girlfriend...

Shaking my train of thought, I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve. Peering down at the excited girl dragging me of to who knows where I smiled. A smile stained with the traces of bitter regret, and worry.

I regretted for obvious reasons, and was worried for what the outcome of today's plans would be.

Because today, is the day.


Hey! Okay first of all I'm really sorry that I took a super long time to write this update but please understand that I'm really worn out! Urgh! I love summer but I hate it because my sleep schedule always gets messed up because of the heat, and usually I just lie in bed until who know how long! But now It's catching up with and I feel really tired all day -_-

Anyways, what did you guys think of the update? Sorry if it was kind of boring, I'll try and make it more interesting next chapter! (I can't promise it since I barely know what going to happen next chapter either XD)

Thank you, all of you! Because this story now has 17 subscribers!!!!!!! Which, for me, is an unimaginable amout of people who are actually reading my writing ^_^ And I can't stress enough the immense amount of graditude and trust I have in all of you awesome, amazing, beautiful, friendly, wonderful, lovable readers!! I truely and honestly love all of you~

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Chapter 11: haha lol this chapter is just great
S-arah #2
i just read your story and it´s awesome! i relly really wish that you go on quickly ;D key fighting! ^^
Please UPDATE SoonXD. I really want to read what happens next
StarlightN #4
Wow... OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Ehheh yeah... Great job author nim and best of luck!
awww cute chapter I can´t wait to see what is going to happen next =)
banapple195 #6
New Reader!!! I likey the story! :)
Thank you StarlightN-sshi ;) I'm glad you're enjoying it :D
StarlightN #8
Awwwwwwwww..... So cute! I love it! Great job author-nim!
Thank you StarlightN And everybody...for adding a new story to my list of things to do...JK ^_^ Seriously though thank you! This is the most response I've gotten on a story, so I really appreciate it!!! ♥
StarlightN #10
Wow this is really interesting! Great job and best of luck to you and your fanfic!