What Are We Right Now

Days With Choi Brothers


"JJ sica is here!"
Those sing-song voice...is no doubt but her.
I watched as my so-called sister walks up to Minho-and let her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she (the evilsica witch) nearly crushed him with her hug. I looked away fast before my heart starts hurting again.
I wish Hongki was here right now so he can cheer me up. But i'm still mad at him, and the other two were disgusting me-she try to hug him but he didn't even response.
I lean against my locker before they walked away with each other.  I don't know why but  the thought of me being a bother in his life hurts me. I needed a hug right now, he bothers me so much. I thought we could be friends-but not when he said that to my face.
A small tear streams down my cheek. Oh god now i'm crying.

I couldn't stand it.
I made him like this-if we never come to the party then this would have never happens.
"I'm such a babo..." I whispered "Mianhae"
A chair was by his bed. I went to sat on it and waited, as if waiting for him to open his eyes. For him to see how sorry I am-how much I want to start over our relationship.  I'm tired of this already, but I knew well in his eyes I am always a bother to him. What am I suppose to say to his mom now?!
Siwon: The doctor said he's just asleep so don't worry
I bit my lip. "I don't know how to face your mother now"
Just as Ms Choi and I were already getting along-her son got shot by accompany me to a party. But it was just so shocking! Lee Hong Ki has been my best friend for a long time-I felt so betrayed now, I don't know who to trust...
The door opened and the doctor walked in suddenly. He told us to be outside right now so he can check up on Minho. We get the drill so I stood up and walked out the door with Siwon. My phone rang then-
Krystal: Yes eounma?
Ms Jung: I heard the story already-the police came
I sighed deeply. "I'm so sorry-I have to talk with Ms Choi later"
Ms Jung: She was really worried-but she didn't blame it on you, though she wanted you and Siwon to come home now
The truth is, I didn't want to. I want to stay for some reason, though I knew I had school tomorrow so there is no choice for me.
As a conclusion of last night.
Ms Choi asked us a million of questions-who shoot Minho? What does he have against him?-and are they friends?, how did they met? and so on.
Turns out she doesn't remember Minho mentioning someone named Lee Hong Ki. I told her he's my friend-and there she asked me the relationship between Minho and Hongki so far. Then I noticed they haven't been getting along. I said that also, so we ends up talking until 2:00 am.
When I woke up in the morning-my vision really blurred and my body was sore by shaking in fright a lot. School is going to be abnormal because these two guys wouldn't get along. I got over the tiredness and finally dress fully when I walk downstairs. Today Siwon is driving me to school, it's going to be an opportunity for me to know him so I feel giddy.
He's so nice to me I smiled, imagining us close like siblings.
Over the weeks, mom would still stay home and pack our suitcases. And with little Yoogeun, well he just got scared when overhearing his 'scary hyung Minho' got shot by someone, mom have to talk to him about kid stuffs last night so he can sleep. And when I arrive to thekitchen, I found kid y traps...
Of course I'm not gonna be afraid, those traps couldn't even hurt a mouse.
Krystal: Yoogeun-clean this up, this is not our house and stop bothering the maids.
Yoogeun: Noona-Minho hyung got shot so what if you will be the next target-that's why I'm using my toys for defense!
I hardly believe that kid toys can save me from Lee Hong Ki. But I guess he was just a kid, and I do worried at the thought of Lee Hong Ki targeting me as next.
Krystal: Yoogeun ah-just clean it up, I promise you-we'll be safe
No Krystal-I can tell your afraid-nothing will ever be the same
Siwon and I were now in the car. By that time, i'm still tired-so I lean towards the window and sleep a bit. Poor Siwon, he didn't get to sleep because of driving...
"Since I drive you to school" he said-focusing on the road. "Does this mean i'm your brother?"
I smiled. "You are"
My eyes were closed but when I peek at him-a grin was on his face. He and Minho are nothing alike, but one thing for sure is that they both have a breath-taking smile...
I see what mom means when she wants me to get along with both of them-they're both caring in a different way. It has been only one day and Minho doesn't seem that bad-but he still find me annoying anyway. I already can tell i'm on Siwon good side, but Minho is too complicated to figure out so it might take some times.
We finally reach the school-I took my backpack and said goodbye to him before I took off running to the school gate.
"Yoona!" I called-seeing her in the hallway.
She turned around. "Oh hey Krystal whats up?-where's HongKi? I been looking for him-"
Krystal: Long story-but he's not in school
Her expression became puzzled, "Well alright-let's get to class"
Classes roll by before it was chemistry again-ugh...
But when I walked in-I found a miracle!
We have a sub today!
Thank god because Mr Woo is super strict and yet I thought i'm gonna fail his class. Plus-today we're suppose to turn in the homework packet-though it was too stretching for me so I have to guess a lot. 
I took my seat like everyone else. And my eyes landed on the teacher.
What can I say? He's  pretty young-probably a student teacher
????: Hello students-your chemistry teacher (Mr Woo) will be leaving and they asked me to replace him
The moment he said that-everyone cheered. Even me, (though I did it silently)
????: And one last thing before we continued-my name Kim Hyun Joong
"Isn't he so handsome?"
"Exactly! I thought he'll be an idol instead of a teacher"
"We still have chances guys-he's really young!"
Yoona and I were by our lockers as we overheard their conversation. We weren't annoyed or surprised by that, it was actually true the fact that our chemistry teacher is actually really handsome...
"This is the first time that I actually agreed with those s." Yoona muttered and I grinned since they are the most meanest of the school. I call them 'Drop-dead-since-im-so-plastic-pretty'
Krystal: You gotta admit-they do have the taste
We both closed our lockers and walked our way to lunch. I walk with my arm crossed as I thought about last night, which still haunts me at the sight of Lee Hong Ki raising his gun to shoot at Minho...
Yoona: Soojung ah?
I zapped back to reality. "Y-yeah?"
Yoona: You seem to act strange...
I shook my head. "Aniyo-it's nothing Yoona"
She rolled her eyes. "I can tell your lying-which reminds me-you seem to know why Choi Minho and Lee Hong Ki are absent"
Krystal: I can't tell you at school-remember?
Her expression then change "Alright I got it-just tell me when we go on chat"
Lunch went by quickly. And all everyone talks about were how the popular guy (Lee Hong ki) and soon-to-be popular (Choi Minho) were absent. It's weird how Minho was already popular on the first day-is it because whenever he goes somewhere-troubles will go with him? Or is it the fact that he faces Lee Hong Ki face to face?
I couldn't stop thinking about it during the last class of the day. And I just can't wait to get home.
It's finally at the end of school, I grabbed my backpack and dashed out of class and speed-walk all the way until i'm out of school. I became disappointed the fact that i'm walking home alone today-despite the fact that they're both in hospital and possibly prison...
There were a group of boys hanging around where i'm heading to, as I walked-a sudden chill came, realizing i'm alone so my pace quickened faster. The most surprising thing happens was when I felt someone hold my wrist.
Everything flashed back in my mind-the incident and Yoogeun being scared that I might be the next target. I was shaken and try to yank away from the person until they practically pull me back and a hand covered my mouth.
????: Why so afraid little girl? Got homework to do? Play with us awhile-
I  scream-it was worthless though, it came to be muffled. No one gonna rescue me now, not Choi Minho or Lee Hong Ki, the only way is to defend myself when I suddenly remember a technique I learned.
I reach for my keys to scratch on his arm- and quickly bite on his arm so he could release me. Which he did-I took the chance to run and escape from them!!!!
????: GET HER!!!!
I cannot let them get me now! I have to survive if I got out easily! 
Without any further, I reach into my backpack and took out my phone and didn't get to dial before it slipped and fell from my hand. 
"Shoot!!" I mentally cursed and find out that five of them are still after me!
No choice has been decided so I just ran into an alley and came across a dead end. It was a brick wall and a very tall one, I knew right way I can't jump over it like in movies so what I hoped is that they wont discover me here. But it was too obvious that they did-and now every one of them are coming towards me and I knew well I can't escape this time so I close my eyes and wait for whatever they're going to do.
I knew who they are now-the ones who's known to be criminals but never got catch by the police just of how sneaky they are.
????: Give up already you rat
???: Better know not to mess with us!
The leader of them stepped up, "Repeat who we are"
"You guys are 2pm..." I finished shakily. 
I was done with the job today-and were driving towards my house when I suddenly hears yelling from the dark alley near the neighborhood.
"We would like this new boyfriend fresh meat of yours to see us-he seems to be an interesting shrimp to beat"
"No please-I mean it sunbaes-please don't do that!"
Frowning, I unbuckled my seat belt and went to that area to found out what it is.
When I was there, all I saw were five guys and a young girl who seems to be frightened. My steps were loud so they all notice me, and their heads were turn to see me.
"M-Mr Kim..." 
I cross my arms. "Mind telling me what your're doing here with this young lady?"
All of them then started whispering to one another, and all I could try to think is how to let the girl our of danger when dealing with this gang group I heard from school recently. 
???: Sir-we were needing h-her help for our homework
I raised my brow. "Mwo? You honestly think I would buy that?-"
A punch suddenly came to my way and I was quick enough to block it with my hand. Another one tried to do a sneak attack on me but that was also solve by my quickness so all of them ended up getting sore from the hits I sent them. 
After finishing, I rubbed my hand together and take a moment to breathe awhile before they all ran and disappeared without a trace. My eyes wander to the girl-
Hyun Joong: Your okay?
She seems speechless. "Y-Yes Mr Kim"
"Here I'll take you home"
In the car
"Did they touch you?"
"No Mr Kim"
I nodded. "Sure so where's your house?"
"Um at 5th Avenue"
"Alright so it might take 10 minutes"
"Thank you Mr Kim"
I look at the girl and realizes she's one of my students.
Hyun Joong: Krystal right?
She turned around. "Ne Mr Kim"
It was silence for awhile.
Krystal: So u-um Mr Kim-do you think you'll get in trouble with hitting them?
"No they're going to be the one who's in trouble"
Krystal: I h-hope so... gapsamida
I smile, she seems cute.
We finally reach towards the mansion. Without any further notice, I took my backpack and got out of the car.
Krystal: Gapsamida-thank you for the ride
"Your welcome-take care"
I nodded and stand there as I watch him drove away. Sighing, this is such a tired day,,,
When I got in the kitchen, there I saw mom and Yoogeun like usual.
Ms Jung: Well now your here-where did you go honey?!
Krystal: Sorry eounma *grab a water bottle from the fridge* I had to stay after school for the teachers conference...
She immediately look up "Good or bad?"
I rolled my eyes "Good"
Of course she doesn't want to hear me saying 'oh I stay cause i'm in trouble-and then ran into a gang at my school'
Krystal: So how is Minho condition going?
"Well is isn't a worse condition since that friend of yours only shoots him once-so highly said he will recover, but not exactly recovers quickly either" she informed me.
I bit my lip "Eounma-how am I suppose to get along with that family now?"
Ms Jung: It doesn't matter how you do it-just help them with their chores-talk to them often and stay on track with their good side and they'll forgive you
"Thanks mom," I replied to her "I'll try my best"
                                                                             AT HOSPITAL
"Yah! Where's the oxygen mask?! We need one for Choi Minho from Choi's Family!!!!!"
Oxygen mask?....
I turned my back over to the right side to found some odd-looking hospital tools. Several doctors came in and notice I was awake since my eyes are open. 
"Oh goodness finally your awake!"
"Quick! Take the mask out-room 219 needs it ASAP!!!"
The mask was removed and they all dashes outside before the doctor said I had visitors and Siwon went in.
He frowned and shook his head. "Minho what the hell are you thinking??? Taking a fight out on Lee Hong Ki when your not even ready?!"
"Hyung, what did you expect?-he would have shot a random innocent person if it wasn't me pulling him out for a fight" I argued.
Siwon: *sigh* I don't know, but stay low and just watch out for him-don't get risky though
Then I suddenly remembers.
Minho: Krystal! What about her? Is she alright?!?
"She's fine-nothing happened, Hongki didn't get to shoot her until the police arrived"
I curled my fist. Stupid girl, I told her to stay on guard and yet she still follows this bastard anyway.
A sigh of relief came from me "Hyung I swear, we really need to teach her to be on guard, we can't risk ourselves of letting her be this airhead girl where she could trust anyone she meets"
Siwon: You have to understand though, Hongki was her best friend wasn't he?
I scoffed "So what? Don't you remember the saying of 'be more aware of the fake friend who hug you rather than your own enemy'?"
Siwon: Be more accurate Minho-she's still a girl, and it's pretty weird to say to her don't be friends with anyone cause they're going to shoot you?
He did makes sense. 
"Well what about becoming friends with girls only-at least girls are not as dangerous as guys"
Just as we were talking about her-the door opens, she stepped in and the both of us made eye contact with each other.
Siwon looked down at his watch, "Well it looks like I gotta go-needed to help Ji Hyo and her stuffs-get well Minho"
Aish seriously hyung, do you really need to leave at the wrong time when SHE here?...
Knowing him, maybe that's why he left...
I watched as he got up from the stool and walk out before he sends me a look saying 'keep-your-mouth-shut-at-what-we-just-talk-about' 
There were silence in the room, I didn't say anything except trying to avoid her eyes, but it got me relief when she still looking normal and annoying.
"So um..."
I frowned "What?"
"It is my fault anyway so I wanted to apologizes for what happen at the party-"
Minho: See I know better, and yet you rather take that jerk side anyway-what good do you really sees in him???
She glares at me. "Yah, this is the reason why I can't get along with you-you always rather to not care about my apology and always thinking your right. I knew well it is in this situation but is it really hard for you to accept my apology?!"
I shrugged. "What if I say yes?"
Krystal: Well i'm sorry I kept bothering you ever since I move in your house, I'll promise you I wont ever go near Lee Hong Ki again-are you happy or what?
I didn't get to reply before she took out some lunch boxes and place them on the drawer. 
"What are these?...."
Krystal: Some lunch I made-is the best thing I could do for you now-I promise you I wont ever meet you and get you in troubles like this again
She bows at me before she took off and left me in a daze.
                                                                              A WEEK LATER
(Minho finally get to go home and he's back at school)
"Some lunch I made-it's the best thing I could do for you now-I promise you I won't ever meet you and get you in troubles like this again"
Tch-won't meet my .
Is she really that crazy? She lives at my house now, it's not possible to just don't see each other when we're practically in the same house. And honestly, i'm over with that problem-this means she will be the type where she make everything a big deal-and it wasn't even her fault! It was that blond fault anyway.
I sighed and sipped my water-it was a Saturday morning and I was jogging-my recovery was finally done and now I can do usual stuffs like normal.
School was somewhat normal. But not when all those annoying slicks and geeks keep asking on how I know Lee Hong Ki. That's all I am known for right now. That-bastard-who's so daring to face Lee Hong Ki. Beisdes from what's been happening lately, I did well in school and I get to meet some nice peoples who's friends with Lee Donghae.
With Krystal.
I don't know what the hell is wrong with her. She keeps ignoring me and barely talks so annoying to me at all. Which I found it irritating, (don't tell me I miss her annoying voice now).
Stop it Minho your crazy. Don't think about that girl right now. She's the one who got you to get shot
Shut up conscience. It wasn't her fault she doesn't know how to lay low. 
Really why does she think that Lee Hong Ki is better than you?
Because he's her friend like what the hell conscience!
I groaned. "I'm coming mom"
As a result, I wen inside to eat breakfast with them. This was actually the reaosn why I jogged, she was ignoring me and I decided to ignore her too. 
Yoogeun: Hyunggg!! Can you teach me how to shoot a person??
Right when the kid said that, I saw her flinched at the word 'shoot'. 
If Siwon was here then he would have give Yoogeun a beating right now. 
Yoogeun looked sad. "Mianhaeyo noona, I was still scared about it."
I knew Krystal was scared so of course this little kid would be scared too.
Yoogeun: Noona I'm done!
Krystal: Okay then just bring it to the kitchen for the maids to wash it.
He skipped away from the dining room and now the only ones in there was Krystal and I.
God damn it kid why did you leave. 
I knew none of us are gonna say anything. So I kept quiet too and just finish my soup as soon as possible.
This is the part where I need Yoogeun right now. 
And now i'm stuck here eating breakfast alone with him.
I still pondered to myself if I should break this awkward tension and say something to him. It had been a week and our relationship is not gonna raise if I keep ignoring him like this...
Mom said I need to get on their good side. And getting on THIS guy good side is too complicated.
"So how's your injuries?" I blurted out before thinking.
He twitched and looks a bit startled "Good"
I weakly smiled. "That's great! I-"
I stopped for a moment. Can't believe I was about to say I was so worry about him!
"So what do you want to bother me again?" he spoke-glaring at me "That lunch was good and all, but saying that's the best thing you could do? It feels out of place"
I bit my lip. "No more bothering, I meant that. I wont play basketball or faint or gets in the way with your life at all-"
"The best thing you could have done was to STAY AWAY from Lee Hong Ki!!!!!" he yelled "How are you suppose to apologize to me if your just gonna be on that bastard side that you known for years?!? "
A lump came in my throat. He was right. I was on Hongki side. I couldn't say anything smart cause I knew he was right. 
He closed his eyes "If you want to know why i'm mad. That's the reason. You didn't trust me, nobody does. I don't even how i'm suppose to live in a life where no one on my side."
"Minho yah..." I said slowly, trying not to cry. It isn't the time to break into tears. "I didn't think straight, cause I thought I didn't know you well-but if your gonna be mad. At least be mad at me, maybe i'm the only person who's not on your side. Don't blame anyone else"
I sworn I saw his fist curled. I had no choice. I was being honest with him, my words are always honest. It's rather better to let me be a target he's mad at instead of saying he hates everyone he knows. 
It was silence for awhile.
"Your right Krystal..." he spoke "Your right. These bothers...these bothers in my life. "
"They're all you right?"
JJ sica is here!"
Those sing-song voice...is no doubt but her.
I watched as my so-called sister walks up to Minho-and let her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she (the evilsica witch) nearly crushed him with her hug. I looked away fast before my heart starts hurting again.
I wish Hongki was here right now so he can cheer me up. But i'm still mad at him, and the other two were disgusting me-she try to hug him but he didn't even response.
I lean against my locker before they walked away with each other.  I don't know why but  the thought of me being a bother in his life hurts me. I needed a hug right now, he bothers me so much. I thought we could be friends-but not when he said that to my face.
A small tear streams down my cheek. Oh god now i'm crying.
????: Krystal? Why are you crying?
I  jerk up and wipe my tear away. "Mr Kim"
Kim Hyun Joong:  You really don't need to call me that *laughs* i'm only new to this 'teacher' thing-but call me Hyun Joong
He's a student teacher-just got out of college and he told me he's doing this for extra moneys.
Krystal: Sure Hyun Joong sunbae-nim , what was it you were about  to say?
He scratch his head. "Yeah-I graded your test from chemistry, and the score wasn't what  I expected."
I sighed "I know-this is my worst subject"
He pet my head. "How about I can tutor you at your house?"
I widened my eyes. Tutoring?!
"I-I don't know sunbae." I replied to him quietly. My house is still in progress and is it still right to just let him come over to the Choi's Mansion?
Hyun Joong: Well tell you what. If your parents agreed then i'll come over tomorrow. And if not then you can just stay after school and I can just tutor you.
I nodded knowingly. It sound good. 
"So do I need to give the phone...?" I blushed,embarrassed. I-I mean, asking a young teacher for phone number seems...
He laughed. "It's okay I have your parents phone number, the school board have them for every teacher so i'll contact them and see if they agreed."
I slightly smiled. "Y-Yeah I guess..."
The bell rung and I knew it was time to go to class.
"I'll see if they agreed" I said.  
He nodded at me with a smile. "Have a good day"
I smiled back. "You too" before both of us parted ways. 
"Bwo?! Tutoring?!?"
I grunt a little and my stomach flipped. That's what i'm afraid of this tutoring session. My mom finding out about my bad grades.
"Ah...yes. So then my child just need to get a few tutoring and her grades can be up? Well I guess there's no choice then. You can come over at 6:00. Thank you for your consideration. Ne...yes have a good day you too."
The phone hung up and  she look at me with her disappointed look. "Soojung ah how can just fail chemistry?"
"I'm sorry eounma.." I replied quietly. "I don't know why it would be worse like this."
Mrs Jung: Well there's no choice for you then. School is first, so he'll come over an hour later so get ready. Go study a bit so you can tell him what you need help with. 
I nodded. "Ne eounma"
I walk upstairs to my room and barely past by Minho . Before I turned and look at him -
And he was looking back at me!
We both turned  quickly before he walk down  and I walk up. 
We're always like this.
Going opposite with each other.
I sighed sadly, I just have to live like this with him until i'm out of this house. 
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I fix the didn't word now so hope it won't hurt the eyes anymore lol there might be some left I can't be sure


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Chapter 1: where is jihyo???~~~~~~~~~~~
MinSoojung #2
Chapter 18: I love their kiss scene :)
waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 18: It's really good.
keep writing dear :D
Yayacute #4
Chapter 18: Nice chapter :)
looking for the next chapter.
Chapter 18: I love minstal moment :)
More minstal please !!!
Chapter 18: Finally u are back :) and thxxxx u for the update :)
What will happen next ?
Update more dear !!!
xNarya #7
Chapter 17: Welcome back ! I think it's been a while :)
Nooooo Siwon TT__TT
Chapter 17: What happen the next chapter ?
Update soon :))
MinSoojung #9
Chapter 17: Make more minstal dear !!!!!
Chapter 17: jessica shouldn't do that to krystal. She is ur sister.
Keep writing !!!!