Basketball Is More Than That

Days With Choi Brothers


I suddenly noticed all this time Minho was not here. I widened my eyes, where did he go again?
Krystal: You guys go first-I have to ask the principal about something
Pretty decent lies to tell...
Yoona: Okay
She trusted me, but Hong Ki wasn't when I noticed he gave me a curious looks. I have to find Minho, he's been acting strange all morning and it's bothering me.
I waited till they were gone before I took off running-thinking of possibles places he could have gone
"Choi Minho...what is it with you" I muttered 

I first search around the nurse office. Figuring he might felt sick and ran in here or something, but when I got there-I look around but doesn't find anyone with a 'grumpy' look in the morning. One of the nurse saw me and came by-
?????: You need help?
I turn around. "Oh anyeong Ms Park"
Ms Park: It's been a long time since I saw you Krystal! But why are you not in class? Need anything?
Krystal: Did Choi Minho came here?
Ms Park: You mean Mr Choi? *shook head* no dear, he didn't come here-I thought this was his first day so he can't possibly know where the nurse office is
Aish! She had a point! Even if that guy had a stomachache he should have told me.
Krystal: Gapsamida Ms Park, I better go now
Ms Park: Krystal dear, go to the principal to ask about him and come to class okay? Today is your first day
Krystal: No worries Ms Park, I will
I went to class-everyone stared at me when I walk in. I felt the need to roll my eyes at them-i'm only a little bit late and now they stare at me as if I killed somebody.
"Here you go" I handed the late pass to my teacher. He shook his head and told me to go sit next to Hong Ki oppa.
Ah-at least I get to sit next to oppa like last year I smiled. He was still focusing on his work-I tapped his shoulders and he winced.
"Aish-now your here" he smirked-noticing me. I took my seat "I mean yeah-the principal office was sooooo far away from our class" I lied.
Hongki: Speaking of which-where him?
I frowned "Who?"
Hongki: Tch-who else? Choi Minho your 'so-called' companion
Krystal: Oppa! Don't tell me your're jealous!
Hongki: I'm not-i just wondered why he's here
Krystal: Oh well he's a new student at our school-why you'd ask?
I seem to realized his mood became darker when the conversation veered to Minho. Which I still haven't find him...
"Lee Hong Ki! Krystal Jung!  It's reading time-and the class needs some silence" the teacher scowled-my face turn red.
"Mianhae mister" I said.
The bell finally rung. And I became like a rocket when putting back all my stuffs in the backpack. It didn't take long before Hongki and I were already out in the hallway, walking to lunch together.
It was a silence walk. Before he spoke up.
I looked at him "yeah?"
Hongki: I'm giving you a warning-please be careful of Minho
Careful of Minho?....Hongki-your scaring me.
" Oppa" I replied "I might dislike him but he's not the type to do anything to hurt me-you don't have to be worried"
Hongki: I'm serious-you don't know his real side
Krystal: Whatever that was between you and him-I won't ask but you don't have to put me in too
He sighed "I guess-but if he does anything, just tell me"
I grinned widely-i'm really happy to have a friend like him. He always protect me and always there for me.
Yoona has told us to wait for her at the last table at lunch. Apparently, it is also one of the popular kids table-but she is the closest to ever become my best friend in this town so i'm okay with whatever she does.
The cafeteria looks the same. Still have those long wooden tables, silver stools and lots of flowers-since flower is a symbol for our school.
"Over here" 
I looked over to see Yoona waving at the back. We both hurried our pace to get to the table. Yoona beamed when she saw us.
"Well look-the couple has arrived" she winks at us. I blushed and turn away from HongKi. She knew well how weird that sounds to us. All of us sat down and everyone pretend that ever happens.
I remember almost everyone at that table. Jiyeon, Myungsoo, Amber, Key, Luna, Onew and Eun Jung. 
"So what's for lunch anyway?" Myungsoo asked-looking down at the menu (yes our school has lunch menu and we don't exactly have to line up for lunch).
Amber nodded "Oysters or something like that"
Liu Amber is my 'tomboy' friend. Easy reason: she almost exactly like a guy
"Or maybe some lobsters!" Key squealed.
Kim Kibum (Key) is known to be a diva at school. So he was mostly surrounded by girls.
"I'll just get something like Kimchi" Hongki complied-clearing his menu away.
Eun Jung: For me-I'll have some beef noodles!
Okay out of all of them-Eun Jung is the cutest person I ever met. She was cute so naturally, that's why she and Yoona are very popular. Comparing me to them-i'm basically nothing.
Luna and Onew were too busy making out-they didn't realizes us talking. I was disgusted at their performance-some people don't know what 'private' is.
"Yah! Luna and Onew!  Stop making out and choose some foods" Yoona complained.
Luna pull away from Onew "Okay sugar queen-I get it, maybe just get me some dessert"
After the complaint, we all settled down and make conversation as we eat. For now I'll enjoy my food-the 'Minho' situation will be dealt with later.
The meal is good, I order myself BBQ and drank some apple juice so now my stomach is full. Right now we're waiting because our lunch usually let us take a long time to get back to class. This is where we get to chat for awhile. 
"I hope this year we'll have a prom!" Eunjung chimed-obviously dreaming about being a prom queen.
Proms are good-I almost never attend one because mom always told me to focus on education so while these peoples are out dancing-i'm at home reading novels like a bookworm.
But maybe just this year for once-I hope she'll change her mind...
Sighing, I turn to sipped my drink-until the water splashed on my white blouse. I look around and find everyone else not looking.
Good -no one notice 
I got up from the table and went to the napkin vendor to get more napkin to get the stain off my shirt-until I notice something that surprise me!
Choi Minho. Was sitting there. At the first table.
He was looking naturally as he chatted with someone I don't know. And it was actually troubles me of how he ends up in that class and not in ours where he suppose to be!
I stomped up to the table and tapped his shoulders without thinking.
He turned around. "What?"
That's it?. Asking so naturally oh-you-so-just-skipped-class?
Krystal: Hey I haven't found you all morning-where were you!
I didn't care if I was making a ruckus. It was my job to know what he does in school-according to his mother.
"Excuse me for awhile" I heard him say to his friend.
He took hold of my hand and we ended up going to the back of the cafeteria-almost to the main hallway.
Minho: Look-would you stop being so nosy?
"Nosy?" I scoffed. "I might be-but I wasn't blind when I saw your schedule-you are in my class"
Minho: Just calm down already-it's the first day-you sound like my mother
I heard sarcasm in it. I wouldn't care what he sees me as-but I'm doing what his mom told me to do.
Krystal: Your mom is nice to me-And i'm doing my best to help her
He glowered his eyes "Well go help her-why bother with me?"
"Cause your're her son"
We stood in silence-he was looking at my face. I raised my brow and SERIOUSLY was uncomfortable right now.
Krystal: Would you stop staring? It's really annoying
His mouth corner into a smirk- he turned to leave but I swear I could have heard him mumble something like-
"Just wondering what your're going to be in my life"
She's annoying.
But there were something weird about her that attracts me...
Oh well, must be how she so annoying.
I walk back with hands in my pockets-ignoring all these girls swoon. They giggled and pointed at me. What a rude school.
Speaking of rude.
There goes Lee Hong Ki.
He walked to where I was and we're finally face to face with each other. But I notice everyone else suddenly crowded around us. And I immediately thought of what that guy want us to do.
"Choi Minho"
I cross my arms "If your're asking about Krystal-I didn't do anything"
Hongki: Did you say anything weird to her?
More like didn't reveal your true side to her yet.
Minho: Let's deal this fight later somewhere else-your isn't worth my time right now
He smirked sickly. "There a party for me celebrating my graduate from spy school-I was hoping you and Krystal could attend"
This nagged sick feeling in my stomach annoy me when he mention Krystal coming-I can't be okay with that sick guy doing weird things to Krystal. So all was possible when I don't say anything to her.
Minho: Maybe-but I kept my eyes on you and your slick moves
Hongki: I hope both of you will be there
That was his last lines before the bell ring and the crowd veer away from us and get to their own class.
That stupid smirk of his.
He made me stunned so I haven't realizes I been standing there for five minutes before the principal walk by and scowl me for wasting my time standing there and not in class.
"Mianhae" I bowed my head and walk to my next class. Chemistry.
What I hate is that it's always about dissecting an animal. And I hated blood more than anything else. That's why i'm planning to switch this class.
I walk in and sat down at the third table. To realized Minho is at the first.
Oh good-he's listening to me I smiled.
???: So hey
I turned to my lab partner. "Yeah?"
???: Oh your that girl at lunch with Minho right?
I hung my head low "Yeah you must have saw me"
"Well since your my lab partner-" he talked "I'm Lee Donghae"
Class rolled by as we hear these old teachers lectured about our subject or forms that we need to fill out for High School. Until it was actually the moment I wait for. Out of school.
Like last year, Hongki and I still walked home together. The only difference is that Minho also come with us.
We waited outside his class building. Hongki was annoyed.
Hongki: Why are we here anyway?
I rolled my eyes "What else? We're waiting for Minho"
He blinked "We?"
"What you don't want to walk home with me?" I pouted 
Hongki: N-no of course I am! Stop being silly
I smirked. "Thought so"
It wasn't seconds later before Minho appear. And Hongki became serious again as we walked in a slow pace.
Through the whole walk-only Hongki and I talked. Minho was walking behind us since the sidewalk is short.
Hongki: So did Minho tell you about the party?
I blinked "What party?"
"Forget it she's not coming" Minho cut in.
Hongki: It's a party for me celebrating my graduation at spy school-I actually want you and Minho to come
"Oh yeah you told me about your spy school!" I beamed-I like being a spy a lot. And Hongki oppa is good at it-
Krystal: Yeah sure I'll come
Minho: No your're not
I stuck my tongue out at him "Who asked you?"
"Oh i'm sorry-I like your mom-I want to help her cause your're her daughter" he mocked me.
Krystal: Stop being ignorant! And don't dare to mocked me-
Hongki came in the middle. "Okay let's stop there" he turned to Minho "If Krystal wants to come-your're suppose to let her-and we don't force you to come either so stay home if you want".
Minho: I have no choice now Lee Hong Ki-I'll be there to keep an eye on you
God-what is it with these two?!
We finally get to Hongki oppa neighborhood. We hugged goodbye as I saw Minho rolling his eyes at us.
Tch-he's just jealous cause he can't find anyone to hug.
"I'll see you at the party"
"I'm sure mom would let me-bye oppa"
He walked to his neighborhood gate. It left me and Minho walking in dead silence, with him unlocking the door and walk in the house before me-almost slamming the door before I could get in.
Stupid jerk.
Ms Choi and Mr Choi is already out to work. I only found my mom watching TV with Yoogeun. She got up from the couch when she saw us and let us to the kitchen to get some snacks. Siwon was nowhere to be found.
Ms Jung: So how's your first day?
"It was good" I answered before peeling a banana and eat.
Ms Jung: I hope it is-you guys have to walk home for the first week, Siwon will have the months off from his college next week so that you don't have to walk anymore.
Thank god we'll be getting a ride-I hate walking in the hot sun.
I did all my homework-and mom luckily let me come to the party. But she gets more relieved when I told her Minho is coming-maybe because she thinks he's my bodyguard. As if...
For the party-I only wore some blue tank top and white cropped jacket which goes with my brown belt skirt. The outfit came from my super amazing closet Ms Choi kindly gave me.
I brush my hair and put on some lip gloss. It's not a formal party so I didn't have to worried. Finally got ready as I put my phone in my purse and walk downstairs in my flats shoes (no high heel for now).
Minho was leaning against the wall-texting on his phone until he saw me came by. 
"Now you're dress up for real" he smirked.
I admit he looks good. The clothes he's wearing is casual but he does looks attractive.
We came outside and I found a black sleek car at the parking spot. Realizing is his car-we both got in and buckled our seat belt. He drive at a normal speed steadily, and I guess he's still beginning even if he got his license.
There were silence in the car like always. 
Minho: Whatever you do-just stay near me all the time
I look out the window. "You know i'm not a baby right?"
Minho: By meeting you-I know your're that airhead type. I saw your blouse with those red stain already.
I looked at him. "For your information-it's apple juice"
"Whatever that thing is-don't just think you can run off and don't touch anything."
He irritate me a lot but I still feel giddy that he care for me like  some reason.
The car finally turned as we stop in the parking lot. I open the car door and looked at the front. It wasn't Hongki oppa house but it was actually a really tall skyscraper house with blaring music.
Minho took my hand suddenly-caused me to blush and tried my best to not look at him. 
The last thing he told me was-
"Don't let go of my hand"
We walked in, luckily no more loud blaring music came on and it suddenly got peaceful. The room were big, I can see bright chandelier shine down on the disco floor. And the walls were decorated with blue dots and silver letters saying 'Graduation for our successful Hongki' . The crowds were all wearing casual like us but they all look really wealthy-and on the stage was performance by CNBLUE.
There were teenagers, adults and even some vest-looking mans with dark sunglasses who kinda creeps me out a little.
Super Junior took the stage to perform their new song called 'Spy'. And everyone was rocking out to it once again.
Krystal: Wow this was bigger than I thought
Minho: I told you it was
I looked at him and grinned. "That doesn't mean we won't be joining the crowd."
Another person ran at us, I jumped and hug Hongki and immediately let go of Minho hand.
"Congrats oppa!" I beamed.
Hongki pet my head as he grinned "Thanks Soojung ah"
Then he noticed Minho behind me. I suddenly thought of a plan.
Krystal: You know what? You two should talk-I'll go meet some peoples right now
Before Minho can decline-I walk away fast to talk to some girls at the dance floor. I'm hoping this will be a chance for both of them to clear it up.
I was angry when she let go of my hand.
Didn't she hears any word I said?!
Hongki: I didn't really expect you to be here
I clench my fist "Let's deal this outside right now" I cannot hold it in any longer.
Hongki: Good-I was about to say that
Both of us walked outside pas t the pool to go to the tennis court. No people were there and I'm glad-we don't need ruckus or anything like that right now.
We stood face to face like in lunch. I decide to make the first move by kick him in the stomach before he block my kick with his hand.I knelt down and use my other hand to block his punch that he was about to send near my head. We breathed heavily after facing each other at a more far distance.
I realized his stomach is bleeding-so he knelt a bit but still unaffected by it.
"Not bad" he snickered. "That's what I expected from Choi Siwon brother"
The Choi Siwon word stung me like hell. And those flashbacks came:
Needles by needles came into Siwon body. Watching by were Choi  Minho at age 7 as he watched his 12 year old brother suffered. Tears stung his eyes as his best friend tortured his brother. His best friend hold a little puppet doll which appeared to be Siwon-as he sting the needle into his brother body  as the doll was covered in blood.
"stop it...stop it..." he sobbed-as his heart burst with worries if he will be the next target. 
It went on before Siwon dropped down an instance. And Minho screams leashed out at night that sends the neighborhood a hard-to-sleep night. 
"YOU SON OF A-" I was about to hit his stomach again before another person interrupted me-
Krystal came-I let go of Lee Hong Ki and he dropped down to the floor. That bastard pretending that he was hurt!
Minho!!! What is it with you?!? Why do you keep thinking badly of Lee Hong Ki!!" she screamed at me.
I panted, exhausted from punching. "Maybe you should find out yourself"
I dint care what she thought of me. Guys like Lee Hong Ki deserved to be beaten like .
The first time I look at him after the last time, that bastard always has to bring such a disgusting face to remind me of disgusting memories from back then.
A cheerful guy like him are easily affected to do risky stupid stuffs-and I just hate how Krystal thinks he's like innocent as much as a baby. 
I stood up as blood peering from my mouth. It's time to show her his real side.
"I'll have million of reasons to tell"
I suddenly felt a sharp pang struck across my back-the only things that were left were Krystal screaming before I  fully black out.
My eyes widened when I saw Hongki holding a gun-as I realizes he shoots Minho from behind. My knuckles went white when I saw blood dripped from Minho back-tears stung my eyes as I saw blood. I wanted to faint but was afraid if he will do something to me. I cry as I stand there-frozen and were afraid if he shoots me too.
He was no longer the cheerful Lee Hong Ki I knew. It was now someone I never saw, his blond golden hair were now tattered and nearly covered his eyes, blood smear from his lips as he stared at how afraid I was.
I still see the gun in his hand. My heart burst and I still don't know if I should move or run now.
He breathed so heavily "Krystal I-"
"Stay away from me." I warned-trying to stay calm. I took some steps back, he suddenly drops the gun. 
Hongki: It's not what it looks like-
"I'll scream loud if your're near" I screamed.
He quickly move forward but the police suddenly came and everyone at the party were now seeing the scene. One police was in front of me before he gets to do anything.
They hold him back and quickly took the time to get handcuff. The ambulance came to get Minho and a nurse came to me to get me calm down. I watched in horror as Minho was carried to the white red cross van. The car drove away and by now, police cars surrounded the place as they try to stop blood from being linger around the places.
Hongki parents had ordered all of us to go home quickly as they got in their cars and drive after the police car who had Hongki in it. I was still shocked by what I've seen awhile ago-but I calm down and managed to get my phone and dial mom number.
Ms Jung: Krystal? Are you home yet?
I shook my head. "No eounma-something terrible happen-can you come and picked me up?" my voice shakes a little.
Ms Jung: Honey I can't go right now-I'll tell Siwon to pick you up-talk with me when we get home okay?-are you alright?
Krystal: I'm alright mom-I'll tell you what happens when i'm home
Siwon was the last to arrive, I was happy when I saw him and I felt as if I could hug him right now. The car window pulls down. He looked out and raised his brow when he didn't see me with Minho.
Siwon: Where Minho?
My heart burst again-I couldn't even tell him straight "Before we go home-let's go to the hospital"
When he hears the word hospital-he immediately knew and didn't asks for more "Hop in" .
I got in the car and we drove to the hospital that I saw the ambulance headed to earlier. The only thing left for me to do in the car were praying. My visions from what I see haunted me to death-I don't feel fine with facing Minho mom again.
We were finally inside the hospital-the nurse told us the room were all the way at the end on the 5th floor. Our pace were quickly because I couldn't stand walking slow.
"So mind telling me what happens?" Siwon finally spoke as we waited in the hallway. I feel so guilty for wanting to go to the party, and now I can't face Minho, Ms Choi and Siwon right.
Krystal: I'll tell you when we're home-what about your mom?
Siwon: I told her but she couldn't go because of customers grumpiness, she was upset and really worried over the phone
Oh my god I hope she's not mad at me. I was getting along with her so well!
Siwon: Don't worry-she's not mad
We sat there for awhile, it felt like hours to go inside and see Minho. But it was only five minutes waiting before the doctor let us in.
I walked to the room-before a hurt feeling came in my heart when I see him unconscious on the bed with an oxygen mask...
"There were really more to Choi Minho than a basketball ball" 
"JJ sica is here!"
Those sing-song no doubt but her.
I watched as my so-called sister walks up to Minho-and let her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she (the evilsica witch) nearly crushed him with her hug. I looked away fast before my heart starts hurting again.
I wish Hongki was here right now so he can cheer me up. But i'm still mad at him, and the other two were disgusting me-she try to hug him but he didn't even response.
I lean against my locker before they walked away with each other.  I don't know why but  the thought of me being a bother in his life hurts me. I needed a hug right now, he bothers me so much. I thought we could be friends-but not when he said that to my face.
A small tear streams down my cheek. Oh god now i'm crying.
????: Krystal? Why are you crying?
I  jerk up and wipe my tear away. "Mr Kim"
Kim Hyun Joong:  You really don't need to call me that *laughs* i'm only new to this 'teacher' thing-but call me Hyun Joong
He's a student teacher-just got out of college and he told me he's doing this for extra moneys.
Krystal: Sure Hyun Joong sunbae-nim , what was it you were about  to say?
He scratch his head. "Yeah-I graded your test from chemistry, and the score wasn't what  I expected."
I sighed "I know-this is my worst subject"
He pet my head. "How about I can tutor you at your house?"
I widened my eyes. Tutoring?!

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I fix the didn't word now so hope it won't hurt the eyes anymore lol there might be some left I can't be sure


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Chapter 1: where is jihyo???~~~~~~~~~~~
MinSoojung #2
Chapter 18: I love their kiss scene :)
waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 18: It's really good.
keep writing dear :D
Yayacute #4
Chapter 18: Nice chapter :)
looking for the next chapter.
Chapter 18: I love minstal moment :)
More minstal please !!!
Chapter 18: Finally u are back :) and thxxxx u for the update :)
What will happen next ?
Update more dear !!!
xNarya #7
Chapter 17: Welcome back ! I think it's been a while :)
Nooooo Siwon TT__TT
Chapter 17: What happen the next chapter ?
Update soon :))
MinSoojung #9
Chapter 17: Make more minstal dear !!!!!
Chapter 17: jessica shouldn't do that to krystal. She is ur sister.
Keep writing !!!!