The Younger Brother

Days With Choi Brothers

Mrs Choi: So how are you feeling dear?
Krystal: Um great
Mrs Choi: It must have been hard to endure looking at your house right?
Mrs Jung: I found her sobbing once she didn't know that Yoogeun and I went out
Mrs Choi: Oh you poor thing
Ugh mom...this is why I don't like her.
Mrs Choi: Well Krystal-your mom and I had planned that you and your brother would move in my mansion for the time being before the constructor can be done with your house.
And right at that moment, I dropped my tea.

I was at the dinner table eating dinner with my dad, (no Siwon) when the phone suddenly rang and I excuse myself from the table to answer it.
Minho: Hello?
Mrs Choi: Minho shii-is your dad home?
Minho: Yeah mom why?
Mrs Choi: Go get your dad-I need to talk to him
I put the phone on hold and called my dad. He got up and tell me to sit down and eat. I reluctantly went back to the table to finish up my chicken soup-no chocolate as Siwon warning.
While eating, I overheard my dad saying "It's time?" or nodding his head as if he understand. I got more curious when he did that, did something good happen at our company? New employees?
Then he hung up the phone and went back to the table. I was about to open my mouth and ask but he cut me in.
Mr Choi: Good news my boy-
Minho: New employees?
Mr Choi: No even better than that-there will be peoples moving in our house tonight
I dropped my spoon in midair when it landed in the soup that makes it splashed on my dad face. I haven't got time to think about the shocked incident before I got up-
Minho: Sorry dad! Eh-the soup is spoiled *laugh nervously* well i'll promise i'll clean it after!
I ran upstairs my fastest before dad can do anything. I sighed and stand there, before I can hear sound of bowls shatters. Startled, I cover my ear to prevent from hearing his yell
I twitched, what was that? It was a voice of a man. The voice was so loud, it scared Yoogeun when he goes behind me and hide behind my jacket.
Yoogeun: N-Noona, is that a monster?
I shook my head. "Aniyo, it's only a man, i'm sure he's nice"
Mrs Choi saw us and I suddenly felt a deep hidden aura around her. Is she mad at us? No she isn't, we haven't done anything wrong!. But I sighed in relief when her speed increases as she unlocked the door and stomped inside the house. Mom hold Yoogeun hand and walk in with him as I followed close behind.
The moment I was inside-I was amazed! The mansion were so big! And my eyes took around as I observe what's around me. There were a white sleek piano!-and many paintings of famous artwork and very beautiful grown flowers! The floor were light wood and I look up to found a crystal chandelier!-the couches were dark velvet red and the TV is gigantic like a movie theater!
I stood there, stunned as Yoogeun shouts happily-running around the place until he dropped tired on the couch. Mom chuckled and sat next to him as she pet his head. I didn't know what to do that time.
While we were admiring the place, Mrs Choi and Mr Choi were arguing
Mrs Choi: We have guests over! What the world are you thinking to cause such a nuisance?! DON'T TELL ME YOU FORGOT WHAT WE AGREE ON YESTERDAY!
Ouch. now I feel a bit nervous to be in this house as I saw maids coming in to clean the crystal pieces that were shatter on the floor. Then the door opened again and in came another person-
"Yah mom and dad-stop yelling! The neighbors are complaining that our house is a nuisance"
I whirled around to find an older guy that looks to be around twenty or more. He's dark-haired and brown orbs eyes, and when he looks at me-I blushed and turn back around.
Mrs Choi: Siwon-maybe you should tell your dad that
Mr Choi: Damn right you will! Your mom should be knowing that!
The guy sweat drop and the husband and wife just glared at each other. Me and Yoogeun squirm in our seat uncomfortably before mom stood up and break up the chaos.
Mrs Jung: It's okay Mrs Choi, I'm sure the kids and I are fine with Mr Choi temper-erm, well you know how it is sometimes right? It just a normal phase from all the stress I understand
I kept my head low. That was a little bit awkward!
The guy came by and sat at the couch across from us. I tried hard not to stare at him or else they'll get the idea that i'm a rude girl, Yoogeun followed suit. And when I peeked to look at him, I found him smirking at me!
Mrs Choi sighed after hearing my mom "I guess so" and I heard her footstep edge closer towards my seat. I smiled slightly at her, she grimly smiled back.
"Please forgive me for my attitude-I intend to be like this at times so I hope you wont mind"
I bowed my head. "Of course not"
After we all settled in from the fight. (Thank god finally!) We all started introductions as Yoogeun played with a Toyota car toy. 
Mrs Choi: Well Krystal I would like for you to meet my husband-your father best friend
Krystal: Anyeonghaseyo Mr Choi
Mr Choi: Thank you my dear-well apology for my screams
I bowed in respect.  Feeling as if someone were watching me. 
Mrs Choi: And this is my son-Siwon
He wave and I wave back. Mrs Choi grinned.
"Don't worry-if he do anything funny, i'm still here if you need"
I blushed in obvious. Ah such a thing to say when a girl moves in!
Mrs Jung: And this little boy here is Yoogeun
I tapped on Yoogeun shoulder and give the look respect-them-they-give-you-marshmallow look to let him know is his turn to introduce. He got up and went over to the wealthy couple.
Yoogeun: Anyeonghaseyo, Yoogeun imida.
Mrs Choi squealed at how cute he is and let him sit on her lap as he fiddled with his car toy. Mom got up and sat near them as they were in their conversation.
I sat there, not knowing what to do but to desperately reached for the TV remote to see KPOP EXPLOSION!
As if reading my mind, Siwon took the remote and turn on the TV. I leaned in to see what channel is it when I immediately closed my eyes when i realized it's the movie SCREAM 4!!!! 
Siwon: Scared?
I gulp and nodded my head. 
Siwon: What channel then?
I flushed-probably bother him since i'm a chicken of scary movies!-nice going?!. And when I say KPOP EXPLOSION then he probably think of me as boring and lame with no exciting.
He pressed SBS and right at that moment-they showed KPOP EXPLOSION?!
On chesen ondano siekegayo
Nori gatokute
Kuhama Wagotokishichekigayo 
Siwon: Perhaps you know this song?
Krystal: from Princess Hours
Of course I do-it's my fave drama.
So we just watched TV as the adults were talking,
I been in my room, just playing computer until my eyes drooped  and I decided to take a nap. I got up from my chair to turn off the switch and turn on the lamp for proper. I lay down and sighed, just looking at the ceiling. I hear noises downstairs, did we have guests over? Thank god i'm up here and doesn't have to socialize-and yet I can't face my dad right now.
I heard footsteps and suddenly felt my heart thump. What if it's my dad? But mom here and he know he cant do anything to me!
The door opened and I was about to got up and defend myself until the person switched on the lights-and without thinking, I throw the pillow at them!
?????: H-Hey what are you doing?!
I stopped in midair when I saw a girl that looks to be my age. That made my defense grows stronger!
Minho: Hey why are in my room??? Get out!
?????: No i'm not! Your mom wants you-
She got cut off when I throw another pillow past by her. She looked shocked at the impact I just made and turn to face me. 
??????: Yah what the freak?! I'm sorry I bother you but you could have done this in a nice way-and excuse me if i'm wrong but your mom wants you, would you please calm down?!
I stare at her and suddenly got annoyed by her attitude.
Minho: What am I suppose to do then?-is it not strange for a strange random girl to be in a guy room when they don't know each other?!
She stared heavily at me. I saw her fist curled.
"Well sorry then-i'll be going now"
She stomped away without further words, I fumed and wear my slipper.
Rude backstabber jerk! I was just following what his mom said-I don't have time to argue with someone who's manner-less if you ask me! That's the only reason why I left!
My steps got faster as I walk downstairs. but stopped in my tracks when I realized who's there. I figured Siwon must have saw and heard what happens out here. Now he's thinking i'm just a girl who likes to pick fights-even with his brother!
"I'm sorry, whatever you think-I did not try to start something like that"
He nodded. "So I see you met my younger brother-don't worry about that doofus, he just don't know his manners"
I stifled my laugh. So this is how it is, the two of them are rivals.
We went back downstairs. Mrs Choi frowned as she saw her so-called son didn't come down with us.
Mrs Choi: So where is he?
I open my mouth to speak but Siwon cut in-
Siwon: He dint want to-he throw pillows at her
Mrs Choi got shocked, she turn to me
"Is this true dear?"
I gulped nervously. If I lie, but i'm not suppose to-so I told the truth.
Krystal: Ne
Mr Choi scoffed "I told you woman-that boy won't behave"
Mrs Choi: I see-well you guys just help yourself to dinner while I deal with my business
Yoogeun: Dinner!! <3 
Siwon pet his head "yes Yoogeun-you want to sit with me?"
The little boy nodded his head. The three of us walked into the dining room and I awed at how big it is! Siwon took a chair at the edge, then Yoogeun then me.
Maids started bringing out oysters,beef,chicken finger and lagoo soup. Yoogeun his lip and awed at the chicken finger before I took one and dropped it on his plate followed by his lagoo soup. Siwon got him two oysters before both of us helped ourselves. While eating, I heard yelling from upstairs. I sipped my lagoo soup, amazed at what a mother could done to her son.
After eating, me and Yoogeun get to go see our room. Siwon and Mr Choi were already in their own room. So Mrs Choi were looking excited to see our reaction to our new room. First we went to Yoogeun room.
As soon as she opened the door, the little guy ran right in and gasped at how awesome his 'room' is. Me and mom chuckled at how the room was decorated-the blue walls were showing doraemon eating doriyaki, and the floor were blue carpet. His bed has light blue cover of Haroro and the pillows were pink and blue teddy bear. The drawers were neatly blue and the closet were wooden-and (luckily!) he even have his own bathroom!
He open the toybox to see transformer robot-his eyes lit up 
Yoogeun: Kapsamida
Mom told Yoogeun to say thank you whenever adults give him something. So this is what she likes to see.
Mrs Choi: No problem! Promise aunt that you'll be a good little boy?
Yoogeun nodded excitedly-too observe in his toys.
Mrs Choi: Krystal-you ready to see your room?
Oh I was longer than to wait for this!
We walked through the long hallway, mom had stayed in Yoogeun room to tucked him into bed when Mrs Choi led me to my own room. She unlocked the door and smiled-letting me in first. I walked in and i felt as if i'm a princess at that moment!
The wall were whites and red-pink roses were pasted on it. And what's more fascinating is that my bed is a bunk bed!-the covers and blankets were pink fluff feather, the pillows were soft whites and circular rose pillows! The drawers were white cream color and the lamp were rainbow decorated.
I look to find that I also have a bathroom of my own. And my study desk were wooded with a violet rolling chair, the floor were also wooded and there were a bookcase!-filled with many novels and stuffed animals decorated!. Across from it were HD TV?!
I was literally awed and shocked "Kapsamida Mrs Choi!"
She laughed. "Oh hon-you deserve ALL of this!-a token of my apology for my son alright?". I grinned back but suddenly realized something is missing.
"Oh I haven't have any clothes to change!-mom dint tell us to bring suitcase" no pajamas and I wont be able to sleep!
Mrs Choi: Don't worry your closet is here!
We came across a button-she pressed on it and we suddenly have an automatic door that led us in! And around me was HEAVEN! 
The closet were much larger than I expected and it was automatic!-There were sections for shoes,purses,dresses,shirts,skirts and pants! 
Going to the monitor-she select nightgown selection and another sets came into view automatically!-I gasped as Mrs Choi picked my nightgown. 
"Let's see...-ah this one!"
It was a pink sleeve nightgown with the rear filled with flowers-and I was more than happy just to wear it.
Mrs Choi: Well I better get back now-sleep tight hon, please call me if anything happens
She smiled before closing the door. I yawned before going up to the top bunk and slept away at a peaceful night-first night away from my house.
Next Morning 
I woke up and stretch my hand to yawn before I got up from bed and slumped all the way to the bathroom, I haven't get to see it clearly yesterday and I squeal at how it is marble counter sink! And there even a bowl of water with roses petal in there that just smell lovely!
I took a toothbrush and brush my teeth before changing in my casual clothes considered sweater with jeans, after combing my hair-I went downstairs and into the same dining room.
The adults were not there-I only found Yoogeun, Siwon and...'him'.
Mrs Choi were in the kitchen-so I took my seat next to Yoogeun-but immediately regret when I found 'him' just across from me!
I sat down anyway as Yoogeun paste butter on his bread with a plastic knife.
Siwon: Good morning Krystal
Krystal: Good morning oppa 
I tried my best not to look at the other guy and acted like he's not in this house. But somehow, I felt as if I met him before somewhere and actually wanted to stare at his face to figure out where.
Well i'll just eat my breakfast now and worried about that later. Maybe throw my own pillow at his head.
After we were done, I went outside and just basically strolled around the Choi's backyard with Yoogeun who ran at the small swing. I walk around until I finally hear noises of basketball dribbling from the backside. Curious, I edge on closer to finally found that they have a basketball court!
I was about to grab a ball and naturally played along but I stopped in midair when I found HIM again!
Yah Krystal! Why are you scared? You live at his house now, wouldn't it be better if you get to know his name after just bursting in his room for no permission?! And since you live at his house-your're allow to play here too! 
I walk on closer at the court just at the moment where the ball landed in the racket as I catch it myself. That made him knows i'm here before I dribbled the ball.
Krystal: Sorry for the other day-my name is Krystal
I intend to shook his hand but realized he's not letting his hand shake so I taken aback when I hear him scoffed.
??????: Right well your just messing around my house like if you live here
I stuck my tongue out at his insult "Because your mom told me"
That was stupid, I just made him way more mad-now he will never let me play basketball with him...
??????: Tch whatever, well mine is Minho
I smirk "Nice name Minho, mind if I play basketball along with you?"
Minho: I'm sorry-I don't play basketball with girls
Krystal: Oh i'm sorry, am I too strong for you?
I dribbled the ball harder and shoot for the racket. And like expected, it goes in.
Minho: You never should have said that-better not day dreaming about clouds now
I took that as a yes.
I hate how that guy said girls can't play basketball
Does he want some serious beating?!
He's picking a fight with me-though I don't want him near me anywhere
He probably want the same thing but-
there something about him that I just want to stomped up and brag that i'm better than him.
That's how much I hate his guts 
"Yah-stop daydreaming, don't blame me if a basketball hit your face!"
I glare at him, getting in my position.
"Just you wait Choi Minho-just you wait "
The game begin when he took hold of the ball and dribbled it around court with me after him. I waited for the right moment before snatching it away from his grasp and go shoot for the racket instead.
His fist curled and I smirk knowingly.
"Let's see who's better now"
I was at the vending machine with Hong Ki. We were drinking soda pop as Hong Ki were describing SCREAM 4 movie and how it was like before I hit his shoulder.
Krystal: Oppa you know i'm scared!
He laugh "I know-but why are you scared? When that thing appear i'll make sure his face is in a garbage for scaring you"
I rolled my eyes. Lee Hong Ki always talk nonsense.
But I kept wondering where Minho is. I'm suppose to show him the way to class but doesn't found him anywhere. I just stood there and waited before Minho came by. 
Krystal: Hong Ki, this is um
Minho: Companion
Krystal: Eh right...companion
I half-expect Hong Ki to smiled bright and shook Minho hand or something. But what I found in his eyes were...

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I fix the didn't word now so hope it won't hurt the eyes anymore lol there might be some left I can't be sure


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Chapter 1: where is jihyo???~~~~~~~~~~~
MinSoojung #2
Chapter 18: I love their kiss scene :)
waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 18: It's really good.
keep writing dear :D
Yayacute #4
Chapter 18: Nice chapter :)
looking for the next chapter.
Chapter 18: I love minstal moment :)
More minstal please !!!
Chapter 18: Finally u are back :) and thxxxx u for the update :)
What will happen next ?
Update more dear !!!
xNarya #7
Chapter 17: Welcome back ! I think it's been a while :)
Nooooo Siwon TT__TT
Chapter 17: What happen the next chapter ?
Update soon :))
MinSoojung #9
Chapter 17: Make more minstal dear !!!!!
Chapter 17: jessica shouldn't do that to krystal. She is ur sister.
Keep writing !!!!