Chapter 9 =0=

What's wrong with you, seungie??




All these three days we prepared everything to the travel. Neh, Jun was kipping said that we going to the countryside so I don’t need so much clothing… The clothing needs to be comfortable… or we just still there one week that I don’t need clothing for one mouth…between this and that Yong Junhyung just make me really angry.

But what matter is that, we are go on vacation!

Jun was driving because he is the only one who knows way and I was sitting on the seat next to him. The drive was long, maybe 4 hours but when we are together is always fun. :3

“We are coming…” Jun said and we all look out the window. OMG NOO. We only can saw was farms, I don’t want to stay on a farm… :c There are animals like cows, chickens, sheep or pigs. Sheep are cute but pigs!? I don’t like pigs T^T they scare me.

But I still quiet because I know Jun planned this for me so I don’t want to disappoint him if I said I don’t want to stay here. He didn’t spot the car yet… and we entered on an insulated space, like a forest. This is so beautiful, is really like in a movie.

He stopped the car ahead a big house, we all left the car.

“Welcome to the Yong Vacations’s House” He announced. ( here )

“WOOW” We said all on the same time.

“You didn’t say me you are rich!” I said and poked his arm. He smile me.

“I’m not rich, my uncle was but he died and he give to my parents this ground.”

“Ground!? Is not only the house?” Kiki asked.

“No, only a few kilometres…You wanna see it? Let go…”

And he went to the back of the house and more wooow…( here )

 “This is your few kilometres… this is huge…”

“Omo, there are swans and ducks on the lake, they are so beautiful, look Doojooniee, babies ducks.” ( here ) Yoseob is so happy, he approached them, a swan came by him and almost bite him. "JOONIE, he almost bite." he laughted of him and Doojoon said "Babe, it's better we go insade the house."

We came back to the car to fetch the bags, they go into the house. There is a living room and a kitchen like a restaurant, on dining room there is a huge table maybe for 60 persons or more… and the most spectacular is the indoor pool. (here)

On the second floor, there are six bedrooms and in each bedroom there is a bathroom. I was looking for all the rooms, they are all so clean, tidy and modern. It isn't like I was waiting

( here and here )

I noticed the last room of the hall, this was only had glass walls. This should be an atelier because there are many drawings of butterflies and birds. This is really amazing. This room had a flight of stairs that go to a room below this with glass walls too and with a door that go to the garden, in that room there are stuffed animals. This is realllllly beautiful, I stayed on that room watching everything until I heard everyone called my name so I came back to the second floor and saw Junnie.

"It is so beautiful" I happily said.

"I know, my uncle used to study the animals that appear near here. He wrote many books and something like that about these studies.

And in the night,because the room are all in glass we can see the stars for here."

"Seriously? This house is really amazing!"

He gave me my hand and we go to the living room here the Kiki, Woonie, Doojoon and Yoseob  were sitting on the sofa.

"Now, we all are here, let's see the bedroom"

“So Dooseob, you can stay here, Kiwoon there and I and Seungie can stay in this room.”

“How can this be so clean?” Kikwang asked.

“Ah, this is because we have employees to treat the house, garden and animals of the lake when we are not here.”

“Then, we store the bags in the rooms and we can go for a walk along the lake.” Then we went take the bags, when Jun and I were alone in the bedroom he said “Do you know that I choose the best bedroom of the house?”

“Why? For me this room it’s like the others…”

“No, isn’t. Came with me~” he pulled me by the arm, opened a door and we entered on a balcony and there is a hot tub. ( here )


“We is gonna be our secret place…" He started kiss me " ...and we gonna have so much fun here, baby so much fun..."

I stopped him and said " Yeobo~, they will be waiting us."

"Okay, lets go."




This was a boring chapter, isn't? T-T next chapter will be better!! But I hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for read, subscribe and commented :D it gave me strength to write... i <3 you, guys, really

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nish_t #1
Sweet and perfect!
I am totally satisfied!
Gonna miss this fic T~~~~~~T
VickyMie #3
Love yr fic so much ♥ Keep writing, ok?~ I'll always support u. 5ting!!! ^^
AttaCoff_239 #4
such a fluffy ending *do scallop dance* kekekkeke
nish_t #5
Love love love everywhere
Their children are so cute
I am so happy now!
Mseinhere #6
...and they live happily ever after~ yeay
my life, my hope ,my morning star, what i waked up every morning to see is now over i loved this story so much you do not know. i am in a pool of tares right now huhuuhu
Yong Hyunseung!! Ahhh he is forever a Yong Hyunseung! xDD Awww their wedding :3
Last chapter, seriously? T~~~~~~~~~T
i was crying just like kikwang they so cute ^o^
update soon
its soo cool