Chapter 2 :D

What's wrong with you, seungie??


“Okay, guys, dinner is ready!! LET’S EAT!!” I announced. We started eating. This’s really good, of course my DooDoo is very good making food… and just not food... do you know what I mean?! Eheh…

Seungie umma immediately attacked the food. Doo and Junnie started talk about the cameback, Junnie said that is going to be the best cameback ever!! And I realized that Seungie umma stopped eating.

“Is everything alright, umma?” I asked.

“Yeh, everything is alright, I just… I just lost my appetite.” He replied with a false smile.

“WAEE?? BUT??” We yelled in the same time.

“I don’t want eat more…” and he left the dining table.

“But I made this food with love for you 'cause you said you are tried.” Doojoon whined, omg my baby did aegyo. \*O*/

And he didn’t return to the table, put the headphones and ignored everyone, including Jun o.o wtf?! What is going on with him?



Last night, Seung was really weird, more than usual… He completely ignored me!

Today, when I woke up, he was still sleeping so I decided wake up him but I was afraid that he was angry with me or something like that. I kissed him on cheek, and sang “wake up, sweetie~”

“Morning~” he replied singing, so cutie.

Everything went well. Hyunseung was the same as always. This morning we had to train the dance. My Seungie is so y and he is dancing better than ever. I didn’t expect he was this good. He’s so amazing. The worst is that the fanboys will go crazy, however hyunseungie is just mine forever!!

But I have to train more… until Doojoon is better than me. I will train. And this absolutely will be our best cameback! Fighting!


The rest of the day also went well but in the middle of the night, more or less 2:30 a.m, I woke up and he was puking on the bathroom.

“ ohh, yeobo.” I said when I found him sitting on the bathroom’s floor. “Why not you warned me that you were puking?”

“Because I only had time to run here!!” he was almost crying. I hugged him and said that everything will gonna be alright.

We can’t sleep the rest of the night, he puked more two times. I am so worried about my yeobo. I hate see him like this. I hope this is only something he ate.

The next norning I was like a zombie but I really had to work, today I’m going to finish editing the music. Seungie finally falling a asleep. I told to the rest of the band what happened last night and he need to rest.

Baby, get better fast!! T^T




Hi!! This is everything for today, I was afraid I can't update today but I got òuó

@SyeraJoe  @PepperMintB2ST  : eheh, maybe...maybe... Is a mystery, mystery  *dancing mystery by beast x3*

Thanks for everyone who subscribed and commented <3

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nish_t #1
Sweet and perfect!
I am totally satisfied!
Gonna miss this fic T~~~~~~T
VickyMie #3
Love yr fic so much ♥ Keep writing, ok?~ I'll always support u. 5ting!!! ^^
AttaCoff_239 #4
such a fluffy ending *do scallop dance* kekekkeke
nish_t #5
Love love love everywhere
Their children are so cute
I am so happy now!
Mseinhere #6
...and they live happily ever after~ yeay
my life, my hope ,my morning star, what i waked up every morning to see is now over i loved this story so much you do not know. i am in a pool of tares right now huhuuhu
Yong Hyunseung!! Ahhh he is forever a Yong Hyunseung! xDD Awww their wedding :3
Last chapter, seriously? T~~~~~~~~~T
i was crying just like kikwang they so cute ^o^
update soon
its soo cool