The present and a flashback.

SS501 Romance ♥


The next few days, Hyung Joon and Mei hanged out like before, as best friends. Hyung Joon accepted the fact that Mei is not in love with her and he is happy because she still loves him as a best friend and that was enough for him. Now he’s waiting for Mei to pick between YoungSaeng and Jung Min. 
He knows that Mei will pick someone between those two. But before that, Mei wants to fix something. She wants the three of them to be best friends again just like before. She wants them to be inseparable again like nothing can come in between them. Her and Hyung Joon were at her apartment one day and she decided to bring up that subject.
“Ya, don’t you miss Jungie?” 
“Not particularly, no.” Hyung Joon laughed half-heartedly. 
He does really but he didn’t tell Mei.
“I miss us. The three of us.” Mei pouted.
“Well it wasn’t much of a friendship between him and me when we both decided to fight for you…” Hyung Joon blushed. Mei gasped.
“But I’ve made up my mind. I won’t be dating any of you so no one will be fighting now right?” Mei stated. She was really getting frustrated about all this. She wants everything back to normal. 
“Ah so you chose that otter over us then,” Hyung Joon thought in his head. 
He thinks that Mei has chosen YoungSaeng seeing as she said that she won’t be dating either him or Jung Min therefore the only guy left in the picture is YoungSaeng.
“I guess… But does Jung Min know you won’t be dating him either?” Hyung Joon asked.
“Anio… I’ll tell him soon,” Mei trailed off.
“Better be soon jagiya, otherwise it’ll hurt him more.” Hyung Joon grinned. Mei giggled as that was the first time that Hyung Joon referred to her as “jagiya” (honey). 
“Once I tell him, call we all go back to normal and be best friends again?” Mei requested. 
“I don’t mind, it all depends how Minnie will take your rejection.” 
Mei groaned. “Why did you two have to fall in love with me?! Why didn’t you two just became gay?!” She huffed while tugging on her hair in annoyance.
“Ya! I’ll never be gay thank you very much!” Hyung Joon hissed.
“Then you shouldn’t have fallen in love with me,” Mei sighed.
“You shouldn’t have been so beautiful and perfect then you loser.” Hyung Joon mumbled shyly. Mei slumped on the sofa.
“I think beautiful and perfect is a bit of an overstatement but the loser part pretty much sums me up.” 
“Hey now, you’re not a loser.” Hyung Joon crooned wrapping his arms around her. She hesitated at first but in the end she just curled up in his arms. She or Hyung Joon was never the affectionate ones in the group. 
It was always Jung Min who likes to hug and cuddle.
“I’m a loser. I can’t even pick between two great guys. Any girl would kill to be in my position.” Mei grumbled.
“Anio, a person who cherishes friendship is not a loser.” Hyung Joon stated.
“I love you Joonie oppa, I don’t know what I would do without you,” Mei declared. 
“I know… and I love you too Mei… my best friend.” 
Mei smiled to herself as she rested her head on his chest. They kept quiet for a while when Hyung Joon decided to speak again.
“Don’t worry Mei, we’ll all be best friends again,” Hyung Joon assured her.
“You promise oppa?” Mei grinned.
“I promise…” 
Flashback… (15 years ago)
(This is when Jung Min & Mei were 5 years old. Remember they only met Hyung Joon when they were 8 years old. Can’t remember? Refer to Chapter 1 ^^)
“Ya Mei! Do you want to go on the swings??” Jung Min asked cheerfully.
“As long as you push me!” Mei giggled.
“Okay! But don’t be angry if I push too hard and you end up in Mars!” little Jung Min laughed. 
“You’re not that strong Jungie…” Mei whispered cheekily too low for her best friend to hear. She hopped along happily towards the swings leaving her Barbie dolls behind. Jung Min ran after her and took her hand. 
“Come on sit down!” Jung Min said. Mei sat down on one of the swings and waited patiently for Jung Min to push her. He started pushing but as he was only little, he couldn’t exactly push her that high. 
“Ya, umma said we will end up marrying each other when we’re older.” Mei giggled. 
Jung Min made a face. “Ew.”
“That’s what I said!” Mei laughed. Jung Min took the other swing.
“I don’t want to marry you. You’re my best friend. That’s wrong.” Jung Min stated. 
“I don’t want to marry you either. I want to marry a celebrity.” Mei chimed. “Well since we’re just going to be best friends forever, we should make promises!” Jung Min said.
“Eung, eung! First, we should never lie to each other!” Mei declared.
“Araso, second, we should tell each other everything, whatever it is.” Jung Min added. 
“Oh okay! What else? I can’t think of any more!” Mei fussed.
“I promise I will never leave your side.” Jung Min smiled.
“Ne, you can count on me! I’ll be the bestest best friend ever!” Jung Min said smugly. 
“Gomawo Jungie,” Mei grinned. 
Author's Note:
Annyeong! I'm back :)
Sorry it took so long for me to update, but here you go.
Did anyone miss me? Haha.
Anyway, i went to Disneyland Paris and i had a great time! ^^
Looking forward to your comments!
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kissabletaetae #1

i miss ss501!!
SHINeeGuideMe #3
This was sad. D: I cried too much. T.T
wow! amazing endinG!!! but i'm still sad dat JUNG MIN died...but u r rite doesn't have happy endings...but still u rock!
hnbDreamSS501 #5
aah finally this story complete :) <br />
write another SS501 story but no sad ending, okay!<br />
good luck, God bless you :)
i-like-food #6
Awwwwwwwww, this is a good/sad storyyy<br />
I was crying so muchhh
waeyo? why did you let him die in your story?
if there's more then it beter be somethin like he comes back 2 life or they meet again in the next life...u know eternaml love sort of...PLEASE