“Are you guys fine with that?” Donghae asked us.

I turn to Sungmin and she nodded.

“Sure. We can do that. But starting tomorrow. Me and Sungmin have duet practice” I said to them.
“Yay~~~ It’s gonna be a fun week!” Eunhyuk exclaimed.

This is gonna be a very hectic week.

Throughout the whole day, all of us just went through a boring school day. But people were surprised, sad, ,mad and happy at the fact me and Kyuhyun are dating now. For example, Kyuties are devastated. A lot of them cried so much today but they also congratulated us, since they would do anything to make their “oppa” happy. Some of them hated it. They were even glaring at me, but Kyuhyun just glared at them back which made them run away like little puppies. Our whole class was surprised since they knew we have hated each other for about 2 years, but they were happy for us though. 

Also, during Science class, me and Kyuhyun were passing notes to each other. Ah~ He’s so cute when he writes me notes~ Anyways, Mr. Choi actually caught us, snatched the note away from us, and read it. Oh no. I was getting nervous because the note said this:

“Hi Sungmin~”
“Hi Kyu~”
“I love you.”
“I know. Kekeke~”
“What? No ‘I love you too’ ?”
“My love for you is so huge that it can’t be described in just ‘I love you’”
“Awh~ So sweet and corny~ XD”
“Kekeke~ Just letting you know~”

Anyways, after Mr. Choi read that, he just glared at Kyuhyun and then me. Then he just turned back to his lecture. I swear a smile was trying hard not to appear on his face. Maybe he was happy at the fact me and Kyuhyun are lovers now? Phew. At least we didn’t get into trouble. We just looked at each other and giggled.

Finally, after that 6 hours of “fun”, school was over. However, Kyuhyun and I still had to do the duet practice today in the Music room.

“Kyu~” I go up to him.
“Hi Minnie~ Are you ready to go to practice?” He said to me.
“Mhm! Let’s go!~” I grabbed his hand and we both started walking to the music room.

We went inside and saw Ms. Kim there doing some paperwork. She then looks up to us.

“Hello there! Are you ready for your practice you two?” She asked us. We both nod.
“…..Oh! I see you guys are practicing for your skinship section already!” She said to us. She probably noticed that both of us are holding hands.
“Haha~ You can say that.” Kyuhyun said to her.
“Alright you two. Put your stuff down and start singing the duet song.” She told us.

We do as we say and prepare to sing. As always, we sing our song “Falling in Love with a Friend”. Kyuhyun started and I followed. Also as always, we harmonized like angels. But this time we both felt so happy singing it. We looked at each the whole time and smiled. I loved singing with Kyuhyun. It was so fun and enjoyable. After a few minutes, we finished the song and hugged each other. I turn to Ms. Kim.

She had her jaw open with her eyes wide.

“Oh my goodness…..” Ms. Kim said. “You guys were amazing. Probably the best in this year’s concert. Absolutely flawless”
“Thank you Ms. Kim” I giggled.
“You two are so great that you probably won’t even need to come to practice next week.” Ms. Kim told us.
“Really? Thanks Ms. Kim!” Kyuhyun thanked her.
“But something seems fishy between you two. From the first time I saw you two, you guys wanted to kill each other, but look at it now. Spit it” Ms. Kim suspected us. I just avoided eye contact and look at Kyuhyun. He just nodded. I just sighed.
“Uhm…..me and Kyuhyun are……you know….” I say to her slowly.
“OH THAT’S SO SWEET~” Ms. Kim blurted. “Well, I hope you two the best then! Anyways, you to can head home now. No practice next week. Remember! The concert is in two weeks!” She finished.

We wave bye to her as we left the school. Me and Kyuhyun say our goodbyes to each other and I went to my house and slept immediately since I was so tired from school. Tuesday came and we were suppose to have our triple date but everyone had to much homework. And so we go on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, after school, me and Kyuhyun, EunHae, and YeWook all meet up with each other outside of school.
“Where do you guys wanna go?” Ryeowook asked.
“Mmm~ I don’t know~ Movies?” I suggested.
“YEAHH~ We can do that!” Eunhyuk said.
“What do you wanna do after that?” Donghae asked.
“I wanna try the arcade.” Kyuhyun said. Of course, usually GameKyu.
“Haha~ Let’s go bowling too. Don’t worry Kyuhyun. There’s an arcade there too.” Yesung laughed, as Kyuhyun just rolled his eyes.
“Yay! It’s settled! Let’s goo~” Eunhyuk said.

And so we all head to the theaters to watch some movies. When we get there, we decided that we would watch two movies. A scary one and a romantic one. We started with the scary movie first. After getting out ticket, we go into the cinema and sit at our seats. Our seats were in the middle rows so they were just right.
Of course the couples sat next to each other. Kyuhyun and I were sat in the middle with EunHae on my right, and YeWook on Kyuhyun’s left.

The movie starts. Even though it was just the beginning of the movie, I was starting to get scared. Kyuhyun then held my hand. I look up to him.
“Sungmin. It’s okay. I’m here with you” He said, then he smiled at me. I couldn’t help but to just smile back. I love his smiles.

Throughout the whole movie, I was cuddled up next to Kyuhyun. I didn’t even watch most of the movie. I just kept my eyes closed. In the middle of the movie, I decided to check on EunHae and YeWook. EunHae didn’t look affected at all. In fact, I think they were laughing at some parts too. YeWook was just watching the movie calmly. I then look up to Kyuhyun. His eyes were half-opened when the scary parts came, but he didn’t look so afraid. Am I the only one affected by the movie?!

There was one part of the movie where the creature suddenly pops up in the screen. At that very moment, everyone jumps up. I scream a little, but good thing some people in the cinema was screaming too. I heard EunHae giggling at the sight. Who would laugh at this?! As for YeWook, apparently, Ryeowook accidentally hit Yesung in the face when she jumped up. Ryeowook was now looking worried and aiding Yesung’s “injury”. I look up to Kyuhyun and saw that he jumped up too, but only a little. To unfocus on the movie, I just stare at his face. It looks so handsome~ Just looking at him makes my world around me blank. I stay like that for a minutes and suddenly Kyuhyun kissed me, I snap out of my wonderland as he releases the short kiss. 

“What was that for?” I smile at him. I realize that the lights are now on and the movie ended. Yes!
“Haha~ You were staring at me. Besides, the movie was over and you still stayed like that. Anyways, let‘s go watch the next movie.” He laughed as he got out of his seat.
“Mm~ I think I need another kiss~” I . He just grinned, bent down and kissed me for a longer time. Ah~ it felt so sweet~ 

Suddenly, Eunhyuk yelled at us.
“Hurry up you guys! No time for make-out session! We have to go to our next movie~~~” Eunhyuk shook me. I let go of the kiss and glared at her. And so we all go to a new cinema where our next movie is, which is a romance. Awh~ But the boys hated it though. Anyways, we arrive and sat in our usual seats. Right after the movie started. Within the next 15 minutes, the movie was already so sweet! I “awhh”ed in like every 2 minutes. Such a romantic movie. Kyuhyun disliked it though. He kept frowning at the screen. 

It’s funny because the story consists of a boy and a girl hating each other and they soon fall in love. It represents Kyuhyun and me so well, haha~ Since it’s so similar to our story, maybe the movie will tell us what would happen to us next? I still thought it was cute. But then this one scene came up that made me…..ummm. Awkward. And so the boy and the girl fall in love, and they had a bed scene with each other. Omg, is this gonna happen between me and Kyuhyun?! As I watched, I tried avoiding the screen and look somewhere else. 

I decide to look and check on EunHae again, and to my surprise, they were making out. I shrivel at the sight. I quickly turn to YeWook who were just giggling at the bed scene in the movie. I then look up to Kyuhyun. He was just blankly watching the scene normally. Is he not affected?! I look at the screen again and they are still at it. How long is this scene?! I covered my eyes until a new scene came up and it was back to normal. After the movie was done, I was crying a river…..yes, the movie was very sad. The girl had a bad heart disease and so the boy gave the girl his heart and he died. I cried so much.

“KYUHYUN~ THAT WAS SO SADD~” I sobbed at him. He then hugged me.
“Sungmin. It’s just a movie. Stop crying” He said to me.
“….sorry….” I said to him, all my tears up. We then all went outside the cinema and met up.

“YAYY~ LET’S GO BOWLING NOWW~” Eunhyuk exclaimed. I looked at the group and noticed that I was the only one who cried.
“Why weren’t you guys affected by the movie?” I told them.
“Because we aren’t crybabies.” Eunhyuk teased me. I just glare at her.
“Anyways, you guys ready?” Donghae asked. We all nodded and headed for the bowling alley.

Once we get there, we got our lane and started.

“OKAY. How should we split our teams?” Eunhyuk asked.
“Couples against couples?” Ryeowook suggested.
“……I think we should mix around the couples….So the aren’t matched with each other”
“What? What do you mean?” Yesung asked.
“I mean that we shouldn’t be teams with our lover. To see how well we can cooperate with others.” Donghae explained.
“…..Are you sure, Hae?” Eunhyuk said to him slowly. He nodded without hesitation. And so we all agree, except for Kyuhyun. He didn’t like the fact that I was gonna match up with someone else. We went on with it anyways. There will be 3 teams of two. I was matched up with Donghae, Kyuhyun with Ryeowook, and Yesung with Eunhyuk.

Donghae started and he got a strike on the first turn. Everyone clapped for him.

“Yay!~” I said to him as I give him a high-five. After that, it was my turn….oh no. I haven’t played bowling since I was 12. I go up, get a ball, and start. I start off slow and released the ball out of my hands and into the…..gutter. Of course. I turn around and pout at them. 

“Hae! Go teach Sungmin how to play!” Eunhyuk said to him. 
He just nodded and walked to me.

“Hey Sungmin. Anyways, just grab the ball, walk towards to the point, and release it onto the floor with a straight hand. Here.” He said as he went around me and grabbed my hand which has the ball. He then demonstrated on how to swing and release the ball.

“Got it?” He said to me. I just smile and nod. I then try again and got 3 pins down. Yay! Better than nothing at least. I turn around and see them clapping. Walking back my seat, someone suddenly held my wrist. I turn around and see Kyuhyun frowning at me.

“What?” I ask him.
“Don’t let Donghae ever touch you like that again.” He warned me. I just rolled my eyes.
“Kyu. He’s just teaching me. Nothing more~” I say to him. I was about to kiss him until Eunhyuk stopped me. 
“Hey! Go back to your own teams please. You can’t interact with other team players, especially your lovers.” Eunhyuk told us. I just groaned and quickly turn back to Kyuhyun.
“Kyuhyun. I love you and only you okay?” I whisper to him as I poke his nose.
“Fine. I’m letting you off this time missy.” He narrowed his eyes at me. I just smile and go back to my seat.

After a few turns, it was my turn again. I have to get this shot since the YeHyuk team is winning. I got more stiff and my ball went into the gutter again. In my second try, Donghae got up and demonstrated for me again. This time he changed my posture. He grabbed my waist and turns it staright. I was quite alarmed, but he didn’t notice. I tried again and I got 6 pins down. Woohoo!

Donghae did not just touch my Sungmin again. He touched her waist, oh my god…..I felt so angry at that point. I go to Eunhyuk.

“Eunhyuk, is it okay if I beat up your boyfriend?” I say to her. She looked at me.
“Of course not! You’d have to get through me first! Anyways, why?” She asked.
“Well, don’t you see that your boyfriend is touching another girl?” I tell her.
“Kyuhyun, Hae is just teaching her how to bowl. Don’t be so jealous and protective.” She tells me.
“I am not jealous and protective. I just care for her, okay? Can I teach her myself?” I ask her.
“No can do, Kyuhyun. That’s against the rules. The whole point of mixing the couples is to see how well we can work without your lover. So sorry~” She said. I just groan and stomped back to my original spot.

After about 10 rounds, the game was finally over, and the YeHyuk team won. Probably because I was paying too much attention to Sungmin and not the game. Ryeowook was mad at me for not winning the game. I just ignored her. Anyways, now I can go back to my Sungminnie again~ 

“FINALLY~” I say as I run back to Sungmin and kiss her.
“Why are you guys so happy? Neither of you guys won.” Eunhyuk told us.
“I’m just glad I get to be with Min again.” I said, as I smile at Sungmin.
“Meh. You guys are no fun. Anyways, we’re going to the arcade now.” Eunhyuk said. We all then head out to the arcade, where I can show all my game skills to Sungmin. Oh yeah~

We arrive and like a regular arcade, it’s all colorful with neon and dark, with noises coming out from all the game machines. Except that instead of yucky little kids running around, there were actually a lot of people our age playing too. Anyways, we all get our coins and start to play some games. For me and Sungmin, we go to the coin games first. The game we’re playing was where you put the coin in and it goes to a spot which was labeled how much tickets you would get. You need to have very keen eyes for this game so you can get the most tickets.

“Okay, Sungmin. Just get a coin, put it in the machine, and aim for the highest spot, okay?” I tell her. She just nodded and put a coin in. The coin landed on a spot, and soon after, only one ticket came out.
“….Kyuhyun. I’m so bad at this game” she pouted at me.
“Haha~ like this Sungmin.” I told her as I put a coin in. The coin landed on the “JACKPOT” and never-ending tickets came out. I smirked and looked at Sungmin. Her jaws were wide open.
“Oh my gosh, Kyuhyun. How’d you do that?!” She said as she looked at all the tickets that were withdrawn.
“Skills.” I boasted. She just playfully punched me.

After collecting our bunches of tickets, we roam the arcade to see what should we play. 

“Kyuhyun! Let’s go to the action games!” She said to me. I stutter a bit.
“Why?” I tell her. To be honest, I am not very good at action games. I’m more of a strategy game person.
“Come on~ It’ll be fun!~” She said as she led me somewhere.

We arrive and I see a dance machine….oh hell no.
“Keke~ Let’s play~” she said as she dragged me on top of the machine with the arrows on it. I slowly put some coins in and press start.
“Okay Kyu. When you see the arrows on the screen, step on it. See? Easy!” She said to me. I just nod and pick a song. I picked Super Junior’s Sorry Sorry and pressed play. We both had to be the same difficulty so I wanted to be on the beginner, but Sungmin wanted to be on hard. I just agree to her sadly, and so we were on hard. And yes, it was hard. Very hard. Sungmin was getting hundreds of combos while I easily missed all of them. Finally the song was over and we got our grades. Sungmin got an “A” while I got a “D”……how embarrassing.

Eunhyuk and Donghae got on after we were done. We watch them briefly….and they were amazing at this game. I looked at Sungmin and saw wide open.
“Oh my gosh, Kyu! Look how good they are!” She said to me. I just glare at the EunHae couple.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. Let’s do something else.” I said as I grab her wrist and drag her to another place.

I was walking anxiously towards the shooting games until Sungmin said something.
“Kyuhyun! Let’s go play basketball!” She suddenly says. *sigh* Oh no….
She then drags me to the basketball hoops machine, and we saw that the YeWook couple were playing too. Great. There were only two hoops and Yesung was on one with Ryeowook watching.

“Kyuhyun! Go play against Yesung!” Sungmin told me. I just dreadfully sighed and nodded. I go up to the machine.
“Hey, Yesung….” I told him. He turned to me.
“Oh hey! Wanna play?” He asked. I just nod.
“Then let’s bet something.” He suddenly said.
“What?” I reply to him.
“Mmm~ How about those tickets?” He pointed to the bunch of tickets Sungmin was holding. I look at her and she just delightfully nodded. I have to win. We both put coins in and start. The basketballs release from the machine and I start shooting. I missed the first one, then the next one, and then the next, and so on…..
I turn to Yesung and see that he is getting each one in….yep. I definitely lost. The game finally ended, but guess what? I lost. Yesung took the tickets and went away with Ryeowook, while I just slowly go back to Sungmin.

“Sorry Sungmin…” I say to her. I was expecting her to get mad at me, but she suddenly hugs me.
“It’s okay Kyuhyun! Everyone has imperfections right?” She said to me.
“Yeah, but I was suppose to win for you…” I said to her.
“But Kyuhyun! Look! You got me hundreds of tickets from one game, even though we lost all of it just now….but none of us couldn’t have done that!” She smiled at me. I couldn’t help but smile back.
“Thanks Sungmin…” I say to her.

We met up back with the group outside and saw that Eunhyuk had a huge monkey toy while Ryeowook had a giant turtle plushie…..Donghae and Yesung must have gotten those toys for them….with the tickets they earned….Anyways, we all start walking towards the bus to get home.
“Kyuhyun! Aren’t you gonna get Sungmin anything with your tickets? You should get her that giant bunny!” Eunhyuk told me. I just sighed.
“…..I lost all of my tickets from Yesung from betting in a game…” I told her.
“Psh. What kind of boyfriend are you? You can‘t even get her anything” She teased me. I just glare at her.
“….Well……I can give her this.” I told her. I suddenly go to Sungmin and piggybacked her.

“Kyuhyun! What are you doing?!” She said to me.
“Well, since I couldn’t give you anything, I’ll give you a piggyback ride home.” I told her.
“You don’t have to--” I cut her off.
“No! I want to do it for you.” I said to her. 

And so we, or in this case I piggybacked her home while the rest of the group just took a bus. Sungmin was very light but the walking distance was so long. I even started sweating and it’s almost winter. Sungmin noticed this. And said something.

“Kyuhyun…..you can drop me now…it’s not good for your health.” She told me.
“It’s okay Sungmin. I just want to show you that I love you.” I say to her, breathing hard.

After 30 minutes of walking, Sungmin was finally home. I drop her down gently. I just collapsed onto the floor and gasping for air.

“Kyuhyun~ Look at you. You’re breathing so hard. Are you sure you can get home?” She told me.
“Yeah” I said as I slowly get up. “Anyways, bye Sungmin. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say as I just kiss her goodbye and left.

Fortunately, I arrive home safely and lay on my couch. I felt very tired but good at the same time.
I finally can show her something that goes over my limits.

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137darkpinku #1
Chapter 19: Mood swing !! But I Love it !! Thank you for made this fanfict ^^
Chapter 19: Aaaaw! This is so sweet :'(

I read this is one go and now my eyes are hurt but it's totally worth it. You wrote this very good Author-ssi. Good job, I<3it XD

Continue to write KYUMIN okay'?

CallMehhBubz #3
Chapter 19: Awwwwww~~ second time reading this..!!
Chapter 19: Damn! I just read them on all go! OMG! This fic is so sweet! It made me smile, cry and feel hot too! Hahaha great job! <3
Chapter 19: Istg i can not stop giggling jbskxbwseswkhxwkjw i love this so much /sobs
akxshi #6
sungminfan #7
waw I loved this fiction, with happy feelings and bounce just like I like. well done to the writer of the story and I encourage you to write more fiction. Congratulations once again
Great Story.
ElfVipBlackjack #9
So so so cute!!!! I loved it! I stayed up til 3am to finish it :)
AWWWW THIS STORY IS SOOOOO CUTE~!!! i read it all in about 5 hours!!! I LOVE IT!!!!