My Boyfriend Is A Weirdo

My Boyfriend Is A Weirdo




"So what's the first thing to do to start our experiment?" Donghae asked while opening his room door and give way to Hyukjae. But while waiting for respond he noticed that Hyukjae was keep in silent and curious on why. "Hey Hyukjae? Is something wrong?"


He flinch when he heard Donghae's voice asking him. "A-Ah? Wha-What did you say? Sorry I didn't hear you?"


"Are you okay? You're spacing out."


"I-I'm okay," he said.


He knitted his eyebrows, "Are you sure?" 


He nodded and smiled. As he studied his surroundings he suddenly noticed how big Donghae’s room is with the king sized bed on the far side of the room. He saw a computer chair in front of the study table and take a sit. He turned the chair towards Donghae like a boss. “The first thing we need to do is take note of all the steps in the experiment.” He abruptly instructed and fished out some papers inside his bag. “Can I use your laptop?” he asked and Donghae lend it to him.


When Hyukjae started the work, Donghae just sit there on his bed and watched Hyukjae using his laptop. He knows Hyukjae can handle and great in research but sometimes some things that he just really can’t handle, like Algebra (he’s slow in math). Hours past and still Hyukjae is using the laptop while Donghae is just standing at the back of him and staring at his work. In the midst of silence suddenly a grumble was heard, “W-What was that?” Donghae asked surprised. Hyukjae stopped typing and looked down, he noticed, “D-Don’t tell me it was you?” Donghae asked in disbelief. Hyukjae slowly nod and say, “I didn’t eat dinner because I thought I was going to be late and you might be mad at me.” Half of that was true and half of it was a lie. He didn’t think that he will be late. He brought his snack but gave it to the beggar so he hasn’t feed his own stomach for that reason.


Donghae luckily remembered the snacks he prepared for them and quickly picked the telephone beside his study table. After the call, suddenly there’s a nock from his door. “Come in.” he command and when the door was open two maids where getting inside and carrying tons of delicious snacks on the tray. “Just put it on the bed, thank you.” He said and the maids immediately headed towards the door and closed it.


“Whoa! Is this for me?” Hyukjae asked standing from his chair and rushing towards where the foods are.


“Yes, suit yourself.” He said gesturing him to take the food. Hyukjae didn’t think twice and quickly grabbed them and happily put it his mouth and cutely munching it. As always Donghae’s amused face watching Hyukjae eating cannot be ignored so he noticed it and slowly turning around so that Donghae cannot see him eating.


Not wasting anytime, Donghae decided that he’ll temporarily continue what Hyukjae started so that it will be finished earlier. When he sat on the chair and saw Hyukjae’s work he was amazed. The report he made was very long and very clear. He stared at it for a second and Hyukjae suddenly interrupted him.


“What are you staring at?” he asked while munching.

In Donghae’s out of nowhere spacing out on the screen, he flinch when Hyukjae suddenly talk. “N-Nothing, I was just amazed on how you make this.” He said pointing on the screen.


Hyukjae proudly said, “I’m good aren’t I?”


He snorted and laughed at Hyukjae’s statement. “Would you finish that so that we can start already?” he asked pointing at Hyukjae’s mouth.


He narrowed his eyes and angrily munched the food. After he was done eating he shooed Donghae on the seat so that he will finish his work. When he finished his work on the computer they finally started their experiment assisting the steps Hyukjae create. Concentrating in their work, Hyukjae didn’t notice how fast the time goes. “Wow! We’re finally done!” he stated. They succeed on experimenting on how chemicals react if the mixed together making a small explosion. Satisfied, he happily smiled at Donghae then look at the wall clock. “Damn! It’s already 10:30 and I told noona that I’ll be back at 10!” He panicked, hurriedly packing all the things inside his bag and told Donghae to bring all the instruments to school tomorrow. As he was leaving in Donghae’s room, suddenly he felt a hand holding his. “Uhm… if it’s okay, message me if you come back home safely?” Donghae said quite embarrassed. “O-Okay,” he said feeling awkward at Donghae’s plead. At that Donghae let go of his hand and he walk towards the main door. But before he opened the door he looked at his back and Donghae still looking at him at a small crack of the door’s room. He awkwardly smiled at him and then opened the door, waving at him and leave.


Going home, he don’t have a plan on riding a taxi because he might end up being a hostage for some reason that the street were already quiet and only small amount of people walking on the streets. He walked towards the subway and stop beside a chair where you wait for the train to come. He observed that the place where he is… is very quiet. He and a pale man dressed in all black standing beside a poll centimeters far from him was the only people inside the subway. Hyukjae really likes watching horror movies and suspense but him whom will experience the spookiness can crap the out of himself.


Waiting for the train to come, he noticed that the guy from where he was standing get nearer at him. He shivered feeling the cool air pass at him. It was near September but snow wasn’t coming yet and it is impossible to feel very cold in early ‘ber’. As the guy came nearer at him sweat formed in his face and he cannot take it anymore. His heart beat faster and he wished that the earth will swallow him then send him to a safer place. When he was about to run forgetting to ride the train, luckily, on time the train come and stop. The door automatically opened and he hurriedly ran inside, found a seat and took a deep breath and a deep sighed. He looked at the guy dressed in all black but to his surprised he saw nothing but mere chairs all alone. “That was strange,”


When he was outside of his house, he sneakily fished the key in his pocket and unlocked the doorknob. As he opened the door good thing her sister is already sleeping so he tiptoed careful not to make a sound to wake up her sister, but to his dismay the light suddenly switched on. “Hyukkie-ah~ Why are you late?” her sister sleepily said, sitting on the chair upside-down.


“U-Uhm… I didn’t notice the time…” he nervously said.


“But I have been waiting for you~ I didn’t have dinner.” Her sister whined like a drunk.


“But Noona! I have a message you that I already cooked dinner for you. I told you I place it above the oven.”


Her sister dumbly looked at the oven and looked back at him. Her face scrunch, “But I didn’t receive any message!” she childishly whined.






He face palmed himself. What on earth will people receive a message if their cellphone is Low-Battery? He dramatically rolled his eyes and walk towards the oven where her sister’s food place. “Here, eat it because you might go crazy.”


Her sister lazily looked at the food and to Hyukjae. “But I want to eat it with you~”


He sighed, he doesn’t have a choice anyway, “Fine but I’ll just sit here with you.” he said.  


“Okay!” Her sister agreed and childishly smiled at him and started to eat. He just sat there and just watched her.


After her sister’s dinner he told her to sleep and he will be the one to check the house if it’s secure instead of her. He watched her sister climbed upstairs before he started checking. After checking the windows his eyes landed on the guy in all black from the subway freakily looking straight at him. He crept out and shivered. What the hell would this guy following him? When he looked back the guy earlier suddenly disappeared. “What the?” As he turned around her sister suddenly appeared from his back. He was frightened and almost got a heart attack, “Hyukjae-ah, what are you looking outside?” her sister sleepily said. “N-nothing, just go upstairs.” He said pushing her sister towards the stairs. “You don’t look okay, you look pale. What’s wrong?” “Noona, just go to sleep. I’m alright.” “Fine,”


After that he continued on checking with the doors, but his mind was still on that mysterious guy, looking at the window. When he was finished in securing all the windows and doors he climbed upstairs and went to sleep. The image of the guy with all black still haunts him.


At school, “YES! HYUKJAE! WE GOT THE HIGHEST SCORE!” Donghae shouted in happiness as they got A++ on their chemistry project. He jumped like a child and a wide smile plastered on his face.


Hyukjae was not in his self. He’s spacing out again. The black guy kept disturbing him in his mind. He was curious why that guy was following him. What does he want? Suddenly a snap of a finger moved on his face, he flinched, “Hey Hyukjae? Are you listening to me?” “H-Huh? Eh? What? What did you say?” He was out of his mind.


“We got an A++ on our project!” he happily said, jumping again.


“O-Oh that’s nice, congrats.” He absent-mindedly replied.


Donghae stop jumping, “Hey, are you in yourself or what? Why are you saying ‘congrats’ to me? WE are making that project. What’s wrong with you? He exclaimed. “You didn’t even send me a message if you got home safely. Did someone hurt you? I’ll going to kill them.”


“No I’m okay and nothing’s wrong with me.” he said. “And you sounded like you’re my boyfriend.”


Donghae fall in silent, he didn’t know he sounded like that. “W-Well I was just worried and besides you’re my best friend.” But then he realize, he feel Hyukjae more than a friend for the past years but he just set it aside and forget this strange feeling he have towards Hyukjae. He doesn’t want to ruin their brother like relationship but he can’t help it. He doesn’t want Hyukjae to hate him for that reason; maybe he’ll decide to throw away that weird feeling he has.


“H-Huh?” he absent-mindedly said. He was interrupted on his thoughts.


Hyukjae suddenly giggled, “Now you’re the one who’s spacing out.” He teased.


Donghae laughed, “What is it you want to ask?”


At that Hyukjae became serious. “When I was transferred to another school… because of our financial problem. Do you… have any chance to have… a girlfriend?” he swiftly asked.


Donghae awkwardly looked at him. “C’mon Hae! Where best friends, you can share it to me.” Hyukjae said, elbowing him.


“I-I don’t have any.” He replied. Hyukjae halt from elbowing, “Are you serious? You’re lying right?” he laughed, pointing at Donghae.


“Seriously I don’t have one.” He replied with a poker faced.


Hyukjae stopped not even believing what he just heard. His weird actions were related to what Donghae’s mother had said to him. He needed to know the truth. “Really?” he asked in disbelief and unexpectedly he turned red. “What?!”



Author’s Note:Hey guys I just updated sooner! LOL! I’m so sorry again for waiting you longer >.< I have finally done making the poster. I'm very sorry if the poster is very plane... I found it difficult editing that stuff.


Thank you lady_na for commenting every chapter on my stories. *hugs*


Please enjoy this chapter, comment and feedbacks please. =)


Credit to angela_styles for the layout.

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ELFhyukhae #2
Chapter 12: I LIKE IT~ aishhh jessica...-_- update soon~ please *puppy eyes*
Chapter 12: What is the thing that hae already knew ! Atleast someone knew that jessica has a bad intention towards hyuk ! Thanks for the update btw
Chapter 11: Is that butler is the one who dress in black n with hyuk in the subway n house ?! Aishh ,, really !! Who is this jessica ?!!?!! I'm curious ! Thanks for the update btw ;D