My Boyfriend Is A Weirdo 10

My Boyfriend Is A Weirdo






“Oppa, can I talk to you?” Jessica whispered to Hyukjae.


Hyukjae looked at Jessica confused and obviously didn’t get her so Jessica continued, “It’s about America’s history,”


“Oh…” Hyukjae replied as he got why Jessica is asking him.


But in the other hand, Donghae was looking at them a bit puzzled on why they are murmuring themselves and didn’t pay attention to him, “What are you two mumbling at? I’m also here you know.” He sighed as he was hopeless and out of place.


“Donghae-oppa, I have something to discuss to Hyukjae, so is that okay if I borrow him for a second?”


Donghae narrowed his eyes in suspicion but nonetheless agreed so he just watched as the two figures disappeared from the room.




“Hey, you don’t need to tell him about me,” Hyukjae scolded Jessica and a bit embarrassed as they walk on the endless hallway of the house.


“Huh, what do you mean oppa?” she asked, confused.


“I mean… you asked permission to him like I was his…”


“Boyfriend?” Jessica finished.


Hyukjae was surprised but he tried to let out a nod.


“I know you two are just ‘bestfriends’ so nothing to worry about,” she said smiling happily at him and Hyukjae was getting curious at her. There where something that make him puzzled at Jessica’s action.


“Oppa~ you’re staring at me,” Jessica said, pushing Hyukjae lightly.


“S-Sorry,” that was all Hyukjae said.


And Jessica was disappointed.


They were still walking in silence and Jessica find the room she was talking about. Hyukjae were looking up and down at how huge and exquisite the house is. It was like living at a castle but this house was almost covered in gold.


“Here it is,” Jessica said as they soon found the door heading towards the library. It was said on the top of the door.


Hyukjae again muttered a ‘wow’ as he saw how huge the library is. It was almost like a library for the whole country use. “How can you find what we are looking for?” he asked.


“It’s easy,” Jessica said as she was walking towards a large flat screen computer. “Computer, open,” she commanded in English and the computer suddenly and a female voice welcome their ears.


“Welcome young Mistress. How can I serve you?” the computer spoke in English.


“Find a book which has a complete detail of America’s history,” she replied still in English language.


And the computer started showing some confusing letters on the big screen and looks like scanning through it.


While Hyukjae was dizzy following the running letters and numbers, so he decided to tour himself inside the library. He found so much interesting stuffs and an expensive books and a large picture which he didn’t know if it’s real or fake but in Jessica’s richness, probably it’s real.


“Hyukjae-oppa! I got it!” Jessica suddenly shout making Hyukjae flinched while she scanned through the textbook.


“O-Okay,” Hyukjae replied as he came back where he was standing. He again scanned the library in curious, “Jessica, how did you get that book?” he asked, pointing at Jessica’s hold.


“From the help of the computer, it’ll scan through all the books here and then after when it’s done it will gonna tell you where the book is located at then it’ll suddenly fall from the shelves especially when it’s located in higher position,” she explained and chuckled when she saw Hyukjae staring at him in complete disbelief. “Trust me,” she said in English and walk towards the door followed but a still confused Hyukjae.




“Aish!” Donghae ruffled his hair annoyingly, “I can’t think of anything,” he said as he stared at the paper in front of him hopelessly.


He scanned the room and found some books on a mini shelve at the corner. “Maybe I need to read some of it.” He walked across the room to where the books were located. He searched for a book related to their report but unexpectedly, his eyes caught something that makes him feel that this thing is somewhat dangerous yet he didn’t hesitant on grabbing it and quickly hide it inside his bag before they would come back.


When he heard footsteps coming nearer at the door he pretended to write something so that they would think that he is working.


“Donghae-oppa, I got the right book for us,” Jessica happily said sitting across Donghae.


She dropped the thick book with a loud ‘thud’ and all three of them start reading and taking notes for the report.


Donghae looked at Jessica.


“Do you have something to say Donghae-oppa?” Jessica suddenly asked eyes on her notebook, like she saw Donghae looking at her.


Donghae sighed, “I’m just wondering… You live in America right?” he asked.


“Yes, I did,” she answered.


“Then why do we need to study this book?”


“Well… I know a lot about America but that doesn’t mean I was there the whole years studying about their history…”


“But at least you have some idea,” Donghae said as a fact.


“I really wanted to answer this but you would blame me if I did some mistakes right?”


Hyukjae cleared his throat, “Jessica’s right, Hae, we need not to rely on others. This is our report so we need to work hard, together and not just Jessica,” he concluded.


Donghae surrendered, he doesn’t want to admit but Hyukjae has the point. How he wish this project will end soon.




Sun was setting at was almost dark.


Working at Jessica’s house has come to an end and both men decided to go home.


Both of them bowed in front of Jessica and her butler, “Thanks Jessica.” Hyukjae said as he waved goodbye when Donghae suddenly left him and he followed.


“You’re welcome! Don’t be shy on coming back here Hyukkie~” Jessica shouted.


“Yeah!” Hyukjae replied, looking at his back and saw Jessica waving at him a goodbye.


Donghae reacted as Jessica called Hyukjae ‘Hyukkie’. He doesn’t like that Jessica girl calling his Hyukjae ‘Hyukkie’ although his not ‘his’, unfortunately.


Hyukjae doesn’t seem to notice his reaction and wondered why Donghae was so cold in front of Jessica. “Donghae?” he called.


“What?” he replied, not looking at Hyukjae.


“Is there something wrong?” he worriedly asked.




“No? I think I don’t believe in you,”


“Why?” he wondered.


“You’re being strange when Jessica started showing to us,” he was frustrated. He just can’t take Donghae’s cold attitude to be like that. He’s like mood weather.


“I am?” his tone was mocking.


“Stop pretending you’re not! I know you Donghae!” Hyukjae’s tone was suddenly high, telling that he was mad.


Donghae was hurt; he didn’t want Hyukjae to be mad at him, especially when Hyukjae is something special. He decided to keep silent and he will sacrifice everything for just this. He knows he was stupid, but he wants the best for him. “Do you really know all about me?” he said, voice inaudible on purpose that Hyukjae can’t here.


Hyukjae sighed, this was hopeless, and arguing with Donghae won’t change the fact that this guy in front of him will understand everything he rants.


And now they were walking together like strangers.


When both of them reached the subway, still in silent and thought was running through their heads.


They stop in front of the station, knowing that Hyukjae will ride the train and Donghae will go to the other side.


Hyukjae doesn’t want to accuse but Donghae had know something that he don’t want to tell him. He half suspected and before he was getting inside the train someone grabbed him on his wrist tightly. He looked at the owner and saw Donghae’s expressionless face, it was odd.


“Be careful,” that was only Donghae uttered before letting go of Hyukjae’s hand and walked away.




Hyukjae finally got home and he was itching on calling Donghae wondering about earlier at the station.


“Oh you’re here Hyukkie~” her sister happily said but sadly his brother wasn’t listening to her, she pouted.


He hurriedly run upstairs to his bedroom, when he got there he threw his bag onto his bed, fished out his phone and start dialing Donghae’s number.


The other line rings. It was a long ring before the other line answered.


“Hello?” Donghae answered.


“Donghae, I have something to ask about you,” Hyukjae said.




“About earlier I-“


“I’m fine,” Donghae cut off.




“Hyukjae, please don’t go near Jessica,” he suddenly said.


“What? Why?” Hyukjae was confused, he again don’t understand Donghae was talking about.


“She’s hiding something that might be the end of you,”


Hyukjae didn’t really get it, Donghae might lose himself. He won’t believe in it, Jessica is kind, then why would? “Donghae… she’s-“


“HYUKJAE! I KEPT CALLING YOU! WHY WON’T YOU ANSWER ME!” her sister suddenly interrupted, banging the door open, holding a spatula with an annoyed face. She just cut the call between his brother and Donghae.


“S-Sorry noona, I was in a hurry,” Hyukjae apologized but her sister was still mad and pouting at him, “I’ll go downstairs after the call, okay?”


“Fine,” she said as he go out and close the door.


Hyukjae sighed and bring the phone back to his ears, “Hello, Hae?”


The line end, Donghae wasn’t there anymore. He cut the call.


He decided to call again but her sister is shouting downstairs waiting for him.


“I’ll be there in a sec!” he shouted back earning a whine from her.


There was something weird is going on, something Donghae said was creepy. What does he mean by his end?



Author’s Note:Hi! Another update again~ Do you think my story is kinda confusing? It's random... I hope you're having fun reading this! Have a nice day!


Please enjoy this chapter, comment and feedbacks please. =)


Credit to angela_styles for the layout.

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ELFhyukhae #2
Chapter 12: I LIKE IT~ aishhh jessica...-_- update soon~ please *puppy eyes*
Chapter 12: What is the thing that hae already knew ! Atleast someone knew that jessica has a bad intention towards hyuk ! Thanks for the update btw
Chapter 11: Is that butler is the one who dress in black n with hyuk in the subway n house ?! Aishh ,, really !! Who is this jessica ?!!?!! I'm curious ! Thanks for the update btw ;D