My Boyfriend Is A Weirdo 9-1

My Boyfriend Is A Weirdo






Hyukjae was walking in the hall into his classroom and he also saw Donghae get inside their classroom.


He felt nervous again as he remembered everything just seeing Donghae. He felt sweat drop on his temple as he walks slowly to their classroom. His hands were beginning to cold, like he was afraid to see Donghae from now on.


“H-How can I explain it to him?” he murmured, staring at the floor avoiding Donghae.


Thinking of a plan so that he wouldn't be suspicious, he let himself be calmed and like nothing happens. So he greeted his fellow classmates while approaching to his chair. As he was came close, his eyes landed on the table beside the window remembering the person sitting in there.


“Oh crap,” he panicked, as he forgot that Jessica was his classmate and don't mention leaving her behind, “I hope she won't noticed me here,” he wished, closing his eyes tightly. He was praying that he wouldn't get noticed by Donghae and Jessica and just keep silent... but he failed.


“Hey Hyuk?” Donghae called, approaching him and patted Hyukjae's shoulder for attention.


His heart was beating fast like it's gonna explode any second as he feel Donghae's hand touching him. How can he explain it to him without offending him?


Hyukjae lifted his head and looked at Donghae, seems like this will be the end of their friendship.


“Hyukjae, are you okay?” Donghae worriedly asked, suddenly held Hyukjae's left hand, “You're cold and pale,”


He gulped and as he pulled his hand back, assuring Donghae that he was fine.


“No you're not, let's get to the infirmary and-”


“I said I'm fine!” Hyukjae snapped but suddenly realizes that he just shouted at Donghae, “I-I'm sorry, I just...”


“It's okay,” Donghae said but it was obvious that he was offended by his low voice.


Hyukjae let his tense body to calm and ready to explain to him the truth but as he starting to talk Donghae suddenly spoke.


“By the way, where did you go? You suddenly left me here,” he asked, curiosity on his face, “Did I do something wrong?”


And he already expecting that question would come, “I... uh... I was meeting someone urgently so I need to see her quickly,” he excused, hoping that Donghae will buy with his lies, but Donghae looked at him suspiciously. He left to his gaze and look somewhere except him.


Donghae surely felt mad and jealous as Hyukjae mentioned the word 'her'.


Hyukjae take a look at Donghae in the corner of his eyes and noticed his face kinda scary.


“D-Donghae?” he hastily asked. For the past years with Donghae, this is the first time he saw that expression like he was going to punch a guy beside him. “A-Are you okay?” he stuttered and afraid of what would his response.


Donghae suddenly raised his eyebrows in an offended way and getting back to his table, ignoring Hyukjae's question.




“Good afternoon class,” their teacher spoke, it was their afternoon class. “Before we start our lesson, I must check the attendance first for the afternoon,” she announced and start calling their names.


After the boys were called, the girls was next.


Hyukjae noticed that Jessica hasn't come yet, maybe she's absent for today's class.


As the teacher spoke Jessica's name, there was a loud 'thug' of the door and suddenly she appeared.


“Present!” she said with a confident smile and not even aware of her classmates eyes on her.


The teacher looked at her unbelievably, lowering her eyeglasses.


“Sorry Mrs. Kim, I will not do it again,” she promised bowing at her and walked to her seat. When she passed at Hyukjae, she smiled and wink at him.


Unfortunately, Donghae saw that.


“Is that what you mean urgent?!” he mentally thought, feeling angry that Hyukjae met a girl that he didn't even know and Hyukjae didn't said.


He crumpled a piece of paper and was about to throw it to Hyukjae when the teacher suddenly spoke, finishing their attendance.


After the teacher was done, she wrote something on a paper before she stands up.


“I am very disappointed to know that all of your grades are very low and didn't qualify for the school so I've decided to group you and make a history report,” she announced and all was heard are the groaning of the students. The teacher immediately get the stick beside her and slam it to the table getting back their attentions. “Where was I?” she asked, forgetting where she stopped.


“About the history report Mrs. Kim,” a student answered.


She cleared and start talking again, “As what I has said, you will have a group and each group will explain the history of the America,” she announced again and then again the students whine. “Here are the list of students whom I pick to be in the group. Yunjin, Dongwoo and Yuna...” she started by calling two boy and one girl each group.


“Ugh, don't tell me there's one girl each group,” Donghae's seat-mate groaned, messing his hair. On the other hand Donghae wished that he will be grouped with Hyukjae even if he's still mad at him.


“Please pair me with a genius...” Hyukjae prayed intensely on his chair.


“Hyukjae, Donghae and Jessica”


Hyukjae groaned, hearing those names that he don't want to be with just this time. How can be the teacher so cruel, randomly picking and not alphabetically. He buried his head on the table and silently crying. This is not his day and this might be his end.


Suddenly, there's a poke in his side by an arm, “You're lucky man!  You are paired with the richest student in Korea and most of all she's hot,” Hyukjae's seatmate grinned at him.


Hyukjae just rolled his eyes on his erted seatmate and silently cried again.


His seatmate wondered about his reaction but he just shrugged it off.


“The deadline on your report will be on next week so make sure your work will be done before the deadline or else I won't accept it.” their teacher strictly said and slammed the stick on the table making his student flinch at the sharp sound. There face was in horror.




It was the end of their afternoon class and the student were leaving except for Hyukjae who still mumbling about the report by himself, also he didn't notice that Donghae wasn't inside their classroom.


“How can I make this report so easy even I don't have any idea about America's history!” he whined particularly to no one. He was the only one left inside the room. He bumped his head on his wooden table again and again, “I don't have a chance with Donghae and Jessi- wait!” He sit straight and slam his fist to his left palm, “Jessica is from America!” he concluded, smiling widely. “That's right, she can help!” he stand and dance in triumph.


Suddenly Jessica appeared in front of him and he step back in surprised.


“Hi oppa,” Jessica waved her hand cutely.


“H-Hi Jessica!” he said in surprised as Jessica was like a creeper suddenly appearing from nowhere. “I thought you left?”


“I was about to but I forgot to ask you something about the history report,” she replied.


Hyukjae bit his bottom lip and nod. He was afraid that he might be wrong on what he expected in Jessica, “What about it?” he asked in confident and not showing any panic at her.


“Have you decided on what topic are we getting?” she asked looking cute at Hyukjae.


“Um not yet, do you have any?” he said, hoping it's a good one cause heck he don't know any of it.


“Well yeah, I have something in mind but I don't know if you and Donghae-oppa will agree with it ,” she said a little bit worried.


“N-No it's fine, really. We both accept any suggestions from other people,” he said trying to comfort Jessica.


“O-Okay but I'll tell you first before Donghae-oppa because it might be difficult for us to straightly choose before deciding if its perfect,” she convinced.


Hyukjae was a little bit offended about Jessica's words. Donghae is not that dumb. For how many years they're together he concluded that Donghae is more smarter than him, though sometimes he act stupid or mindless but don't easy to be fooled because one day you'll be left mouth wide open on his unbelievable intelligence.


He noticed Jessica was staring at him and he feel awkward so he cleared  his throat loudly.


“Uh... okay, so your house then?” Hyukjae asked.


“Yes,” she replied and immediately finishes him goodbye, walking towards the door lips curled more likely a smirk.


Then Hyukjae start keeping his stuff into his bag and was about to leave but he remembered Donghae missing but his bag was still on his table.


He sighed, where in the world is Donghae.


He kept searching every room but Donghae was none of them. So it was the last room, Hyukjae's last chance. If he can't find Donghae he'll quit searching and leave.


When he reached the final room there he saw Donghae but it was talking to someone.




It was a girl's voice.


Curiosity, he moved his head then there he saw Donghae talking to someone, obviously it was the girl.


“Who's that girl?” he suddenly asked but to no one.


He hid at the side of the door, sneaking and peeking at Donghae and the girl he talked. They were the only ones in the empty classroom.


He narrowed his eyes, listening intensely on their conversation.


“Yes but it you want to know more just see me in my house,” the girl said to Donghae, catching that she was smiling.


Donghae agreed and was about to leave when the girl suddenly spoke.


“You already know where is my house right?” she asked after getting the key and lift his bag to his arm.


“Of course I do,” Donghae replied, chuckling at the girl.


Hyukjae glances at Donghae's smile and he suddenly melt into it. He missed that smile, that smile that was making him smile too. He even don't know why.


Thinking about Donghae's smile, he was almost caught if he didn't run to their room when he immediately saw Donghae walking into his direction outside. He rushed towards their room and pretend that he don't see nor hear everything earlier.




Author’s Note:Hello! New update! Thank you for subscribing! More comment for faster update.


Please enjoy this chapter, comment and feedbacks please. =)


Credit to angela_styles for the layout.


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ELFhyukhae #2
Chapter 12: I LIKE IT~ aishhh jessica...-_- update soon~ please *puppy eyes*
Chapter 12: What is the thing that hae already knew ! Atleast someone knew that jessica has a bad intention towards hyuk ! Thanks for the update btw
Chapter 11: Is that butler is the one who dress in black n with hyuk in the subway n house ?! Aishh ,, really !! Who is this jessica ?!!?!! I'm curious ! Thanks for the update btw ;D