The Things They Learned

The Things They Learned


             Sungmin had volunteered to stay with April while everyone else was involved with the recon.  He was rather humorously reading short passages out of Heechul’s English textbooks and he guessed that April was entertained.  When it seemed like she was getting tired he put the book away and sat quietly.  She must have been really tired as Sungmin who usually could read her facial expressions really well couldn’t quite figure them out today.  Not wanting her to feel that she had to stay awake for him he excused himself to the restroom. 
              On his way back he heard a commotion coming from down the hall.  It was April’s room.  He sprinted down the hall to see what was going on.  At first his view was blocked by two nurses and a doctor.  When they moved he was able to see it.  April was convulsing violently, her eyes rolled back inside her head and she was making weird gurgling noises.  Sungmin recognized it as a seizure immediately and stayed back knowing there was nothing he could do.  It was a long seizure lasting almost five minutes. 
              When she had appeared to regain consciousness Sungmin was allowed back into the room.  It was impossible to tell how disoriented she was without her speaking.  She did however appear frightened and confused.  Sungmin sat down next to her and carefully put his arm around her.  She didn’t pull away, in fact, just as she did with Siwon, she leaned in against Sungmin.  Her hands felt cold, Sungmin covered her gently with his sweatshirt that she liked so much.  She was looking drowsy; Sungmin cautiously removed his arm from under her head shortly after she fell asleep.     
              She had been doing so well Sungmin was still reeling from the shock of seeing the seizure when he called Leeteuk to come down and be with him while he tried to get more information.  Leeteuk was much better at talking to doctors than Sungmin was. 
              “Can you tell us why the seizure occurred?”  Leeteuk asked the same physician he had spoken with yesterday.
              “We believe the seizure occurred as a result of a change in the medications she is receiving.”
              “So it doesn’t have to do directly with the accident or a head injury?”
              “No, thus far we have still seen no signs of any major brain trauma.”
              “Does this sort of thing happen often?”
              “This reaction is possible in any patient when adjusting medications.”
              “Will it happen again?”
              “It’s possible, but unlikely.  She has now been stabilized with a different medication and there have been no adverse side effects yet.  There are however some things you should be aware of as a result of the seizure.  There will be some setbacks in her orthopedic healing.  Due to the convulsions some of the breaks that may have been almost healed may need to be reset again we won’t know more until we do some x-rays.  Of particular concern are the ribs as there is no way to cast them and keep them from moving.  We’ll also have to do a CT scan to make sure no additional damage was done to the liver, spleen, kidney or lungs.  If there is, we may have to prolong her stay again.”
              April was already asleep so they gave her only enough sedative to keep her from waking up during the x-rays and CT scan.  Sungmin and Leeteuk waited a long time and during this time Donghae, Siwon and Zhou Mi also came down to join them.  Finally the sleeping April was brought back and the doctor spoke with the boys out in the hall.
              “Based on the tests we can confirm that the healing of the ribs has been setback and a tear has been reopened in her liver.  Unfortunately this means we’re going to have to go back in for additional surgery.”
             The boys were drained; no one wanted to think about starting the recovery process all over again.  Leeteuk was the only one to speak, “Yesterday we were discussing the plan for her discharge, after this new surgery how long do you think it will be before she will actually be discharged?”
              “It’s hard to say for certain, but if all goes well after the procedure perhaps about three weeks.”
              It would be a short surgery happening early the following morning.  Leeteuk, Kangin, Sungmin, Donghae, Siwon and Ryeowook all cleared their schedules so they could be there.  They were warned that after the surgery she would have to be particularly good about being still and this meant no guitar or keyboard at least for a while.  In the time that they had they decided to decorate the room for her.  The put colorful signs and posters up with pictures of music notes and phrases in English and Korean.  Of course there were also gifts; by the time this girl got out of the hospital she’d have enough stuffed animals to start a business.
              The recovery after this surgery was much like the last one except that she remained as aware as she had been before the seizure; this was a real relief to the boys who were afraid that she’d go back into the sort of partial coma she had been in for so long.  They already knew that she wouldn’t eat the food the hospital provided and so Ryeowook obtained guidelines from the nutritional staff so that he could cook for her.  Along with help from Henry for inspiration Ryeowook managed to prepare three meals a day for her, often in advance, that she ate willingly.  There were many times over the next week that they had to stop her from moving around.  Heechul and Henry helped the others with English phrases like, ‘please stay still’ and ‘don’t move’.  She understood them and obeyed but always made a face that suggested annoyance, she had a cute way of crinkling up her nose when she didn’t want to listen.  Although she was eating regularly there were times that she couldn’t keep the food down, this was an adverse result of the painkillers.  The boys all took care of her with such gentility and humility that if any of them were grossed out you would never have known it.  In actuality they have grown to consider her like a little sister and just as they would feel caring for a sick sibling they felt for her.
              After the seizure April had developed hand tremors, a side effect that may or may not go away in time, they were told.  It wasn’t a constant problem but time to time her hands would shake when trying to hold something still or steady.  This was mostly a problem at meals; she once again required help in feeding herself.  At some meals someone would have to sit behind her and brace her hand so that she wouldn’t spill the food.  She was adamant about doing it herself as she made the cute scrunched up face every time someone had to help her.  The problem was if she wasn’t helped, the food didn’t make it to and eventually she became frustrated and would through the utensil down. 
              The boys were starting to see a new side of April’s personality.  Was this the real April coming through?  They could tell that she desired independence and was exceptionally frustrated by not being able to do things herself.  The tremors were only one indication of this, it was clear that she wanted to do things by herself.  She became visibly angry when she was unable to put a sweater on without assistance and even more so when she found she needed help one day in bringing a glass of water to her lips.  When Donghae helped her she refused to drink. 
              The boys thought about what little they did know about her.  Obviously she was a very independent person who liked to be on her own considering she had come halfway around the globe completely alone.  She was probably very industrious and they could definitely tell she didn’t like relying on other people.  She was also a dancer and like an athlete or any one of the members being cooped up this long was probably driving her crazy. 
              A week had passed and her frustration was growing.  Although it was a very hot day Leeteuk had managed to obtain permission to take April out of the room.  A nurse helped him to situate her in a wheelchair, by now if it weren’t for her ribs and her wrist she would have been making the transition to crutches, as it was that wasn’t expected to happen for another few weeks.  Leeteuk and Donghae brought April downstairs to a courtyard that was made private to them for an hour.  It was a difficult task being out in the open on the main floor but this was a little known courtyard with only one entrance and security helped them out a bit.  The assistance didn’t go without thanks.  It was the first time April had been outside in 48 days.  She looked at the budding flowers and trees in wonderment, she was definitely happy.  Outside Leeteuk and Donghae told her stories, which she probably couldn’t understand, about their childhoods and the types of games they played outside as children.  It didn’t matter if she couldn’t understand their words; it seemed that she could understand their faces and their gestures.  Finally a time when Leeteuk’s constant MCing was actually useful. 
              The hour went fast and then they had to bring her in, the fresh air seemed to revitalize and exhaust her at the same time.  April took a nap. 
              Something in the air had changed, spring had passed and summer was definitely here.  The members were no closer to finding a place for April than they were a week ago and time was quickly running out.  Leeteuk decided it was time to call another meeting, with everyone. 
              Thirteen men gathered on the eleventh floor.  The persons present were: Leeteuk, Heechul, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Zhou Mi, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and Henry.  Leeteuk started the meeting.
              “As we all know the time for April to leave the hospital is coming soon and as of yet there is no place for her to go.”  Everyone was silent, Leeteuk continued.  “When this journey started several of us vowed to take responsibility no matter what happens, but not everyone made that vow and I respect those positions as well.  The reason I called everyone together is to take part in making a big decision that will affect April’s future just as much as each of our own.”  There was still silence.  “We need to decide what’s going to happen when April is discharged from the hospital.”
              Next Sungmin spoke.  “I think it’s safe to say that none of us would be okay with letting her be thrown out on the street,” there was a general nod of agreement.  “Assuming that’s not an option there are only two roads to go by.  First, we can contact her family and let them take responsibility from here.  While it is a very logical and practical choice we would be doing so knowingly against her will.  Second, and I know this seems like an absurd idea but it’s the only other option, we can take her in here.”
              All eyes were on Sungmin except for Kyuhyun who walked away and closed the door.  Leeteuk spoke again and loudly so that Kyuhyun would hear as well.  “I won’t ask anyone to make a decision right now; it’s something that everyone should think over carefully.  Also no action will be taken until we’ve reached a unanimous decision.  Take a day to think it over and each of you can come to me whenever you’ve made your decisions.  I wish I could give everyone longer to think but time is running out and arrangements will need to be made regardless of the outcome.”
              It was an unusual event when all of the members were so quiet.  They dispersed, some of them left the dorms, the others quietly went to their rooms but no one stayed out and about.  The next day was long and arduous, Leeteuk didn’t know what to expect and had to take extra measures to remain as neutral as possible.  First thing in the morning, Donghae, Sungmin and Ryeowook knocked on his door.  As he expected they wanted April to move into the dorm.  Siwon and Kangin each called Leeteuk in the earlier half of the day, not living in the dorms they didn’t feel they had the right to make the decision outright but both stated that they felt doing something against her will was wrong and that should the rest choose to let her stay at the dorm they would also assist in taking care of her. 
              Yesung sat down with Leeteuk for tea.  “I know I haven’t been as directly involved as some of the other members in caring for April but I do worry about what will happen to her.  It’s not easy for me to show a nurturing side.  I think having her here is the right thing to do, it will also be a chance for me to grow as a person.”
              Eunhyuk called Leeteuk in the afternoon.  “I’m weary about bringing an outsider, especially a girl into the dorm.  Comeback is soon and we have to consider that as well.  Though I find the idea very troublesome I also think that we need to separate ourselves from being idols and being men.  As an idol I think it’s troublesome as a man I think it’s the right thing to do.  If I had to choose between being a good man and a good idol, I’d want to be a good man.”
              Thus far out of thirteen people, seven wanted April to move into the dorms.  At dance rehearsal Shindong pulled Leeteuk aside, “I’ve thought about it a lot, if she wants to stay with us its fine by me.”  ‘That’s eight,’ Leeteuk thought to himself. 
              Because Zhou Mi and Henry didn’t officially live in the dorms Leeteuk talked to them separately.  “Because you are part of the team understand that you have just as much say as anyone else.  Also know that while you are here whether you’re staying in the dorm or not you’ll have to help out.”
              “Of course we’re going to help,” said Zhou Mi.  “Just try and stop us.  We both agreed she should stay here.”
              Leeteuk didn’t know what to do about the last members, he was sure that neither Heechul nor Kyuhyun would be okay with April moving in.  If they didn’t agree the whole group would have to start all over again.  He was fighting his conscience, he didn’t want to pressure them but at the same time it wouldn’t be a lie to say that there is already a majority.  It was getting late he was mentally preparing to seek the two out when there was a light knock on his door.
              “Come in.”
              Kyuhyun entered.  He stood in the doorway with the door partially closed over.  He looked right at Leeteuk and without any preface he said, “She can stay.”
              Leeteuk was completely baffled, not only did Kyuhyun seek him out but gave him an answer that was completely unexpected.  Kyuhyun used Leeteuk’s stunned silence to make a quick exit.  No one heard anything more from him regarding the matter. 
              There was only one more person whose opinion was needed.  After knocking Leeteuk casually entered Heechul’s room.  “So?”  Leeteuk asked.
              “So what?”
            “You know what.
              “Do I?”
              “It’s getting late, I need your answer.”
              “What answer?”
              “What should we do with April?”
              “I think we should totally bring a broken, crazy, mute American girl into the dorm.”  Heechul said sarcastically.  “It will be so much fun.”
              “If you’re against the idea of having her here you can just say it, you don’t have to be so acerbic.”
              “I don’t?” 
              “I really don’t have time for this.  If you’re not going to give me an answer I’ll just leave.”  Leeteuk turned to leave, it had been a long day and he was in no mood for a battle of wits. 
              Just as he was closing the door he heard Heechul say, “She can stay.” 
              And so the decision was made though Leeteuk was the only one who knew it.  He was going to make the announcement in the morning. 
              Everyone laid awake that night waiting to know the results, no one possibly thought that there could be a unanimous decision on the first try, they were waiting to hear what would happen next.
              Siwon, Kangin and Henry showed up first thing in the morning.  No one was even dressed yet; everyone was still wandering around in either their pajamas or underwear when they came in.  Leeteuk met everyone downstairs. 
              All the sleepy, bleary eyes were on him.  “It’s early; we’re all tired so I’ll just get right to the point.”
              “That would be a first,” muttered Eunhyuk though he meant for him to hear. 
              Leeteuk smiled.  “We’ve automatically come to a unanimous decision.  April will be moving in here.”
              There was a weird vibe in the air as everyone looked around at one another in their underwear and a unified realization that a lot of things were about to change.
              That day Leeteuk, Yesung and Heechul went to meet with the physician.  “We’ve decided to maintain our responsibility for April,” Leeteuk announced.
              “Are you sure you’re ready for this?  It can be a very large burden to bear.”
              “With all due respect there are thirteen of us and we are all adults.” 
              Heechul spoke, “We’re one family.  We’ve been through crises before and we’re always there for each other.”
              Yesung stepped in as well, “Sir the decision has been made, in less than two weeks April will be moving in with us.  What we need to know now is how we have to prepare.”
              The doctor was a little taken aback.  He took a moment to collect his thoughts before he started speaking.  “Physically April is going to need a lot of assistance.  We hope to have her up on crutches soon but until then she’ll be wheelchair bound.  All aspects of self-care will require assistance, getting dressed, bathing, cooking etcetera.  I don’t know how you feel about that, but that’s what she’ll need.  The more recent surgical dressing will need to be changed regularly and you’ll need to create a medication schedule for her.  As you know she is in a weakened state and is easily fatigued; this will be exacerbated by the move, expect her to be extremely tired, she will not be at full strength for at least several months so do not push her too hard too fast. 
              “Keep watch for signs of infection as you’ve seen in the past, she will be more prone to them in her weakened state.  Make sure she’s drinking enough fluids so that she does not become dehydrated and remember that she is going to be in a considerable amount of pain for some time to come.” 
              To Heechul this all seemed like common knowledge but Yesung was writing it all down. 
              “Make sure she is moving about each day but not too intense and no more than five minutes at a time.  She absolutely should not be lifting or moving anything above 2 kilos.  As for her emotional state April is a unique case.  At this point we have ascertained that it’s not that April can’t speak but that she won’t speak.  This has been a traumatizing experience for her and we cannot say when she might resume talking.  As she comes along she may have some bizarre or childlike behaviors, these cannot be predicted however you should treat her as naturally as possible as she begins to work through the trauma.
              “Depression is also a likely challenge that you will face, make sure that she is getting up and getting dressed every day, try to give her a reason to keep going.  You’re in it for the long haul now, good luck.”    
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Might be getting a new job soon, just found time to start writing again, hope it doesn't change that.


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Chapter 30: I have a theory that either Kyuhyun or Heechul will hear her speak for the first time. AM I RIGHT??? MAN THIS IS SO FLIPPING GOOD. I just want to sit here and sigh and read this over and over.
Chapter 30: Kyuhyun-ah, you have to soften. you've been through a lot yourself. that side of yours denying her needs to go away.
be nice to the girl because she didn't do anything wrong. aww...and Chul didn't scold them for the noise.
all the members [except Kyu] are so nice to her <3
i hope she will get more and more healthy
Chapter 29: I am in love with this story! I can't wait to read what happens next!!
Chapter 29: are you sure doing those music thing will help, hae?
I'm afraid she will be more depress..
watching/listening to something she could never do anymore...
but then it probably a good idea also..
let see April's reaction on this...
thanks for update, authornim.
Chapter 28: i just subscribed...
usually i dont read sujuoc with English name on it, i prefer Korean name, but then this story caught my attention and I'm till the latest update..
i hope can read next chapter really really soon...
This is a good story. Cliffhangers.....ugh......update soon please. I really want to know what happens.
Chapter 26: Well, the only thing I can say is that I'm really glad to see this update :) And also, whichever route you choose for the story, I'm liking it already. I don't my short updates so don't worry about that, and thank you for not giving up on the story^^ (*what a mess of thoughts -_- )
SujuWriter #8
Chapter 25: nooooo cliff hanger! omg those kille me!
Chapter 24: Its amazing how dedicated each member is, in their own way though. I just found this fic and I can say I'm really excited for it to continue :) Please, keep it up!!!
SujuWriter #10
Ohh who's at the door? Hahaha I think i would get hit with a car for a chance to live with super junior! Hahaha and i wouldnt be so squeamish about letting them change me either! XD