Where Are You?

I Don't Like K-Pop
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More days that seemed like weeks have passed and they still haven’t seen each other. Suzy was busy with work and Kyuhyun was still busy with his schedules. Every time he left his place to go out, he would just look at the staircase that led straight to her place and sigh.



After another day of busy schedules, all members went home to their dorm. Kyuhyun was the last to go in their house because he was just standing out in the hall, looking at the flight of stairs that lead to her door one floor up. Sungmin came out because he noticed Kyuhyun was still outside.


“Aren’t you coming in?” asked the older one

“Huh? Oh, yeah, go on ahead” said Kyuhyun


Sungmin did as he was told while Kyuhyun continued to look at the staircase. As Kyuhyun walked up the stairs, he got a piece of paper from his pocket a pen. He started writing something on it.


“Where are you? ----규”


He slipped the piece of paper under her door; stepped back again to sigh then went downstairs to his apartment.






“I just cleaned this place! Why is there paper again on the floor??  You don’t have a maid you know!” shouted Suzy

“I have you haha~” laughed Hansae as he looked up from his game


Suzy rolled her eyes at him then picked up the piece of paper that was by the doorway. Before she threw it in the trash, she noticed that something was written on it.


““Where are you? ---- 규 (Kyu)”?” she read out loud “Dude have you been passing love notes again?” said Suzy

“What?” asked Hansae

“Nothing, hey what does this mean?” she asked as she pointed to Kyuhyun’s name written in Hangul

“Oh that means “Kyu” oh maybe 형 (hyung) wrote that” he said

“Kyuhyun?” she asked


She went to her room and replied to his note. She wrote it on the same small piece of paper and went down to his place to slip it under his door.


“Miss me? Haha~”



Eunhyuk was in the doorway of their apartment because he was deciding what shoes to wear to his next schedule the next day then he noticed a paper come in under the door. He picked it up and read it.


“What’s this? Some sort of prank? Well two can play that game” he said to himself

He replied right away and slipped it back under their door. Not

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Since many of you want a sequel, i shall be writing....a bonus chapter instead haha, pls anticipate^^


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queenie2975 #1
Chapter 46: WONKYU Fanfiction please
Chapter 46: Haha cool. I'm so curious on heechul's story hehehe.
And I like this story haha
emiko15 #3
Chapter 46: I love this story so so so much^^
EuniceElaine #4
Chapter 46: I loVe it.. I hope I could read your work starring Henry.. xD
Chapter 46: its so beautiful. T^T. i love how its connected to your other stories.
Chapter 46: read this fanfic all day and finished it!!!whoo

I loved the story line, I never got bored of reading it, keep up the good work.
Now off the read one of the other fanfics you have
Chapter 46: Good one! Really love this stoty XD
Chapter 46: love this story...one of the best i've ever read.
yeollercoaster_ #9
Chapter 46: Awwww i luv this <3 haahah
Chapter 46: This story was cute,funny, amazing and I loved every minute I spent reading it.