Not Just for Boys

I Don't Like K-Pop
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The crowd went wild as the 12-hour tournament finally ended. Flashes from cameras were blinding as the winner started jumping up and down and embracing the limelight.

The winner, being the only female player, was loving all the glory. Considering the fact that she beat out 20 boys, this was a major moment for everyone in the world of online gaming.

A man carrying a large novelty check stood up on stage to congratulate the winner. “Congratulations~! You have won $5,000 and you will be representing our country in the World Starcraft tournament which will be held in Seoul this year!” he said as he and the winner stood in front of the flashing lights.

“Seoul? Wish it was Tokyo but okay I guess” Suzy said with a half-hearted smile which quickly changed into a fake one for the cameras.

The hotel ballroom was slowly emptying out as the staff started cleaning up. Suzy admired the large check and tucked it under her arm as she jumped off the stage, very unladylike.


A group of boys at the back of the room smiled and waved at her once the crowd was gone. She ran up to them and tossed the check to one of them.

Suzy never really had a lot of female friends. Mostly because she didn’t find the usual girly stuff interesting. She related more to boys which sometimes led people to think that she was a lesbian. People’s comments about her never bothered her as she decided to keep her feminine name and still wear female clothing.

“When are you leaving for Seoul?” asked her friend who had too much gel in his hair

“Next week, I wouldn’t go if it weren’t for the tournament... I mean, what’s in Seoul anyway, besides kimchi?” she laughed while walking out of the hotel with her friends


“Well besides that, Girls’ Generation is from there so that’s hot” explained Jeff, one of her closest friends

“Girls’ what?” she asked

“Generation! You don’t know them? Have you been living under a rock??” exclaimed Ryan, another friend

“Is that k-pop? Because I’m not into that stuff and I didn’t know you were either” she answered

“Well we’re not really into the whole k-pop thing either but I just like this girl named Tiffany from that group, she’s really hot” said Kris, the tallest of the bunch

“Whatever guys, so want me to bring you back anything?” she asked

“Bring me back Jessica and I’ll be your slave forever” laughed Ryan


Suzy quickly hit Ryan on the back of the head as everyone else just laughed as they walked home.


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Since many of you want a sequel, i shall be writing....a bonus chapter instead haha, pls anticipate^^


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queenie2975 #1
Chapter 46: WONKYU Fanfiction please
Chapter 46: Haha cool. I'm so curious on heechul's story hehehe.
And I like this story haha
emiko15 #3
Chapter 46: I love this story so so so much^^
EuniceElaine #4
Chapter 46: I loVe it.. I hope I could read your work starring Henry.. xD
Chapter 46: its so beautiful. T^T. i love how its connected to your other stories.
Chapter 46: read this fanfic all day and finished it!!!whoo

I loved the story line, I never got bored of reading it, keep up the good work.
Now off the read one of the other fanfics you have
Chapter 46: Good one! Really love this stoty XD
Chapter 46: love this of the best i've ever read.
yeollercoaster_ #9
Chapter 46: Awwww i luv this <3 haahah
Chapter 46: This story was cute,funny, amazing and I loved every minute I spent reading it.