The Third Wheel

I Don't Like K-Pop
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Suzy’s parents decided to go out on their own so they left her brother in her care which she didn’t mind since all he did was play with his PSP the whole day.


Even with his new album promotions going on, Kyuhyun surprisingly had some free time. He hasn’t seen her since the meeting at Kona Beans which was more than a week ago and he was too busy to hang out with her. She didn’t really mind because she was hanging out with her family, Hansae and the others but she and Kyuhyun would frequently send each other text messages.


She was just sitting around about to send him a message when he suddenly called.


“Hello?” Kyuhyun said nervously



“Yeah, what’s up? I was about to send you a message. Oh I saw you on TV yesterday, and you were singing some song that has “baby baby” something (From U)” she said

“Oh yes that is our song, do you like it?” he asked

“it was nice even though I didn’t understand it” she said


He laughed a bit.


“So why’d you call?” she asked

“I was thinking, do you want to have coffee with me?” he asked

“Sure, when?”

“Is now okay?”

“Now? Sure I guess” she said




“Hey punk! I’m going out so you better behave yourself. You hear me?” Suzy said to her brother

“Where are you going? Mom said to stay here with me” he asked as he put down his PSP

“I said I’m going out, okay? I’ll be back before them and don’t tell them I left you” she said

“You can’t leave me here!” he shouted

“Why not?” she asked

“What if a robber comes?” he asked

“Then pull a Home Alone and set up pranks. You’re in a hotel, idiot! What robber would come here?” she said

“Can I come with you? Please? I’m scared” he pleaded

“Oh god. Fine. Fix yourself up. Hurry!” she said





“Where are we going exactly?” her brother asked

“To have coffee with a friend so you just play with your PSP and pretend you don’t hear anything, understand?” she said


The two of you were walking along one of the small streets in the Hongdae district and when you saw a tall and familiar figure in jacket. He was looking at something in a store window. You walked up to him and hit his shoulder.


“Hey! It’s too hot for that jacket, take it off!” she surprised him


He was surprised to see her and he was even more surprised that she brought along her little brother.


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Since many of you want a sequel, i shall be writing....a bonus chapter instead haha, pls anticipate^^


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queenie2975 #1
Chapter 46: WONKYU Fanfiction please
Chapter 46: Haha cool. I'm so curious on heechul's story hehehe.
And I like this story haha
emiko15 #3
Chapter 46: I love this story so so so much^^
EuniceElaine #4
Chapter 46: I loVe it.. I hope I could read your work starring Henry.. xD
Chapter 46: its so beautiful. T^T. i love how its connected to your other stories.
Chapter 46: read this fanfic all day and finished it!!!whoo

I loved the story line, I never got bored of reading it, keep up the good work.
Now off the read one of the other fanfics you have
Chapter 46: Good one! Really love this stoty XD
Chapter 46: love this of the best i've ever read.
yeollercoaster_ #9
Chapter 46: Awwww i luv this <3 haahah
Chapter 46: This story was cute,funny, amazing and I loved every minute I spent reading it.