Ch.9 The Project

The Darkness to My Light

Poster Credits: -feelia-


      "Ok, I guess" I said as I cautiously pulled a piece of paper and willed for it to be Jr. I read the contents Lee Taemin, I wonder who he is. The name sounds familiar. "Lee Taemin?" I questioned aloud. 

     A tall, skinny, baby-faced, redhead ruffled his hair and raised his hand. He looks familiar I thought as I realized with horror that he was a member of that gang from last night called SHINee. Oh god, so much for lying low.


   "Okay, so now that everyone has picked their partners, go sit with them and we'll discuss the rules to this assignment." As soon as the  teacher stopped talking the whole class started shuffeling around to get with their partners.

    I got up and walked by Jr. 'help' I mouthed. 'sorry' he mouthed back. I straightened myself out, walked over to taemin and his group and just stood there thinking His whole group is in this class? Hell, this is gonna be a long and difficult semester.

     Blondie glared at me while I just glared right back. Taemin, apperently completely oblivious to the dense atmosphere, smiled at me and held out his hand "Hi, I'm Taemin" he said "And you are?"

     I looked at his outstreached hand but ignored it "call me Jade" I simply said and sat down next to him.

     "If everyone has taken their seats I will start the project description. This project will be to write a story about a fictional character whose life represents a combination of your partner's and your own lives. Thereis no limit to how much you can write, but knowing that some of you will turn in one paragraph trash, the minimum is 3,500 words. This is a free range project so you can be as crazy and creative as you want. The due date is at the end of the semester. If you dont turn it in you dont pass my class, as simple as that. You will work on it in class today, and the rest outside of my class unless otherwise instructed, Understood? Good then you may begin." The teacher instructed.

    Taemin and I sat in silence for a while then slowly turned to look at each other. "So?" Taemin awkwardly asked

"What?" I asked back.

    We sat in a prolonged period of awkward silence as I looked around the room and saw Jr. paired up with Jin Ae. They'll probably work well together shes really smart, thats good for him. I looked around some more and saw the other SHINee members switching partners behind the taechers back to get all the smartest people in the class, probably to make them do all the work. After they picked their partners they all laid back in their seats and started  to listen to music or go to sleep.

I scoffed at them. Taemin saw my look of disgust towards them and said "They're not as bad as you think."

"I'm sure they arent, cuz thats the impression I got from them earlier today" I snapped back sarcastically.

"I'm really sorry about that, theyre really not that bad once you get to know them." He defended

"Whatever, look we need to get started on this project, theres not much time left of class." I mentioned wanting to get off that topic.

"Okay, I guess we should start with the name of the character." He suggested

    We sat in silence for a while just thinking when all of a sudden "Rose" I blurted out.

      As I thought about why I would blurt that out, I realized that It represented my life. It seemed fine and normal just like the beautiful petals on a rose, but really its filled with lots of thorns and bumps that cause me pain. 

"Rose? Um sure, I guess, Why not? It's pretty" He said confused 

     " Umm, yah haha, well next we should work on---" Brrriiiinnnnnggggg i was cut off by the bell that rang for the end of class "---Meeting after school at the park? Does that work for you?" I finished 

"Yah thats fine we'll work on it a little more then, but dont forget we have all semester to do it so no worries no need to rush." He assured me

" Yah okay well see you then" I said as I left the room to my next class.

    As the day went on I saw SHINee a lot more than I ever noticed before, I even have the same lunch as them. I walked passed them during lunch and heard them talking, laughing and having fun together. I wish I had friends like that, hanging out and having fun together messing around. I mean of course I have Jr. He's an amazing friend and im greatful for that, but hes just one person, and one that I have to keep secrets from and lie to at that. But I cant risk involving people in my messed up life, its just too dangerous. I dont want to put innocent lies at risk, thats why Jr. knows nothing about Shadow.

    The rest of the day went on pretty fast l, most of it consisting of me being lost in thought like normal, but all day something kept nagging at me. Something about those SHINee people, Im not sure what but im sure its something important.

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kalamarie #1
Chapter 15: omg, i am totally loving this story,please keep updading :)
shadowFlameKingdom #2
Ull just have to wait and find out ;)
Will jjong fall for her??!!
love the story cant wait for the next chapter
We lost chs 9 and 10 from the whole new server thing, but when I get them back Ill update!
Sorry for the inconvinece :)
Update soon! (:
Athena21 #7
Those pictures are amazing 0.0 who evr chose those pics must be really cool gurl!! <3 ;D
Will do so!
luvbrowniz #9
Update soooooooon!!!!!!!
Athena21 #10

TAEMINT BIASED HERE >.< :3 yesh! *fist pump*
Oh this story would be perfect is you added the gwon dragon (GD) and some jae effinn joong (jaejoong) and a lil bit of the L to da freking joe (l.Joe)