Ch.11 The Surprise Date Pt.2

The Darkness to My Light

Taemin looked at me "Jade! Meet my friends"

"This is Key hyung" he said as a guy with multicolored highlights looked at me with defined eyes in what seemed like a glare.

"This is Minho hyung" he motioned towords a tall, lean guy that had his hands in his pockets and an indifferent look on his face. I looked at him and he nodded at me.

"This is our leader Onew hyung!" he said as he pointed to an empty space. " Ehh? Where did hyung go?" He frantically looked around and spotted a fried chicken stall "He's probably over there!"

He walked towards the stall and dragged back a guy that was totally absorbed with eating a peice of fried chicken, not paying any attention to anyone. "Hyung put the chicken down, and say hi to Jade!"

He looked up in confusion not meaning to sound rude he asked "Why are you still here?"

At that question I thougt about why I was really here, to hang out with this Taemin guy not these freaks " I really dont know" I replied back.

     With that I turned around and started walking I dont want to spend my time doing this. I have to get started on this weeks mission anyway, Im not going to waste my time hanging out with this so called SHINee gang that might mess up my life if they find out who I really am

I heard the distant yelling of Taemin saying how they chased me away. I had made it pretty far before Taemin started running to catch up with me. And I let him. Why not? I kind of like this kid, he's interesting

*gasp gasp* " Jade, just .Come . Back . Please" he said in between gasps for breath. I stopped so he could catch his breath

"I have stuff to do and I just dont want to waste my time here."

He pleaded " Please just come back theyre really not that bad, I just want to hang out with you and get to know you better so we can do our project and plus I really just want to be friends"

Jr.'s words haunted my mind.

I mulled it over in my brain and finally agreed. " Ok fine Ill come with you guys but not too long ok? Ive got stuff to do."

"Ok thats fine thanks so much Jade" he yelled excitedly

"Whatever" I grumbled

"Why is she still here?" Jonghyun asked taemin with a look of disgust on his face.

"Oh yah Jade this is jonghyun hyung, don't bother about him, and hyung she is here because we are working on the project together" Taemin answered with equal fierceness.

"So what, your going to work on it here? When your supposed to be hanging out with us?" jonghyun spat.

"Well we didnt know anything about each other so we were going to hang out so I figured we could hang out together!" Taemin said the bright smile returning to his face, earning himself a glare from jonghyun.

"Well, where do you guys want to go?" Onew asked.

"Let's got to an outdoor market." Key suggested as everyone seemed to agree.

We all walked over to where their motorcycles were parked and everyone hopped on their own bike.

"FOOOOOOD~~!" Taemin cried as he sped off leaving everyone behind, including me.

I stood there utterly clueless on what to do now as I watched everyone speed off one by one, all leaving me behind without a seconds thought.

Minhos POV:

I was about to get onto my bike to follow everyone else but then I remembered that we had another person.

Ugh now I have to go and get her  I thought with annoyance.

Never the less I turned around to find Jade walking in the other direction, Probably leaving again I thought.

I was about to just let her go but then decided against it, sure that Taemin would be upset and we would never hear the end of it.

I loudly cleared my throat to catch her attention, for a second she wasnt responding. 

I swear if she doesnt turn around I'm leaving right now, Im not gonna go through any more effort for this unknown girl.


Jade's POV:

When just about everyone was gone I decided to go and attempt to escape once again.

Just as I turned around as started walking I heard someone clear his throat. I turned to see Minho sitting on his bike with his arm outstreatched motioning me over. When I got close enough he softly grasped my arm and pulled me onto the seat of the bike. 

I sat there stunned by his sudden kindness until he revved up the engine and sped off. I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly wraped my arms around his waist and clung to him so I wouldnt fall off.

As we sped through the streets of Seoul a small smile appeared on his face at the comfterble warmth on his back Its not too bad to ride with someone it actually feels kind of...nice Minho thought to himself.

When the bike stopped at our destination I quickly got off and shyly bowed my thanks to him.

"JAAAADDEEE~~!!!" I heard Taemin yell as he ran over to me.

"You left me" I reminded him "for food"

"I'm sooooo sorry I left you alone with them. Mianhe, mianhe please forgive me."

I chuckled and walked the other way.

"Wait is that a yes, you'll forgive me?"

I just smiled and kept walking.

"Jaaaade~~" He whined.

We all walked around for a bit when Taemin spotted a ddbouki stand and declared that he was hungry, we made our way through the crowd to the stand.

"5 bowls please, thanks" Jonghyun said to the casheir.

"And what about this little lady, would you like some too?" she smiled noticing that there were six people.

Before I could say anything Jonghyun rudely interupted me " Shes acually not with us".

My Jaw dropped, Who does this guy think he is? Fine whetever I'll just get my own I dont need anything from him.

Just then Minho slid in front of me and Jonghyun "six bowls please" he told the ahjummah while glaring at Jonghyun.

She happily nodded and went to the back to get it. We walked over to a bench to sit and eat. I glared at blondie as I sat down next to taemin and devoured the delicious stuff.

Taemin looked at me, "Umm slow down there you look like youre going to choke."

"Dont worry about me ill be fine, just worry about yourself" I snapped back, still angry from the incident.

I noticed him scoot a little bit away from me. I know what Jr would say, you need to stop pushing people away jade. I sighed and finished my food.

"Ok Jade so we should start trying to get to know each other, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Umm sure I guess"

"Ok umm do you like any sports or hobbies?" he asked,

Unsure of what I could reveal to them I thought of something normal "umm I guess I like running?"

"You dont even know what you like? Thats a little wierd"

"Yea well Im not a very active person so... Anyways what do you like to do?"

"Me? Well my favorite thing is probably dancing"

"What kind of dancing?"

"Oh just all kinds, who knows maybe one day you'll see it."

"Yah maybe."I said doubtful "You any good?" I asked

"Well, Yes if I do say so myself, if you dont beleive me just ask the hyungs"

I looked over to Key and onew and they went on about how he was a "Dance Machine".

When everyone was done we threw away our bowls and started walking around seoul looking for stuff to do. As I walked through the streets I noticed that there was a street performance going on.

I could hear the loud blaring music and the crowd cheering. I dont recognize this band, maybe its an amatuer band but whatever that is, its good music I thought

"Lets go listen to that band!" Jonghyun and I simotainiously yelled. I looked at him surprised and he did the same. Upon seeing him I scowled and so did he.

We walked over to the music and made our way to the front of the crowd. There were 5 guys in the band. I looked around at SHINee and saw them give each other uneasy glances.

I looked around to see what the name of the band was I saw the name NU'EST  Huh, never heard of them before

"Jade, umm we should leave." Taemin said.

I now noticed that the rest of shinee was glaring at each of the band members, and they were glaring right back.

Just then a tall guy started rapping in a raspy voice. He looked at me and then at SHINee and then he just looked really confused. this is really wierd, maybe we should leave... "Ok lets go" I replied.

We walked out back onto the streets again and I was still very confused. "Anyone wanna tell me what just happend?" I asked.


Of course, now why would they tell me anything? I thought.

It occued to me that I wasn't the only one with secrets.

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kalamarie #1
Chapter 15: omg, i am totally loving this story,please keep updading :)
shadowFlameKingdom #2
Ull just have to wait and find out ;)
Will jjong fall for her??!!
love the story cant wait for the next chapter
We lost chs 9 and 10 from the whole new server thing, but when I get them back Ill update!
Sorry for the inconvinece :)
Update soon! (:
Athena21 #7
Those pictures are amazing 0.0 who evr chose those pics must be really cool gurl!! <3 ;D
Will do so!
luvbrowniz #9
Update soooooooon!!!!!!!
Athena21 #10

TAEMINT BIASED HERE >.< :3 yesh! *fist pump*
Oh this story would be perfect is you added the gwon dragon (GD) and some jae effinn joong (jaejoong) and a lil bit of the L to da freking joe (l.Joe)