Ch.6 The Encounter

The Darkness to My Light


      I walked straight up to him, yanked his arm backwards, twisted it behind his back. He screamed in pain. "Give. Me. The. Crystal." I demanded.

"Jade!" Jr. yelled at me "Why are you hurting him!" 

"He has my pendant." I simply said.

"What if he doesn't? Ever think of that?" Jr. questioned.

"Oh, but he does have it" I looked back at the waiter who was shaking with fear and sweat trickling down his ashen face. "right?" I pulled his arm back a little more causing him to wince.

"Unless you want me to pull your shoulder out of its socket, I suggest you give up the crystal. NOW." I threateningly hiss in his ear. 
His whole body shaking with fear, he reached into his pocket and pulled something out.

"Drop. It." I commanded
He dropped my pendant, I released him to pick it up, and he rushed out of the kitchen. 

"That was unnecessarily harsh" Jr. shook his head disapprovingly at me.

Oh shoot, I lost my temper, I can't believe I accidentily showed him a part of my other side I thought to myself but aloud I said "Jr. you know that necklace is worth more to me than my own life"

"Yeah, and that's why you just threw the chain on the floor like that." He said sarcasticly while motioning for me to hand him the pendant. I gave it to him and he put it back on the chain "Control your temper, watch what you're doing before you really hurt someone" he said as he began to wrap the necklace around my neck.

I stopped him "I can put it on myself" he just ignored me and clasped it around my neck.

We walked out of the cafe and walked towards his house.

"why do you never let me walk you home, its getting dark I don't like the idea of you being out alone at night"

"Jr. your house is on the way to mine, I'm not gonna make you walk all the way there and then back, and as you saw today, I can handle myself, Hah, ill be fine, stop worrying"

"Fine but you'll go straight home now right? There are dangerous people out at night." 

You don't know the half of it I turned around and started walking. I waved back at him "G'night Jr." 

"Night Jade." *stay safe* he thought as he watched me walk away.

I did my routine swapping identities and went to go collect my payment from last night. I called my boss to set up a roundevouz point with whoever the boss sent this time. 

As I wind my way through the back streets of Seoul, I crashed into someone's hard chest. I looked up to see who dared to get in my way, but then I felt something cold and wet on my head. My eyes shot open and I instintaniously jumped back and glare at the blonde/brownish haired one. He was only a couple inches taller than me 

What is on my head, oh he did NOT just......

"YO little girl, what the hell is your problem? I just got this soda and I actually paid for it for once" piped the short guy.

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kalamarie #1
Chapter 15: omg, i am totally loving this story,please keep updading :)
shadowFlameKingdom #2
Ull just have to wait and find out ;)
Will jjong fall for her??!!
love the story cant wait for the next chapter
We lost chs 9 and 10 from the whole new server thing, but when I get them back Ill update!
Sorry for the inconvinece :)
Update soon! (:
Athena21 #7
Those pictures are amazing 0.0 who evr chose those pics must be really cool gurl!! <3 ;D
Will do so!
luvbrowniz #9
Update soooooooon!!!!!!!
Athena21 #10

TAEMINT BIASED HERE >.< :3 yesh! *fist pump*
Oh this story would be perfect is you added the gwon dragon (GD) and some jae effinn joong (jaejoong) and a lil bit of the L to da freking joe (l.Joe)