Super Junior

The Darkness to My Light

    I walked down the alley way alone. I was now Shadow and I was on my way to rendezvous point. I was going to get her back no matter what it takes.

     Boss' Daughter was kidnapped, and I needed to get her back. She was taken away, but unlike me she knows nothing of the mobster world, the poor girl was only 7 years old and he hasn't taught her martial arts yet. He wanted her to start when she was 9 like I was.

     Even though boss doesn't know I am Jade, he trusts me. He is always telling me about this girl that he met almost 9 years ago, he had loved her like a little sister and wanted his daughter to be just like her. He would say how he missed her when she disapeared and wondered where she was. He just hoped that she was alive and safe.

     When he would tell me all of these stories I almost regretted leaving, but I would tell myself that it was in his best interest, that it was the right thing I could do for him after all he did for me, that it was better for him to live his life without the hinderence of taking care of a little girl that no longer needed to be taken care of; thanks to him.

     While I was thinking I realized that I had almost reached my destination. I got myself ready for whatever was to come.
I cautiously walked inside the abandoned building, keeping a sharp eye out for any attackers or a possible ambush. 
Boss insisted that I take backup but I declined; I work alone.

     As I walked into the dark room the lights automatically switched on. There he was, the leader of Seoul's most feared gang; LeeTeuk of Super Junior. Back again.

"Oh look, guys" he said to the rest of his gang "look what the cat dragged in."

"Nothing but a meer shadow" another member scoffed.

"At least its better than the devil's child himself. Now where's the kid?" I demanded.

"You'll get what you want when I get what I want." He laughed.

"How can such a sick person exist, kidnapping a kid for a damn watch" I said disgusted as I tossed the watch to him.

     "It wasn't as much for the watch as it was to see how shaken your so-called boss would be if he couldn't even protect his own precious little daughter. And appearntly he was so shaken that he was desperate enough to send someone alone; and such a scrawny one at that. Hey at least I got this really nice watch out of it too." He demonically smiled at me.

     "I'm alone because I work alone and don't need anyone else like you weaklings, needing what, like 15 people to back you up. Now, that you've had your fun and your precious watch. Hand over the kid"

"Um, I don't think so, I havent exactly had all my fun yet. Get her, boys!"

    All 15 of them charged at me. I wasnt exactly sure how I would get out of this but somehow I would. First I had to find the girl and get her out of here. There was a van waiting five miles out for the girl to arrive. I had instructed them to leave with or without me as long as they had the girl

    I spun around and sprinted through the rooms looking for the girl with Super Junior hot on my tail. When I finally found her she was bound to a chair and looked terrified.

     I walked up to her "Who are you?" she quivered "Are you going to hurt me?"

    I slipped my dagger out from my belt and skillfully twriled it around my fingers "lets get you out of here" is all I said. I walked up behind her and cut open the ropes holding her legs together. 

     I was about to free her arms when someone yanked me back and punched my face. I was taken aback and stumbled to the floor as the rest of super junior fled in.

     LeeTeuk held the rest back. He picked me up by the collar "I want 'em" 

     "You'll regret that decision" I spat blood to the side. I brought up my knee and slammed it into his gut. As he clutched over, I searched for the kid and saw her surrounded by the rest of the members. I kicked up something lying on the floor, caught it and smashed it against the side of LeeTeuk's head knocking him out cold. 

     Two more of them came at me and I took them out easily. After that they finally realized I wasn't to be taken lightly, and all charged at me at once. While they were all occupied with me I signaled for the girl to go, she was either clueless of signals or was in too much shock because she didn't move even an inch until I threw a paper at her and yelled "GO!"  She caught the paper which told her how to get to the van waiting for her outside. 

     As she ran out, two super junior members ran after her. I took out the members I was dealing with and ran after them. I caught and blocked their path. One threw a punch at me and I caught his fist halfway, but the other one took me by surprise. I stumbled to the floor and at that instant I knew I was done for. But hey I'm going down anyways, might as well take as many as I can down with me. I picked up the recently used metal pole and used it as my weapon. I took down five more but then they got smart and worked together. Two of them grabbed my arms while another one smashed his fist into my face and kneed me in the stomach. I coughed up blood and fell to my knees. They threw me to the ground where I lay limp, unable to move anything. 

     One of them walked up to me and lifted me by the front of my shirt. "Not so tough now are we? Now I bet you regret messing with the Super Junior."

    I Smirked at the look on his face that clearly showed shame in half of them being taken down one "scrawny" kid. He agrily threw me back at the wall as I crumpled to the floor.

     He turned to walk away, "Finish him off." 

     And soon I out.


    When I woke up I was in an empty room Aw ! Now I have fiind out a way to get out of here. I looked around and noticed I wasn`t tied down or anything like that. These people must be idiots if they think they can keep me here, especially without tying me down. I was about to get up, when I heard familiar voices from outside.

    "Are you sure you don't want me to treat her? She seems pretty banged up."

    "No, I don't want you to do anything she won`t want. Just wait for her to come to."

     "And what if she dosen't? She had it pretty bad in that fight, Hyung. I'm not sure if she`ll make it."

    "She will, I trust in her. She's stronger than you think YongJae."

    "As you wish. You're the boss."

     The door opened, and in walked the man who had saved my life so long ago, and probably did once again, Bang YongGuk. The other man walked up to me and I recognized him instantly as Yoo YongJae, the head medical specialist. As he started tending to my wounds he reached for my mask, but before he could, I turned away.

    "Come on, I've fixed you up plenty of times. I already know you're a girl, you dont have to hide it from me," He reached for it again.

   This time I snatched his wrist and menicingly growled, "Don't. Touch. It."

    He looked to YongGuk who shook his head, "Leave her be." YongJae nodded and got up to leave.

    YongGuk sat down next to me, "I know you don't let anyone see your face. Hell, I don't even know who you are, but you need to let people help you, and I don't mean just medically. Im yalking about the stupid choice of going up against 15 of the worst gangsters in all of Seoul by yourself."

   "Yeah, what happened anyways? How am I here? I seriously thought I was done for there." I asked, genuinely confused.

    "With your stupid actions, you would have been. Luckily I taught my daughter well. When she got to the van that you had ordered to wait for her, they were going to follow your orders and leave, but she started to hysterically yell at them to go and help the person that saved her life, you. No one refused because well, she had a point. You shouldn't have gone by yourself to begin with. You could have died!" He reprimanded.

    "Why do you care! Like you said, you don't even know who I am; or are you just upset that you almost lost such an asset to your team!" I hissed at him.

    It hurt me to say those words to him, I didnt really mean any of it. Its just that he was starting to get to me. I wanted so bad to tell him who I was, but no matter what I couldn't allow myself to do so. I knew that's just how he is, he cared for people. He reformed this whole organization to be for the better of people. Even when we met, I was a stranger but I was hurting and he helped me anyways.

    "I care because that's just how I am! You also remind me of that little girl I met, you're about the same age as she should be by now, as well. I mean I know you're not like her but I want to protect you the way I did her."

     I shot up "Why do you always bring her up, and compare me to her? You say we're different, but then you go on about how much I'm like her!" I stormed out of the room. I cant take this anymore! One day he'll make me crack. Why does he always say things that make me feel guilty? 

    With tears b my eyes, I went to the bathroom and washed my face to cool myself down and wash away the tears. Only then did I realize the sharp pain in my ankle when I took a step. I checked my ankle for a second and then shrugged it off as nothing that hasn't happened before. Little did I know that one little injury would change everything.


LeeTeuk's POV

    I threw the table across the room causing it to crumble to pieces. I cringed in pain from the harsh movement, My head was hurting like hell, Damn that guy, He's gonna pay. 

     "How does one Scrawny little kid take down more than half of The Super Junior?!? We're supposed to be the best there is! Yet we get taken down by One kid" I yelled as frustrated as can be.

     RyeoWook's small voice spoke up, "In our defence--"

     "No! There is no excuse to justify our failure" I cut RyeoWook off causing him to shrink back in fear, "The only thing that we can do to gain back our title as the best, is to find that kid and take him down."

    Kangin opened hhis mouth, "Hyung--"

    "What!" I spat.

     He cringed at the volume of my voice, but spoke anyways, "Hyung... what if, rather then making him our enemy, we recruit him into Super Junior? He coould prove a great asset, our Dark Horse that no one knows about..."

     A sinister grin snuck onto my face.


A/N:  Sorry for any confusuion but SuJu is refering to shadow as "Him" because noone knows wether shadow is a girl or a boy because of how shes dressed, they just assume that she is a guy because of how strong and powerful she is. Bang YongGuk and Yoo YongJae know and neither of them have ever seen her face, which she veils with her mask. The rest of B.A.P will find their way into the story as well:)

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kalamarie #1
Chapter 15: omg, i am totally loving this story,please keep updading :)
shadowFlameKingdom #2
Ull just have to wait and find out ;)
Will jjong fall for her??!!
love the story cant wait for the next chapter
We lost chs 9 and 10 from the whole new server thing, but when I get them back Ill update!
Sorry for the inconvinece :)
Update soon! (:
Athena21 #7
Those pictures are amazing 0.0 who evr chose those pics must be really cool gurl!! <3 ;D
Will do so!
luvbrowniz #9
Update soooooooon!!!!!!!
Athena21 #10

TAEMINT BIASED HERE >.< :3 yesh! *fist pump*
Oh this story would be perfect is you added the gwon dragon (GD) and some jae effinn joong (jaejoong) and a lil bit of the L to da freking joe (l.Joe)