Ch.7 The SHINee Gang

The Darkness to My Light


     I did my routine swapping identities and went to go collect my payment from last night. I called my boss to set up a roundevouz point with whoever the boss sent this time. 

     As I wound my way through the back streets of Seoul, I crashed into someone's hard chest. I looked up to see who dared to get in my way, but then I felt something cold and wet on my head. My eyes shot open and I instintaniously jumped back and glare at the blonde/brownish haired one. He was only about a couple inches taller than me.

     What is on my head, oh he did NOT just......

"YO little girl, what the hell is your problem? I just got this soda and I actually paid for it for once" piped the short guy.


"Haha hyung, thats what you get for not getting me one" The cute redhead chuckled.

"Shut up Taemin" the blonde one shot back while the redhead quieted down.

"Calm down guys." one of them simply said.

"I AM calm Onew hyung" Blondie replied.

     Who the hell are these clowns? they seem familiar though 

"AHEM LITTLE girl?!?!?!?!?!" I sneered "And what are you going to do about ruining my favorite leather jacket?"

"ME!?! What are you going to do about spilling my soda everywhere? Do you know who I am? I AM JONGHYUN THE STRONGEST OF SHINEE!!" Blondie yelled

One of s pulled him back "What is it Choi Minho?!" Blondie frustratedly questioned 

"Hyung, chill, do you know who SHE is? Tell him Key." 

"Just look at what shes wearing, all black, and look at her necklace. She's---"

"Shadow. Yah, seems like you've heard of me. I guess im more infamous then I thought, hah" I dyrly laugh

"I DONT CARE WHO SHE IS, SHES GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!!" Blondie yelled while throwing a punch at my face.

     I saw it coming but i just stood there and took the punch and laughed. Jonghyung stood there surprised and puzzled.

I just shook my head "Oh, now your just asking to die, but i guess im cool with it. I really need to let off some steam"

"Careful, shes taunting you." The one called Onew said. 

     Jonghyun threw another punch. I did a backbend, avoiding the punch, and shot my legs up into the air wrapping them around his neck and flipped him over and tossed him onto the floor. Thats when the rest of his gang jumped into the fight. Onew and key ran at me, I dropped to the floor and spun my leg out towards them causing Onew to trip and fall on top of Key. Taemin and minho came running at me from both my left and right, they both punched at me. I stood there waiting for the perfect moment, I stood there while they came at me, at the very last second I did a backflip out of the way and they ended up punching eachother in the gut. They doubbled over in pain and fell to the floor.

    Jonghyung had gotten back up and punched me from behind causing me to lose my footing. He took that chance to kick me in the stomach, I flew back and hit the wall. I got up and regained my balance as he threw a punch at me but I caught his arm, turned him around and twisted it behind his back. I kicked him behind the knees causing him to kneel to the floor. I pulled him back to his feet and punched him in the gut, he coughed up blood. 

"Tsk tsk tsk, you got blood on my favorite leather jacket, oh well I guess it cant be helped right?" I sneered. While looking at my sleeve I saw the time on my watch. Damn Im really late. I dropped him right where he was as he crumpled to the floor. 

"How did you..." He raggedly said in pain

 "You may be strong but unlike you brutes I have skill and know what Im doing."I said as I ran off to meet todays messenger from the boss. 

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kalamarie #1
Chapter 15: omg, i am totally loving this story,please keep updading :)
shadowFlameKingdom #2
Ull just have to wait and find out ;)
Will jjong fall for her??!!
love the story cant wait for the next chapter
We lost chs 9 and 10 from the whole new server thing, but when I get them back Ill update!
Sorry for the inconvinece :)
Update soon! (:
Athena21 #7
Those pictures are amazing 0.0 who evr chose those pics must be really cool gurl!! <3 ;D
Will do so!
luvbrowniz #9
Update soooooooon!!!!!!!
Athena21 #10

TAEMINT BIASED HERE >.< :3 yesh! *fist pump*
Oh this story would be perfect is you added the gwon dragon (GD) and some jae effinn joong (jaejoong) and a lil bit of the L to da freking joe (l.Joe)