Ch.12 The Surprise Date Pt.3

The Darkness to My Light

As we kept walking through the crowded streets I realized we were heading to the mall What? do these guys like shopping or something? I thought as we entered the mall. 

We were walking through the mens jewelry section and I saw the Rolex watch collection. I just remembered that the boss told me to get a Rolex watch*Ugh I don't normally steal things, but I'll do it for him*  I thought as I scanned the room. Ok the employee room is in the far right corner, theres an employee with keys over there, the bathroom is in the opposite direction of the Rolex counter. Then lets get this started.

"Hey Im going to the bathroom." I told the guys and got silent nods. I slipped away from the group as I headed towards a cashier. "Hi! Can you help me? I just wanna look at this pretty ring." I asked innocently. 

"I would be happy to help you, where is the selection you would like to see?" He replied

"That one over there" I said, leading him away from the Rolexes. As he turned I followed walking in close proximity of him I took this chance to stealthily slip the keys from his pocket into mine. 

"Umm, I need to go to the restroom could you wait here for a bit?" I asked. 

"Sure, thats fine" he said. 

I went in the direction of bathroom but took a turn and walked to the EMPLOYEES ONLY door. I took the key chain examined the shapes of the keys, then I examined the key hole. I quickly picked the right key and slipped it into the hole. 

Once inside I looked around for a uniform. I found a few hanging on a wall so I grabbed one and walked into a changing room to slip it on while I stuffed my clothes under a seat in the room.

I walked out and stroad over to the Rolex stand with a professional walk and smiled at the costumers. I took out a gold one with diamonds encrusted at each hour.

I professionally removed all the security precautions as I saw someone walk up to me so I finished it up.

"Hello, I wanted to look at this ring over there could you help me?" an old woman said to me. 

"I'll get someone so please hold on just a second" I said as I slipped the watch in my pocket. 

I walked back to the employees only door and walked in. 

I walked up to a girl in uniform and said in an authorative voice "You're needed at the ring counter"

She just looked at me flustered, obviously not having recognized me.

"NOW" I hissed. She then started to fast walk out the door muttering something about how she had never seen me before. 

I laughed in my head this is so fun

I dropped the keys on the floor and changed back into my clothes and ran to catch up with the guys. 

"What the heck!  Jade you took so long." Taemin whined.

"Whatever" I said as I started walking. 

"So where do you guys want to shop?" Key asked. I noticed a slight jingle in his pockets that hadn't been there before.

Figures while I was gone they probably saw it as a perfect chance to steal something of their own I thought with a smirk. We walked through the mall and arrived at a clothing store. 

I reluctantly decided I should go to the girls section so I don't seem completely crazy to them. I turned towards the girls side. As I was looking at some plain t-shirts the one  named key, came towards me to look at some stuff. 

I saw him call taemin over to look at some clothes that key had picked out for him they both saw me there and key gave me a weird sort of glare.

After about 30 minutes of making various purchases and fussing around everyone telling them to try on this and that, he finally inched towards me. 

"Umm Jade, you're really bothering me" he said to me.

"What the heck? I didn't do anything!" I exclaimed defensively. 

"No its just, the way you're shopping is bothering me." he said.

The way I'm shopping? "Who do you think you are? the fashion police?" I snapped back. 

"Yup he sure thinks he is" Onew replied curtly. 

"You're a girl, you should be wearing less... Plain clothes" he said while making a face at my outfit of a grey shirt and black skinny jeans. 

"What else should I be wearing?" I challenged 

"Hmm... lets see, oh! what about this!" he exclaimed while holding up an outfit that he chose in 2 seconds. It was a green long sleeved tee with a grey patterned scarf around the neck and light grey skinny jeans with a pretty cool looking black leather purse.

Not bad, maybe he is good at fashion, but still not something I'd ever catch myself wearing I thought.

"Nah, I don't really like it," I said as his face fell. 

"Fine, you weird, tasteless girl" I heard him mutter in disappointment as he walked away. 

"Guys we should really head home now cuz its getting dark," And not to mention I should get going I thought.

"Ok wait, I just want to go to one more place," Taemin pleaded. There were groans from around the group, including me. 

"C'mon guys? Theres a firework show at the malls roof and I really want to watch it with you guys." 

"Ugh, ok fine Taemin. Lets go watch your fireworks." Onew caved. 

Taemin gave a loud shout of glee and took long strides  towards the staircase as everyone tiredly followed.

When we reached the roof I saw that a large crowd had gathered to watch the fireworks that, I learned, were apparently supposed to celebrate the malls birthday.

We made our way through the packed crowd to see better. 

That's when it happened, it was so fast it was just a blur.

Two men were fighting a little ways in front of us. One punched the other causing him to stumble over and created a domino effect. 

A big bulky man was about to fall on me. I was about to fall and be crushed underneath the dangerous trampling feet to my death when I felt two strong arms catch me.

His worried face was an inch away from mine, our eyes connected and I was surprised to see who the face belonged to, Blondie!

What the heck I thought why would he help me? I pulled myself up, brushed myself off and awkwardly cleared my throat. I slowly turned to look at him.

He cleared his throat and looked away as he put on that  that same nonchalant Jonghyun face as if nothing had happened. 

Confused I turned back to watch the sky light up with brilliant colors and forgot everything as I stared in amazement.


Jonghyun's POV

I was watching as two people were having a lame fight. I laughed as one threw a completely inexperienced punch at the other knocking some more people over.

I looked around to see the rest of my gang immersed in the fireworks, unaware of the small scuffle. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a big man about to fall on a small, thin girl. At first I didn't notice who it was. Then I realized who it was.


Subconsciously I ran over and pulled her towards me causing her to miss the big guy by a meer centimeter. I saw this small girl in my arms as our eyes connected, I noticed how piercingly green her eyes were, majorly defined by the dark circles under them. Just then everything that just happened clicked in my mind.

What the hell just happened I hate this girl, why did I help her? I pushed her out of my arms and she quickly stood up. I looked away and put on a face as if nothing happened.

She looked back at the fireworks and I looked at her confused on what just happened. I saw her face go from confusion to awe at the fireworks to what seemed like remorse, but for what?

Jade's POV

The fireworks were beautiful. I had always loved fireworks, I used to watch them all the time with my brother.

We would climb up the back of a small apartment building and sit on the roof and watch fireworks from the city burst before our eyes in a shower of sparks that my brother told me were magical.

That rooftop was our safe haven from our parents when they were at their most aggressive. Since they couldn't climb walls we were always safe up there, watching the fireworks happily only the thought that we would have to get down would sometimes haunt us.

I would rest my head on his lap as he told me stories about the magic that the fireworks could produce. He always told me that no matter what or how mad our parents would get or whatever happened to us, that as long as we stayed together, everything would be alright in the world.

But now hes gone and everythings not alright. I remembered that beautiful memory.

I have to hold on to our memories, so I don't forget. So I don't forget his smile, his laugh, his bright face, his warmth, his love, so I don't forget him. I don't want to loose him in my heart, Ive already lost him in my life. He just needs to stay there in my heart so that a part of me can stay warm, loved, and happy I don't want to loose that part of me.

I felt something soft drop into my hand. I looked up to see Jonghyun who was still not looking at me.

"I hate it when girls cry" He mentioned still not  looking at me.

Only then did I notice the hot, wet tear slip down my face.

I looked down to see a cloth in my hand to wipe the tears away with.


A/N: Hi guys heres another update! We would like to know what you guys liked so far and what you don't, and if were doing a good job or not. Please leave comments! =) 

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kalamarie #1
Chapter 15: omg, i am totally loving this story,please keep updading :)
shadowFlameKingdom #2
Ull just have to wait and find out ;)
Will jjong fall for her??!!
love the story cant wait for the next chapter
We lost chs 9 and 10 from the whole new server thing, but when I get them back Ill update!
Sorry for the inconvinece :)
Update soon! (:
Athena21 #7
Those pictures are amazing 0.0 who evr chose those pics must be really cool gurl!! <3 ;D
Will do so!
luvbrowniz #9
Update soooooooon!!!!!!!
Athena21 #10

TAEMINT BIASED HERE >.< :3 yesh! *fist pump*
Oh this story would be perfect is you added the gwon dragon (GD) and some jae effinn joong (jaejoong) and a lil bit of the L to da freking joe (l.Joe)