You'll see

1 year As Tiffany Park


Chapter 5
No one POV
" I'm Krystal." the girl answered to tiffany.
"oh, nice meeting you krystal." tiffany smiled at her.
" so, are you going to the cafeteria?" krystal asked.
" yes. Why?"
" well, I want to know you more, do you mind to lunch with me?" krystal offered while smiling. 
" ahm. Okay. Since i was a new student here, I really want to have accompany." Tiffany smiled back at her and they head to the cafeteria.
Krystal POV
Have a lunch with her? Check! In this way, I can get to know her more. Well, she really have a very beautiful smile. Hehe. But, what you all think was not really my intention to her. After we get our food, we sit at the vacant table. I look at her, she seems so very uncomfortable so I have to open a topic.
" so, you're from California?" I asked her. She look at me and nod.
" why did you move here in Korea? I mean, it was already nice living there in the states."
"Erm. My daddy sent me here because he want me to be independent. At first, I refused, but, in the end, I have no choice just to follow his order. By the way, how can you say that it was nice leaving there?" she asked me.
" when I was born until 10 years old, I lived there. Together with my family."
" oh. Then, I have to ask you back your question, why did you and your family went here in Seoul? Like you said, it was nice living there, but you also moved here." she asked me back. I was taken a back by her question. She was the first person who asked me that question. Yup, I have a lot of friends, but they didn't asked me that question. And, if they will, I'm sure that I will just avoid it. She look at me waiting for my answer. Should I answer her? 
" it was because of my father's work." I just simply answer. We have our real reasons why we moved here. And my unnie was the major reason why we moved.
"okay. What is the work of your father?" I stop from eating and just look at her. What should I answer? Think Krystal! Think!
" ahm.erm. M-my father work i-"
" yo Krystal!!" I was cut off by the person who was now sitting beside me. I just rolled my eyes but at the same time thankful because she saved me.
" what now Amber?" I look at tiffany and just bow a little my head to gesture that im sorry, she just smile and we continue to eat our food.
" nothing. I just want to be with you." she said but I didn't look at her. I know that she was smiling while staring at me right now.
" be with me? As you can see, I have someone accompany with. And, oh, you're so rude to interrupt someone's conversation." I said and look at her. She get her eyes off from me and look across the table where Tiffany sit. She suddenly stand and bow.
" oh, I'm sorry for not noticing you lately and for interrupting your conversation with Krystal." she apologized.
" no, it's okay. No need to sorry." she stand up and stretched out her right hand while smiling. Amber just look at her, confused. I chuckled silently as I saw Amber confused face and Tiffany who was oblivious of her action. I know what Tiffany up to.
" by the way, I'm Tiffany Park. Nice to meet you." she said. Amber just smile while rubbing the back of her neck, she then just took her hand and shake.
" hehe. I-I'm Amber. Nice meeting you too. You're the new student right? The one who get all the attention here in soshi university because of your beauty."
"ahm. Y-yes." tiffany answered shyly, then they sit back.
" amber youre so slow" I said. She look at me with questioning eyes.
" well, Tiffany just want to shake hand with you but you just look at her hand not knowing what she was up to." I smirk.
" yah! I'm not slow! It's just that I was not used to it! You're lucky because you once lived in the states and you know their culture." she defend.
"Erm. Sorry. I was new here in Seoul and I was not used to the Koreans culture. I didnt think that I used our culture there in the states here in Seoul. Sorry." Tiffany apologize. I just smiled at her.
" no, unnie, I know that you're not used to it. Someday, you will learn about the Korean culture if you'll stay more longer."
"unnie?" she asked me.
" ahm, yup. I think that you was older than me."
" yah! Krystal,she wasn't look like older than you."
" I didn't say that she was older than me because of her look amber! Remember, I was an advance student. And my classmates are 2 years older than me." I said while glaring at her.
" wow. You're so smart Krystal. 2 years? So you're 17 now?" Tiffany looks so shock said to me.
" thanks unnie. Yup, I was 17 now." 
"ahm. Amber, have you eat your lunch already?" she asked amber.
" yes unnie. Thank you for asking me. I was waiting krystal to ask me that but she didn't." she then pout while Tiffany just giggle.
" and why I need to ask you that?" I asked annoyed.
"do I really need to answer your question?" she asked. I just rolled my eyes. I can see that Tiffany was just smiling looking at us.
" you know what. You two are so cute together-" cute together? Eeewww!
" are you two dating?"
" WHAAAT?!!!!!" (OoO)
Tiffany POV
It was already our last period which is Geometry in the afternoon session. After lunch with Krystal, and Amber who really didn't lunch with us, i proceed to my next class with a smiling face. I smile again remembering the face of Krystal when I asked them if they are dating. Amber just smiled that made Krystal more annoyed. I don't know what's up with those two but they just so cute together. Well, it doesn't mean that I forgot about Taeyeon. I was hoping that I can see her after class.
" that's all for today class. See you tomorrow." the teacher said and we bid our goodbye. I pack my things but being stopped when some of my classmates surrounds me in my chair. Krystal was not my classmate in this subject, so, i don't have someone that I know here. They start to ask me some questions like,
" annyeong Tiffany-ssi. Do you want us to send you home?"
" hi Tiffany-ssi! Wanna hang-out with us?"
" no. Tiffany-ssi! Let's go to the mall! It's too early to go home!"
And blah-blah. The whole room was so noisy that even I was starting to get a head-ache. But, the room went silent when someone entered the room and speak.
"ahem! Everyone! Attention!" it's, ,,,,,,Taeyeon!?? They all faced in the front where taeyeon is and bow.
" I'm sorry but, Tiffany-ssi, the principal wants to talk to you. And it was about some of your transfer forms." she said. I just look at her still not believe that I saw her again!
"Tiffany-ssi?" I manage to stand up and walk to her slowly. She then smile. Damn! I feel so weak right now! I take a last look from my classmates that had a disappointed face but at the same time shock. Maybe because it's taeyeon who called me? We walk out from the classroom. I just hung my head low while we are walking through the hallway. Suddenly, she spoke.
" it seems that you have already your fanboys/girls here in soshi university when this is your first day in school huh?" she said. I feel shy to answer so I just keep silent.
"pany-ah, I won't eat you if you'll talk. So just dont be so shy. Even though I'm Kim Taeyeon of GG, I was also a person like you. So speak up!" I look up and saw her beautiful smile. Hearing that she was also correct, I can't help but to smile. She was too humble. Students are looking at us right now so that was the other reason why I was afraid to talk. But then, I realized that this was my chance to be close to my idol.
"okay!" I let out my loud voice that made her shock but smile also in victory.
"now that's better, come on!"
"ahm, taeyeon-ssi-"
"just drop the formality"
"okay, taeyeon, where are we going? I thought the principal want to meet me?"
"oh. Erm. Actually, I just want to invite you, if you want to eat ice cream. What I said to them just a few minutes ago was just an alibi to get you out there and come with me." wait. Am I dreaming? Taeyeon was inviting me to eat ice cream with her?
" w-what if there was some paparazzi or some fans that will see you out there?"
" that's why we are heading now into the CR so i can wear a clothes that can hide me and no ones able to recognize me. So, I can take your question as a yes for eating ice cream with me?" I slowly nod and we arrive in the CR.
" I'll just wait outside taeyeon." 
"okay" as she got inside, I take a deep breath and lean my back in the wall. I tilt my head left-right to find it silent because no student was around already. I still can't believe what was happening right now. Taeyeon and I talk like we already knew each other for a long time. and, she want me to see her just like a normal friend. Suddenly, I felt someone tap me. As I turn to see who it was, it was a girl who have a mask, a football cap, skinny jeans, she wear a loose t-shirt that almost reaching her knees and have a converse shoes. All I can say was weird but also a cute one. I smile at her and ask,
" may I help you?" but all I can receive was just a chuckle from her.
" nothing. I just want to invite you to eat ice cream with me." my jaw dropped when I realized that it was taeyeon.
" ohh. Sorry taeyeon, I didn't think it was you."
"well, from your reaction, I can tell that no one will be able to recognize me."
" yeah. You're right. Hehehe"
" so, come on?" I nod my head and we walk, heading to the ice cream shop.
-ice cream shop-
"tippany, how was the first day of school?" she asked me while eating her ice cream.
" its Tif-fany taeyeon, not Tippany. Its fine."
" well, im sorry about my pronunciation about your name. Its nice to hear that your fine." she said and smile. God, how many times did she already smiled at me today?
" why do you want me to eat ice cream with you? I mean, there are so many girls out there, why me who you only just met this morning?"
" why? You dont want to? *pout*"
"(oh my god! She's so cute!) no. Its not that i dont want to. Actually, I'm happy and I am very lucky because, the leader of SNSD was the one who invited me.*smile*"
"oh.....*smile*..well, i want to be close to you. Because i like you." I stop from eating my ice cream and look at her who was looking at me too. I can feel that my cheeks began to heat.
" I-I mean, I like you to be my close friend." she then look away. I was disappointed but i keep my face straight.
"ahm. Ok." i continue to eat my ice cream. Then something came up to my mind that i want to ask.
"so, taeyeon, dont you have any scedule today?"
" I dont have. If i have, i will cancel it just to be with you.*wink*" i think im going to faint any time here. Help!!!!
"*giggle* youre cheesy taetae."
"what did you call me?"
"taetae? Why? Dont you like it?"
" nono. I dont like it. But i love it because youre the one who give it."
" do you really want to be just my close friend tae? Or something more? Because, youre so flirty towards me." i said unconsciously.
" what if i want to be your more than friend?"
" then, lets see if you're deserving to be my more than friend." i replied. I thought that she was playing so i just played along. Then, we laugh.
" you'll see." she mumbled but loud enough to be heard by me. I was confused at first, but then shrugged it.
We talk and joke around until we finished our ice cream. She asked me if she will walk me home but i refused. She said thatits okay but i saw in her face that she was worried. How happy i am when she was worried about me. We bid our goodbye and she drove away. When i was about to call Xian oppa if where i was, a car stop in front of me. I was shocked at first but then realized that it was Xian oppa. He walk out then open the door for me. I thank him and get inside.
"how come that you know if where i was Oppa?"
"i saw you with the kid going out from your school gate so i just follow you.  You seemed so happy with her huh?" i chuckle.
" whats funny?"
" shes not a kid oppa. Its taeyeon."
"taeyeon? As in Kim taeyeon of Girls Generation?"
"yup. As in."
" wow. No wonder why you was so happy with her." i just smiled until we arrived at my apartment. He then asked me if i want him to cook diner for me but i said that its okay. He then leave.
Taeyeon POV
As i arrived at the dorm, still with a smiling face, i can see that all the members eyes was on me. I feel uncomfortable with their stare so i ask.
" what?" jessica stood up and examine me from head to toe. Then i look at myself and realized that i havent change yet after  tiffany and i ate ice cream.
" is that really you taeyeon?" she asked.
" erm. Yes. Why?"
" why are wearing like that?" here we go.
" you look weird unnie. Did you go out with someone to wore like that so that you wouldnt be recognize?" yoona added and stood beside jessica. I didnt answer them. Soon, the other members who was sitting before stood beside jessica and yoona with a suspicious stare. They took a step  towards me and i took a step backward. They took another and another until my back hit the wall. No way i can get out from their interrogation.
"g-guys. I'm only one and you are 7. So, can you go back to your bussiness before beacuse i really want to rest." i said.
" no until you tell us the truth." sunny said and they crossed their arms in their chest together. Did they plan this?
" okay i give up. I went out with someone. So, can i go to my room now?" i gave up because i already knew that i will lost in the end.
" with whom?" sooyoung asked.
" can i not tell you guys?"
" and why not?" hyoyeon asked.
" because you will know it later. I was really tired. Please. Im serious." they sigh and give space to me. They was afraid when i beacame serious.
" we will let you go for now." jessica said and glared at me. I just sigh and walk toward my room but before i could turn the door knob, maknae asked me,
" maybe that person was very special to you unnie because you left us in the studio practicing even though manager oppa already told you that to tell us that it was our free day today but you didnt. Right unnie?"
I turned to them and smile,
" im sorry guys for not telling you. And maknae, yes. I think that person was very special that i forgot everything because of that person that always in my mind. Its rare for me to feel this feeling. Im sorry again guys and good night. Im not going to eat dinner because i was already full." i then walk inside my room leaving them confused by who was the person i was talking about.
I change to a comfortable clothes then laid on my bed. I get my phone from my purse and text someone a message. I smiled after i received a reply. I then sent a last message and sleep.
Tiffany POV
I laid on my bed after changing and cleaning the dishes that i used on my dinner. My phone beeped and i smiled after i received a message from a person who i was thinking right now.
From: DorkTae-tae
Hello Pany! Did you eat already? I just want to thank you for accepting my invitation this day. I really love the time when im with you. I hope that we will do it often. Well, Im sorry if we cannot talk longer this night because i was very tired. I hope that you' ll understand. Good night and sleeptight beautiful angel!! <3
I blushed when i read her meassage. We exchanged numbers before we bid our goodbye in this afternoon. I was smiling like an idiot right now.
To: DorkTae-tae
I ate already tae!i should be the one who will thank you for inviting me. And oh, i love also the time when i was with you. Its okay if we cannot talk longer as long as you already sent me a message. Goodnight too tae-tae! See you in my dream! <3
After that, i received another message from her.
From: DorkTae-tae
See you too in my dream Tippany! Good night again! Muah!^3^
I blushed. I put my phone on my chest then soon, i fell asleep.
I was busy these months because of school works. It was worth it though. I was on the top of our class in first grading period! *sigh* examination of 2nd grading will be on the second week of october. So, i cannot promise that i can update faster. Im sorry.
This chapter is for the locksmiths!!! Im sorry jeti shippers! Just wait because i will make it up for you!!
Goodbye pals~


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Chapter 8: Okay I'm all in for jeti but sad you haven't continued this story
hahaxixihehe #2
Chapter 8: nice story.. author please updates soon pleaseeee :D make it JeTi yay
chyler25 #3
Chapter 8: wait, no more updates?
Park_Haeyeon912 #4
Chapter 8: Author :33 Pls abdate a new story plss
for us :DD
Thanks :D mwahh thnx!
AnyeongGoodbye #5
Yay! New story updates!
Komowo, author-nim!

4ACQG7 #6
Chapter 8: Jeti!! Or Taeny?? Hehe. And, Jeny? I thought it would be one of Tiffany's names but I guess it's not her
yunka9190 #7
Chapter 8: Heyy.. New reader here....
I like your story so muchhhh..... Could it be TaeNy or JeTi ??
Uhhh.... I hope it can be JeTi...... JeTi... JeTi...
Author-ssi,, Is Tiffany have a sister that name's Jeny and Jessie's Childhood??? Jeny was die so Tiffany's graddy so protective to Tiffany.. Right??
You stories so amazing.. I can't wait for the next chapter......
TaeNy ♥♥ TaeNy ♥♥ TaeNy ♥♥ TaeNy ♥♥ TaeNy ♥♥
4ACQG7 #9
Chapter 6: Wait, I'm a little confused...who said yes to what Krystal said?