

ty internet for a couple days means a long chapter typed out on my phone! LOL.. Sorry if it looks weird on the computer, idk if iphones have a weird format or w/e. okay enjoy~
The fish lay there, where you left them, when Chen entered the woods. Rather than trying to recall the forest path that you'd all taken earlier, he desperately searched for any sign of you.
Meanwhile, the forest spirits helped guide you through to where the river resided, towards the south. The spirits were often only seen by people who could connect to the spirit world, so Chen couldn't see them but you could.
You had finally arrived at the lake from earlier. The deep, dark body of water sent you an ominous feeling, right to your gut. A bad gut feeling wasn't a good thing, not for you anyways.
You sat on the edge of the river, dipping your feet into the cold water. You thought about your little outburst earlier, and embarrassedly recalled forgetting about Chen.
What was he doing? Hopefully he had stayed put at the camp, because it'd be a pain in the if he ran off. You were determined to start paying more attention to him.
Kris walked out of a part of the woods, smiling at you like nothing had happened. You turned to look at him, and frowned when you saw that he was perfectly fine.
A part of you was relieved that he was okay, while the other part was annoyed by his casual demeanor.
While turning your head back to scan the lake's surface, Kris sat next to you and dipped his bare feet into the water.
Leaning back on his hands, Kris looked up at the brightly shining stars. He looked at you, and warmly smiled when he saw you looking up at the stars, too.
Something about you was so enchanting and endearing to Kris. Maybe it was the fact that you never contacted another human before, but you were innocent in a way that drew him in.
You just sat there, contemplating on what to say since there was a rather huge language block.
What surprised you was when Kris suddenly spoke up.
"What about dinner?" he smirked at you, and it took a while to process what he had just said.
Rather than speaking in English, he had spoken in the language of the gods, catching you off guard.
Your eyes widened at his use of the language of the gods. Only certain beings were taught the language, so Kris shouldn't have been able to use it, according to the laws of the gods.
You turned to look at him, and saw him holding what looked like a notebook. It wasn't just any other notebook though, and you knew that it was the book of ancient languages, the Draconus.
Everyone knew what the Draconus was. Long ago, there was a man, and he had created the first language, recording it meticulously in his studying notebook. Over time, he had created and added more languages into the book. Before he died, he passed the novel onto his son, and his son continued the tradition. Every single language ever created was recorded in the thick notebook, even the language of the gods.
After a while, however, the book was lost between hundreds of generations of the Li family. How the hell was it in his possession?
"You know, when my dad died he left this in his will for me. I never really knew what to do with it," Kris blurted, "but now I think I do."
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I have no EXO feels as of now.. COMEBACK PLS


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Chapter 2: It's cute so far (; I love Chen!
Nice to know chen can survive on his own...

InfiniteExotic #3
Wow! New reader here; I love it!:)
The fact Kris knows the language of the Gods will make him closer to her...
Whoa! Kris knows the language?! Ohoho, a surprising turn of events. Now they'll be able to communicate easier and that means they'll all get closer, hehe. As of right now... I'm leaning towards Chen but I'm still not sure. xD
I want her to end up with CHEN!!!! ㅇㅅㅇ
AW, CHEN'S SO ADORKABLE. C: I just want to hug him and pinch his cheeks and pet him on the head, keke. ^^ Ooh~ hehe, looking forward to the Kris moment. =u= He's a total bias list wrecker for me.
Haha poor boys XD
This seems really interesting so far! I haven't read something of this genre yet on here so it's refreshing. ^^ I love Studio Ghibli films, but I haven't watched Princess Mononoke. OTL Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing how everything will play out. I like how you made Songjong the Alpha. That boy just does not get enough appreciation! Chen's jealousy, KEKEKE. And the sixth chapter, omg. xD Loving it so far! ^^