
The sun was beginning to set, and you still hadn't caught anything for dinner. The forest spirits began to light up as you finished carving a spear from a nearby branch. Kris and Chen had been acting weird around you ever since you attempted to catch fish, and they forced you to carve a spear instead.

Pouting, you finally stood up from your carving spot. You had wasted 20 minutes carving a spear that would most likely never be touched again after today. Chen was recording things about plants that surrounded the lake, and Kris was dozing off under the shade of a huge tree.

Chen looked up from his notebook, and smiled when he saw you begin to catch fish in the lake. Being curious, he closed his notebook and walked up to you, noting your concentrated expression and quick reflexes. You were facing the river and Chen was facing your back.

You caught a fish in 10 seconds tops, but still felt uncomfortable with using the spear to catch fish. You just wanted to jump in the lake and catch them with your bare hands, since that was way easier to you.

Gasping every time you caught a fish, Chen watched you with admiration and fascination. In the modern society, no one caught fish themselves and relied heavily on machinery and equipment. After catching a fish, you'd put it in Kris' backpack. Luckily, Chen had stolen it after he shook out the contents. Kris just obliviously slept under the tree.

Noticing Chen's stare on you, you turned around and raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled sheepishly and put two thumbs up. He sat down and continued to watch you catch another fish. Annoyed, you turned around again and pointed at the spear, giving Chen a questioning look. He pointed at himself and you nodded, reaching forward to hand the spear to Chen. You walked back to where he had been before.

He hesitantly took it, standing up and marching to the edge of the river where you had stood a moment ago. He began poking through the surface of the water, making you laugh. He turned around with a confused look and you walked over to him, taking the spear from him. You tried your best to show him how you were supposed to catch the fish by overexaggerating your movements.

Chuckling, you handed the sharp spear back to Chen and he stabbed the floor of the lake with the spear with much more force than before. All he hit was rock bottom, sighing when he realized that he had failed another attempt of catching anything.

Knowing that the tide was slowly moving in with the fish following it, you treaded farther into the lake until the water hit your knees. Chen steadily followed after you and stopped when you did. He attempted catching fish again, but to no avail.

Muttering a string of curse words, Chen continued stabbing the water until he felt an arm slip over his own. He became silent as he watched you grab onto his arm, and guide it towards some fish very slowly. It felt like an eternity until he felt his arm being pushed downwards, successfully stabbing a fish with the spear. He looked your way, and found your smiling face looking back.

He didn't know he was blushing until you reached up and cupped his burning cheek in your hand, giggling when he just continued to stare at you. You treaded away, and Chen embarrassedly smacked his face. He didn't know why he felt a surge of emotions when you helped him catch the fish.

, I'm gonna need to take a cold bath tonight. he thought.


I love when you guys comment. lol. There's gonna be a Kris moment later, so look out for that!

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I have no EXO feels as of now.. COMEBACK PLS


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Chapter 2: It's cute so far (; I love Chen!
Nice to know chen can survive on his own...

InfiniteExotic #3
Wow! New reader here; I love it!:)
The fact Kris knows the language of the Gods will make him closer to her...
Whoa! Kris knows the language?! Ohoho, a surprising turn of events. Now they'll be able to communicate easier and that means they'll all get closer, hehe. As of right now... I'm leaning towards Chen but I'm still not sure. xD
I want her to end up with CHEN!!!! ㅇㅅㅇ
AW, CHEN'S SO ADORKABLE. C: I just want to hug him and pinch his cheeks and pet him on the head, keke. ^^ Ooh~ hehe, looking forward to the Kris moment. =u= He's a total bias list wrecker for me.
Haha poor boys XD
This seems really interesting so far! I haven't read something of this genre yet on here so it's refreshing. ^^ I love Studio Ghibli films, but I haven't watched Princess Mononoke. OTL Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing how everything will play out. I like how you made Songjong the Alpha. That boy just does not get enough appreciation! Chen's jealousy, KEKEKE. And the sixth chapter, omg. xD Loving it so far! ^^