
ugh cringing at my short and horrible writing.. hopefully I improve. thanks for sticking around though~


Your attention slowly (but surely) shifted towards Chen. You had forgotten about your best buddy, Sungyeol, but were reminded about his presence whilst noticing Chen's huge eyes. Quite frankly, the young herbologist had never seen a wolf before.

A smile of amusement splattered across your features. You couldn't help but giggle at Chen's adorable facial expression.

Sungyeol, use your mind communication. Scare the out of him, please! you told your ally through the spiritual communication, fighting the urge to laugh.

Seconds later, everyone heard Chen whimper and saw him cower away from the wolf. Clearly, you and Sungyeol were enjoying the teasing a bit too much.


"Home, sweet home." Kris gruffly announced once the four of you arrived back at the cave. He then proceeded to lazily fall face-down onto his make-shift bed.

I'll have to go now. Sungyeol whispered in the telepathic language. He gave out a little whine before scampering up to you and nuzzling his wet nose with yours.

I'll miss you, big brother. You signalled back whilst nuzzling his nose. Before he left, you planted a kiss on his nose and sent him off with a smile of adoration.

Chen, being the jealous dork he is, grumpily cradled his left arm before lying in his beautiful make-shift bed.

"Good night, Kris," you whispered to the dark, "Good night, Chen."

You heard a muffled good night and a grunt in reply. These boys.


Jongdae kept waking up in the middle of the night. The throbbing pain in his wrist seemed to get worse, but he didn't want to seem a burden or bother. Tossing and turning to the cooler side of the cave seemed to be working. That is, until you woke up.

"Chen?" you called out in your sleepy voice, eyes still closed. Chen turned your way, looked at your position, and concluded that you were the cutest thing he had ever laid his eyes on.

"Hmm?" he whispered back, hoping not to wake Kris up during the intimate moment. All he wanted was you and him. Not Kris, or anyone that could ruin the peaceful moment.

"Okay?" you asked back in your half-conscious state. You were extremely exhausted from the stress of the day and all you wanted was to sleep into oblivion.

Right when Chen was about to lie, saying that he was okay, the throbbing magnified times a hundred. The throbbing wasn't throbbing anymore; it was piercing with every second that would pass. His vision seemed to bend and distort because of the immense, crippling pain. Before he knew it, he began wheezing in his body's attempt to stop the pain.

Your pale gray eyes shot open, and soon enough, you found yourself by Chen's side.

"This is so embarrassing." Chen mumbled to himself, hating the fact that he would seem weak in your presence.

Trying to roll to the other side, Chen was stopped by your soft hand. A serious look in your eyes, you held out your palm, asking for him to give his injured hand.

He rolled out of bed, and after checking if Kris was still asleep, followed you outside of the cave. The moonlight had been bathing the whole forest for a while.

Heading towards the river, he stopped for a moment, hesitation running through his mind. He got the okay signal to follow you when you softly called out his name again, this time not turning around. Soft footsteps joined yours on the way to wherever the hell you were leading him.

With Chen grabbing onto your arm for support, you both finally arrived in a clearing. Plants lined large boulders and strange herbs weaved in and out of the cracks of trees, boulders, and small rocks. Being the herbologist he is, Chen immediately wanted to go back just to get his notebook. You led him to the largest boulder and picked a string of some kind of herb. Chen guessed it was a healing herb.

Grabbing a smaller rock, you began skillfully grinding the herb against a flat rock. You sat on the sandy floor, the soft sand providing comfort for your tired body. You also leaned back onto the boulders. Chen just stood there, watching, until you pointed out your index finger and made a motion for him to "come here".

You turned around and plucked a leaf from one of the other boulders; a pretty large one about the size of your two feet put together. Chen sat in front of you, marvelling at how you were singlehandedly making a bandage for him to use. It was all for him.

You held out your palm again, but this time Chen extended his left arm into it. You began concentrating on his arm. However, his concentration was on you.

Maybe it was the glow of the moonlight bathing your face, or maybe it was the forest spirits telling him to "kiss the girl", but he couldn't resist....



By the way, sorry to all my subscribers.. school has caught up with me. Big time. Expect more updates though! I think I've finally made time to write. ^^

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I have no EXO feels as of now.. COMEBACK PLS


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Chapter 2: It's cute so far (; I love Chen!
Nice to know chen can survive on his own...

InfiniteExotic #3
Wow! New reader here; I love it!:)
The fact Kris knows the language of the Gods will make him closer to her...
Whoa! Kris knows the language?! Ohoho, a surprising turn of events. Now they'll be able to communicate easier and that means they'll all get closer, hehe. As of right now... I'm leaning towards Chen but I'm still not sure. xD
I want her to end up with CHEN!!!! ㅇㅅㅇ
AW, CHEN'S SO ADORKABLE. C: I just want to hug him and pinch his cheeks and pet him on the head, keke. ^^ Ooh~ hehe, looking forward to the Kris moment. =u= He's a total bias list wrecker for me.
Haha poor boys XD
This seems really interesting so far! I haven't read something of this genre yet on here so it's refreshing. ^^ I love Studio Ghibli films, but I haven't watched Princess Mononoke. OTL Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing how everything will play out. I like how you made Songjong the Alpha. That boy just does not get enough appreciation! Chen's jealousy, KEKEKE. And the sixth chapter, omg. xD Loving it so far! ^^