

After the rather short conversation, you and Kris just stayed in the same position for a while.
The comfortable silence was interrupted when you heard the ominous sound of thunder in the distance. , you'd forgotten about the start of the Thirteen Days because Sungjong always made sure the pack was together beforehand, taking care of everything.
Grabbing Kris' stiff hand, you felt a shiver travel down your spine. Your little "episodes" couldn't start now, when Chen and Kris were relying on you. Being a burden was your pet peeve, growing up in the harsh wilderness.
You abruptly stood up, dragging Kris as you felt minor noises ring around in your head; a thousand or a million times amplified.
"Kris, we have to go back to the cave tonight." you sighed.
You really had no choice due to your deteriorating health during the Thirteen Days. Spiritual beings were naturally more sensitive to harm during that time period; you got sick, Sungjong's sight suffered, Sunggyu's muscles deteriorated, Woohyun's sense of smell was misleading, and so forth.
Although Kris had no idea of what was going on, he trusted you, so he just let you lead him back to the cave. Thunder shot across the dark night sky as you stumbled into the cave, dragging Kris down with you.
Kris helped you stand back up, and you saw a worried expression on his face.
"Are you alright?" Kris' voice sounded distant now, and you involuntarily furrowed your eyebrows at the too-fast transition from "shivers" to fading senses.
You were starting to feel really sick. Your head was throbbing, giving a generous crescendo to small noises. Your stomach started doing some weird gymnastics, and your balance started to suffer, making you successfully fall face flat into your bedding.
The last noise you heard was Kris' deep voice whispering your name before you were dead to the world.
"Thank the gods, you're alive. I thought I wouldn't have a way back home." Kris peered at your groggy expression and heard a relieved sigh come out of his mouth.
"Gee, thanks," you sent a sarcastic smile in his direction, effectively shutting him up.
Sitting up with a faint headache, you noticed that there was a fire burning in front of you. Kris had set up a fire in the middle of the night after contemplating whether or not you'd be too cold or too hot.
He was waiting for your praise of approval or thanks, until you interrupted his thoughts and spoke first.
"I haven't forgotten about Chen," you heard yourself say, "and we need to find him before something happens."
Kris frowned in disappointment and envy. You seemed to be hung up on Chen, and he had to admit that he was annoyed, albeit impressed by your motivation to help someone you barely knew.
"You'll be fine?" he shot you a questioning look, in which you replied with a small nod.
"I'm not the Guardian of the Forest for nothing."
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I have no EXO feels as of now.. COMEBACK PLS


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Chapter 2: It's cute so far (; I love Chen!
Nice to know chen can survive on his own...

InfiniteExotic #3
Wow! New reader here; I love it!:)
The fact Kris knows the language of the Gods will make him closer to her...
Whoa! Kris knows the language?! Ohoho, a surprising turn of events. Now they'll be able to communicate easier and that means they'll all get closer, hehe. As of right now... I'm leaning towards Chen but I'm still not sure. xD
I want her to end up with CHEN!!!! ㅇㅅㅇ
AW, CHEN'S SO ADORKABLE. C: I just want to hug him and pinch his cheeks and pet him on the head, keke. ^^ Ooh~ hehe, looking forward to the Kris moment. =u= He's a total bias list wrecker for me.
Haha poor boys XD
This seems really interesting so far! I haven't read something of this genre yet on here so it's refreshing. ^^ I love Studio Ghibli films, but I haven't watched Princess Mononoke. OTL Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing how everything will play out. I like how you made Songjong the Alpha. That boy just does not get enough appreciation! Chen's jealousy, KEKEKE. And the sixth chapter, omg. xD Loving it so far! ^^